Chapter 8: Necropolis of Eternity

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Chapter 8: Necropolis of Eternity

#1 Post by Inferno »

Chapter 8: Necropolis of Eternity

Fourth Tier of the Great Pyramid
Lost City of Khemsa, Forgotten Kingdom of Verulia, Great Eastern Desert, the World of Hyboria
Day Two. Sunset. 14th day of the month of Yuluk, 1279th year of the Age of Aquilonia

The great civilization of Ancient Verulia is lost, forgotten and dying. Terrorized for millennia by the horrific demon god Zargoth, the majority of Verulia's surviving populace have withdrawn into drugs, decadence and madness. The rest, devout followers of the old gods, are bitterly divided into factions that have fallen to discord and deep mutual distrust.

Into the dreaming ruins of this fractured, doomed society enter outlanders from beyond the wastes. They ally with some in the lost city's ancient sects in a desperate gambit to locate a fabled magic treasure, entombed with the remains of Xuthalhotep, pharaoh of pharaohs. They intend to wield those sorcerous artifacts to destroy Zargoth and free the survivors of the Verulian race that suffer beneath his evil oppression.

Those adventurers have found a way down to the tier below - the tomb level - bringing them closer to their elusive goal.

Arthfael of Cimmeria lingers to examine the ancient bloodbath of summoners, and locates the last item identified by Amethu as bearing a magical aura.

The barbaric druid recovers a stone flask that feels half full of liquid.

Kiri Khutan humbly requests healing, perhaps speaking on behalf of many of the party who are badly injured.

The explorers slowly descend on the hinged, weighted ramp as it gently lowers to the fourth tier of the pyramid. Firelight flickers below, adding to their vigilance. Every precaution taken, they carefully reach the bottom of the ramp where more dried husks of massacred cultists are heaped.

The Verulians in the group wonder if any of the cult of Sutekh yet live. Has there been a complete genocide of one of the four ancient sects?!

The adventurers look north into a large hall venerating the entombed dead of the Great Pyramid.

Two 10' tall statues of Sutekh frame lit braziers and the chamber's only door.

Amethu's incredible mystic vision perceives that the statues, flames, door, and some of the possessions of the shriveled, skeletal cadavers sprawled at the bottom of the ramp are infused with sorcerous power. The grand magus of Uthoth softly utters his astonishing findings.


Map Detail:


One square = 10 feet. Every pyramid tier is larger than the tier above it.


PC Status:
  • Amethu: Verulian Grand Magus Cleric/Magic-User 1/1: Move: 9", AC: 4, HP: 6/6, Spells: 2/5 1st lvl
    Arthfael Griogarach: Cimmerian Northman Druid 2: Move: 12", AC: 6, HP: 5/12, Spells: 4/4 1st lvl and 2/3 2nd lvl
    Garrin Locke: Argosian Atlantean Paladin 2: Move: 12", AC: 4(2), HP: 11/18, Laying Hands: 1/1
    Kiri Khutan: Kambujan Easterner Fighter/Magic-User 1/1: Move: 9", AC: 4, HP: 3/7, Spells: 2/2 1st lvl, Torch
    Loche: Pict Savage Thief 3: Move: 9", AC: 5, HP: 6/18
    Mako: Khitan Easterner Illusionist 2: Move: 12", AC: 7(5), HP: 4/6, Spells: 1/2 1st lvl
    Roan, Son of Rune: Vanir Northman Barbarian 2: Move: 15", AC: 4, HP: 17/23, Torch
    Xorzen: Verulian Osoran Monk 2: Move: 16", AC: 9, HP: 10/12
    Zahra: Verulian Amazon Fighter 2: Move: 12", AC: 3, HP: 16/16
PC Magic:
  • Protection from Evil (Garrin): -2 to AC and +2 to saving throws against evil, in a 10 foot radius around Garrin.
    Healing Mists of Osorus (All except Amethu and Zahra): All lost HP recovered with 8 hours of sleep. Wakeful rest, or sleeping less than 8 hours, enables recovery of 1 HP per hour. Duration: "months."
    Detect Magic (Amethu): Duration: 2 rounds.
PC Resources:
Last edited by Inferno on Sat Nov 02, 2019 5:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: Chapter 8: Necropolis of Eternity

#2 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Garrin lays hands upon Kiri as they descend.

He attempts to detect evil in the room, particularly the corpses and enchanted items.
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Re: Chapter 8: Necropolis of Eternity

#3 Post by DadsAngry »


"Danger all around us. I may not know for sure but I can feel it. The sooner we exit this area the better. This place is for the dead."
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Re: Chapter 8: Necropolis of Eternity

#4 Post by Zhym »

Arthfael shudders. The spirits of the stone statues—they are not themselves. Stones are stones. Magic stones are not stones. Not truly.

He sniffs the liquid in the stone flask. If it does not assault his smell, he dips a pinky finger into the liquid and touches it to the tip of his tongue.
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Re: Chapter 8: Necropolis of Eternity

#5 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Xorzen stops in his tracks once he sees the piles of dead husks all around. He begins to second guess his desire to follow the group of outlanders.

After looking around for a moment, he notices that some of his comrades are quite wounded. He draws forth a small bottle of clear blue liquid and stares at it for a moment without moving any further into the room.

"It is apparent that some of thow are in need of the healing powers of Osorus. If we have exhausted our means of daily healing prayers, I will share this gift with any in need before we advance any further."
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Re: Chapter 8: Necropolis of Eternity

#6 Post by DadsAngry »


"Wait before we go any further, maybe it would be better to get some rest than to use any unrecoverable resources. If we return to the room above we can lock this ramp back into place. With the revolving door no longer functioning we have a secure place to rest and recharge our renewal energies. If death waits for use beyond those door I like to have my full strength."
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Re: Chapter 8: Necropolis of Eternity

#7 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Kiri remains attentive as always, ready to cast Feather Fall on any one of the party unlucky enough to trigger some sort of pit trap.

"Hmm. Not a bad plan. What time is it? How long have we been down here?" he says in reply to Mako's suggestion. "I could use the time to find out what's on that scroll. Could be useful."
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Re: Chapter 8: Necropolis of Eternity

#8 Post by wordoftheoracle »

Loche will glance around looking for tell-tale signs of traps or anything out of place. This is probably where whatever was summoned escaped to after killing all those corpses, he thinks.
PC History:

Ioriston Erudleaf - Level Three Elven Wizard, Hedge's Adventures in the Realms (5e)
Loche - Level Three Pict Thief, The Lost City of the Pharaohs (1e)
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Re: Chapter 8: Necropolis of Eternity

#9 Post by hedgeknight »

Roan, Son of Rune listens to the whimpering of his companions and shakes his head in disgust. These soft folk would never survive the harsh environs of the Vanir! he thinks to himself, his mind drifting back to his days of childhood.
"I have some skill in binding wounds, should anyone need it as we venture further in. But, if you weren't ready for a fight, then why did you follow me down here?"
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Re: Chapter 8: Necropolis of Eternity

#10 Post by Inferno »

Fourth Tier of the Great Pyramid
Lost City of Khemsa, Forgotten Kingdom of Verulia, Great Eastern Desert, the World of Hyboria
Day Two. Sunset. 14th day of the month of Yuluk, 1279th year of the Age of Aquilonia

The explorers have passed through the realm of the God of Death and descended to the Great Pyramid's level of tombs.

Arthfael the druid tests the contents of the stone flask with his tongue. He tastes birds and beasts, fish and reptiles, all creatures of Nature. (one dose of Potion of Polymorph)

Xorzen offers the healing waters of Osorus to any who need it. Loche the Pict detects no mechanical traps or hazards near the ramp. Mako and Kiri discuss retreat and rest. Roan the barbarian scoffs at the civilized Easterners.

Garrin, son of Atlantis, shoulders his enchanted aegis (+1 shield) that he may honor Kiri's request for aid, miraculously healing the mountainous spellsword with his hands. (+4hp)

Then the paladin of Argos prays to Mitra for the ability to perceive evil's true nature. He scans the towering hall and finds pulsing auras of vile malevolence emanating from the twin statues of Sutekh.

Garrin whispers his discovery to the other explorers.


Map Detail:


PC Status:
  • Amethu: Verulian Grand Magus Cleric/Magic-User 1/1: Move: 9", AC: 4, HP: 6/6, Spells: 2/5 1st lvl
    Arthfael Griogarach: Cimmerian Northman Druid 2: Move: 12", AC: 6, HP: 5/12, Spells: 4/4 1st lvl and 2/3 2nd lvl
    Garrin Locke: Argosian Atlantean Paladin 2: Move: 12", AC: 4(2), HP: 11/18, Laying Hands: 0/1
    Kiri Khutan: Kambujan Easterner Fighter/Magic-User 1/1: Move: 9", AC: 4, HP: 7/7, Spells: 2/2 1st lvl, Torch
    Loche: Pict Savage Thief 3: Move: 9", AC: 5, HP: 6/18
    Mako: Khitan Easterner Illusionist 2: Move: 12", AC: 7(5), HP: 4/6, Spells: 1/2 1st lvl
    Roan, Son of Rune: Vanir Northman Barbarian 2: Move: 15", AC: 4, HP: 17/23, Torch
    Xorzen: Verulian Osoran Monk 2: Move: 16", AC: 9, HP: 10/12
    Zahra: Verulian Amazon Fighter 2: Move: 12", AC: 3, HP: 16/16
PC Magic:
  • Protection from Evil (Garrin): -2 to AC and +2 to saving throws against evil, in a 10 foot radius around Garrin.
    Healing Mists of Osorus (All except Amethu and Zahra): All lost HP recovered with 8 hours of sleep. Wakeful rest, or sleeping less than 8 hours, enables recovery of 1 HP per hour. Duration: "months."
    Detect Magic (Amethu): Duration: 1 round.
PC Resources:
Last edited by Inferno on Sat Nov 02, 2019 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

DM bio is here.
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Re: Chapter 8: Necropolis of Eternity

#11 Post by Zhym »

Arthfael, more than a little injured, accepts Xorzen's offer of the waters of Osorus.
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Re: Chapter 8: Necropolis of Eternity

#12 Post by Spartakos »

Zahra avoids the long-dead corpses, but otherwise takes a position towards the center of the room, looking warily about her, as though expecting an ambush at any moment.

(If Garrin shares his findings about the statues)
Zahra's lips press together in a hard line and her eyes narrow. "Perhaps they hold some trap for the unwary that approaches that door. Yet I see no other sign of egress." Carefully, she begins to search the walls for any hidden doors or passages, but stays at least 10' from the statues and the door at all times.
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Re: Chapter 8: Necropolis of Eternity

#13 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Garrin weighs the groups options. "Whatever malevolent force escaped from the room above, may have wandered this path. If we are to rest, we should do so upstairs. I for one will find no peace down here, with those evil statues of death staring at me.

"Our resources are depleted. There is a fine line between confidence and hubris. I suggest we go back upstairs and find what rest we may."
If the others agree, Garrin leads them back up to the room with the broken summoning circle.
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Re: Chapter 8: Necropolis of Eternity

#14 Post by ChubbyPixie »

"Thanks for the healing. Somehow I'm not surprised," says Kiri regarding the evil nature of the statues. He cricks his neck and stretches as the healing flows though him.

In reply to Garrin, he says, ""I'm for a little rest. Dying to find out what's on this scroll here," He hefts the scroll tube they found upstairs.
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Re: Chapter 8: Necropolis of Eternity

#15 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Xorzen looks the group over and decides who needs attention the worst. Assuming that there are no more daily spells to be used for such matters, (you know, the ones you recover every day) he doesn't mind using up his prized one time use potion.

He splits the liquid into perfectly equal thirds, using the cap as a sipping vessel. He hands one dose each to Arthfael, Garrin, and Roan.

The monk remains quiet, as if he is afraid that speaking will unleash the statues evil upon the group. He is not tired, but will help stand guard or rest if the group decides to retreat back up the stairs.
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Re: Chapter 8: Necropolis of Eternity

#16 Post by Spartakos »

If the others wish to rest, Zahra has no objections. She will seat herself with her back to a wall, her weapons close at hand, and try to rest in this fashion. Though her face is serene, not betraying her thoughts, inwardly she is very aware that she is alone with several men, most of whom are dangerous...and two are no friends of hers.
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Re: Chapter 8: Necropolis of Eternity

#17 Post by wordoftheoracle »

Loche gratefully drinks of the healing waters and rests with the party.
PC History:

Ioriston Erudleaf - Level Three Elven Wizard, Hedge's Adventures in the Realms (5e)
Loche - Level Three Pict Thief, The Lost City of the Pharaohs (1e)
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Re: Chapter 8: Necropolis of Eternity

#18 Post by DadsAngry »


Mako waits to see where the party decides to settle and when they do he find a nice quiet spot to rest.
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Re: Chapter 8: Necropolis of Eternity

#19 Post by Inferno »

Shine to the Entombed Dead, Fourth Tier of the Great Pyramid
Lost City of Khemsa, Forgotten Kingdom of Verulia, Great Eastern Desert, the World of Hyboria
Day Two. Sunset. 14th day of the month of Yuluk, 1279th year of the Age of Aquilonia

After descending a secret ramp into a shrine honoring the pyramid's entombed dead, Garrin's invocation to Mitra blesses him with the ability to perceive the presence of Evil itself. He sees its heinous aura festering within the twin colossi of Sutekh.

Garrin, son of Atlantis, alerts his fellow explorers. Roan the barbarian readies to test his new ax.

Zahra the Verulian amazon warily enters the chapel of the dead. Her watchful red eyes find no secrets hidden in the stonework of the ancient architects. But she finds a broken wooden lever, protruding from the wall near the SW corner. She locates its severed handle nearby, locked in the deathgrip of one of the massacred skeletons.

Before Amethu's mystic vision fades, the grand magus culls four enchanted objects from the skeletal victims of the bygone slaughter splayed at the foot of the ramp. They are a javelin, a ring, a flask, and a sheathed dagger. By the time he separates them out on the floor, he has merely the perception of a mortal again.

Xorzen reluctantly shares the healing waters of Osorus with Arthfael, Garrin and Roan. Miraculously, the holy elixir heals their injuries (+5hp, +5hp, +3hp respectively). Wounded Loche gets in line, but when he reaches Xorzen, the vessel is dry.

Garrin agrees with Kiri and Mako's suggestion that the explorers should retreat, regroup and restore their strength. Consensus is slowly building.

Zahra moves to the center of the chamber across sandy tiles. From there, she sees that the statues have areas of colored paint on them; they had once been fully decorated. She finds it passing strange that neither towering sculpture has a pedestal upon which to stand.

Then suddenly, both statues move.

As Zahra warns the others, the giants slowly awaken as if from some ageless slumber. The dust and sand of countless years fall from their inhuman forms, revealing living beings beneath... beings unlike any the explorers have ever before seen in the flesh.

Not statues at all... but supernatural creatures of Sutekh. Was Loche's silent guess correct?

The two jackal demons (D1, D2) stand erect on their hind legs, each stretching to a height of ten feet tall.

Their bodies are both man and canine, bulging with muscles that neither ever had. They grip long spears with a murderous anticipation as their terrible glares fall upon the explorers.

Horrifically, one set of canine jaws speaks with the voice of a Man in a primordial form of Ancient Verulian. Amethu, Xorzen and Zahra can only glean a few words of it: "More bloodshed, at last," it snarls.


Map Detail:

Rolls and Rulings (non-required reading):
Healing: Arthfael, Garrin, Roan: [2d4] = 5, [2d4] = 5, [2d4] = 3
No chance for the PCs to be caught Surprised. They are alert and wary from Amethu and Garrin's warnings.

PC Status:
  • Amethu: Verulian Grand Magus Cleric/Magic-User 1/1: Move: 9", AC: 4, HP: 6/6, Spells: 2/5 1st lvl
    Arthfael Griogarach: Cimmerian Northman Druid 2: Move: 12", AC: 6, HP: 10/12, Spells: 4/4 1st lvl and 2/3 2nd lvl
    Garrin Locke: Argosian Atlantean Paladin 2: Move: 12", AC: 4(2), HP: 16/18, Laying Hands: 0/1
    Kiri Khutan: Kambujan Easterner Fighter/Magic-User 1/1: Move: 9", AC: 4, HP: 7/7, Spells: 2/2 1st lvl, Torch
    Loche: Pict Savage Thief 3: Move: 9", AC: 5, HP: 6/18
    Mako: Khitan Easterner Illusionist 2: Move: 12", AC: 7(5), HP: 4/6, Spells: 1/2 1st lvl
    Roan, Son of Rune: Vanir Northman Barbarian 2: Move: 15", AC: 4, HP: 20/23, Torch
    Xorzen: Verulian Osoran Monk 2: Move: 16", AC: 9, HP: 10/12
    Zahra: Verulian Amazon Fighter 2: Move: 12", AC: 3, HP: 16/16
PC Magic:
  • Protection from Evil (Garrin): -2 to AC and +2 to saving throws against evil, in a 10 foot radius around Garrin.
    Healing Mists of Osorus (All except Amethu and Zahra): All lost HP recovered with 8 hours of sleep. Wakeful rest, or sleeping less than 8 hours, enables recovery of 1 HP per hour. Duration: "months."
PC Resources:
Last edited by Inferno on Sat Nov 02, 2019 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: Chapter 8: Necropolis of Eternity

#20 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Garrin doesn't understand the jackal-statue's words, but its intentions seem clear enough. Unsheathing his sword and hefting his shield, the paladin of Mitra attacks the nearest statue D1? with a mighty war cry.

To Hit with +1 Long Sword: [1d20+1] = 1+1 = 2; Damage: sm - [1d8+1] = 2+1 = 3; lg - [1d12+1] = 10+1 = 11

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