Ch. 3: Hell's Bells

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Ch. 3: Hell's Bells

#1 Post by Zhym »

"Damn wizards and their stupid shite!!" curses Tanner. "I suppose the other side tunnel will do us the same?"

Malibran prays for healing as he floats. Somehow, his prayers are answered (+22 hp). He looks for anyone needing help to surface, but Xale, Hallagad, and Rool are still managing to keep their heads above water. Rool hangs on to the side of Risdac's heavily loaded boat, bringing it dangerously close to tipping. “Risdac,” Rool says to the misshapen giant, “Move the boat back towards the ledge, so I can get out of the water.” But Riscac paddles forward, toward the center passage. He hands a potion of levitation to Tanner, along with a lecture. Tanner keeps his opinions to himself.

While Rool paddles his boat (Tanner in it and and Rool hanging on to it) toward the center passage, Malibran looks for someone to help push him in that direction. The Flying Servant calmly (dice roll) obliges, pushing Malibran along as he flies above the boat.

Hallagad treads water and asks if they should go toward the center passage. He moves neither fore nor aft.

Odilo and Xale make for the ledge—Xale swimming, an odd sight in his magical armor, but making reasonable progress without his pack. Odilo rises to the ceiling and pushes his way along with his staff against the ceiling. The reach the ledge and climb up onto dry land—or float above it, in Odilo's case.

Moment later, a 20' high wall of violet flames appears right behind them. The wall hovers just above the water's surface, sending plumes of oily grey steam rising into the air, and blazes with a crackling heat that gently warms Odilo and Xale thanks to their magical rings. It's almost as if they were equipped in anticipation of being attacked by fire!

On the other side of the wall of fire, the forward party gets problems of its own. A long, serpentlike scaled thing with razor-sharp teeth surfaces from the water ahead.
It breathes a blast of boiling water up at the flyers Malibran (-6 HP) and Khogeki (save made; no damage).

To either side of them and a little below two vulture-man things appear on ledges, one on either side of the corridor, 20' above the water.
One points to Malibran and The Flying Servant. Malibran plummets, his levitation dispelled, splashing down into the water (-2 HP). He starts to sink. The other vulture-man lobs something directly at Risdac's boat. Both creatures hurry back to the rear of their ledges just in time for a ball of fire to fill the corridor. Everyone manages to shield themselves against the worst of the blast. Rool's ring furthers blunt the effects of the fire. Malibran, already under water, avoids it entirely (Risdac, Tanner: -13 HP; Rool: -6 HP; Khogeki, Malibran: no damage).

Just a few feet behind them, a toad-like face, two feet wide, emerges from the water. It smells like overfull outhouses, rotting corpses, and fear.
(Rool, Risdac, Tanner, Malibran: please save vs. paralysis. Failure means you gag and retch and are unable to attack. Success means -2 on attack and initiative).

Even as he tries to avoid depositing his lunch in the murky water—not that it would affect the quality of the water much—Rool feels something weird in the water. Big and weird. It—whatever it is—brushes against his leg. The water under Risdac's boat rises up in an 8' tall wave and overturns the boat, dumping Risdac and Tanner into the murky pool. Tanner starts to sink, pulled down by his heavy gear.

The frog thing attacks Risdac with gnashing teeth and grasping claws. In its frenzy, it bites its own arm and claws its tongue (2 fumbles, 16 points damage)! It roars in fat-tongued anger.

Hallagad, not to be left out, is punched in his underwater gut by...something (-13 HP).

It seems that all Hell has finally broken loose.


Battle map (rough):
Demonwing 18-01-03.png
Demonwing 18-01-03.png (115.2 KiB) Viewed 7812 times
Notes (please read):
Lots going on here. Rolls are in the dice roller. I think I caught relevant magic items that would reduce damage or negate effects, but please let me know if I missed any. I'm also happy to answer clarifying questions in the OOC thread.

The attacking monsters surprised you.

The rings of fire protection (gee, amazing how almost everyone has one!) negated damage from the wall of fire and reduced fireball damage by half (rounded down). They're supposed to reduce fireball damage by 2 pts per die, but there's a minimum damage of 1 per die and I didn't roll the dice separately, so this is simpler and has a similar effect.

Tanner needs to reduce his load to 30 lbs immediately (not including his magic armor) or find some other way out of the water to avoid drowning. Malibran is also sinking and needs to lighten his load or find another way to avoid sinking.

One more complication, as if you need one: you can't attack or cast spells with material or somatic components while using both arms and almost all your strength just to keep your head above water. That means that Hallagad, Rool, Risdac, Malibran, and Tanner (currently sinking) cannot attack or cast spells until they find some way to free their hands without sinking and drowning.

I will make a whole bunch of item saving throws for those caught in the fireball. But not tonight.
Status: Malibran (H LG C20[13](Pholtus)): 59/90; Khogeki (H LN M17): 51/78; Odilo (1/2E NG MU17): 25/54; Xale (D NG C14[9](Dalt)/F13): 35/75; Risdac (Giant NG MU17): 29/58; Tanner (H CG F19): 94/107; Rool (H LN T20): 50/85; Hallagad (H LG P15(Pelor)): 63/93
Effects: Levitate (Malibran): dispelled; Levitate (Odilo): 7.9 turns; Fly (Khogeki, ring)
Light Sources: Continual light coin (Tanner); Continual light dagger (Odilo)
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Re: Ch. 3: Hell's Bells

#2 Post by ravenn4544 »

Malibran struggles to stay afloat as his levitation power is immediately extinguished and plunges him into the foul waters below.
Save vs. Paralysis(2) [1d20] = 8

He struggles to stay afloat, but with mace and shield held firmly it becomes impossible to tread water - let alone defend himself and his comrades from this fell ambush.

Malibran flails in the water with an unfamiliar panic starting to rise. The quest to end like this? He can see his comrades all struggling with fire or water or fell beast. He swallows water tasting of decay, coughs roughly, and gags while clawing not only his throat but any option to get out of this vulnerable situation. To end like this?...

What spells can he cast encumbered with a mace and shield - weapons and defense granted to him by his Savior to serve in the defense and righteous justice of the Light? What spells could he cast that remain to him? What use are such mighty tools when faced with the humble drop of water? A lesson?!? Lessons still being learned after years and years of service to the Light! Pholtus! To end like this?...

Not like this.

Malibran, panic rising further with options becoming more and more futile, must serve the quest and his comrades as best he can. With but seconds to do so, he makes his decision and prays to Pholtus that it is enough. Releasing both Mace and Shield so as to remain afloat and functional, Malibran acts in what that his escalating panic can only focus on.

Embracing the Light of Pholtus, panic washes away to become faith, as he speaks "I wish for the party to be made safe by eliminating all of the elements of water and fire around us!"

OOC: I apologize if I'm jumping the gun but from Malibrans perspective the group is screwed. :) I figure also that in the seconds he practically has with no magic to help him, his wish is not a carefully worded legal contract as that wouldn't make sense. May the game gods be gentle!

If we happen to survive this, my paranoid level, on a scale of 1-10, just went to 32.
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Re: Ch. 3: Hell's Bells

#3 Post by Zhym »

I'm going to try something new (there's a phrase you don't want to hear from your DM). Please roll 1d20 for Malibran. You want high. The higher the roll, the more beneficial the interpretation of the Wish will be.

Good luck!
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Re: Ch. 3: Hell's Bells

#4 Post by ravenn4544 »


[1d20] = 19
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Re: Ch. 3: Hell's Bells

#5 Post by Urson »


(used as a saving throw)attack basic [1d20] = 3

As he feels himself sinking, Tanner wills his Helm of Teleportation into action and teleports to the Left side ledge, probably face-to-face with the vulture-thing. Closer to <ri> on the map.
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Re: Ch. 3: Hell's Bells

#6 Post by Inferno »

The Unseen Servant:

The wondrous Jade Destiny whispers from its sheath.


The scintillating magic sword outstretched before him, the serene master flies directly at the giant steam dragon.

The Servant and the sword are one.

Jade Destiny: (Thac0:7): To hit: [1d20] = 16, damage: small/medium: [1d8+11] = 1+11 = 12, large: [1d10+11] = 3+11 = 14 (This is a vorpal weapon)
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Re: Ch. 3: Hell's Bells

#7 Post by AleBelly »

Hallagad gasps as he's hit. He tries to swim south, back to dry land so he can fight. If possible, he will swim under the wall of fire. If not, he'll still swim through it.
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Re: Ch. 3: Hell's Bells

#8 Post by Zhym »

Malibran, Tanner, and Rool manage to keep their breakfasts in their bellies. Risdac, unfortunately, does not. He retches violently, green and brown gobbets of partly-digested foodstuffs fouling the already nasty water around him.

Above them, the vulture things are quick; before anyone else has a chance to act, they rush to the edges of their ledges. Each grabs a red bead from a necklace it wears, throws it at the party below, then quickly retreats. Two more balls of fire explode, further broiling Risdac, Rool, and Tanner. The Unseen Servant deftly dodges the magical flames entirely. Risdac and Rool manage to turn away enough to minimize their damage. Tanner and Malibran, under the water by now, are at least safe from the fireball (Risdac: -24 HP; Rool: -12 HP). Risdac is near death, or at least he seems that way. It's hard to tell third degree burns from the giant's regular skin. The blasts also hit the giant steam-breathing serpent; it roars up at the vulturemen in annoyance.

Malibran flails and sinks, panic rising with options becoming more and more futile. With but seconds to do so, he makes his decision and prays to Pholtus that it is enough. Releasing both Mace and Shield so as to remain afloat and functional, Malibran acts in what that his escalating panic can only focus on.

Embracing the Light of Pholtus, panic washes away to become faith. "I wish for the party to be made safe by eliminating all of the elements of water and fire around us!" Well, that's what he means to say. Under water, it comes out as "Blah blish blur blu pobbly buh blee fafe bly blibibaty ballabee belama buh bwaturanbire blowna!" He can only hope his ring knows what he means.

The water filling the room and the corridor vanishes without even a puff of mist. It's just gone. So is the wall of fire. The waterfall goes silent; the room is now bone dry. All the PCs who had been floating or sinking in the water find themselves hanging in the air. They fall fifteen feet to the stone floor below (Risdac: -3 HP; Rool: -5 HP; Tanner: -6 HP; Malibran: -6 HP; Hallagad: -6 HP). Risdac's vomit falls with him, but dries. The serpent thing and the frog-thing behind them also fall. A pearl on Malibran's ring shatters.

The Unseen Servant, flying above all of this, draws his sword Jade Destiny and flies at the steam dragon. He deals it a savage cut across its...let's say "chest?" It claws and snaps its teeth at the monk, who easily avoids the attacks.

The frog thing near the forward group opens its mouth. A swarm of locusts, bees, wasps, hornets, and flies spews from its mouth at Khogeki!

The other frog thing, the one that was revealed when the water went poof, eyes Hallagad with an evil grin. It leaps at him, its stench preceding it. Hallagad has to fight be the urge to throw up (save vs. paralysis, please). It grabs hold of him with two claws and chomps down hard on his shoulder with a powerful bite (-15 HP; Hallagad is held and cannot attack. Roll 1d20 vs. half his strength (9) to break free).

Xale and Odilo, freed from the firewall barrier, now stand (or, in Odilo's case, float) at the edge of a 15-foot tall cliff that used to be the edge of the water.


End-of-round summary:
  • Odilo: Levitating over the ledge at the aft part of the room
  • Xale: On the ledge at the aft part of the room
  • Hallagad: Held in the grasp of the frog thing, near where the waterfall used to be. Cannot attack.
  • Khogeki, the Unseen Servant: Flying about 10' high in the central corridor, fighting the serpent. A swarm of insects is on its way
  • Risdac: On the floor of the central corridor, puking his guts out, near death (2 hp!). Cannot attack.
  • Malibran: On the floor of the central corridor. -2 to attack/init.
  • Rool: On the floor of the central corridor. -2 to attack/init.
  • Tanner: On the floor of the central corridor. -2 to attack/init.

Status: Malibran (H LG C20[13](Pholtus)): 53/90; Khogeki (H LN M17): 51/78; Odilo (1/2E NG MU17): 25/54; Xale (D NG C14[9](Dalt)/F13): 35/75; Risdac (Giant NG MU17): 2/58; Tanner (H CG F19): 88/107; Rool (H LN T20): 33/85; Hallagad (H LG P15(Pelor)): 42/93
Effects: Levitate (Odilo): 7.8 turns; Fly (Khogeki, ring)
Light Sources: Continual light coin (Tanner); Continual light dagger (Odilo)
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Re: Ch. 3: Hell's Bells

#9 Post by Rex »


Hurls his hammer at the frog thing attacking Hallagad.

Hurl Dwarven Thrower [1d20+4] = 10+4 = 14 damage [2d4+11] = 6+11 = 17/[2d4+10] = 3+10 = 13
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Re: Ch. 3: Hell's Bells

#10 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Odilo points his finger at the frog thing attacking Hallagad and sends forth a mass of magic missiles at the creature.

Magic Missile [1d4+1] = 1+1 = 2 [1d4+1] = 2+1 = 3 [1d4+1] = 2+1 = 3 [1d4+1] = 1+1 = 2 [1d4+1] = 3+1 = 4
Magic Missile p. 2 [1d4+1] = 3+1 = 4 [1d4+1] = 4+1 = 5 [1d4+1] = 4+1 = 5
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
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Re: Ch. 3: Hell's Bells

#11 Post by Inferno »

The Unseen Servant:

In one quick graceful motion that wastes no movement, the serene sensei sheathes the Jade Destiny as he lands on the newly dry ground, and strikes at the great serpent with only his bare hands.

His body is a weapon at war but his mind is calm. At peace.

There is only this moment. And the clarity of his purpose.

Open Hand to hit (Thac0: 10): [1d20] = 6, [1d20] = 3, [1d20] = 3, [1d20] = 18
Open Hand damage: [5d6] = 19, [5d6] = 12, [5d6] = 20, [5d6] = 19
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
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Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

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Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
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Re: Ch. 3: Hell's Bells

#12 Post by ravenn4544 »

Malibran drops to the floor - praising Pholtus to be alive! - and retrieves his mace. Surveying the new battlefield he opts to continue to channel the grace of Pholtus to healing Risdac.

Cure critical wounds on Risdac

Cure Critical Wounds [3d8+3] = 11+3 = 14
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Re: Ch. 3: Hell's Bells

#13 Post by Urson »


The old warrior swears a bit when he lands, new injuries adding to old ones. He rolls to his feet, grips his swrod, and again attempts to teleport himself up to the Left side ledge with the vulture -demon.
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Re: Ch. 3: Hell's Bells

#14 Post by AleBelly »

Hallagad grunts as he tries to simultaneously hold his breath and free himself ... acid=11642

STR check [1d20] = 12
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Re: Ch. 3: Hell's Bells

#15 Post by Scott308 »

Risdac Egargi

The giant vomits the last of the partially digested food in his stomach, barely missing Malibran as he comes over to heal Risdac.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Ch. 3: Hell's Bells

#16 Post by Urson »


Since he's on the ledge...

att[1d20+3] = 8+3 = 11

Teleporting is a bit disorienting, even if you've done it many times. Tanner's first attack goes wide.
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Re: Ch. 3: Hell's Bells

#17 Post by Norjax »

Rool Diov

The Master Thief recovers from the shock of fall and the blast of magical fire, loosening one strap of his backpack to grab his Potion of Polymorph Self. After he quaffs the potion, he morphs into a huge spider (18” movement) and makes for the ledge where Xale and Odilo currently reside.
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Re: Ch. 3: Hell's Bells

#18 Post by Zhym »

Combat Round 2

Tanner faces off against one of the vulture men things. Before he can act, the vulture thing in front of him splits into two, shifting and switching between themselves. Tanner attacks one of the images, which disappears as his sword swishes through it. Glancing back, he sees the vulture behind him has split into three shifting images—and is on its way to attack him. On the plus side, a minute away from the stinking frog thing is helping him regain his senses (-2 penalty no longer applies to Tanner).

The currently seen Unseen Flying Servant stops flying and lands in front of the serpent. It lashes out with claws and teeth but the monk is too nimble. Before the monk can counterattack, the swarm of insects reaches him. He abandons his attack, able to do nothing but try to fend off the hundreds of biting and stinging bugs (-2 HP).

Meanwhile, Malibran rushes to Risdac's aid (+14 HP) while Rool downs a potion. Rool morphs into the form a large spider and scuttles his way back toward the ledge where Odilo and Xale are trying to get the frog thing off of Hallagad, who struggles futilely to break free of its grasp. The frog thing bites his shoulder again (-15 HP). (I forgot that Hallagad also needs to save vs. paralyzation for the stink; please do so for the next round).

Rool's progress is blocked by the other frog thing, which jumps at the overgrown spider but misses.

Odilo fires a hailstorm of magical missiles at the frog thing. They fizzle as they hit it, having no apparent effect. Xale throws his hammer. It thuds ineffectively off the monster's thick hide and returns to his hand.

Actions for Round 3!

End-of-round summary:
  • Odilo: Levitating over the ledge at the aft part of the room
  • Xale: On the ledge at the aft part of the room
  • Hallagad: Held in the grasp of the frog thing, near where the waterfall used to be. Cannot attack. -2 to attack/init.
  • Khogeki, the Unseen Servant: On the ground in front of the serpent, swarmed by insects. Cannot act.
  • Risdac: On the floor of the central corridor, puking his guts out. Cannot attack.
  • Malibran: On the floor of the central corridor, next to Risdac. -2 to attack/init.
  • Rool: At the aft end of the central corner, being attacked by one of the frog things. -2 to attack/init.
  • Tanner: On the port ledge fighting a vulture thing.

Rool can continue on toward Xale and Odilo, but he'd be turning his back on the frog thing by doing so.

Xale's attack was from atop the ledge 15' up and 20' away, so it's at medium range and -2 to-hit. Also, that should be +3 on the to-hit roll; I don't see another +1 that would apply to a ranged weapon.
Status: Malibran (H LG C20[13](Pholtus)): 53/90; Khogeki (H LN M17): 49/78; Odilo (1/2E NG MU17): 25/54; Xale (D NG C14[9](Dalt)/F13): 35/75; Risdac (Giant NG MU17): 16/58; Tanner (H CG F19): 88/107; Rool (H LN T20): 33/85; Hallagad (H LG P15(Pelor)): 27/93
Effects: Levitate (Odilo): 7.7 turns;
Light Sources: Continual light coin (Tanner); Continual light dagger (Odilo)
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Re: Ch. 3: Hell's Bells

#19 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Odillo lowers himself to the floor and ends his levitation spell once his feet are solidly on the floor he then prepares to send another spell at the frog thing attacking Hallagad pointing his staff of power at the creature he uses another charge of his staff aiming and casting ray of enfeeblement at the frog creature.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
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Re: Ch. 3: Hell's Bells

#20 Post by Urson »


Tanner growls I have the cure for THAT nonsense!

He uses a tube of Dust of Appearance on the vulture-beast, hoping it will eliminate the multiple images.

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