Dungeon Level 1

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Re: Dungeon Level 1

#401 Post by ravenn4544 »

Xanlanan peers around into the darkness at the sounds. He stands ready for any melee.

As Needed [1d20]=2
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Re: Dungeon Level 1

#402 Post by dmw71 »

Pillar Room
There's still no sign of a miniature flying dragon, but the source of the metal scraping against stone appears to reveal itself.

A pair of bugbears (red, blue), whom had, until that point, been well concealed, silently creep from their hiding place and begin walking up the stairs leading to the exit to the right. Then, for some unknown reason, the pair pull back and hurl javelins down that right-hand passage.

Nella, the ever-aware baroness, however, quickly holds up an index finger and signals for the rest of the group to hold. She then motions with the same index finger deeper inside the spacious chamber, maybe 30-feet straight ahead of the groups' point of entry.

There, still attempting to hide out amongst the scattering of porcelain columns, a second pair of bugbears (green, purple) can be spotted still attempting to remain in concealment.

PillarsBugbears.jpg (54.15 KiB) Viewed 572 times

The previously heard goblin noises from behind the party can no longer be heard.


Everyone, please roll for Initiative and declare any actions and/or movement?


Date: 13 Blossomtide 584
Time: 06:51

Light Sources
  1. Bullseye Lantern (Duration: 6 Hours) (Nella, Carried by Lika) (Extinguished: 13 Blossomtide @ 11:15)
    (Note: A bullseye lantern casts bright light in a 60-foot cone and dim light for an additional 60 feet.)
  2. Lit Coin (Duration: 1 Hour) (Xanlanan, Carried by Nella) (Extinguished: 13 Blossomtide @ 07:19)
    (Note: Until the spell ends, the object sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.)

Conditions/Spells in Effect:
  1. None

Marching Order


Unari | Gruuthuk
Lika | Xanlanan

Character Details
> Scott308 | Gruuthuk (Male)
Race: Bugbear | Class: Rogue (5) | Archetype: Assassin | Background: Criminal (Spy)
PHB+1: VGtM | Size: Medium | Speed: 30' | Reach: 5' (10') | Darkvision: 60' | AC: 16 (FF: 13) | HD (1d8): 5
* HP: 36-3 = 33
Rations: 10, 9 | Water: 2, 1 | Weapons: Rapier, Dagger, Shortbow (20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15)
Languages: Common, Goblin, Thieves’ Cant | Passive Perception: 13
Features: Assassinate | Cunning Action | Expertise | Sneak Attack (3d6) | Surprise Attack | Uncanny Dodge

> Marullus | Nella (Female)
Race: Variant Human | Class: Monk (5) | Monastic Tradition: Way of the Kensei | Background: Noble (Baroness)
PHB+1: XGtE | Size: Medium | Speed: 40' | Reach: 5' | Darkvision: No | AC: 16 (18) (FF: 10) | HD (1d8): 5
* HP: 29-6 = 23
Rations: 10, 9 | Water: 2, 1 | Weapons: Longsword*, Dagger, Longbow* (40, 39, 38, 36, 37)
Languages: Common, Sylvan, Undercommon | Passive Perception: 21
Features: Deflect Missiles | Extra Attack | Ki | Martial Arts | Path of the Kensei* | Slow Fall | Unarmored Defense | Unarmored Movement
> Monsieur Rose | Pilikia liʻiliʻi "Lika" (Male)
Race: Aarakocra | Class: Warlock (5) | Patron: The Celestial | Background: Criminal (Spy)
PHB+1: XGtE | Size: Medium | Speed: 25' (Fly: 50') | Reach: 5' | Darkvision: No | AC: 14 (FF: 12) | HD (1d8): 5
* HP: 39
Rations: 10, 9+4 = 13 | Water: 1, 0 | Weapons: Boomerang, Club, Talons
Languages: Aarakocra, Auran, Common | Passive Perception: 12
Features: Bonus Cantrip | Expanded Spell List | Healing Light: 6 (Long) | Otherworldly Patron | Pact Boon | Pact Magic

> Rex | Unari (Female)
Race: Stout Halfling | Class: Ranger (5) | Archetype: Gloom Stalker | Background: Outlander
PHB+1: XGtE | Size: Medium | Speed: 30' (40')| Reach: 5' | Darkvision: 60' | AC: 19 (FF: 15) | HD (1d10): 5
* HP: 42
Rations: 5, 4 | Water: 1, 0 | Weapons: Rapier, Shortbow (20, 19, 18, 15, 17)
Languages: Common, Deep Speech, Elvish, Halfling | Passive Perception: 15
Features: Dread Ambusher | Extra Attack | Favored Enemy (Elves, Goblinoids) | Fighting Style | Gloom Stalker Magic | Natural Explorer (Underdark) | Primeval Awareness | Spellcasting | Umbral Sight
> ravenn454 | Xanlanan (Male)
Race: Half-Elf | Class: Sorcerer (5) | Origin: Wild Magic | Background: Archaeologist
PHB+1: XGtE | Size: Medium | Speed: 30' | Reach: 5' | Darkvision: 60' | AC: 12 (FF: 10) | HD (1d8): 5
* HP: 33-9 = 24-6 = 18
Rations: 10, 9 | Water: 1, 0.5 | Weapons: Dagger, Crossbow (30)
Languages: Abyssal, Common, Elvish, Undercommon | Passive Perception: 14
Features: Font of Magic | Sorcerous Origin | Spellcasting | Tides of Chaos: 1 (Long) | Wild Magic Surge
Watch Schedule
Watch: Armored
Sleep: No medium or heavy armor unless specifically declared.
Sleeping in Armor
Sleeping in light armor has no adverse effect on the wearer, but sleeping in medium or heavy armor makes it difficult to recover fully during a long rest.

When you finish a long rest during which you slept in medium or heavy armor, you regain only one quarter of your spent Hit Dice (minimum of one die). If you have any levels of exhaustion, the rest doesn’t reduce your exhaustion level.

First Shift (Three Hours: 21:00-24:00)

Second Shift (Three Hours: 01:00-03:00)

Third Shift (Three Hours: 03:00-06:00)

Bugbear Stealth (21): [1d20+6]=9+6=15 -- noticed
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Re: Dungeon Level 1

#403 Post by Scott308 »


When Nella indicates there is possible trouble behind them, the assassin does not hesitate. Turning to face the opposite direction, he looses his knocked arrow at one of the newly arrived adversaries (Green)
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you.

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Re: Dungeon Level 1

#404 Post by Rex »

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Re: Dungeon Level 1

#405 Post by dmw71 »

Still waiting on actions for:
  1. Lika
  2. Xanlanan
  3. Nella

No rush.
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Re: Dungeon Level 1

#406 Post by Marullus »

Nella follows Gruuthuk and Unari, concentrating fire on the rear bug bugbears, hoping the other two exhaust themselves on whatever is coming from the east hallway.

Fire on green, if he falls then purple. If something closes to melee range, add the martial arts attack on it.

Initiative [1d20+3]=3+3=6
Longbow shot: [1d20+6]=6+6=12 dmg [1d8+3]=4+3=7[1d4]=1
Longbow shot: [1d20+6]=20+6=26 dmg [1d8+3]=2+3=5[1d4]=4

Unarmed Strike (3rd attack) [1d20+6]=12+6=18[1d6+3]=4+3=7

As Needed Roll [1d20]=7[1d20]=3
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Re: Dungeon Level 1

#407 Post by ravenn4544 »

Xanlanan reacts instinctively to the sudden appearance of the creatures. Typically nasty creatures, at that. He lets magical energy fly.

Cast magic missile (2 at purple, 1 at green)

Initiative [1d20+2]=8+2=10
Magic Missile [1d4+1]=3+1=4 / [1d4+1]=1+1=2 / [1d4+1]=2+1=3
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Re: Dungeon Level 1

#408 Post by dmw71 »

Anything for Lika?
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Re: Dungeon Level 1

#409 Post by dmw71 »

19: Lika (17+2)
17: Gruuthuk (14+3)
10: Xanlanan (8+2)
8: Unari (6+2)
7: Bugbears (5+2)
6: Nella (3+3)

Round 1
Frozen in place, with his feathered back pressed against the wall, Lika continues to hold the lantern aloft.

When the baroness indicates there is possible trouble "hidden" amongst the pillars, the assassin does not hesitate. Gruthuuk quickly targets the first he spots and lets loose his arrow -- striking the unaware target with great effectiveness!


Are these two rolls meant to reflect Gruuthuk attacking with advantage per his Assassinate feature, or does he somehow have a second attack that I'm failing to account for (but is entirely possible)?

  1. Since I only see how he is capable of a single attack, I am going to use the "to hit" value from the second roll to reflect the attacking with advantage (since a 15 misses, but an 18 hits), but apply the damage from the first roll.
  2. If he does have two attacks, the 18 will still hit and the second set of damage (including Sneak Attack and Surprise Attack) will be applied.

Three glowing darts of magical force erupt from behind the pillar Xanlanan has positioned himself behind. The first two darts veer left (purple) while the third veers right (green) -- all striking unerringly.

Next to her fellow scout, Unari releases a volley of arrows at the leftmost bugbear (purple), striking with the second, which the ranger watches sink into the matted fur of her targeted adversary.


The bugbear pair burst out from behind their respective pillars and rush at their chosen targets -- Gruthuuk and Lika.

The first (purple), seeing one of its own leading the attack against them, targets Gruthuuk, bringing its morningstar down on the rogue, striking effectively. (-8) It laughs cruely.

The second (green), weaves between pillars and emerges directly in front of Lika, targeting the avian and bashing the birdfolk in the beak with its own morningstar. (-10)

Nella steps forward to improve her angle after the adversaries settle into their new position. With her longbow still in hand, she looks right and lets loose a quick series of arrows at the bugbear targeting Lika. The second lands soundly and deeply, dropping the threat.

That threat eliminated, she takes a quick step to her left, to engage with the remaining foe, and plants the base of her foot solidly into the gut of the creature, temporarily winding it... and drawing its ire!

PillarsR02.jpg (43 KiB) Viewed 530 times

There's still no sign of a miniature flying dragon.

The second pair of bugbears that disappeared off to the right, are now out of view.


A flash of light enters the pillar room from that direction and strikes one of the pillars before dissipating.


Everyone, please declare any actions and/or movement for round 2?


Date: 13 Blossomtide 584
Time: 06:52

Light Sources
  1. Bullseye Lantern (Duration: 6 Hours) (Nella, Carried by Lika) (Extinguished: 13 Blossomtide @ 11:15)
    (Note: A bullseye lantern casts bright light in a 60-foot cone and dim light for an additional 60 feet.)
  2. Lit Coin (Duration: 1 Hour) (Xanlanan, Carried by Nella) (Extinguished: 13 Blossomtide @ 07:19)
    (Note: Until the spell ends, the object sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.)

Conditions/Spells in Effect:
  1. None

Marching Order


Unari | Gruuthuk
Lika | Xanlanan

Character Details
> Scott308 | Gruuthuk (Male)
Race: Bugbear | Class: Rogue (5) | Archetype: Assassin | Background: Criminal (Spy)
PHB+1: VGtM | Size: Medium | Speed: 30' | Reach: 5' (10') | Darkvision: 60' | AC: 16 (FF: 13) | HD (1d8): 5
* HP: 36-3 = 33-8 = 25
Rations: 10, 9 | Water: 2, 1 | Weapons: Rapier, Dagger, Shortbow (20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15)
Languages: Common, Goblin, Thieves’ Cant | Passive Perception: 13
Features: Assassinate | Cunning Action | Expertise | Sneak Attack (3d6) | Surprise Attack | Uncanny Dodge

> Marullus | Nella (Female)
Race: Variant Human | Class: Monk (5) | Monastic Tradition: Way of the Kensei | Background: Noble (Baroness)
PHB+1: XGtE | Size: Medium | Speed: 40' | Reach: 5' | Darkvision: No | AC: 16 (18) (FF: 10) | HD (1d8): 5
* HP: 29-6 = 23
Rations: 10, 9 | Water: 2, 1 | Weapons: Longsword*, Dagger, Longbow* (40, 39, 38, 36, 37)
Languages: Common, Sylvan, Undercommon | Passive Perception: 21
Features: Deflect Missiles | Extra Attack | Ki | Martial Arts | Path of the Kensei* | Slow Fall | Unarmored Defense | Unarmored Movement
> Monsieur Rose | Pilikia liʻiliʻi "Lika" (Male)
Race: Aarakocra | Class: Warlock (5) | Patron: The Celestial | Background: Criminal (Spy)
PHB+1: XGtE | Size: Medium | Speed: 25' (Fly: 50') | Reach: 5' | Darkvision: No | AC: 14 (FF: 12) | HD (1d8): 5
* HP: 39-10 = 29
Rations: 10, 9+4 = 13 | Water: 1, 0 | Weapons: Boomerang, Club, Talons
Languages: Aarakocra, Auran, Common | Passive Perception: 12
Features: Bonus Cantrip | Expanded Spell List | Healing Light: 6 (Long) | Otherworldly Patron | Pact Boon | Pact Magic

> Rex | Unari (Female)
Race: Stout Halfling | Class: Ranger (5) | Archetype: Gloom Stalker | Background: Outlander
PHB+1: XGtE | Size: Medium | Speed: 30' (40')| Reach: 5' | Darkvision: 60' | AC: 19 (FF: 15) | HD (1d10): 5
* HP: 42
Rations: 5, 4 | Water: 1, 0 | Weapons: Rapier, Shortbow (20, 19, 18, 15, 17)
Languages: Common, Deep Speech, Elvish, Halfling | Passive Perception: 15
Features: Dread Ambusher | Extra Attack | Favored Enemy (Elves, Goblinoids) | Fighting Style | Gloom Stalker Magic | Natural Explorer (Underdark) | Primeval Awareness | Spellcasting | Umbral Sight
> ravenn454 | Xanlanan (Male)
Race: Half-Elf | Class: Sorcerer (5) | Origin: Wild Magic | Background: Archaeologist
PHB+1: XGtE | Size: Medium | Speed: 30' | Reach: 5' | Darkvision: 60' | AC: 12 (FF: 10) | HD (1d8): 5
* HP: 33-9 = 24-6 = 18
Rations: 10, 9 | Water: 1, 0.5 | Weapons: Dagger, Crossbow (30)
Languages: Abyssal, Common, Elvish, Undercommon | Passive Perception: 14
Features: Font of Magic | Sorcerous Origin | Spellcasting | Tides of Chaos: 1 (Long) | Wild Magic Surge
Watch Schedule
Watch: Armored
Sleep: No medium or heavy armor unless specifically declared.
Sleeping in Armor
Sleeping in light armor has no adverse effect on the wearer, but sleeping in medium or heavy armor makes it difficult to recover fully during a long rest.

When you finish a long rest during which you slept in medium or heavy armor, you regain only one quarter of your spent Hit Dice (minimum of one die). If you have any levels of exhaustion, the rest doesn’t reduce your exhaustion level.

First Shift (Three Hours: 21:00-24:00)

Second Shift (Three Hours: 01:00-03:00)

Third Shift (Three Hours: 03:00-06:00)

Bugbear Initiative: [1d20+2]=5+2=7
Lika Initiative: [1d20+2]=17+2=19
Unari's bonus Dread Ambusher damage: [1d8]=2
Bugbear (Purple) Morningstar (15): [1d20+4]=13+4=17, [2d8+2]=6+2=8 Piercing -- hit (-8)
Bugbear (Green) Morningstar (14): [1d20+4]=19+4=23, [2d8+2]=8+2=10 Piercing -- hit (-10)
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Re: Dungeon Level 1

#410 Post by Rex »

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Re: Dungeon Level 1

#411 Post by Marullus »

Low initiative is tough!

If Purple is still standing:

Faced with the bugbear now abruptly in her space, the Baroness doesn't have time to switch weapons. Holding her longbow off-hand, she knocks the bugbear back with rising kick, then follows up with a roundhouse blow.
Unarmed Strike (1st attack) [1d20+6]=16+6=22[1d6+3]=3+3=6 Unarmed Strike (2nd attack) [1d20+6]=20+6=26[1d6+3]=1+3=4
Unarmed Strike (3rd attack) [1d20+6]=5+6=11[1d6+3]=5+3=8

If he drops before my turn:
As the bugbear collapses, Nella turns and aims at (the next threat), looking down the south hallway and then the east hallway, letting loose her arrows.
Longbow shot: [1d20+6]=19+6=25 dmg [1d8+3]=5+3=8[1d4]=2
Longbow shot: [1d20+6]=12+6=18 dmg [1d8+3]=1+3=4[1d4]=2
Unarmed Strike (3rd attack) [1d20+6]=3+6=9[1d6+3]=5+3=8

As Needed Roll [1d20]=11[1d20]=14
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Re: Dungeon Level 1

#412 Post by ravenn4544 »

Xanlanan seems miffed that the creatures didn't fall at his magical onslaught. He launches another bit of magic to finish the job.

fire bolt at green

Ranged Attack [1d20+7]=3+7=10
Fire Bolt [2d10]=16
As Needed [1d20]=15
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Re: Dungeon Level 1

#413 Post by Scott308 »


With an enemy in his face, the bugbear drops his bow and draws his swords. Grinning, he barks insults at the opposing bugbear, speaking their native goblin tongue. Stupid fool, should have found someone weaker. Now you die!

If the bugbear dies, Gruuthuk will use his movement to chase down the bugbears that headed east. He will not get close enough to engage unless he is able to attack on the same turn.
Rapier: [1d20+6]=8+6=14; Damage: [1d8+3]=4+3=7; Sneak Attack: [3d6]=17Rapier (Off-Hand): [1d20+6]=16+6=22; Damage: [1d8]=5; Sneak Attack: [3d6]=11
Just in case: [1d20]=12
You were correct Dave- both those Assassinate rolls were made because of advantage. He only has a single attack when using his bow.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you.

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Re: Dungeon Level 1

#414 Post by dmw71 »

It feels like a bit of a long shot, but... Lika?

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Re: Dungeon Level 1

#415 Post by dmw71 »

19: Lika (17+2)
17: Gruuthuk (14+3)
10: Xanlanan (8+2)
8: Unari (6+2)
7: Bugbears (5+2)
6: Nella (3+3)

Round 2
Lika continues to remain frozen in place, providing light to the rest with his lantern.

"Stupid fool, should have found someone weaker," Gruuthuk sneers; dropping his bow and brandishing his rapiers. "Now you die!" The bugbear lunges around the pillar, stabbing out with the tip from his primary rapier, but his in-kind adversary is able to shift out of the way to avoid being struck. The rogue's off-hand rapier, however, sinks deep into the mottled fur of his bugbear counterpart -- it issues a last, pained gasp before collapsing to the ground, unmoving.

"Told you." Gruuthuk quips as his rapier slides out of the bugbear corpse; the blade now coated in a thick, red goo.

Without hesitation, the assassin bolts for the stairway to the right, heading east.

Quietly bounding to the top of the stairs and peering around the corner, Gruuthuk sees:

The remaining two bugbears are heavily engaged in combat with, at a quick glance, appears to be a:
  • Heavily-armored gnome;
  • Human, wearing a breastplate, to the gnome's left side;
  • Tiny, mechanical lizard scurrying around the floor to the gnome's right;
  • Tiny, mechanical winged scorpion -- or dragon? -- hovering slightly behind; and
  • Second human, heavily armored, trailing just a few steps behind the rest.

East.png (106.54 KiB) Viewed 508 times

Without the necessary range to close the distance, Gruuthuk pauses there -- still, he believes, unseen.




Date: 13 Blossomtide 584
Time: 06:53

Light Sources
  1. Bullseye Lantern (Duration: 6 Hours) (Nella, Carried by Lika) (Extinguished: 13 Blossomtide @ 11:15)
    (Note: A bullseye lantern casts bright light in a 60-foot cone and dim light for an additional 60 feet.)
  2. Lit Coin (Duration: 1 Hour) (Xanlanan, Carried by Nella) (Extinguished: 13 Blossomtide @ 07:19)
    (Note: Until the spell ends, the object sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.)

Conditions/Spells in Effect:
  1. None

Marching Order


Unari | Gruuthuk
Lika | Xanlanan

Character Details
> Scott308 | Gruuthuk (Male)
Race: Bugbear | Class: Rogue (5) | Archetype: Assassin | Background: Criminal (Spy)
PHB+1: VGtM | Size: Medium | Speed: 30' | Reach: 5' (10') | Darkvision: 60' | AC: 16 (FF: 13) | HD (1d8): 5
* HP: 36-3 = 33-8 = 25
Rations: 10, 9 | Water: 2, 1 | Weapons: Rapier, Dagger, Shortbow (20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15)
Languages: Common, Goblin, Thieves’ Cant | Passive Perception: 13
Features: Assassinate | Cunning Action | Expertise | Sneak Attack (3d6) | Surprise Attack | Uncanny Dodge

> Marullus | Nella (Female)
Race: Variant Human | Class: Monk (5) | Monastic Tradition: Way of the Kensei | Background: Noble (Baroness)
PHB+1: XGtE | Size: Medium | Speed: 40' | Reach: 5' | Darkvision: No | AC: 16 (18) (FF: 10) | HD (1d8): 5
* HP: 29-6 = 23
Rations: 10, 9 | Water: 2, 1 | Weapons: Longsword*, Dagger, Longbow* (40, 39, 38, 36, 37)
Languages: Common, Sylvan, Undercommon | Passive Perception: 21
Features: Deflect Missiles | Extra Attack | Ki | Martial Arts | Path of the Kensei* | Slow Fall | Unarmored Defense | Unarmored Movement
> Monsieur Rose | Pilikia liʻiliʻi "Lika" (Male)
Race: Aarakocra | Class: Warlock (5) | Patron: The Celestial | Background: Criminal (Spy)
PHB+1: XGtE | Size: Medium | Speed: 25' (Fly: 50') | Reach: 5' | Darkvision: No | AC: 14 (FF: 12) | HD (1d8): 5
* HP: 39-10 = 29
Rations: 10, 9+4 = 13 | Water: 1, 0 | Weapons: Boomerang, Club, Talons
Languages: Aarakocra, Auran, Common | Passive Perception: 12
Features: Bonus Cantrip | Expanded Spell List | Healing Light: 6 (Long) | Otherworldly Patron | Pact Boon | Pact Magic

> Rex | Unari (Female)
Race: Stout Halfling | Class: Ranger (5) | Archetype: Gloom Stalker | Background: Outlander
PHB+1: XGtE | Size: Medium | Speed: 30' (40')| Reach: 5' | Darkvision: 60' | AC: 19 (FF: 15) | HD (1d10): 5
* HP: 42
Rations: 5, 4 | Water: 1, 0 | Weapons: Rapier, Shortbow (20, 19, 18, 15, 17)
Languages: Common, Deep Speech, Elvish, Halfling | Passive Perception: 15
Features: Dread Ambusher | Extra Attack | Favored Enemy (Elves, Goblinoids) | Fighting Style | Gloom Stalker Magic | Natural Explorer (Underdark) | Primeval Awareness | Spellcasting | Umbral Sight
> ravenn454 | Xanlanan (Male)
Race: Half-Elf | Class: Sorcerer (5) | Origin: Wild Magic | Background: Archaeologist
PHB+1: XGtE | Size: Medium | Speed: 30' | Reach: 5' | Darkvision: 60' | AC: 12 (FF: 10) | HD (1d8): 5
* HP: 33-9 = 24-6 = 18
Rations: 10, 9 | Water: 1, 0.5 | Weapons: Dagger, Crossbow (30)
Languages: Abyssal, Common, Elvish, Undercommon | Passive Perception: 14
Features: Font of Magic | Sorcerous Origin | Spellcasting | Tides of Chaos: 1 (Long) | Wild Magic Surge
Watch Schedule
Watch: Armored
Sleep: No medium or heavy armor unless specifically declared.
Sleeping in Armor
Sleeping in light armor has no adverse effect on the wearer, but sleeping in medium or heavy armor makes it difficult to recover fully during a long rest.

When you finish a long rest during which you slept in medium or heavy armor, you regain only one quarter of your spent Hit Dice (minimum of one die). If you have any levels of exhaustion, the rest doesn’t reduce your exhaustion level.

First Shift (Three Hours: 21:00-24:00)

Second Shift (Three Hours: 01:00-03:00)

Third Shift (Three Hours: 03:00-06:00)

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Re: Dungeon Level 1

#416 Post by Marullus »

Confirming: Xanlan, Unari, and Nella's actions cancelled without foes in the room? Can they retask?

With foes gone, I had Nella confirm the south hallway was still empty (we had thought we heard goblins behind us, right?) Did she confirm that?

I suppose we wait for Guthruuk to speak first, unless Xanlanan or Unari use their move to join him on this turn?
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Re: Dungeon Level 1

#417 Post by dmw71 »

Marullus wrote: Sat Nov 06, 2021 9:12 pm Can they retask?
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Re: Dungeon Level 1

#418 Post by Scott308 »


Seeing fighting ahead and realizing he has an enemy who is facing away (and likely completely unaware he is there) the bugbear takes a moment to hide at the corner of the hall before advancing. Trying to move quietly, he will sneak ahead and attack!
Bonus action: Hide (which I should have done at the end of the last turn) and then move up toward whichever bugbear looks to be in better shape. If blue, he'll move directly behind. If red, he'll move to the space just above that, so between but still behind. If based on other combatants' actions there is only one bugbear remaining, he will move directly behind it. If they both die before his turn, he stays back and hidden. He doesn't want to appear to be another enemy bugbear.
Stealth: [1d20+9]=7+9=16
Rapier: [1d20+6]=15+6=21; Damage: [1d8+3]=7+3=10; Sneak Attack: [3d6]=14
Just in case: [1d20]=3
If I can apply his Hide to the end of the round where he moved up and saw the other skirmish, he'll use his bonus action this round to attack. If the bugbear he already attacked is still alive, he'll attack it again. If not, he'll move to attack the other one.
Rapier (Off-Hand): [1d20+6]=4+6=10; Damage: [1d8]=2; Sneak Attack: [3d6]=15
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you.

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Re: Dungeon Level 1

#419 Post by Rex »


Unari moves up to Gruuthuk in case he needs help.
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Re: Dungeon Level 1

#420 Post by Marullus »

Marullus wrote: Sat Nov 06, 2021 4:33 pm If he drops before my turn:
As the bugbear collapses, Nella turns and aims at (the next threat), looking down the south hallway and then the east hallway, letting loose her arrows.
Longbow shot: [1d20+6]=19+6=25 dmg [1d8+3]=5+3=8[1d4]=2
Longbow shot: [1d20+6]=12+6=18 dmg [1d8+3]=1+3=4[1d4]=2
Unarmed Strike (3rd attack) [1d20+6]=3+6=9[1d6+3]=5+3=8

As Needed Roll [1d20]=11[1d20]=14
Nella moves to the south hallway, double-checking their rear and making sure the sound of goblins isn't still behind them there. If something appears, she shoots it.
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