Action Thread 3

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Action Thread 3

#1 Post by rredmond »

9:40 pm
The Kitchens.

The party moves into the kitchens.

The party decides to use stealth to begin the battle for the kitchens. The party, minus the two bears which happily wait outside, head toward the kitchens via the long hallways. Trying to stay out of the brightness of the torch and cook lights, they stop 15 or 20 feet from the entrance to the kitchens. Elam and Herzog move forward into the kitchens, using the multiple shadows, and noisiness as their shield to get into position. The party assumes that Arnar is also part of the crew.

The kitchen has the 5 giantesses, 2 or 3 moving continually in and out from the north, but the Herzog gets behind one of the nearest giantesses, apparently successfully and Elam behind another. Considering no alerts have been sounded or seen, the dwarf is in place as well, positioned near the same giantess as Elam.

The party has plenty of time to ready to charge in as the thieves, and dwarf, slowly move into position. The halls behind you seem to be still clear and quiet. Nodding at each other, they each raise a weapon and...

There are the 5 giantesses, at least 10 smallish ogres running back and forth between the north kitchen and the south kitchen rooms, and the place is lousy with orcs. The orcs seem to be running pell-mell and seem to be more trying to keep out of the way of being kicked, hit or stepped on than being much help.

Actions? Please state your actions and make the corresponding rolls. Everyone is going to go in different orders, but I'll sort it all out in the end. Thanks!

Below is the standard Marching Order, though Phaeus and Jack are now out of the room, the sprites are flying out of the room as well:
--Sugarlump-- resting in important guests room
Phaeus -- Rosebud (waiting)
--Arnor (in the kitchen)--
Ethwig (waiting) -- Herzog (in the kitchen)
Sprites (inv/flying) -- Jack (waiting)
Elam (in the kitchen) -- Nessa (waiting)
TeddyB -- TBear waiting outside
There is a 15' silence sling bullet in the hallway, just about 15 feet from the door of the important guest room.

Please let me know if there are any questions by posting in the "Questions for the DM" thread or let me know if I've missed anything.
This is a game about killing things and taking their stuff so you can become more powerful in order to kill bigger things and take even better stuff.
Alethan: I'm good with NOT pressing our luck this time.
mjulius: That's how I know I'm home.
Pulpatoon: The whole point of PbP is to take the scheduling pressure off the game. We're just chatty because we're so eager!
Scott308: ...everyone should be reminded of just how wonderful the people they play games with here can be in real life.
Leitz: Quality and quantity wise, I think US is the best I've seen.
Paladin: I can promise terror, glory, and riches...or a quick and brutal death.
Inferno: Come on! That's was Vicar's Head, a completely different doomed village!
Rex: I can move to the wait list to let someone else into the game.
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Re: Action Thread 3

#2 Post by Stirling »

Phaeus will also sneak into the kitchens with Rosebud, under cover of the steam and crounching under the high tables. When the first giantess is attacked he will spring up and attack the nearest one screaming some wilderness born warcry. I am sure P.I will scream some blood curdling shout too. Rosebud will hopefully blink in to attack from the rear any giant fleeing through the cellar door.

Phaeus, shifting in the shadows should be helped by his displacer cloak, at least in the first rush of melee.
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Re: Action Thread 3

#3 Post by Gynsburghe »

Herzog: Remaining in position, ready to strike when combat is engaged - hopefully backstabbing when the opportunity is best.
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Re: Action Thread 3

#4 Post by rredmond »

Adding a map as requested. It's crowded in them there kitchens... and it's likely that an orc or two saw you, and looked the other way.
Most of the party is waiting in the hallway that everyone came north from the important guests room in.
Arnor and Elam are in position around Giantess 1, while Herzog is in position around Giantess 2.

Have fun! And please make the die rolls that go with your actions. :)
This is a game about killing things and taking their stuff so you can become more powerful in order to kill bigger things and take even better stuff.
Alethan: I'm good with NOT pressing our luck this time.
mjulius: That's how I know I'm home.
Pulpatoon: The whole point of PbP is to take the scheduling pressure off the game. We're just chatty because we're so eager!
Scott308: ...everyone should be reminded of just how wonderful the people they play games with here can be in real life.
Leitz: Quality and quantity wise, I think US is the best I've seen.
Paladin: I can promise terror, glory, and riches...or a quick and brutal death.
Inferno: Come on! That's was Vicar's Head, a completely different doomed village!
Rex: I can move to the wait list to let someone else into the game.
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Re: Action Thread 3

#5 Post by ToniXX »

Ethwig will also wait until the backstabbing has begun. He will then emerge and attack the closest ogre or giantess. He won't attack the orcs unless they retaliate.
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Re: Action Thread 3

#6 Post by max_vale »

Elam Xav; Human male Thief (former Cleric)

Elam nods to Arnor and launches his backstab attack on the Giantess in front of him (Giantess 1), bringing his club around for a vicious shot at the Hill Giant's kidney....

After that, he'll drop the club and bring up the Staff of Striking he's holding in his off-hand and use both hands to swing a two-handed blow after his now-free hand grips the staff, at the same target if she's still standing (using a charge)...

OOC: Okay, for the initial round; a backstab attack and if the Giantess is still standing, a Quarterstaff attack using a charge (for double damage if a hit is scored) on the second round....I'll hold off on rolling for that one though until/unless it's needed

Attack 1: 1d20+4 for backstab attack:

(Using Brock Jones online dice roller as I can't access the Unseen Servant one at work)

1d20 = 13 (+4 for a total of 17)

If that hits, club damage is:

1d6 = 4 (x4 for Thief 9 backstab) final damage: 16
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Re: Action Thread 3

#7 Post by Nuke66 »

As hostilities break out, Nessa sprints to the double doors of the great hall, not allowing any foe to pass and give warning.
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Re: Action Thread 3

#8 Post by Alethan »

Arnav attacks his giantess...

And fails miserably...

Longsword +2 [1d20+4] = 3+4 = 7 Damage [1d12+2] = 10+2 = 12
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Re: Action Thread 3

#9 Post by rredmond »

9:41 pm
The Kitchens.

Surprise Round.

As the hustle and bustle of the kitchen continues, only a few of the orcs seem to notice what's happening. Then Elam, Arnar, and Herzog strike!

Giantess 1 let's out an "oof" exhalation of air upon the club strike. She seems pretty hurt, though is still standing for Arnar's long sword attack, which unfortunately misses. Elam drops his club, whipping out his staff of striking!

Giantess 2 also takes some damage as Herzog attacks with his magic spear (rear attack made more sense than a back stab) and hits (19!) for 8 points of damage.

As the party starts to rush in, Phaeus rushes towards the giantesses Rosebud outdistancing him into the room, PI unsheathed deeply saying "yes!", Ethwig toward the ogres just north of the party, Nessa sprinting full tilt toward the exit in the east wall. Jack moves forward where the hall enters the kitchen.

Unfortunately for the giantesses and ogres, all of this commotion causes them to gasp in surprise [because of course now a 1 comes up on the d6, for surprise and not for a wandering monster check] and the party knows that they have at least 6 seconds of free unfettered actions to do what they will. The orcs meanwhile seem to shrink back against the walls, as if moving out of the way.

The 3 giantesses, and 8 small ogres in this area of the kitchens (leaving 2 giantesses and 3 ogres in the north kitchen room) are all shocked to see the contingent of small humanoids, battle crying sword, and yipping dog enter the room. The orcs are definitely trying to stay out of the fray.

Actions? Please state your actions and make the corresponding rolls. I tried to make the party "tokens" green, not sure if that was helpful :) You have one segment of surprise, so initiative is not needed this round.
Happy holidays everyone! Enjoy the whateveritis my daughter drew on the bottom.

Below is the standard Marching Order:
--Sugarlump-- resting in important guests room
Phaeus -- Rosebud
Ethwig -- Herzog
Sprites (inv/flying) -- Jack
Elam -- Nessa
TeddyB -- TBear waiting outside
There is a 15' silence sling bullet in the hallway, just about 15 feet from the door of the important guest room.

Please let me know if there are any questions by posting in the "Questions for the DM" thread or let me know if I've missed anything.
This is a game about killing things and taking their stuff so you can become more powerful in order to kill bigger things and take even better stuff.
Alethan: I'm good with NOT pressing our luck this time.
mjulius: That's how I know I'm home.
Pulpatoon: The whole point of PbP is to take the scheduling pressure off the game. We're just chatty because we're so eager!
Scott308: ...everyone should be reminded of just how wonderful the people they play games with here can be in real life.
Leitz: Quality and quantity wise, I think US is the best I've seen.
Paladin: I can promise terror, glory, and riches...or a quick and brutal death.
Inferno: Come on! That's was Vicar's Head, a completely different doomed village!
Rex: I can move to the wait list to let someone else into the game.
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Re: Action Thread 3

#10 Post by Stirling »

Phaeus rushes in, a blur of shadow and steel. He attacks giantess 2 with PI longsword.

To hit 1st attack: = 4, damage = 21
To hit 2nd attack: = 17, damage = 22

(Sorry didn't find stats for the new sword so used old weapon macro of d20+2 to hit, d12+11 damage. So you'll have to adjust for PI's bonuses.)
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Re: Action Thread 3

#11 Post by Stirling »

Rosebud, unleashed and told simply to 'savage the giant', successfully launched into melee. Blinking out of sight of the doorway, in an instant she reappears at the rear of giantess 2, leaping to tear at her neck.

Rolled to blink in and rear attack. Rosebud bites as a 4HD creature: to hit 17, dam = 3.
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Re: Action Thread 3

#13 Post by Inferno »

Jack, boy druid/wizard:

The aged child looks out over the giant and ogre filled kitchen with eyes wide and jaw agape. This room is as bad as the feasting hall!

Last round:
Jack pulls up the hood of his Elven cloak and whispers to the sprites: "If we're to enter the dungeons below, the feasting hall can't hear this kitchen fight! Please move the silenced sling bullet near the feasting hall door, my lads! Then, teach some manners to these smelly, cowardly orcs!"

This round:
The ancient boy scampers to Nessa's far side, (careful to avoid the radius of silence) and weaves a faerie spell as his adopted kin taught him, summoning a bolt of lightning from his nimble fingertips! KRAKA-BOOM!
One non-forking bolt, targeting Giantess 3, Ogres 1, 2, 7, 8, and Orc 6. If Jack can also catch Ogre 3, then great.
Lightning Bolt: [9d6] = 28

PS: Nice whateveritis!
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Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
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Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
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Re: Action Thread 3

#14 Post by Alethan »

OOC: I believe Arnar has a 3/2 attack rate as Lvl 7 fighter? If not, disregard second attack...


Never mind. Both rolls are to shitty to post. Two misses.
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Re: Action Thread 3

#15 Post by Gynsburghe »

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Re: Action Thread 3

#16 Post by ToniXX »

Ethwig attacks the ogre in front of him (ogre 4):

to hit [1d20+2] = 14+2 = 16 damage vs large [1d6+2] = 2+2 = 4 mace

He then turns and sees the pink 'whateveritis' and screams! (not really!)
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Re: Action Thread 3

#17 Post by max_vale »

Elam Xav; Human male Thief (former Cleric)

Elam swings with his enchanted staff at the Giantess and then immediately moves back and away towards the corner of the Fireplace (i.e. towards Orcs 3 & 4 and Ogre 10) while yelling out in Hill Giant to the Orcs; "GO! Free yourselves; the time to rise up and escape is NOW!"

Attack Roll with Staff: 1d20 = 13 (I don't know if the +3 for the Staff applies to attacks, I would think so....if result is 16)

Damage with Staff: (using 2 charges, so +6): 1d6 = 3 +6 for a total of 9.

Dice roller at Brock Jones used as I can't use the Unseen Servant's one at work:
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Re: Action Thread 3

#18 Post by rredmond »

9:42 pm
The Kitchens.

Surprise Round, part deux.
Sorry for the late post, I just returned from a funeral in VA.

As it dawns on them that they are being attacked the giants and ogres are slow to the attack. The orcs just stare agape. Jack whispers instructions to the sprites, and they turn invisible as they fly out of the room.

Giantess 1 gets a double whammy of Arnar and Elam. Unfortunately Arnar doesn't hit, but Elam releases a wonderful hit with the Staff of Striking, adding the extra damage seems to crack the giantesses head. As the blood flows freely from her scalp, she slowly falls to the ground, face first, and stops moving. Elam screams at the orcs, in Hill Giant, to run an rebel. But they either don't understand, or are too afraid to move. Or both.

Giantess 2 is in even more dire straits taking hits from Phaeus, Rosebud and Herzog - she falls harder and faster than the first giantess. And there is much more blood. She too is not moving.

Ethwig brings his mace down nicely on the pate of the ogre in front of him, hurting the ogre, but it stands to fight the Cleric!
Nessa effectively blocks the exit from the kitchens, but is unable to hit on her attack.

Meanwhile Jack is able to work his way north. Making sure he is just outside the circle of silence that he can not-hear, he spends a little less than half a minute mumbling some words, throwing some fur in the air, while pointing an amber rod at the giantess that he can just see in that northern hallway. The noise, as well as the electrical discharge in the air, has everyone's hair standing on end! It zaps the giantess (#3), then works it's way through the ogres (7, 8, 1, 2, and 3), passing through an orc (#6) on the way. All seven creatures, smoke rising from their heads, fall to the ground and the smell of charred flesh can be, barely, smelled over the smell of other types of charred flesh that the giantesses had been cooking. Blackened and crispy, all seven fall to the ground, hard and look as if they will never move again.

Ogres 4 and 5 are alive and kicking. But they look around at what has happened, see the party aligned to the south, and Nessa and Jack to the east, and they start to jump over the work table to flee to the north-western exit.


Actions? Please state your actions and make any corresponding rolls that may be needed.
Happy New Year everyone!

Below is the standard Marching Order:
--Sugarlump-- resting in important guests room
Phaeus -- Rosebud
Ethwig -- Herzog
Sprites (inv/flying) -- Jack
Elam -- Nessa
TeddyB -- TBear waiting outside
There is a 15' silence sling bullet in the hallway, just outside the east exit, silencing the hall between the kitchen's exit and the Great Hall entrance.

Please let me know if there are any questions by posting in the "Questions for the DM" thread or let me know if I've missed anything.
This is a game about killing things and taking their stuff so you can become more powerful in order to kill bigger things and take even better stuff.
Alethan: I'm good with NOT pressing our luck this time.
mjulius: That's how I know I'm home.
Pulpatoon: The whole point of PbP is to take the scheduling pressure off the game. We're just chatty because we're so eager!
Scott308: ...everyone should be reminded of just how wonderful the people they play games with here can be in real life.
Leitz: Quality and quantity wise, I think US is the best I've seen.
Paladin: I can promise terror, glory, and riches...or a quick and brutal death.
Inferno: Come on! That's was Vicar's Head, a completely different doomed village!
Rex: I can move to the wait list to let someone else into the game.
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Re: Action Thread 3

#19 Post by Nuke66 »

Nessa, guarding the doors, does not attack, giving her foe time to retreat the other direction, she stands in an athletic stance and simply growls
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Re: Action Thread 3

#20 Post by Stirling »


The ranger, aware there are five giants, persues fleeing foes past orcs 11&12. What does he see? If any of these orcs attack him he will melee them.
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