Everyday Life in Beachtown

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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#261 Post by ravenn4544 »

Alordan smiles and says 'Excellent! Here is 2 gold to get you started - rest of the gold when completed of course! I can help gather firewood for you - and then maybe 3 gold and some silver for your time and 5 hooks?"
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#262 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The simpleton Quasi Blacksmith looks confused at first, but then smiles again, jingling the 2 gold coins together in his hand.

"Get yourself into that jungle and find me some decent dried hardwood. If you get me enough of it, I will only charge you 3 gold for the 5 hooks. Deal?"
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#263 Post by ravenn4544 »

Alordan nods and shakes the man's hand, "Deal. Thank you good sir.". With that, he heads out towards the woods. He keeps close to the village and walks slowly and cautiously through the jungle collecting wood. He keeps close to the edge of the forest and an eye on the beach for driftwood. The monkoon area is where he will start, to have a potential ally looking out for him, and hopefully less chance of running into anything dangerous.
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#264 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Much like the food supply in this area, most of the good dried wood nearby has already been picked through extensively. The ranger must travel far and wide to find what he seeks. He stays within eye sight of the town, but has to travel the tree line of the western beach for some time before finding any significant amounts to drag back with him. He doesn't run into any opposition while doing his collecting, but notices many footprints and other tracks in the sand along his journey.

It takes him a fair amount of time, but eventually Alordan comes up with enough wood to offer the iron working townie.
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#265 Post by ravenn4544 »

With one task in the works, Alordan heads to the Hi-Lo to look at getting some rope to go with the hooks.
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#266 Post by OGRE MAGE »

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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#267 Post by Bluehorse »


Wakes the next morning, a little earlier than usual. He id surprised to see he is in the Holy Man's shack. Seeing the half-orc laying in the hammock opposite of him. He vaguely remembered the latter half of the walk to town. The mage with the awesome dog must have mistakenly thought he was rooming with the cleric. He slowly stands and flexes, still feeling less than 100%, but mostly healed though something in his chest felt... broken. Like somr part of him would never be the same. He is carful not to wake his companion as he straps on his sword, but leaves the armor for now to step outside. He looks around surprised to see it is the early stages of nautical sunrise, the sky just starting to grey to the east. He makes his way to the eater barrel and gets a drink.

Once his thirst is slacked, he splashes himself a few times. He missed getting a proper bath, but he was leary of the shallows long as the troll was out there. He does what he can at the barrel and moves on to the fire tenders to see if there is meat left.
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#268 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Crab Breakfast
Waterday, 24th of Reaping
Early morning, Slightly Cooler, Less Muggy

The late night crab boil turns into a bigger draw than the fire tenders can handle. The mention of full cooking pots spreads through the sleeping village faster than you can say starvation, and soon about half of the hungry townies are up lending a hand, awaiting their first mouthful of substantial food in weeks. Before long there are people helping out with every aspect of the preparations, some cooking, others cutting and cleaning, and more still standing guard and tending the fire, keeping the smoke up just enough to keep the nasty swarms of nighttime insects at bay.

Avalaa and Chauncey have a nice chat before the adequate wizard takes his leave, dragging one of the huge meat filled claws back to his shack with him. Monocar accepts any healing that the priests pass out before he too retires for the evening. Luther helps out with a lot of the heavy lifting, making sure that none of this huge animals removed parts are lost in the darkness. He doesn’t want any of this meat to go to waste in the wake of the starving villagers. While poking around in the waste, he remembers that, if the crab was digesting poisonous frogs and toads, some of the organs might not be the best meat for human consumption. He separates the guts and organs, wrapping them up and burying them for now so that they can be used as bait at another time. Jack pokes around at the cracked, empty shells and guts for a little while before he also calls it a night.

With full bellies, the successful hunting group heads off to bed for the evening with pats on the back and sincere praising thanks from every single townsperson still awake. Once morning arrives and the rest of the town awakens to see what has transpired in the night, the real celebration begins. Every single member of the town eventually heads down to the beach to see what the excitement is all about. None of them are disappointed to see the results of the hunt and each person helps out with preparing a celebration breakfast. Mr. Nehru says a few words of thanks and begins splitting the remaining meat up and rationing it out evenly to everyone involved. There is plenty of crab meat to go around and anything left after the rationing is cut into thin strips and smoked so it won’t spoil. If the town could somehow secure a meal this size about once a week, nobody would have to go hungry here again.

Monocar wakes up early, feeling almost human again. He gets some water and spots the early morning party at the fire pit. The fire cooks are still hard at work and the group of gorged villagers are helping cut and smoke the remainder of the fresh meat. More and more people arrive to eat something and to help out where they can, each of them thanking the huge man profusely every time a newcomer arrives. This appears to be one of the best things that has happened to these people in a long time.

I will give everyone some time to post anything they want to do yet this morning. There will be a lot of action in and around town today with the celebration of food. You also hear that the next ship is scheduled to arrive on the island any time now.

If you want to continue preparations for the troll mission (or any other mission), please do that in the appropriate thread. Thanks!
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#269 Post by OGRE MAGE »

tkrexx wrote:Lightfinger strolls.
His belly full, the Tallfellow again tours the village. Perhaps he'll run into the Grandmotherly Hag, or even an old Magician. Or perhaps he'll return to his hammock after the patrol is complete.
In the morning, the little thief indeed does spot the old woman that he had dealt with a few days earlier. She is hard at work with the cooks, helping to prepare the remaining meat for smoking. She pays the pretty halfling no attention. There is no sign of Harold the old wizard anywhere along the beach.
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#270 Post by Inferno »

Jack, lost boy:

At the crack of dawn, Jack yells, "Wake up everybody! It's time to adventuring!"

But he soon realizes there will be no adventuring today. Jack sulks around the crab feast scowling, "You're welcome! You're welcome!" sullenly chewing crab and wishing it were pancakes.

Then he suddenly gets an idea and scampers up to Luther and anyone who is with him. "Hey! We should use the log trap to kill the sea monster!!"
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Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
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Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#271 Post by SirOwen »


Avalaa wakes early, as is his wont, and takes Rollo for his morning walk. As Rollo shakes his head, spreading slobber all over, the mage says, "I know, boy. These bugs are a menace. When Chauncey arrives, I'll ask him if anyone has come up with anything to keep them away. Let's just take our walk and then we'll see about breakfast."
The two of them wind up at the Treehouse, and Avalaa climbs up, telling Rollo to stay below. He buys a big bowl of stew for the two of them (-1sp) and reminds Randall that he'll be back later for the coconut oil. He takes his leave, and he and Rollo go to their shack for breakfast. (Stew for Avalaa, and Stew and dog rations for Rollo.)

When Chauncey arrives, Avalaa suggests using the tables and counters at the Hi-Lo for their exchange. "I'm thinking that will be fairly comfortable, unless you have another place that you would prefer?"
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#272 Post by Bluehorse »


Finds himself smiling at the gathering around the food. He happily eats his fill of crab meat and begins sharing his ideas for modifying the log trap to take out the sea troll, hoping to enlist help from happy villagers for rope, tools, and hardy bodies. He encourages people to sprrad word of the next outing and a list of things they will likely need help with. He even asked about old clothes and baskets, describing an idea of stuffing a set of baskets with chum and dressing it up like a scarecrow to help lure the troll in. Anyone with building or engineering skills, he will also consult about how best to redesign the trap, considinger anything from keeping it simplr and the same to an idea of using two that would smash together from either side and "pop him like a pimple." he describes this with somr exageration for Jack's benefit. His biggest concern is getting people together for casting the hooks to drag the troll to shore and the (presumably with pullies and tack) suspend the troll so the trap can do the rest of the work.
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#273 Post by ChubbyPixie »

SirOwen wrote:Avalaa

When Chauncey arrives, Avalaa suggests using the tables and counters at the Hi-Lo for their exchange. "I'm thinking that will be fairly comfortable, unless you have another place that you would prefer?"
"I suppose the Hi-Lo is as good a place as any," says Chauncey, visibly tired from all of last evening's activity, "But if he tries to charge us rent for a table I'm going to Sleep him. ...I trust you've brought your spell book and writing implements? Let's 'hop to it' shall we?" As they walk to the merchant's building, Chauncey says, "I've had a thought - truly I can't keep the ideas from coming - regarding the bug problem you mention. Remember the crab and its size? Quite a lot of mass for a Sleep to affect, yet it did. Now, imagine a crab of that size... made of bugs - gnats, mosquitos, flies, what have you. You see? Perhaps by modifying a Sleep spell, the workings of which I will show you now, we can create a very weak, continual version of it - a Sleep Field, as it were - attach it to a rock or a piece of wood or a figurine of a bug which radiates it constantly, putting bugs to sleep if they approach within a yard or so of the bearer? Surely this can be done." Chauncey gives Avalaa a look that pretty clearly communicates "Yes, it is genius."
Yes, DM, that's right. Chauncey is attempting to invent... the cantrip. :)
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#274 Post by SirOwen »


"I don't believe Mr. Nehru will ask us for rent.
He has come to understand the value adventurers offer. And I've been doing some personal work on the side for him."
Avalaa holds up his inks and quills. "Yes, sir! Ready when you are!"

Listening to Chauncey's ideas about a Sleep field for keeping insect swarms down, Avalaa nods enthusiastically. "It's a brilliant idea, although I do not know that I could be of much help. Enchanting magic items is very advanced work.
But when you are ready, I hope you'll consider me for an assistant. It would be a powerful learning experience."

EDIT: Before they leave the shack, Avalaa checks Rollo's water bowl. "Good boy. Rollo, guard."
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#275 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Crab Breakfast
Waterday, 24th of Reaping
Early morning, Slightly Cooler, Less Muggy

Once he hears about the successful night hunt, Mr. Nehru rushes from his store to get a look at the crab for himself. Seeing the smiling faces of the villagers, he also begins thanking the hunters profusely.

"You know what? This calls for a small celebration! I will offer up a sack of milled flour and some butter so we can put on a proper feast this morning! Somebody fetch Randall and tell him to bring us all out something to drink!"

He calls for Nallisa to bring the items from the store and before long folks are frying up crab cakes and dunking fat chunks of meat into the drawn butter. Every single townsperson gets involved in the festivities, each of them praising the adventures and their generosity at every turn. It is amazing to see how much the presence of real food lifts the spirits of the commoners. Even a few of the other adventuring types on the island come around and enjoy some good food and camaraderie.

The two magic users in the group ask Mr. Nehru about the possibility of using the tables at the Hi-Lo to ply their trade and copy some spells. He not only offers up his own desk for the work to be done, but he also commemorates the festivities by rewarding every member involved in the hunt with one free week of shack rental once their rents come due. "If you folks could bring in something this size to eat once a week, you could live here for free!'

Monocar enjoys the praises but does not allow himself to forget about the groups next task at hand. Asking around amongst the commoners, he finds no one capable of helping with the engineering or making any improvements to the spear trap. In fact, any inquiries of help taking down the troll are met with confusing stares at best and outright laughter most of the time. None of the villagers are willing or even capable of lending a hand with such dangerous deeds. They do not offer up any of their precious tools, materials, or manpower to do the job either.
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#276 Post by SirOwen »


Avalaa looks at the desk Mr. Nehru is using now. He says to Chauncey, "Considering he's had to have this shipped from the mainland, it's a nice enough desk. Wait til you see his new one. It's really something."

Avalaa carefully clears a spot on the desk and there places a quill and an unopened bottle of ink.

"Anyway, this is my book of spells." He pulls a oiled leather wrap from out of his pack and unwraps it. The book within is bound in some kind of black scaled leather with a steel lock and corners. He opens it and turns a few of the soft vellum pages until he comes to the spot he seeks. "This is the Charm spell I told you about. It has been extremely effective for me and I think you will find it highly useful as well."

Avalaa's smile slowly turns into a full grin. He catches himself. "Please excuse me, Chauncey. This is the first time I have added a spell to my book since my teacher gave it to me. It IS exciting, isn't it?"
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#277 Post by Bluehorse »


Disappointed at the general reaction to the troll hunt, but somehow not surprised. He doesn't let it show. He enjoys a good meal and wishes his other friends were her to enjoy it. He realizes he has not seen them in a while and hopes they are okay.

He takes a few crab cakes and a share of rations for later to stash away in Scaricens shack. He's sure the holy man won't mind...

He then sets out to look for anyone willing to join him searching for equipment and scouting a good spot to set a trap for the beast. As almost an afterthought, he straps on his armor and sword, the almost reverently puts the fallen elf's still bloodstained helm on his head.
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#278 Post by ChubbyPixie »

SirOwen wrote:Avalaa

"Anyway, this is my book of spells." He pulls a oiled leather wrap from out of his pack and unwraps it. The book within is bound in some kind of black scaled leather with a steel lock and corners.
Chauncey regards Avalaa's tome. "Yes, yes... very nice. The scales are a nice touch," he says. "Ahem! I hope you won't get the wrong... impression of me. I don't normally share this with others, you'll understand." With that, he pulls his spell book from his pack. It is a dry, mottled, blackish grey. On its cover is a stretched and distorted visage, the face of a flayed goblin. It winks at Avalaa and smiles pathetically. It smells like crab. "Er... pay it no attention. It was a gift from... my mother..." he says glancing over his shoulder. "She... let's just say she hoped I would turn out differently."

SirOwen wrote:Avalaa

He opens it and turns a few of the soft vellum pages until he comes to the spot he seeks. "This is the Charm spell I told you about. It has been extremely effective for me and I think you will find it highly useful as well."

Avalaa's smile slowly turns into a full grin. He catches himself. "Please excuse me, Chauncey. This is the first time I have added a spell to my book since my teacher gave it to me. It IS exciting, isn't it?"
Chauncey quietly casts Read Magic and glances over the proffered incantation, careful not to actually handle the book. As he peruses, his eyes light up. "Yes. Yes, of course! I should have known. It's really quite an elegant formula. I particularly like the part here with all the inverted triangles on the tangents. And this..." he says indicating a squiggle "...I glimpsed in the undulating reeds yesterday as a songbird passed through, but I never would have guessed its significance..." He opens his own book and flips to the Sleep spell. "There, you see? Quite simple really, yet elegant in its own way. As you have indicated you are aware - it has its limits. Truth be told, I don't know exactly where they lie. It's not as if I had some Manual of Monsters to consult before casting to ensure success. Anyway, that wouldn't seem sporting. At any rate, take care when employing it."
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#279 Post by SirOwen »


"No no, not at all," says Avalaa, looking at Chauncey's book of spells. "My own family has suffered at the hands of humanoids.
Making an example of one seems quite fitting."

Avalaa casts his own magical reading spell and begins looking over the Sleep charm. "You're exactly right. Elegant is the perfect word.

Avalaa gives up the spot at the desk where both books can be easily examined. "Please, go first, in honor of your defeat of the crab."
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Re: Everyday Life in Beachtown

#280 Post by Urson »


Luther smiles and laughs a LOT during the crab feast, but looks slightly embarrassed any time anyone praises him directly. After the feast, he checks his fish trap- probably empty.

After that, he teams up with Monocar to scout for Troll Trap materials. He is specifically looking for vines and branches with long thorns, fiber to spin rope from, scraps of the ironwood the lumberjacks are cutting that can be worked into hooks, and straight saplings that will work as harpoon shafts.

He is armed, hoping to spot game or game trails while they are out.
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