March 2-3: The Old 19th and Events Thereafter

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Re: Mournday, March 2: The Old Nineteenth

#301 Post by Marullus »

Mister-Kent wrote:Gul Marach's sleep is frequently disturbed by dreams of flames. He finds himself standing amidst flames--however, it is not the Chapel of Jovah burning. It is the Eminent Cathedral of Vorn, crumbling around the cleric, engulfed in crimson fire. Each time he sees this, just before he awakens he hears a familiar voice, the young female voice that he hears in all his waking nightmares.
Rising early from his fitful sleep, Gul-Marach listens to the pre-dawn birds squabbling loudly amongst the Cathedral's towers as he dons simple priest vestments, putting aside his armor and gear for cleaning. He seeks Matron Elliya to break their fast together, hoping for a more personal conversation. More must be known of Christiana the Scarlet's moves against the Faith if we are to serve Vorn faithfully. Something here is amiss, he thinks.
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Re: Mournday, March 2: The Old Nineteenth

#302 Post by Mister-Kent »

Toilsday Events

Gul Marach
Matron Elliya is more than happy to speak candidly with you. "I fear our new queen is squelching any opposition to her bloody White Way. She's grasping for any religious artifacts she can find--that horn you and your friends recovered was the least of these. There are stronger artifacts still that cause her great concern."

"It'd be just as well to see her drive herself mad!"
She smirks, a bit pleased at the thought. "The Inquisitors raided the temple of that so-called 'Sacred Flesh-Mother' known as Tittivilla on Sinday. Altars smashed, the holy-whores driven into hiding. I have a…friend in the Palace Massive who thinks the Inquisitors will attempt to purge the beggars from the Under City next, but need to marshal their forces before they attempt it."

"What would the Regent want in the Under City? The beggars surely don't have enough strength to dethrone her. I have some leads, if you'd be willing to look into it. I can of course convince Bar-Badon to provide more payment, should you bring me any information of value."

"By the way, the Regent's men have been spreading word about missing Inquisitors. That young captain, name of Gilhorn, who never returned from the ward. And also…another of her informants. Gamelech, of House Raxxe. I believe you remember your old friend."
Her eyebrows rise subtly.

Ballar Uh
Dena Lageer meets you as you leave the Cathedral on Mournday eve and accompanies you back to the Guildhall. She makes small talk, and asks about your excursion into the old ward. Along the way you pass a lame nobleman hobbling along, surrounded by a coterie of attendants. The man sneers at you as he passes, as if he can see to the very core of you. He walks with a limp, leaning on an ornate crutch. His right leg is missing below the knee. As you realize this, your right shin begins to ache.

Upon waking in the morning, you find a note pinned to the door to your quarters with a long slim dart. Notably, it is pinned to the inside of the door.

The note seems to be an invitation. The Night Clan once more extends their hand to you--your former gang, where you were fostered by the master thief, Godric Greathouse, who was like a father and mentor in the ways of stealth. The note is signed not by Godric, but by Sable, his daughter. She's enlisting you in the Clan's nocturnal war against their hated competitors.
Last edited by Mister-Kent on Wed Jun 10, 2015 4:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mournday, March 2: The Old Nineteenth

#303 Post by Inferno »

Zaent Darkhand, elven criminal:

Zaent unhappily read the note without freeing it from the door. Before he read it, he was considering parting company with the delvers who almost got him killed in the Old Nineteenth. After he read it, that seemed less likely. Zaent was going to need all the friends he could get.

Was Godric dead? he wondered. The Night Clan's leader had long been the master cat-burglar, Godric Greathouse. He had a violent temper but was beloved by his men, and had a soft spot for Zaent, teaching him every dirty trick he knew. Last Zaent heard, the old thief was ill and bed-ridden, and the new gang leader was Godric's eldest daughter Sable, just as violent as her father but with no fondness for Zaent.

Zaent turned it all over in his mind, coolly calculating each possible move he could make, the likely responses and his ensuing countermoves, until he came to a plan.

Zaent left the note in place, packed up everything of value and went out the back way. Fortunately the ruthless elf had no sentimental attachments to anything, so his apartments didn't look like they had been stripped and abandoned. But they had been.

Beneath a hooded cloak, Zaent went around to a few taverns that Sable didn't frequent and that weren't loyal to the Night Clan, looking for information. He was willing to pay for it, and to keep his inquiries confidential. Zaent wanted to know:
-Was Godric still alive?
-If yes, where was he?
-Where was Sable holed up?
-How many of the Night Clan were still loyal to Sable?
-What happened to change the balance of power between the Night Clan and their competitors? (likely the death of Godric)
-What were the odds on the coming conflict?

And Mr. Kent, does Zaent have any contacts inside the competitors' organizations? Thanks.
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Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: Mournday, March 2: The Old Nineteenth

#304 Post by Grognardsw »

Biblo Phyle, grimoirist
Mister-Kent wrote:Biblo Phyle
You have your spell prepared to discern the magical nature of the jewelry you've discovered. After close study, they are proven to be wholly mundane.

As for the books, you recognize some of the titles as obscure texts mentioned in guildmates. Some, like the notorious Grimoire of Walking Flesh, are only spoken of in hushed tones. Others are mundane but extremely hard to find for various reasons.
  • Grimoire of Walking Flesh, a dreadful tome of spells most foul - 1000g
  • Infamous Prayers to the All-Wise Mountain Gods, a holy text - 300g
  • Vampyr (text unknown, presumably on the subject of vampires?) - 300g
  • Spears and Glaives: A Guide To Peacetime Use (text unknown) - 100g
  • The Mating Habits of Minotaurs: An Overview (text unknown, but sounds self-explanatory) - 100g
  • Ancient Mappes of the Ruinous Scar, a famous book of ancient cartography - 100g
You know from your personal experience that all books can have significant value in Vornheim should one find the right collector. The Librarians of the Library of Zorlac are always seeking the most expensive and obscure volumes.
Biblo inquires with the Queen's representatives to whom they will present the Horn if his portion of the reward or sale proceeds may be in the form of books chosen from the Royal Library. The former scribe has heard that Library was wondorfully well stocked.

He remembers a past visit there...
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Re: Mournday, March 2: The Old Nineteenth

#305 Post by Mister-Kent »

Toilsday, March 3
During the course of Toilsday, a day of labor and drudgery, Morgan and Mathias are both called to duty by their other, non-Delver guilds.

Morgan's old acting coach with the Vornheim Theatrical Society seeks help planning the production of their newest show--the very same performance you found advertised on the first guard you killed.
"The Theater Rondo proudly hosts:
A Breakthrough in Oracular Entertainments
Fearday Eve, the 13th of March"

It seems that the lead players keep dying, and the way rehearsals are going the Theatrical Society will run out of understudies before the show date. Morgan enthusiastically describes it as a "blood opera", and hopes you'll all attend.

Mathias's new job offer is less clear to the rest of you. All the deformed assassin will say is that he's being sent on another deep-cover assignment, and is gone before breakfast is even finished. He bids you all good luck, throws on his stolen Penitent garb, leaves the Cathedral, and vanishes into the crowd.

You make the rounds, and can find a few people willing to talk on the subject of the escalating gang war. There is an old man in the Cock and Dragon Tavern who presumes to know a lot about the current state of the Night Clan. He enthusiastically insists that Godric yet lives. He can answer the rest of your questions for 5 gold each, but staunchly refuses to reveal anything more about himself, including his name or position within the Clan.

Your most reliable ally within the ranks of the "enemy" is Klaus Carn, who frequently fences goods for all sides with nominal loyalty to a thieves' guild known as the Faded Vapors, the Night Clan's most immediate rival.

The Horn has been presented to the Church, which has no favor with the new Queen/Empress (Christiana hasn't formally declared her new title, mostly referring to herself as the Scarlet Regent). When you inquire about access to the Royal Library, Matron Elliya scoffs.

"I guess if you're that desperate for reading material, you can apply for a permit, or have some noble sponsor you. In theory, any member of the late Emperor's court could present you to the throne, if you know such a person, though I'm not sure if Christiana will recognize such customs any longer." Elliya looks towards Gul-Marach, but then remains silent.
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Re: Mournday, March 2: The Old Nineteenth

#306 Post by Inferno »

Zaent Darkhand, elven criminal:

Zaent was surprised at how sad he was to see Morgan go. "So long, duchess. Break a leg."
Mister-Kent wrote:Toilsday, March 3
You make the rounds, and can find a few people willing to talk on the subject of the escalating gang war. There is an old man in the Cock and Dragon Tavern who presumes to know a lot about the current state of the Night Clan.
"A gang war is bad business for all sides," Zaent said with bitter contempt, trying to draw the old man out and get some free information.

If it didn't work, Zaent would pay for the following answers:
"What happened to change the balance of power between the Night Clan and the Faded Vapors?
"What factors are in play to set the odds on the outcome of the coming gang war?"

What was Zaent's cut of the loot from the raid on the Old 19th, please?
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: Mournday, March 2: The Old Nineteenth

#307 Post by Marullus »

(Sorry for the short post.)

Gul-Marach considers thoughtfully what the Matron has said. He finds Zachariah Tar and shares the news of the beggars in the underworld... clearly the newest flotsam put at risk by the coming crimson tide. He solicits Tar for his opinions on how to best proceed.
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Re: Mournday, March 2: The Old Nineteenth

#308 Post by Pulpatoon »

Marullus wrote:Gul-Marach considers thoughtfully what the Matron has said. He finds Zachariah Tar and shares the news of the beggars in the underworld... clearly the newest flotsam put at risk by the coming crimson tide. He solicits Tar for his opinions on how to best proceed.
Zachariah Tar considers Gul-Marach's words. "Aye, there's treacherous undercurrents about. I think I'll take a sounding, I will."

His filthy pockets stuffed with bread and hard candy from the delver's feast table, he heads out into the streets, to mingle with beggars and transients, the mad and homeless, the streets' most wretched denizens—those most likely to seek the undercity for shelter.
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Re: Mournday, March 2: The Old Nineteenth

#309 Post by Mister-Kent »

I believe if you divvy it up equals amongst the crew, it comes to roughly 127 gold each (395g worth in jewelry/goods, 500 from the Church for the Horn of Concordance, divided amongst the seven of you.) With some adjustment, each remaining party member will receive exactly 127 gold from this delve. Good haul!

For the shares to come out evenly, Morgan took one less gold piece. "Save you the headache," she says to you as she departs. "But next time we're at the tavern, drinks are on you," the thief insists playfully.

At the Cock and Dragon, the old man cannot be swayed. With a hardness, he grows short with you, and almost threatens to walk out."I've had many sons join many shadow-guilds, and lost many sons as well. The only 'business' I care for is keeping myself, my wives, and my living children alive and comfortable!"

The old man calms down when you present coin, and reneges on his hostile attitude. "I'm…I'm sorry. These aged shoulders grow far too weak for the weight of the world…"

"I don't know how well you know the master of the Night Clan, but Godric Greathouse had a certain…arrangement with the late Emperor Thrawl. Thrawl allowed our Clan to operate relatively undisturbed, so long as we kept to secrecy, and never got too violent or bold. Thrawl was about keeping the peace, you see, but even he conceded that compromises had to be made, on occasion."

"In exchange, Godric was sworn to perform some duty for the Emperor in return. I…I cannot truly say what it was. I believe he had something hidden away in his vault of great value--something Thrawl did not want released into Vornheim. This is just my own personal hunch, mind you."

"As for what makes those damned Vapors think they can claim the Clan's territory? Well, arrogance, to be sure! Godric is…"

The man pauses sadly. "He could go at any time, so far has his health declined. I would not be surprised if he died this very night. And this gives the Vapors' masters the impetus to strike!"

(Please deduct 10 gold)

Zachariah Tar
Once more among the lowly, you flow with the crowd--here in the lots between the Eminent Cathedral and the Palace Massive, you'll find little comfort as the nobility pass you by with accusing stares. You finally find a cluster of mendicants crawling up the steps of the Palace on hands and kneees--desperately grasping at the guards for even a single copper piece.

The Inquisitors will have no beggars in the Inner City, however, and due to proximity you are immediately ushered into a group of about a dozen and herded toward the nearest gate.

Though most of your fellow street-persons are protesting and gnashing their teeth, a disheveled young man looks over at you with a knowing look. "It's fine," he grunts as the both of you are jostled through the gate. "Let the bastards throw us out! We're like salmon upstream, mate--it's hard work, but we'll get there eventually!"

He whoops loudly as a guard boots him in the backside, sending him face-first into the dirt. The Inquisitors do not draw their blades, letting their intimidating glares keep the beggars in line. The beggars scatter and flee, but the boy just cackles madly as he inches away on his belly.
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Re: Mournday, March 2: The Old Nineteenth

#310 Post by Pulpatoon »

Zacharias Tar grabs up the crawling boy and half-carries/half-drags him to a quiet alley. "Aye, and where d'ye think ye're gettin' to on yer hands and knees, lad?" He sets the young man on his feet and gives him a candy. "An' what business brings ye t'the Regent's front stoop?"
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Re: Mournday, March 2: The Old Nineteenth

#311 Post by Inferno »

Zaent Darkhand, elf criminal:

Zaent's eyes were two coolly glittering diamonds. "Ten gold?" he said in mock surprise; a bored cat idly toying with a mouse.
"But, my nameless friend, you only answered my first question," Zaent said as he surreptitiously slipped him five gold.

"My second question was: What are the factors in play that will determine who wins the war? Handicap this race for me, my friend," Zaent said, a cold smile playing on his lips, the remaining coins playing across his nimble fingers.

10gp deducted and 127gp added. Thanks.
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: Mournday, March 2: The Old Nineteenth

#312 Post by Marullus »

While Zachariah Tar goes to the urchins, Gul-Marach busies himself at the Cathedral. He walks amongst the spires talking to the acolytes and poring over the church's records to find more of what Christiana the Scarlet desires.

(127gp added.)
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Re: Mournday, March 2: The Old Nineteenth

#313 Post by Pulpatoon »

(Zacharias Tar is so unused to having money that he can't really grasp the idea of having a sack of gold. He left his 127 gp were it was was set down for him, and busied himself instead with shoving bread and candy in his pockets.)
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Re: Mournday, March 2: The Old Nineteenth

#314 Post by Fulci »

Ballar Uh, fighter/assassin
Mister-Kent wrote:Toilsday Events
Dena Lageer meets you as you leave the Cathedral on Mournday eve and accompanies you back to the Guildhall. She makes small talk, and asks about your excursion into the old ward. Along the way you pass a lame nobleman hobbling along, surrounded by a coterie of attendants. The man sneers at you as he passes, as if he can see to the very dead core of you. He walks with a limp, leaning on an ornate crutch. His right leg is missing below the knee. As you realize this, your right shin begins to ache.
Ballar Uh is his usual gloomy self, not talking too much. He feels an urge to tell Dena about Bartholomew and his brother, but he just can't find the correct words. So he sticks to the usual Delver garb: infiltration, murder, looting. Maybe buying some interesting poisons with the gold. (127 gp added!)

Then he suddenly stops. His wandering thoughts are replaced by a single, amorphous mass, a pressing feeling.

"Hey," he shouts, turning around and taking a step towards the noble. He only now realizes that the man is not alone, but rather surrounded by his posse. He lowers his raspy, grunting voice, to the normal level.

"I'm no trouble," he announces. Once again, he feels that he HAS to say something. In Bartholomew's case, he didn't know how to say it. In this matter, he doesn't what to say. What if his body is just playing trick on him? It wouldn't be the first such occurrence.
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Re: Mournday, March 2: The Old Nineteenth

#315 Post by Mister-Kent »

Ballar Uh
"No trouble? Baw! I saw you leave that Cathedral!" the lame nobleman sneers. "Nothing good comes from that place, or any cathedral for that matter. So if you're tied up in troubles like that, you keep away from me--I'm late enough as is, and have no time for fanatics!" He tries to hurry in his hobbling away, and his dour, expressionless attendants begin to close around him.

In his rush, he falls over, sending his ornate crutch clattering to the street, and a small bag from his coat hits the ground with a dull smack. Dena rushes to the nobleman's side, but the grouch seems hesitant to accept any help in standing, even from his own coterie.

The old man stares at the last gold pieces hungrily. "The waterfront," the informant says, his greedy eyes never wavering from the coin. "Them Vapors want to take it over so they can skim a little off the top in goods…Godric never extorted the don't know why, w why, but he held the territory so no other thieves' guild could take advantage. If the Vapors can clear the Clan out of the Twelfth, Thirteenth, or Twenty-fourth Wards--and without Godric's leadership to oppose them they believe they can--then the city's only port is under their control…"

When your hunger for answers has been sated, you depart hurriedly to visit Godric at his deathbed.

Gul Marach
As you walk through the halls of the Cathedral, you make it to the humble educational wing of the church, where new acolytes are trained. Some of the younger adherents flock around you.

"They say the Demon Queen's temple was burned to the ground," says Gachard, a young acolyte whom Dena Lageer had previously noted as exceptionally perceptive. "The Inquisitors…are they coming for us next?"

Zachariah Tar
The boy gulps down the candy and savors it secretly, careful not to let the other beggars see his small gift. "Thrawl always threw the poor of this city some scraps--yes, scraps, but at least it was something. What do the outcast, the destitute and dispossessed get from this new 'Scarlet Regent'?" The boy spits. "Nary a thing. Not unless we march to her tune, follow her White Way! We're dying out here…"

His eyes widen, and he stops to look over his shoulder. As if on cue, a massive wagon rolls up the street, and the beggars flock to it. It's driver is a cloaked woman with a broad, round face and a dark complexion, possibly of Mord-Stavian or Southern Midianese heritage. Her cart is loaded up with cloth sacks, bulging and full.

She smiles and begins to sing a tune in another tongue.
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Re: Mournday, March 2: The Old Nineteenth

#316 Post by Pulpatoon »

Zachariah Tar asks the boy, "An' d'ye know who her nibs be?"

He watches the bags closely for clues as to their contents: how do they bulge? Do the contents shift? How heavy do they appear to be?
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Re: Mournday, March 2: The Old Nineteenth

#317 Post by Fulci »

Mister-Kent wrote:Ballar Uh
"No trouble? Baw! I saw you leave that Cathedral!" the lame nobleman sneers. "Nothing good comes from that place, or any cathedral for that matter. So if you're tied up in troubles like that, you keep away from me--I'm late enough as is, and have no time for fanatics!" He tries to hurry in his hobbling away, and his dour, expressionless attendants begin to close around him.

In his rush, he falls over, sending his ornate crutch clattering to the street, and a small bag from his coat hits the ground with a dull smack. Dena rushes to the nobleman's side, but the grouch seems hesitant to accept any help in standing, even from his own coterie.
For a split second the word "Cathedral" evokes in Ballar Uh's head not the towering yet strangely welcoming bulk of the Temple of Vorn, but the desecrated, ruined, haunted church in the old ward... Indeed, nothing good can come out of there! But then his rusty brain makes the right connection.

But this cognitive mishap is not the only schism happening right now in Ballar Uh's brain & body. He feels anger, an evil little voice in his head, urging him to harm this ugly, arrogant man; but at the same time, he knows that he's supposed to feel pity towards him, as if he was somehow the cause of the man's lameness...

Ballar Uh kneels down next to him, and offers help - or rather, quite decisively helps him, grabbing him by the arm, whether he wants it or not. At the same time, his huge left palm covers the bag and grabs it.

"What happened to your leg," he inquires - one hand lifting the man, the other hand - moving the bag out of view.

Any rolls needed?
I rolled a pick pocket skill check (37%), just in case:
[1d100] = 39

Well, if it fails, he can still give it back...
G A M E S :
Running Vaults & Wastelands [Fallout]
Isaiah Bartlett in That Which Should Not Be [CoC]
Ingrid Esthof in The Horror at Briarsgate [1e]
Jónas Gillman in The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh [1e]

I N A C T I V E : (
Ballar Uh in Dungeonesque [LL/AEC]
Favrick in The Rise of Smaug [BW]
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Re: Mournday, March 2: The Old Nineteenth

#318 Post by Marullus »

Mister-Kent wrote: Gul Marach
As you walk through the halls of the Cathedral, you make it to the humble educational wing of the church, where new acolytes are trained. Some of the younger adherents flock around you.

"They say the Demon Queen's temple was burned to the ground," says Gachard, a young acolyte whom Dena Lageer had previously noted as exceptionally perceptive. "The Inquisitors…are they coming for us next?"
"Do not quail, youngling," rumbles Gul-Marach, his massive form softened as he talks to these young in life and/or young in faith. "Fear robs you of faith. Do you not trust the wisdom of our God? Vorn holds the strength of Iron and dominion over Rust and Rain. The dominion of the Demon Queen, over vice and treachery, makes no such claim."

"Iron is strong and unyielding and we seek constancy, but does he not teach us that all things are subject to change when his will deems it? Even when rain brings rust to to the edifices and follies of men, his plan for you continues forward. Hope always. In Faith, however, you put your full trust in Vorn to provide that which is hoped for or promised, and through it work his will in the world to keep the plan. Vorn does not promise to defend what men have made with their own hands - both iron and rust being equal. We seek wisdom in communion with him so that we can mold our actions to his plan, and thus benefit from his protection and blessing."

He pauses. "Will she come? Likely so. When she does, act in Faith to his will, and trust his plan. We are on Vorn's side, not he on ours. I look forward to this ambitious woman invested in her own will meeting against the will of Vorn. I pray, however, that it not come to that, for the good of the city. Vorn is the city and the city of Vornheim is Vorn. The people will heed his call, as will all the crypts for a thousand years should that threat arise."
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Re: Mournday, March 2: The Old Nineteenth

#319 Post by Mister-Kent »

Ballar Uh
"My…my leg?" the nobleman stammers. "I was a strapping lad in my youth--an athlete! Bwahhh! What do you know of it, eh?" he says, boastful at first, then turning sour. "I lost the damned thing to the Vornhalla--you know, the Arena! But, I'm on my way to get a new one…an even better one!"

You palm the bag without alerting anyone--at first. Through the bag you feel five protrusions attached to a flattened fleshy lump. When you try to stow the bag on your person, the protrusions grasp, clamping themselves around your hand and not letting go!

The noble catches on, and pries the bag from your hand. "Ah, thank you for retrieving that, boy. Lady Tamara will want her payment intact…" As he touches the bag, the grasping thing within goes rigid.

Zachariah Tar
The woman's song becomes plain Caligarian:

"O showers of Springtime give birth to new fruit
That seed in the Sumer as trees take to root
Come Autumn the leaves turn the color of rust
And Winter's cold touch brings all life in dust!"

She reaches back into the cart and pulls a large bag up to her (with ease--she seems quite strong!), then slashing it open with a small blade. Out roll the fattest, juiciest-looking red apples you've seen since…well, possibly the best you've ever seen. The peasants go absolutely mad for the fruit, and rush the cart from all sides, even as the apples spill out onto the street.

"Brother, I don't know her, but I already like her!" the beggar-boy says, and scampers towards the cart to grab as many apples as he can from the ground.

The singing woman throws back her cloak, revealing a head shaved as smooth as a paving stone. With a wide grin, she stops singing, and singles out the boy as particularly desperate, tossing him an apple from her own lap.

"We've been blessed with a bountiful harvest," she announces to the group, which only partially begins to pay attention. "It is now my blessing to share it with you all." With a sweeping gesture, she calls out, and even more citizens appear from the streets and alleys to help themselves to the cart.

There is a strange familiarity about this cloaked woman, as if you've seen her once before in your life.

"In the shadow of the towers of Vornheim, you may feel betrayed, forgotten. But, children--you are not forgotten." She stands on her cart, as some beggars begin to climb on.

"Come, break from your troubles on this day of toil. By the Light of the Lady, you will be…remembered!" Her eyes flash, and her jubilant smile threatens to engulf her entire face.

Gul Marach
Gachard's eyes light up, and his jaw tenses as he looks upon you admiringly. "I'll hold the faith, brother. Thank you, thank you…Blessings of rain…" He looks at his fellow students with a relieved look.

Matron Elliya finds you among the students, and takes you aside. "In exchange for another wage, the High Priest would ask that you venture to the Under City, to parley with the beggars there on his behalf. Their leader, the Urchin Queen, could be a natural ally if the Inquisitors begin to target Vornheim's own citizens!"

"Getting there, though…ah, old friend, her Court would be hard to reach,"
Elliya sighs. "I know you are hardy, and forged by Vorn's own hand--are you sure your traveling companions are as well steeled? Great hidden treasures are rumored to lie buried in those catacombs, but terrible, unspeakable things as well…even veteran Delvers have vanished."

"I could supply some students to attend you, or free some Drudges from their duties about the Cathedral if you could use them?"
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Rider of Rohan
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Re: Mournday, March 2: The Old Nineteenth

#320 Post by Marullus »

"Yes, Matron," bows Gul-Marach. "What word you have me carry and what bargain struck? I can take acolytes as your wisdom provides... Perhaps those willing to stay and minister there. They can provide service and engender good will, as well as receive the news from beggar's lips?"

(I will seek out Zachariah and Ballar Uh for this. What other PCs are active and would want to go? Can Zaent tie the beggar's to his goal? I will ask his help in setting up the acolytes as recipients of an informant network.)

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