Chapter 14: Abyss of the Damned

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Re: Chapter 14: Abyss of the Damned

#61 Post by ChubbyPixie »

When the spell releases him, Telkis goes to one knee, feeling queasy - something's off and he can't shake it. He registers vague irritation when patted like a domestic pet by Long Bo, but forgets it instantly when the druid begins his rant against the thieves. His eyes narrow as he stands up and turns in their direction to see how they will respond. " did you know those words?" he says, quietly but sternly when Bo is finished with his accusations.
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Re: Chapter 14: Abyss of the Damned

#62 Post by wolfpack »

After the druids rant Brevos still holding a gore drenched Brood narrows his eyes at the theives.

and why exactly did I turn to see the two of you sneaking quietly behind me and our ensorcered comrades blades drawn?
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Re: Chapter 14: Abyss of the Damned

#63 Post by ravenn4544 »

Mouser looks at Hoom with a confused look. "I know that I said them - I remember that I did anyway - but for the life me I don't know what the words mean!" He seems a little greener around the edges as you notice him trying to remember...

Changing the subject, "What is all the commotion up in the front ranks? What have we run into now?!?"
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Re: Chapter 14: Abyss of the Damned

#64 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Urdur nods at Pip's suggestion. The gnome helps decapitate the foul priest, and feed the corpse to the muck. He is not too proud to search it for valuables first.
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Re: Chapter 14: Abyss of the Damned

#65 Post by Scott308 »

Ingrid Esthof

The cleric will investigate the area making sure to try destroying any unholy relics.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Chapter 14: Abyss of the Damned

#66 Post by DadsAngry »

Hoom Feethos:

"You humans are all the same. You say you want to live in peace and harmony with elven kind but you take any chance you can to spread lies and distrust. I know not of the words that spewed forth from our mouths. I do know it was not of our freewill. Perhaps it was you human, who enchanted us to speak those words to sow discontent. Your just like the villagers in Briarsgate, Anti-Elvites. As for our lack of involvement, what do you expect us to do? We are not mighty warriors like Pelias or Telkis. What we do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills we've have acquired over a very long career. Skills unmatched by anyone else in this group. Close quarters melee is not one of them. And if I was to put a sword in your back you would never see it coming no matter where you stood."

Hoom sheaths his sword with great anger.

"Now call off you insect minions so Mouser and I can put our skills to use and see if there is more than what appears to be here. Come'n Grey. "

Hoom brushes aside those in front and searches the walls for unseen passages and hidden compartments, while he swears in elven to himself.
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Re: Chapter 14: Abyss of the Damned

#67 Post by ChubbyPixie »

”New marching order,” says Telkis, levelly, not bothering to respond to Hoom’s ridiculous accusations of “elfism.” ”Thieves in front. Where you can best make use of your particular skills. And not be a danger to us should you again lose control of your actions. I’m sure you’ll understand.”
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Re: Chapter 14: Abyss of the Damned

#68 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Bo is not exactly thrilled with the elf's so called reasoning, especially when he tries to implicate him as the possible culprit behind the thieves disturbing chanting. He continues his rant as the thieves search the area.

"Your threats against me only make you sound more guilty, master Hoom! I am no mighty warrior either! I am an old man, but I don't hide behind that fact just so I can steer clear of any danger we come across! Adventuring is a risky business! Especially so if there is someone in the group who doesn't feel the need to get his hands dirty! If you think combat is beneath you, then you shouldn't even be in here with us! At least I saw Mouser TRY to do something about the monsters who gravely injured Telkis. You don't seem to care what happens to the rest of us, as long as you can fill your pockets with other peoples valuables. And your casual attitude about it all is even harder to tolerate."

"I tend to agree with Telkis! Since you aren't really interested in helping out the rest of us, with your special skills and all, then you can lead the way from now on! And if I see any more strange behavior from you, warning those ahead of our arrival, or any more damn chanting, I will show you a few of my particular skills!"

Not caring to witness any more looting, the lanky druid moves towards the opening of the tunnel. He listens for any danger that may be heading their way since the undead fled.
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Re: Chapter 14: Abyss of the Damned

#69 Post by DadsAngry »

Hoom Feethos:

"I did not choose to accompany you to this place. I was knock unconscious and brought here against my will."
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Re: Chapter 14: Abyss of the Damned

#70 Post by Zhym »

"Because of suspicions that you are a spy," says Grothnak, joining the debate. "Suspicions that now seem more founded, not less."
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Re: Chapter 14: Abyss of the Damned

#71 Post by DadsAngry »

Hoom Feethos:

"So distrusting all you have become. I have done nothing against any of you but you still label me a traitor. Pelias holy warrior of Heironeus, I've known other holy warriors in my time. Does your god instill you with the insight to see the truth within one's soul. If so, I ask you to look upon me with that sight and see if I wish you or this party ill will, so we can be done with this nonsense once and for all."
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Re: Chapter 14: Abyss of the Damned

#72 Post by Inferno »

Within the Hell Mouth, the Rushmoors, Gran March, Greyhawk
Day Ten. Nightfall. Tuesday, October 25th, 576 CY
Cloudy, damp, cold, foggy

Far beneath the darkening sky, Ingrid and Pip scan the bone-chilling cavern that reeks of rotting death. The two apostles recognize it as a sacristy, a chamber of preparation for clergy. The chanting and the unholy water might have been a ritual of impurification in readiness of some unspeakable rite.

They also find a sacrificial dagger with an insidious serpentine motif.


It, and the blood stained altar and tortured undead victims found in the blasphemous shrine above, leave no doubt what that unspeakable rite might involve.

Long Bo rushes west to locate the fleeing undead horrors. He looks down into the cavern of hanging cages and sees the skeletal demons still descending the rope beneath him. If there is any commotion stirring below, it cannot be heard above the din of the fetid waterfall and the ever-present flutes. The grey druid points his long finger at the closest of them and the writhing plague of insects feasting upon the dead priest takes to the air, and swarms down the central shaft of the hell mouth.

Brevos and Pip discuss how best to dispose of the body of the cult's goat-masked thrall.

Urdur nods and searches the corpse. He finds a ring of keys and a serpentine necklace that is alien and beautiful. The dark gnome cuts the goat-masked head from its body. The face is of an older man; another human priest whose mind had been enslaved and set to work for the dark purposes of the cult?

Urdur drops the severed head into the mud pit. It slowly sinks beneath the surface where ripples suddenly erupt and then go still.

Bo rejoins the others in the crowded vestry cave and accuses Hoom and Mouser of treachery. Tensions flare and words are spoken that can never be taken back.

Hoom searches the sacristy and finds a drawer in the small altar that holds a dozen hooded vestments.


Cutaway View:
West is left. East is right. PCs' front rank is near the red "X."
Lighter areas are visible. All else is from memory.

PC Status:
  • Brevos, Half-Elf Ranger 2: Move: 9", AC: 4, HP: 19/27
    Grey Mouser, Half-Elf Magic-User/Thief 2/3: Move: 9", AC 5, HP 9/15, Spells: 0/2 1st lvl
    Grothnak Uthglukh, Half-Orc Fighter 3: Move: 9", AC: 3, HP: 20/28
    Ingrid Esthof, Human Cleric 4: Move: 6", AC: 3(1), HP: 17/22, Spells: 2/5 1st lvl and 1/4 2nd lvl
    Hoom Feethos, Elven Magic-User/Thief 2/3: Move: 9", AC 3, HP 11/12, Spells: 2/2 1st lvl
    Long Bo, Human Druid 4: Move: 9", AC: 6, HP: 23/30, Spells: 1/6 1st lvl, 1/3 2nd lvl and 1/2 3rd lvl
    Pelias Blanchflower, Human Paladin 3: Move: 6", AC: 2(0), HP: 19/30, Laying Hands: 0/1
    Pip, Human Monk 2: Move: 16", AC: 9, HP: 11/12
    Telkis Brassfang, Gnome Fighter 2: Move: 9", AC: 0, HP: 13/26
    Urdur Shimmerstone, Gnome Illusionist 3: Move: 12", AC 6, HP 9/9, Spells: 0/2 1st lvl and 0/1 2nd lvl, Torch
PC Magic: Player Resources:
Last edited by Inferno on Sat Nov 09, 2019 1:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: Chapter 14: Abyss of the Damned

#73 Post by AleBelly »

DadsAngry wrote:Hoom Feethos:

"So distrusting all you have become. I have done nothing against any of you but you still label me a traitor. Pelias holy warrior of Heironeus, I've known other holy warriors in my time. Does your god instill you with the insight to see the truth within one's soul. If so, I ask you to look upon me with that sight and see if I wish you or this party ill will, so we can be done with this nonsense once and for all."
Pelias stares at Hoom coolly, much as he's done for days now. "Heironeus has given me the gift to detect great evil. Yes. It surrounds us here. But my god has left me to my own devices to detect avarice, selfishness, and cowardice. Aye, I trust my eyes for such matters. And so I have seen you flee at the slightest sign of danger, leaving your supposed comrades to our fates. Yet you are always around to fill your pockets when the battle is done. Yours are always most full with gems and gold, no matter to whom it rightfully belongs."

The color in the paladin's face grows ever more crimson. "Turn tail and run if you don't want to be here. Else take your position at the front as the gnome says."
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Re: Chapter 14: Abyss of the Damned

#74 Post by ravenn4544 »

Mouser looking a little agitated at the conversation, offers up a suggestion to change the subject before it gets out of hand "Those clothes may be just what we need to move through this godforsaken shit hole a little easier - maybe wearing those cloaks lets us pass a little more freely. Whaddya say? I don't like standing around here that's for sure...."
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Re: Chapter 14: Abyss of the Damned

#75 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Long Bo looks over the newly found vestments, trying to see if there are various sizes to choose from. He picks out the longest set of robes for himself and takes the time to try them on, discarding his own mud soaked robes into the mud pit in the process.

Testing out their fit, he moves around the chamber, making sure he can still swing his spear and has the full use of his hands and arms for casting. He looks through the face visor as well, trying to determine if his vision would be impaired at all while wearing the hood.

"Agreed Mouser. I suggested that once before to no avail. So, the rest of you can do what you want, but I think I will wear something clean in here for a while. Who knows, maybe these brainwashed townsfolk might even believe that we are simply fellow cultists if we are all wearing the same uniforms. Or, we could try to pass ourselves off as the search party above and claim that we are taking prisoners to the masters if we are accosted?"

The druid despises the cold and stink of this area so he moves back towards the tunnel opening in his new duds. Looking and listening for any trouble that may be heading their way, he tries to spot the undead monsters that fled down the rope earlier.
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Re: Chapter 14: Abyss of the Damned

#76 Post by DadsAngry »

Hoom Feethos:

Hoom take a hand full of the robes and passes them out to each member before donning one himself.
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Re: Chapter 14: Abyss of the Damned

#77 Post by Zhym »

Grothnak pauses a moment before accepting a robe, wondering if wearing the cloak of his enemy is dishonorable. He prefers a straight-up fight, with the combatants on each side clearly marked.
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Re: Chapter 14: Abyss of the Damned

#78 Post by wolfpack »

Brevos will put the robe over his armor making sure it will still freely move in a fight
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Re: Chapter 14: Abyss of the Damned

#79 Post by AleBelly »

Pelias takes the cloak from Hoom, and inspects it. He feels the same reticence to don the robe as Grothnak. But the main objective is to rid the town of this evil. If stealth must be part of eradicating this evil, so be it.

But first, he concentrates on the robe to ensure it is not infused with evil. If it is, the paladin will immediately discard it.
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Re: Chapter 14: Abyss of the Damned

#80 Post by SocraticLawyer »

His ghoulish task finished, Urdur pockets the ring of keys. He uses his new magic ring to determine whether the necklace or sacrificial dagger are magical.

He too dons a robe , if he can find one small enough for his frame.
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