Introduction: Let's All Get on Board

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Introduction: Let's All Get on Board

#1 Post by OGRE MAGE »

You have been seeing flyers like this one posted all over the towns and villages of the Kingdom, especially around the area of Saltmarsh.

Looking For Adventure?

Why not give old Captain Quark a try? Come on down to the docks in Saltmarsh to gain free passage to the island of your dreams. Fun and adventure awaits in a brave new world thanks to a brand new island recently discovered on the Azure Sea. Your help is needed to clear the lands, settle new towns, and claim a small part of this paradise for your very own.

We are looking for several brave adventurers, old and new, that would like to take part in this endeavor. You must have a weapon with you or some other means of protecting yourself. You must also be brave enough to face the unknown, as this island seems to be uninhabited by anyone other than the natural flora and fauna.

If this sounds like something that would be right up your dark ally, then come on down to the Docks district of Saltmarsh at sunrise. There are ships departing daily. Passage is free and it only takes 2 days to get there. Experienced captains are standing by now.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them when you arrive at the dock.

Good Luck!!!

Feel free to include this information into your background story if you'd like to add in your reasoning for wanting to take part in this.
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Re: Introduction: Let's All Get on Board

#2 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Please keep in mind that these characters are not the "party".

Unless it was pre-approved beforehand, none of the characters will know each other going into this game. It also bears mentioning one more time that this game will be based mainly on character building. Unlike usual games where a single group follows down a designated path, it will be up to each character to find their own place among the other characters, the locals, the NPC's and their strange new surroundings.

I wanted to repost these two important paragraphs again here:

Once your character gets to the island, it will be pretty much "your world" to explore. Although there will be plenty of opportunities for "work" that present themselves, there will be no specific structured plot line to follow like in most other games. You will have to take the initiative to team up and conquer your surroundings as you uncover the islands many mysteries, slowly revealing its story to you in the process. The island is a very dangerous place and it will be up to the player to determine if his or her character has stumbled into a indomitable foe or a hopeless situation and react accordingly. (RUN!!!) Please remember to mind your level when you are just starting out, here there be monsters!

Normally, everything that a group does in their game thread will be considered public knowledge. Private threads will be set up for each player for things that they don't want to discuss or advertise publicly. I think there will be plenty of opportunities for secondary groups to learn about things that other groups have done before them and then act upon that information. Hopefully creating a bit of conflict and intrigue between the characters, thereby adding a little more flavor to the game.
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Re: Introduction: Let's All Get on Board

#3 Post by OGRE MAGE »

You have all seen these flyers hanging around the area and have decided to see for yourselves what this island is all about.
IMG_0765.JPG (79.99 KiB) Viewed 1734 times
It is shortly after sunrise on a bright and clear Waterday morning. You find yourselves heading into the Docks district of Saltmarsh to find this Captain Quark fellow. The Docks are already bustling with activity by the time the smells of saltwater and rotting fish begin to assault your senses. Along the smaller side Docks, you can see the night fishermen unloading their meager catch as the fishmongers poke through them greedily. You already notice a line of people forming along side one of the largest docks. Assuming it must be related to the ship that you're looking for, you head in that direction.

Upon reaching the line you get a clear view of the sea faring vessel in which you are about to embark. The "Twisted Fate" is painted across the back of the single mast, sloop style ship in big whitewashed letters. This vessel looks to be built for speed, but in its current condition it is easy to see that it has hauled its fair share of cargo over the years as well.
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Re: Introduction: Let's All Get on Board

#4 Post by OGRE MAGE »

There are a myriad of other people in line with you, commoners, adventuring types, and even a few small families. You hear most of them grumbling something about having to wait 2 days to board. Much like in everyday life, the more qualified of their class clearly stand out from the others:

A burly, overly hairy human with a nasty forearm scar stands near another massive fighter type. Both men stand proud in their banded armor, the giant of a man decked out in a wide array of weaponry. Behind them stands an eye catching hideous halforc. His orange hair is matted into long dreadlocks, almost the same bright color as his priests robes. He also looks like a walking armory, one snaggled tusk protrudes from his strong jaw and his thick feet bulge out from the straps of the sandals he wears.

Elsewhere in line waits two half-elves. The first seems far more human, with a long spear and a wooden shield. The other looks more frail and scholarly. A small elf boy is there too. Apparently abandoned by his parents, he appears to be all alone. Looking like a figure out of time with his bright blonde hair and sharp blue eyes, his clothing and gear look quite antiquated, almost like something you would see in a big city museum.

A handsome, tiny halfling also stands in line. He flicks his long ponytail behind him as he smiles at all the female travelers one by one, seemingly gauging their reactions before eyeing up the next one. He has a hard time keeping his eyes off of one stunning and mysterious she elf that you didn't notice until just recently. She seems quite confident and maybe even slightly nervous.
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Re: Introduction: Let's All Get on Board

#5 Post by OGRE MAGE »

One by one, passengers are signed into the ships log and asked to make their marks along side their printed names. Soon the 20 or so people in front of you, commoners and adventurers alike, board the ship and choose their spots on deck. You finally make your way to the front of the line to see the good captain and a scribe sitting at a makeshift desk alongside the ships gangplank. The captain speaks to you one by one as the scribe frantically writes your names and status into the log.

"Well, well then. What have we here now? Looks like some real brain and muscle will be aboard the sloop after all. Good! We might need you! Each of you state your full name for the record and then make your marks in the log! The sooner we get this inconvenient bit over with, the sooner we shove off! If ye got any questions, nows the time to ask em! Otherwise just tell us who you are and get yer arse onboard!"
Ok, folks. This is it.
You can state your name for the log and make your way on board.

I will give everyone some time to make their own intros and ask around about anything that they might deem important. Go ahead and role play to your hearts content. We will proceed once everyone is checked in.
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Re: Introduction: Let's All Get on Board

#6 Post by tkrexx »

The slippery Hobbit somehow works himself to the front of the line. If this action annoys other passengers, he seems not to notice. Lightfinger, he announces with a smile, and in a lower tone, almost a whisper, adds: Tho I believe you'll find me under Arte Backbrush. He pays the scribe no more mind as he turns his dimpled smile back to see if he has yet caught the eye of the Elven Lass... Or any other Lass, it makes little difference. I'll be among the brains, obviously not the muscle.
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Re: Introduction: Let's All Get on Board

#7 Post by Bluehorse »

Monocar Jemara

Very animated for a large man, he is talking excitedly with the other hair fighter in front of him. He was wearing what only a trained eye would see as refurbished armor, but it was still a fine set with new leather and buckles and a fine polish. In fact, all his gear seemed to have the well taken care of look about it, if not brand new. "So now I am here in Saltmarsh where I hope to start making some real money so I can begin saving for my fighter's guild I am going to one day build. It will be great I tell you! The finest in the land. You should come with me! You can be my second and we will run it together. Just think of all the glorious things we could do. Money, women, drink, and good food. Everyone sharing their stories over a horn of mead. We will have a bard playing music, and learning all the tales of greatness to share with the world. And when the people need help, they will know where to come! To us! What do ya say? Partners?" Before the man can answer, the enthusiastic young man turns and looks at the next soon to be crewman behind him.

"Hey, how about you? Oh... uh..." apparently he's never seen a half orc before but after a brief moment she smiles again. "Monocar Jemara, at your service! Soon to be hero of the people!" he laughs heartily, seeming to on some level know his boasting is a bit premature and more than a little ridiculous, but seemingly good natured enough if not foolish. "I'm going to begin making my fortune, how about you? Seems like a heck of an opportunity don't you think?" as he holds up the rolled parchment he clutches in his hand. He had snatched it right off the pole when he first read it and followed the directions on how to get here... He was only the second in line after all... "I figure this will make a nice souvenir. Maybe I will keep it and hang it over my chair one day. A nice memento of this first big adventure! Heck of a conversational piece too! Just think... 'Oh that ole thing? Why that was my first adventure where I earned my coin with Captain Quark! That where I met...' oh... say what was your names again?" He hadn't taken a breath, much less asked until now...

Then the Captain showed up and he grinned wide. This was it! So eager to get started (and more than a little oblivious to the fact) he steps out in front of the hairy warrior and puts his hand out to the captain. "Monocar Jemara of Hochoch, at your service, Sir! Is it Sir, or do you prefer Captain? Maybe Capetian? Anyway, I am here for work! I am looking to begin making my fortune you see. Big plans! I'll happily be the muscle you're looking for and I have a background in carpentry, too! Learned the business from my father you see. Well, the skill, anyway... I leave the business to my brother Listairn, he's better at that sort of thing, Mage and all... Oh, did I mention he was my brother? I guess that isn't important, unless you need next of kin and all, in which you may want to know his name. Well there is my father, Nolig, but it may be best to have Listarin break the bad news if something bad were to happen. Not that it will of course... formalities and all..." He grins and takes a breath... it's like seeing a gnome load a crossbow... there is another shot coming!

Just before anyone can stop him he starts again, having noticed the scribe for the first time. "Hey! Are you writing everything I say down? That's wonderful! Was never good at writing, myself. Although my teacher said I had the gift of gab, whatever that is... Weird word gab... Anyway, my poor teacher quite school just before I did. Something about headaches... or a pain in his neck... Wow, you really do write down everything don't you? What if someone said something crazy like 'weasel, underpants, dagger, wooden spoon, oatmeal, goblin-ball, hanky panky...' you're not writing that are you? Hey that's the same face my teacher used to make... Could you be related? Let him know I said hi, I should visit him and ask if his neck ever got better..."

ooc: No worries, I won't do that every post. :lol: I figured the first one needs to be the most elaborate, and it would be a good chance to lay out a first impression of an excited young man. We've all been there! Hope it brought you some amusement. Thanks OM for setting this up. I am looking forward to sharing another game with all my friends here! Good luck everybody! Eager Beaver, signing out!
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Re: Introduction: Let's All Get on Board

#8 Post by Jernau35 »

Waesfaren Rhey

Standing near the top of the gangplank, enjoying the smell of the salt air for the first time in his life, (and trying to ignore the less pleasant scents on the breeze), the half-elf is startled by a sudden jolt on his thigh. He looks down to see a Halfling skillfully elbowing his way up the line. “Hoy! You nearly had me in the water there, you little…” he exclaims, but the fellow has already made his way to the front, paying no mind to the grumbling in his wake. Rhey considers protesting further, but then a panicked look appears on his face. He grasps at his coin-purse and is relieved to find it still there. Before leaving his village he had been warned about the kind of tricks that devious city folk liked to pull on honest country folk!

The line continues to move forward and after a moment Rhey finds himself at the top of the gangplank. He takes a deep breath, utters a brief prayer of thanks, and steps forward into what he hopes is a new chapter in his life and the beginning of an exciting adventure. Unfortunately, he fails to notice the 4-inch drop from the gangplank to the deck, stumbling forward into the person in front of him and dropping his spear to the deck with a loud clatter. Apologizing profusely for his clumsiness, he stands back in line, his blushes at least partly hidden by his luxurious facial hair, until it is his turn to face the captain and his scribe.

“My name? Waesfaren Rhey, but don’t worry about spelling it. It’s an Elven name, folks always seem to have a problem with those. I generally go by Wes these days, since I took up with my dad. But he’s gone now, y'see, and I thought it was time to strike out and see a bit of the world for m’self. Now, where do I stow my gear? Over here?”
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Re: Introduction: Let's All Get on Board

#9 Post by Storm11 »

The softly spoken half-orc looks alarmed as the chatting young human giant begins blabbering at him. Straightening his orange robes over his banded armour the ugly holy champion of the lord of light smiles what he hopes is a disarming smile, but in reality is a dangerous looking grimace.

"errr charmed I am sure.." he says in his timid voice, so at odds with his burly muscled appearance.

Breathing with a sigh of relief when the chatty hunter turns to the ships captain the champion of Pholtus clutches his flail to him, startled as a small halfling with a long tail of hair bustles by him. "By the blinding light but these creatures are energetic!" he mutters to
himself trying to calm his nerves.

Stepping up to the scribe the half-orc smiles again trying to look discerning, catching his snaggle tooth on his upper lip in the process. Bowing he whispers"Saracen Solaris, holy champion of the great lord of light Pholtus, may his light guide you through the darkness!". The half-Orc signs the ledger in his big paws and nods unsurely.

"How uninhabited is this islander head to?" Saracen asks quietly clearing his throat in what comes acuras as a menacing growl. "Are there any natives living there at all? Any caves known that would be a good base that can be seen from the coast? Any sightings of other creatures or monsters at all? Pholtus knows being prepared is a good thing."

After receiving his answer Saracen will move off after the hobbit and the talkative excitable human warrior and wanders to the ships edge, adjusting his massive two handed sword and shortbow each strapped to his back, and touches the metal and then the wooden sun symbols hanging about his thick neck almost out of habit. 'Pholtus hear the call of your devoted servant, and walk with me as I begin this latest stage of my enlightenment, I draw my strength from your steadfast guidance.' he prays silently, ears pricked up to listen to what goes on around him. What could await him across the saltwater he doe not know, but there's surely a part of him that is both scared and excited, eager to prove himself and grow in favour with the lord of Light.
Last edited by Storm11 on Wed Jan 11, 2017 2:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Introduction: Let's All Get on Board

#10 Post by Spearmint »

The Elven maiden steps forward and looks with haunting green eyes. She takes the quill in her hand and scribes in neat calligraphy, elven runes which bear her mark. Miss Tal, graduate of the Academy of the Institute for National Geographics, Niola Dra. It is a well known exploration society, funded in part by nobles and 'corporate enterprise' bankers who seek knowledge of mysteries ancient and unknown further afield.

'Miss Tal' looks up after signing her details and hands the quill back opening a small velvet purse with a few shiny gold coins in. Tipping them into her palm she counts half a dozen, rubbing a few together in her long fingers and slowly puts them back inside. Leaning to whisper in his ears she asks "I need a private cabin, not a dorm like these commoners. Soft mattress and a window view would be fine."and moves to put the pouch of coins in his breast pocket tapping it softly as she goes.

She heaves her rucksack of gear and gingerly steps on board, making no further eye contact with anymore, instead pulling up her hood and looking out to sea from the prow.
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Re: Introduction: Let's All Get on Board

#11 Post by Inferno »

Jack in the Green, lost boy:

Wide-eyed and smiling beneath the bright breaking dawn, the ancient child watches the bustling, noisy industry of the brave young heroes and monsters with obvious delight. What a dazzling, dizzying world these buzzing mortals have forged for themselves in such a short time.

Talk of adventure soon catches Jack's pointed ears. Jack likes adventure!

Scampering underfoot, and getting in the way, the little boy watches all the activity around the Fate, especially the loading of cargo. He's innocently looking for the chance to stow away in a crate that is waiting to be carried onboard.
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: Introduction: Let's All Get on Board

#12 Post by Urson »

Luther 'The Bear'

Luther smiles, letting the other warrior chatter on. 'I suspect he's nervous', Luther thought to himself. He looks over the collection of volunteers on the dock, quietly appraising them, trying to separate the adventurers from the farmers, merchants, and craftsmen. He nods occasionally as Monocar speaks, letting the man talk.
When he reaches the front of the line: Luther, often called The Bear. Ranger, scout, wilderness huntsman. Of Black Grove, on the edge of the Dreadwood. No, no spouse, no animals. He makes his mark, a few looping strokes that sketch out a bear pawprint. He moves to an unoccupied corner of the deck, dropping a canvas duffel against the cabin wall.

He moves back down the gangplank, hunkering to be on eye level with the Lost Boy. Where are your parents, lad? Do you need help? Despite his efforts to keep his voice down, it booms across the dock as he speaks. He smiles- white teeth flashing in the thicket of his beard and moustache.
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Re: Introduction: Let's All Get on Board

#13 Post by Inferno »

Jack, lost boy:

The aged youth slyly watches the big furry grownup from the corners of his laughing eyes. Someone who loves nature can't be all bad!
Urson wrote:Luther 'The Bear'
He moves back down the gangplank, hunkering to be on eye level with the Lost Boy. Where are your parents, lad? Do you need help? Despite his efforts to keep his voice down, it booms across the dock as he speaks.
"Shhhhh! Do you promise not to tell?" Jack requests solemnly, little fists on little hips. "Hope to die?!"
He cranes his neck forward to look Luther full in the face and whispers conspiratorially with earnest dread, "Yes. Yes, I do need help, mister! Will you help me? You see.... I'm lost! My parents.... are on the island! I need to get to them! They must be sick with worry! Can you help me get on this boat?"
His pleading face brightens with hope. "Pleeeeeeeeease?"
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: Introduction: Let's All Get on Board

#14 Post by Nuke66 »

OOC: Sorry, I tried to post at work today, but I got timed out and lost my post :cry:

Raythan gathers at the dock with the rest of the masses. He appears slightly agitated being stuck in the crowd of humanity. As the crew barks out directions, he listens carefully and finds his place in line. Grasping the poster in his right hand, he focuses on it as he scans the crowd. He takes note of the non-human individuals finding it interesting that there is quite a racial variety represented on this adventure. Of particular interest are the persons on elven decent.

He waits in line to sigh his name and slowly approaches the gang plank. As he finally approaches he states his name. "Raythan Crechan" and he signs his name is an easily flowing script. He walks up the plank easily, seemingly at easy with the situation. Once on board, he move to fore to the prow, looking for a relatively quite place to sit for a bit. Up on the forecastle, he notes and elven woman and decides that's where he should settle in. In evlen, he breaks the ice. "My name in Raythan, mind if I sit here?"
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Re: Introduction: Let's All Get on Board

#15 Post by tkrexx »

"My name in Raythan, mind if I sit here?"
Not at all, Friend, Lightfinger responds in near-perfect Elven, sitting his own pack down to the other side of the green-eyed She-Elf. He hops atop his tightly-wrapped belongings, sits comfortably and continues with a smile. Unless I'm mistaken, I'm among the brains here? I thought maybe that bearded one might also be one of us, until he face-planted coming aboard! A hearty laugh follows.

The Halfling continues pleasantries with the duo, but his keen eyes have caught sight of the child... Is he being accosted by the hairy barbarian? Or did he sneak a few coins from his purse? Is he begging? Or... He keeps looking to the ship? No, surely not that!

At any rate, reconnecting with his Elven audience, With the 3 of them in front of us, He indicates the Barbarian, the talkative giant and the Half-Orc, I believe we should fare quite well on this venture. Orange. He shakes his head slightly. He wears orange. Not one for keeping a low profile, is he?
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Re: Introduction: Let's All Get on Board

#16 Post by Nuke66 »

"Brains here, Ahh, I see. Me thinks you are assessing the situation quickly Friend." the half elf responds. He moves to make himself comfortable before continuing. "Myself. I think I am going wait for little while before I reach any decisions, well, other than the obvious.". Raythan wonders if his comments might get through the halfling's attention span.
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Re: Introduction: Let's All Get on Board

#17 Post by Jernau35 »

Waesfaren Rhey
Storm11 wrote:
After receiving his answer Saracen will move off after the hobbit and the talkative excitable human warrior and wanders to the ships edge
Searching for a place to lay his gear on the crowded, bustling deck, Wes notices that the common folk around the half-orc have drawn away, intimidated by his fierce appearance. Taking his chance, Wes slips into the gap, dumping his pack on the deck to stake his claim. Relieved of the weight, he stretches and turns to his orange-clad neighbor. “By the Shalm, it feels good to be rid of that! I thought I was travelling light, but apparently not. I suppose a big fellow like you isn’t too bothered by stuff like that?” He extends his hand: “My name is Wes, by the way. I’m heading out to the island to explore and search for new creatures. Mebbe find a bit of adventure along the way, eh?" He chuckles. “I expect you are looking for the same kind of things too?”

“Pardon my eavesdropping, but I heard you asking the captain some pertinent questions about our destination as you came aboard. Did you learn anything of interest? I meant to ask a few myself, but just forgot in all the rush. Never was much good at concentrating. Brains of a rocking horse, my old dad used to say”
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Re: Introduction: Let's All Get on Board

#18 Post by Urson »

Inferno wrote: "Shhhhh! Do you promise not to tell?" Jack requests solemnly, little fists on little hips. "Hope to die?!"
He cranes his neck forward to look Luther full in the face and whispers conspiratorially with earnest dread, "Yes. Yes, I do need help, mister! Will you help me? You see.... I'm lost! My parents.... are on the island! I need to get to them! They must be sick with worry! Can you help me get on this boat?"
His pleading face brightens with hope. "Pleeeeeeeeease?"
Easy, boy. Just stay with me, follow my lead.
Luther stands and walks back to the gangplank, making sure to set a pace Jack can follow. At the sign-in desk:This lad's with me. I took him in after his parents were killed. I thought he was beside me until I put down my gear. Add him to my name, yeah?
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Re: Introduction: Let's All Get on Board

#19 Post by Inferno »

Jack, lost boy:

The archaic urchin nods earnestly, "Thanks, mister!" and when he peers over the desk at the scary man with the book, he says, "I'm Jack."
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: Introduction: Let's All Get on Board

#20 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Shoving Off!
Early morning
Day: -2

The line gets shorter as folks begin to make their way onto the Twisted Fate. The sloop seems seaworthy enough, though the deck is badly scratched and scuffed. (Can I get a hard INT check from Wes and Luther, please?) One by one the people make their marks in the log and climb aboard the ship. You soon realize that the trip isn’t actually “free” for every passenger as gold is changing hands between the scribe and the commoners. None of you are asked for payment however and the process continues until most folks are checked in.

Lightfinger sneaks his way to the front, bumping into Wes along the way. The druid quickly checks for all of his belongings. The halfling mentions that he will be in with the brains group, getting a silent nod accompanied by an eye roll from the men. Miss Tal tries a bribe, hoping to get a private cabin.

The bespectacled scribe....
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...... hands her coins to the captain as the men share a long laugh at the mere mention of the idea. “Looks like we got us one of them boneified ristercrats here, sir. Wait till she figures out that there ain't no cabins!”

Captain Quark.....
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.....seems happy to respond to any questions. He tells the talkative giant to “call me Captain like everyone else does” as the young man rattles on, proving his intellect. Once the captain hears about the man’s former stint as a tree cutter, the captain perks up a bit more. “Indeed? Well that is certainly something. Make a note of that in the log, bosun!"

He then converses with Saracen, answering his questions as he also boards the sloop.
“Oh boy, Mr. Nehru is really going to love this one! I would keep your religious beliefs to yourself once you reach the island if I were you. Yes, we have seen dark skinned natives on the island. They seem to be harmless so far, but there is an obvious language barrier to deal with. We have seen no caves from the water near to where we dock. There is a long beach where a settlement has been started but not much else exists yet I’m afraid. There is no shortage of dangerous encounters though, from what I’ve heard so far”

After watching both Monocar and Saracen board, the captain makes a comment about a pair of “anchors” to the frantically scribbling scribe. They share another good laugh together.

You are all told to get on board and pick a square on deck to reside in. Once aboard, you see what the sailors are talking about. There are several 3 by 7 foot rectangles drawn out in chalk covering the entire deck of the ship. Some of them are already filled with adventurers and commoners alike. There are whole families huddled together in adjoining slots. The elves and the halfling congregate towards the prow for a short conversation as the crew goes about their business of getting the ship ready to shove off, clearly irritated by the many people scattered around the deck.

Little Jack seems reluctant to board alone. Luther the bear notices this and tries to help the lost boy out. He leaves the ship again, much to the chagrin of the crewmen. After a short explanation, he attempts to get the boy elf on board. His good natured act is met with considerable resistance.

“That’s very cute.......but dressing your boy up like an adventurer isn’t going to fool anybody. We are under strict orders to ONLY allow adventuring types aboard for free. Your son’s passage will cost you 50 pieces of gold, just like everyone else. Now, pay up so we can depart.”
I didn't mean to barge in on the conversations. Please continue the great role play while we figure out how to get the little trouble maker on board. :lol:
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