TREEHOUSE (tavern)

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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#201 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Most of the party members enter the tavern to take Randall up on his offer of free eats and drinks. He pulls two rugged tables together to make room for everyone and starts dolling out mugs of not so fresh grog. The rest of the patrons seem happy enough, despite the excitement of the morning starting to wane. A few of the townies thank the adventurers again for their generous offer of crab meat, even though it is likely almost gone by now.

Randall eventually brings a few free bowls of his new jungle stew to the table as well, for anyone who is feeling really adventurous. Though he doesn't mention the fact that you basically saved the lives of three children, he seems quite pleased with the favor you did for him. He keeps the drinks and food coming until you have all had your fill.

Jack looks around at the other patrons, most of them glaring at him and wondering why a child is in the tavern. He spots two of the men that were in the group on the beach. They look to be around 30 years old or so, but judging age here is difficult when everyone on the island looks so tattered and disheveled. They could be younger. Jack sits real close and listens to them as best he can. He hears a few things that pique his interest.

"Those beetles are the fucking worst! I can fight against almost anything, but when something that size turns it's ass to you and sprays out a blast of toxic liquid in your face, how are you supposed to fight against something like that."

"Our guys didn't deserve to go out like that either. The smell of their melting flesh and the sound of their gurgling screams will haunt my mind to my grave. Which, out here, might be pretty damn soon."

"That crazy bitch will be the end of us out here if we aren't careful. I don't know why Tark spoke so highly of her. And where are all these mysterious obelisks that she kept talking about? Nowhere! That's where! That whole thing was nothing more than a wild goose chase that got 2 of us killed. We should have never believed that there were shiny magical portals out there somewhere in the first place."
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#202 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Monocar addresses Randall concerns about Owen. The dark skinned bartender listens to every word before freaking out a little.

"SEE!!! See what mi tells ya? Dem likkle monsters got O N?!?! Dem tings are NOT civilized! Dey are no good an need ta be dealt wit!!! We need ta get O N back!!! I neva truss dem tings one bit an aint gonna start now. Especially if dem got O N!"

"Ow did ya get all dis information from dem? Dey cant even talk!"

"An ow ya plan on killing a giant sea monster?"
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#203 Post by Storm11 »

Saracen slams emptying bowl of stew down as Randall speaks. "You invaided their HOME! You cut down their houses, you stole all THEIR food! And you think THEY are uncivilised. You bloody well WILL get on with them, or there will be some serious trouble. That they are even willing to broker a peace with us says more about them and less about us for sure. We used magic to understand what they were trying to say, and they have their own magic to communicate for a short time with us. If you carry on talking like that you will be signing Owens death warrant yourself, and his death will be on your hands! Do you understand? Try and put yourself in the place of these creatures. If someone had taken everything you had would you be willing to be friends? I am damn sure not. Leave them ALONE! I mean it. If it comes to a war with the monkoons, I shall fight on their side, Pholtus demands the right of it. The blinding light always has his vengeance. Be warned! the half-orc snaps peevishly. He glowers at the bar keep menacingly, and then at the patrons in general.
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#204 Post by Urson »


Take it easy, people! We're in a truce with the Tree People now- let's not mess that up.

Luther tries again to enjoy his grog, but makes a horrible face and pushes the mug away.

OK folks- we've been in a hurry, lookin' to try and help. I think that may be part of our problem. We need to slow down a bit. I really like the idea of using acid on the troll. Tomorrow, I wanna go back to that place where those big bugs are and scout it thoroughly. We'll get a clear picture of what we're dealing with, _then_ fall back to the beach and start planning.
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#205 Post by Inferno »

Jack, lost boy:
OGRE MAGE wrote: "...And where are all these mysterious obelisks that she kept talking about? Nowhere! That's where! That whole thing was nothing more than a wild goose chase that got 2 of us killed. We should have never believed that there were shiny magical portals out there somewhere in the first place."
Jack thinks they must be pulling his leg.
He nonchalantly glances over to see if they've caught him eavesdropping. Or are they really serious?!
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Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#206 Post by Bluehorse »


The young man seems dumbstruck by Randall's reaction to what he has said. He is doubly so by Scaracen's fiery reply. As he lets his mind think over the exchange of words, he cannot help but think he has made an egregious mistake in sharing what he knew. All the same, he thinks of what the half-orc holy man said about what side he would take if things escalated to a fight. The big man doesn't like the idea of anyone fighting here, much less with the Treefolk, but he realizes that it is indeed the only possible right side in this would-be conflict. Scaracen was right, it was the citizens of Beachtown that were the invaders here, but he hoped with all his heart that it never came to that. He listens to Luthar as he interjects and brings everyone back to the task at hand that can really solve most of their problems. He hoped that cooler heads like Luthar's could win the day in the end. He was the kind of leader and thinker that this place really needed. Luthar & Jack, 2020 He looked to both of the men with an apologetic look as if to say, "Sorry, I should keep my yap shut." Looking to Luthar specifically, So in the morning we will set out to scout for the beetles? Recon only, don't engage?"
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#207 Post by Urson »

Luther nods. Definitely. Just a few of us- the sneakiest ones- scout the area. Everyone else stays well back, so they're not in any danger.

Now- what else do we need to deal with? The troll, of course- and making a solid truce with the Tree Folk. Beyond that, I'm interested in getting a more reliable food supply- clearing land, hunting parties, other such things. What else?

Randall! May I have a bowl of your stew, please? And don't worry too much about Owen. I saw him myself, when I parleyed with the Tree People. He's a hostage, but he's a well-cared-for hostage.

When the stew arrives, he digs in- ignoring the odd bits floating in it.
At the end of this impromptu meeting; We did a damn good thing today, folks! Bravo! , and then he proceeds to bed.
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#208 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Randall is taken back a bit at the outrage of Saracen.

" take der side? But dey tiefs.....and baby snathcers! Dem neva like us or want us ear. Not at da beginning, and not now eider. But, if dem got O N, den mi will do wayasay. Mi don't want notin bad to happen to O N."

The barkeep looks around at the other patrons, trying to gauge if the warrior priest's feelings are universal amongst everyone. He feels a little better once Luther tries to calm the mood. He is used to seeing the bitter beer face when folks taste his grog, so he takes no offense. He continues bringing stew and grog to the party who found the kids.

"Truce ya say? Is dat true? Mi almoos cant believe it, but if dem stop all der steeling, den Randall will leave dem alone, too. We need to get O N back soon! Him is very important roun ear! Dem furry tiefs want da sea monster dead? How ya gwan do dat?"

More plans are discussed about the beetles and troll as Lightfinger strolls to the outside railing as the sun sets below the water completely. The Halfling looks around at the townsfolk, hoping to spot a familiar face. He doesn't see who he is really looking for, but he does see the large woman who is in charge of the water gathering walking along, just below the taverns platform. She looks up at him and winks as she walks by.

Jack eavesdrops on the two members of the battered party from the beach with the tact of a normal 13 year old. They don't seem to notice him, until he continues to look in their direction. They appeared to be quite serious at first, but now that they seem to have caught him peeking in their direction, they lower their voices and Jack can no longer hear what they are saying.

Monocar continues making plans for the morning as the sky outside begins to darken. The bugs and jungle frogs start to buzz and chirp even louder now, the usual indication that nightfall is nearing.

I will create a new thread for the beetle hunt so we can resume making those plans in there.
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#209 Post by OGRE MAGE »

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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#210 Post by Bluehorse »


Calmly looks up at Randall. "With all do respect and hope it never comes to it, especially since we are making positive headway with the Treefolk, but I am with Saracen. If it comes to open conflict, I'm siding with The Treefolk. They seem to me to be on the right side. However, I want to make two things clear. I don't think it will come to that if we keep cool heads about this, and work together to bring down the troll. The Treefolk are testing us, and I think they have every right to test us and hold Owen as a hostage considering everything that's happened when you see their point of view. Secondly, I will use everything in my power to keep this from coming to a conflict between the Treefolk and our town. If I have to stand between both sides, I will. We are too close to peace for it not to be worth a sacrifice. Besides, enemies seem more than plentiful on this island. If i have a chance, no matter how small, to make friends, I choose friends evwry time."

Looking to Luthar before he leaves and laughs, fully aware he is stealthy as a goblin genadeer. "Your call friend, I can come for backup and hang back, or I can tend to some other chores that need work around here.
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#211 Post by tkrexx »

Lightfinger turns his head in agreement.

There will be no open conflict, He states pleasantly, The Treefolk are too clever for that. They know they can avoid us at will. Besides, they certainly must be aware that they need only cut off supply chains and starve the town out. They could have done this long ago, and are possibly debating this very subject amongst themselves now. In truth, they could well be valuable allies, a warning system for the town when danger is afoot, IF, that is, we can curry favor with them.
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#213 Post by Inferno »

Jack, lost boy:

The subtle art of politics between Men and raccoon monkeys eludes Jack.

"Well. Good night! See you tomorrow!"
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Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
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Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#214 Post by OGRE MAGE »

SirOwen wrote:Jaxsen Reiter
Once down from the canopy, Jaxsen takes a few moments to re-commit to memory everything he saw from the treetops. He then returns to the Treehouse. He climbs up and seeks out Randall.

"I'm sorry, Randall," he says. "But I have seen these Monkoons up close now and although you may have had some problems with them yourself, I cannot see anything about them that makes them enemies of this hive. If that changes, I will certainly do my part to defend us. I just wanted you to know. I would not have you think I am a deceiver."

He looks around the bar. "Until I become more acquainted with the rest of this hive, have you any duties I might perform? Cleaning I am very good at. I can nail down loose boards as well. I do not need money for these things, but perhaps some food and water?"
Randall just shrugs his shoulders.

"Well, if ya no can elp me, den mi no can elp you. Mi don't need cleanin or nailin, mi need to do away wit mi troubles. If ya no can do dat, den mi have noting else fi you ta do."

"If ya wan free wata, den go along wit da women tomorrow marnin to fetch some!"
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#215 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

"I understand....." says Jax. He understands now that this 'Randall' creature is not a hive mate, but merely here to profit from the hive. "Very well. How much to fill these two skins with water? I wouldn't want to go thirsty overnight because I have no water." He pays, gets his water, and leaves.

Jax asks around about shelter. He finds himself at the Hi-Lo, renting a shack. The accommodations are quite spacious compared to his hive cell back home, if not quite so solid, and he settles into his hammock for the night.

'Great Bralm, Mighty Hive Queen,' he prays. 'Forgive this lowly grub for not accomplishing more in this day you have generously given me. I honor thee and thank thee, and swear all in this hive shall know you taught me to work hard for the good of the hive and the glory of your name.'
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#216 Post by Bluehorse »


After washing off the day's adventure funk, he climbs up to the treehouse and settles down. "Hi Randall. How goes it? Stew and a grog please? Don't know why people complain. Taste pretty good if you ask me."
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#217 Post by OGRE MAGE »

"Yes Mon!" replies Randall. "Coming rite up, jano!"

Monocar wipes the last of the fresh water from his face and notices Avaala just finishing up what must have been some kind of a transaction with the barkeep. There are a dozen empty green bottles lined up on the sorry excuse for a bar.

"It's an........acquired taste, jano!"
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#218 Post by SirOwen »


"Monocar!" says Avaala. "Just the man I was looking for, and I didn't even know it!"

"I've figured out a delivery system for the bug juice, but I need help getting them back to Chauncey.
I've got some old crates back here that might help. What do you think?"
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#219 Post by SirOwen »


"It really should work." says Avaala. "I've got heavy glazed jugs to store the stuff in until we use it, and fragile glass bottles to put it in when we attack."
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#220 Post by Bluehorse »


Grins good heartedly with Randall digging out some coins. He then turns to Avaala with raised eyebrows as he listens. "That sounds great! Sure I'll help you carry them out. Once we have a bite to eat, we can take them wherever." he looks at the vials. "What's the green stuff?"
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