The Past is Prologue - The Accounts of Clarke, Archer & Finn

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Re: The Past is Prologue - The Accounts of Clarke, Archer &

#501 Post by Inferno »

Sam Archer, private eye:

In Turkey, Archer searched the horse drawn wagon for anything Whately and his gang might have left behind.

After listening to the Miskatonic Men, the flatfoot assumes they all got some bad air in the cave, and suffered oxygen deprivation and brain damage. It explains his memory loss and their hallucinating. The "flying monsters" could have been a one-man plane, like from the War. Or a drawing on a cavern wall for that matter. But Archer didn't say anything. He wasn't too sure of his own health to be commenting on theirs.

Archer telegrammed his client to let him know Mt. Latmos was a bust. One of the thieves, Horace Whately, was sighted, and might have been fatally injured in a cave accident. But other than that, a dead end. Archer's next lead was the Shunned House in Brooklyn, a clue he had found amongst Hazradbad's papers.

Once home, Archer would find out what he could on a Konstantin Chertovskii. He'd also check up on Hazradbad's trial proceedings.

There wasn't a hardboiled gumshoe alive that believed in psychoanalysis. But Archer would get a physical to make sure there's nothing else wrong besides the memory loss. And the nightmares.
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

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Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
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Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: The Past is Prologue - The Accounts of Clarke, Archer &

#502 Post by Grognardsw »

"You're right of course David, I will develop the photographs," says Edith, clutching his hand. The two have become closer in the past month during the journey back. Edith has taken an apartment in Arkham, intending on staying for the time being to be close to David. This, he knows, is quite a statement given the woman seems forever traveling the world.

The archeologists rest for the day, enjoying the New England late summer. It feels good to be home again. They consult University records and find the address of Dr. Randolph. Dr. Clark and Morgan can visit tomorrow.

The next day they stand before the Dean.
"Now what happened gentlemen?"


When P.I. Sam Archer searched the Whately truck, he found random pieces if mountaineering equipment. He guesses they couldn't transfer all of it into the wagon they commandeered.

On the long journey back Archer tried to remember what happened, but it is fruitless. Sometimes in his dreams he catches flashes of shadow moving, something beyond the wall of sleep that will not reveal itself.

Archer's museum cartel client gives him the green light to pursue the Brooklyn lead. The gumshoe's police contact in New York says there is no file on Konstantin Chertovskii. That means he hasn't been convicted or suspected of any crimes. Chertovskii is a retired man in his early 50s, alledgedly a philosopher and supporter of the arts. The "Shunned House" is an old sprawling Victorian known as the site of a double murder 25 years ago. Chertovskii is the current owner of the house.

The dick makes inquiries in Hazrabad's court case. He was extradited to the U.S. and is in New York, where court proceedings are in the early stage. He is represented by the law firm of Ward, Marsh & Mason, a respected Boston law firm.

Over the course of his travels back home, Archer was able to rest and heal his wounds. He visits a doctor in Boston and receives a clean bill of physical health.
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Re: The Past is Prologue - The Accounts of Clarke, Archer &

#503 Post by Inferno »

Sam Archer, private eye:

Archer was relieved by the clean bill of health. With each day, he started to feel more like his old self.
The flatfoot headed home to New York City, fell back into his old routine, and thought less and less about Mt. Latmos.
Working a case was always good to keep you from dwelling on the past. Archer worked it hard.

First day back:
Archer investigates the Shunned House double murder from 25 years ago.

He tried to find out what philosophy Chertovskii espoused and what art he supported. That little Mexican (con) artist was still at large.

Archer tried to get a client list of Ward, Marsh and Mason (great name!) to see if they represented any other smugglers.

First night back:
He'd buy Andy that steak dinner. They went to John's Grill and Archer ate like a starved man: medium rare steak, beers, baked potato, sliced tomato, then coffee and cigarettes. After they'd exhausted small talk on the prospects of the Yankees and various crooked politicians, the latest interesting department casework and gossip, Archer talked shop. He showed Andy the correspondence between the currently imprisoned Hazradbad and Chertovskii. Two letters:
...a mysterious note of thanks for an unspecified favor, written by a Konstantin Chertovskii on letterhead from the Shunned House, 16 Shady Lane, Brooklyn, NY.
"This was found in Hazradbad's cabin on the ship where he was arrested." Archer said. "This too:"
...correspondence with a Konstantin Chertovskii on letterhead from the Shunned House, 16 Shady Lane, Brooklyn, NY. It is dated a few weeks ago and reads:
"Received the goods and will distribute as discussed. Sources tell us it has been found. Get to Mt. Latmos and secure. Give greetings to our colleagues, they shoukd go if necessary.
Cthulhu fthagn brother,
Archer moved to close the deal, but was careful not to overplay his hand. "Christ, Andy. Hazradbad and Chertovskii are in this together up to their eyeballs. They should be sharing a cell at Sing Sing. The stolen loot's already been "distributed," likely to private buyers. Isn't this enough evidence to get a search warrant, and detain Chertovskii for questioning?" he asked, neutral and quiet.
Last edited by Inferno on Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: The Past is Prologue - The Accounts of Clarke, Archer &

#504 Post by DadsAngry »

Dr. Clarke:

"Dean Elliot, it is my misforture to inform you of the failure of our expedition to Mt. Latmos and the loss of two of this university finest professors and two very good friends, Dr. Ferdinand C. Ashley, Professor of Ancient History, and Dr. Raymond Randolph, Professor of Archaeology. Both were close colleagues of both of us and their absents will be greatly missed. As far as the circumstance of their passing that is not so easy to explain. But before I get to that, I just thank you and the university for the many years of support that you have shown Dr. Morgan and I. We have come to think of this university and our fellow colleagues as more than just peers but as flesh and blood, which make loosing Ferdinand and Raymond so much harder to deal with."

Dr. Clark pauses and removes a cigarette from his silver cigarette case lights it and puffs away in an attempt to stale while he thinks of what he is going to say to Dean Elliot. Of course he can't tell him the truth that Raymond disappeared like a card from Howard Thurston hands or that creatures that one would pay a nickel to see at a P.T. Barnum sideshow attacked them inside the cave which most likely ended the life of Ferdinand. What to say. He puffed away a few more time letting the silence in the room grow uncomfortably.

Final he knew that his could not stale any longer and the best thing to do is to lie. "It started like this. We left Boston on a steamer heading to Calais like planned. One would think that there would be no other story to tell on such a simple voyage but that is where our doomed expedition first encountered our first obstacle. If you remember just before our group left there was a series of thefts of antiquities of great value stolen from several institution in the greater Boston area. It appears that those thieves so happened to be on the same ship that we were voyaging on. Their proximity and timing of was by chance of course, or so I thought. They knew about our expedition to Mt. Latmos and planned all along to do us harm once we reached the site and exposed it's secrets. Though I feel that their intension were not hostile until a hot headed private dick investigating the recent thefts got involved and indirectly put the expedition a risk. He was quite aggressive and one of our hired hands a Mr. McClain who Raymond hired as a porter and strongman became involved with Mr. Archer activities. Mr. Archer, Sam Archer was the investigators name confronted the thieves and had most of the gang in custody. Unfortunately not all were arrested. Those who were not arrested sought revenge and took it out on us in the caves of Mt. Latmos. They waited for us to reach the caves and even allowed us to fall into a false sense of security only to attack us as we explored the cave of Mt. Latmos." Dr. Clark cigarette now mostly a cylinder of ash and almost to his yellowed fingers threatens to fall but continues to hold fast. "They laid in wait for us inside a side cavern and attacked us without provocation. Raymond, Ferdinand, and even Mr. McClain fell victim to this savage attack. Dr. Morgan, Dr. Watson, myself and our native guide were luckily to make it out of the caves alive only to be stopped by another armed force blocking our way down the mountain. Luckily for us Mr. Archer was on point and headed off their advance which allowed us to escape down another but more dangerous pass. Alas our time in the cave were brief and we only saw just a few signs of habitation inside the cave but nothing that would justify another expedition to investigate. I take full responsibility for the failure of the expedition and the loss of Dr. Randolph and Dr. Ashley. I understand that this failed expedition very well could be the end of my career as an archaeologist and professor here at the university. I ask for the university forgiveness and as far as my archaeology career I leave that in the hands of my peers. In no way is Dr. Morgan or any other person involved in the expedition to blame for the failure." Dr. Clarke quickly violently shakes his hand releasing the cigarette that has burned down to his flesh and which falls upon the floor. He examines his fingers and then prompley retives the used butt and places it in the proper place. He then turns to Dr. Morgan and speaks. Staring at the man and thus communicating through his eyes in the hopes that he will back his convoluted story. "Do you have anything else to add Dr. Morgan?" As he waits for a response he pulls out another cigarette from his silver case, his hands now noticeably trembling.
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Re: The Past is Prologue - The Accounts of Clarke, Archer &

#505 Post by DadsAngry »

I thought I should make an Oratory roll along with my speech.

Oratory 53% [1d100] = 1

The Oscar goes to Dr. David Clarke. Nailled it!!!
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Re: The Past is Prologue - The Accounts of Clarke, Archer &

#506 Post by Grognardsw »

The Dean listens to Dr. Clarke's compelling story, a look of shock and sadness crossing his face.

When asked his opinion, Dr. Morgan answers somewhat shakily: "Yes, it was horrible... Those tomb raiders... Dr. Morgan's quick actions saved some of us." The professor can't get his mind off the crystal trapezohedron lying in his closet at home. Dr. Randolph dissappearing... how, how?

"Most unfortunate, but seemingly beyond your control Doctors," says the Dean. "I would not support your termination from the University, but a full inquiry will certainly be called for by the Board. A committee and such. I imagine they would want police reports, testimony from this Mr. Archer, status on any arrests made, etc. The families of the victims will demand some action, so I think it best for appearances to place the two of you on sabbatical for at least a semester."

"And I'm afraid there is more unfortunate news. You recall your planned July graduate student archeological dig at the old mill here in the woods of Arkham? As you know, we found a substitute associate professor to lead that while you were away. A dead girl's body was found there. Most grisly, missing her hands and head. Police and even the Bureau of Investigation interviewed the dig participants - students and teachers. Miskatonic came out in the clear thank God. Apparently the murder is linked with others in Boston and Providence. You can read up on it In back issues of the newspapers at the library."

Dr. Clarke And Morgan don't relish their later meeting with Dr. Randolph's wife Florence. But it must be done.
- sniperkinght hasn't been online since Monday. Perhaps on vacation. I'll move Dr. Morgan along.
- The post and Oratory roll result in the Dean being sympathetic and Dr. Clarke not being fired.
- You can read "The Hunt.." thread for information on the old mill dig and murder.


The next several days Sam Archer takes a much needed break in Boston. He maps out his actions for his return to New York in three days. He rests and visits the Museum of Fine Arts, part of the museum association that is his client, to update them on the investigation findings.

The private eye's office leaves a message at Archer's hotel that Miskatonic University wants to talk with him about the occurences on The White Ship and Mt. Latmos. Can he visit tomorrow?

On the morning of his second day in Boston, Archer gets a call from his New York police friend Andy Sipowicz. "Sam, I just got a call from the BOI about that Shunned House place you were curious about. They were asking the same questions you were. Seems it may be part of some serial murder or cult investigation. It was in the papers while you were gone. What are you tangled up in?"
I need to unfold Archer's action at a slower pace, so we'll play it out day-by-day.
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Re: The Past is Prologue - The Accounts of Clarke, Archer &

#507 Post by Inferno »

Sam Archer, private eye:

At the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, Archer still tries to figure out if there's any connection between these artifacts. Their value was less than other nearby items that weren't taken.
He'll also ask his client, and the museum's curator of antiquities and dinguses.

Archer doesn't want to talk to anyone about Mt. Latmos, least of all anyone from the goddamned Miskatonic University!

On the phone to Andy, Archer growled, "Cult? Damned if I know!"
The gumshoe quickly detailed the correspondence between Hazradbad and the Shunned House's owner and finished with: "Look, if the BOI or the department is planning to serve a warrant there, I want in. I can be in New York tonight!
"In the meantime, can you have a man watch the house?"
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: The Past is Prologue - The Accounts of Clarke, Archer &

#508 Post by Grognardsw »

The Dean talks further with Dr. Clark and Dr. Morgan, asking them to formalize their story into a statement for the inevitable press inquiries that will follow. The Dean encourages both men to avoid media interviews on the subject, referring such to the University spokesperson. It is also best, he adds, if their presence on campus were scant during the "sabbatical."  Perhaps travel, he suggests, do some independent or contract digging.

The archeologists agree and thank the Dean, grateful to still have their jobs. After lunch with Edith off-campus, Dr. Clark girds himself for the visit with Dr. Randolph's wife Florence.

Raymond Randolph lived in small yellow colonial on Lazarus Lane. A flower and herb garden lined the walkway to the front door. Florence soon answered Dr. Clark's knocking.

"Hello David! You're back!" she greets, a look of surprise on her lined face. "Do come in. I'm afraid Raymond isn't doing well at all."


Curious about the stolen artifacts, Sam Archer talks with curators at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. The items (including daggers, masks, bowls and urns) came from different cultures and time periods but had in common a ritualistic use in pagan religious ceremonies. Some were considered sacred, for use by shamans or priests, some were even considered magical by their zealots at the time.

Interestingly, the artifacts were by no means the most expensive items that could have been stolen, considering the time and trouble of performing the break-in. Archer can tell the curators are both relieved and troubled by this. The gumshoe wonders: Do they  themselves believe there is a more sinister plot going on, tied to what the BOI believes to be a cult? Hence the museum association's hiring of Archer's agency to ferret out the theft operation? Museums are generally a thrifty lot. Archer figures someone high up would need to be motivated to uncover the mystery.

Archer ponders this as he checks in for his messages later that day. The detective is annoyed to find another request from Miskatonic University to talk.

There is another call from Andy Sipowicz at NYPD. Archer calls him.

"I shared your information with the BOI about Hazrabad and the Konstantin letters," says Sipowicz. "They're very interested in talking with you. The investigation is being led out of Providence. Ask for Agent Watson."

Sipowicz gives Archer the BOI address in Providence. "When you're in New York let's have a drink," he adds.
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Re: The Past is Prologue - The Accounts of Clarke, Archer &

#509 Post by DadsAngry »

Dr. Clarke:
Grognardsw wrote:"Hello David! You're back!" she greets, a look of surprise on her lined face. "Do come in. I'm afraid Raymond isn't doing well at all."
Dr. Clarke is taken back by the statement. Poor Florence is delusional or is she? It's a shame the poor women is not taking Raymond loss well.
"Thank you. It's good to see you Florence" Dr. Clarke steps into the house and looks around.
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Re: The Past is Prologue - The Accounts of Clarke, Archer &

#510 Post by Grognardsw »

"Do come in and have some tea," says Florence. She appears tired but is trying to put on a good face.

Dr. Clark steps in. The house looks much the same as before when he has visited. Florence has always prided herself on being a good homemaker.

"I just got back from the hospital actually," she continues, fingering a cross around her neck. "I pray for him, David. I pray for answers about how this could be. He of course can't say, but what happened in Turkey?"

Dr. Clarke sits confused, if not gobsmacked.
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Re: The Past is Prologue - The Accounts of Clarke, Archer &

#511 Post by DadsAngry »

Dr. Clarke:

"Thank you I would love some tea." Even more confused Dr. Clarke takes a seat on a sofa in the front room. Still a bit bewildered at Florence's delusion, he waits for Florence to return with the tea before he begins to speak. "Um, well you see Turkey is a very dangerous place, and what happened to Raymond and the others is of course tragic." He pauses for a moment and lifts the tea to his lips and stops to smell the aroma searching for scent of alcohol. "Raymond and ah ah… my apologies did you say you just came back from the hospital? St. Mary's on West Street? Are you ill?"
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Re: The Past is Prologue - The Accounts of Clarke, Archer &

#512 Post by Grognardsw »

"Am I ill?" asks Florence, looking confused. "No, but my mind and spirit are grieving for what is to come with Raymond."

"He won't tell me of happened in the cave, or much of anything about the expedition, except that crystal. Now he can't speak."

She pauses, realizing from the look on Dr. Clarke's face that something isn't right with him.

"What... did happen with Raymond? How was he back so soon and in that... state?"
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Re: The Past is Prologue - The Accounts of Clarke, Archer &

#513 Post by DadsAngry »

Dr. Clarke:

Dr. Clarke shocked at the depths of Florence delusion. He places his tea down and moves next to her. He takes her hand and calmly speaks in a compassionate tone.
"Florence my dear…"
he pauses not wanting to say the words
"Raymond is gone. I saw him disappear in the caves just before we were attacked by indigenous creatures of immense size. He was fiddling with some contraption with levers and buttons that held the odd crystal. He's gone, Florence. I saw it with my own eyes. You mustn't continue this fantasy. I know it must be hard for you to understand. He was your husband and my friend and colleague, but we must embrace what has happened. He's gone from this world and has moved on to the next."
Dr. Clarke braces himself for the onslaught of womanly woes but then in that moment he recalls Florence words. How did she know of the crystal? Why is she insisting that he arrived before I did. The news of Raymond death surely would have come to her weeks before I returned. Is this what she is talking about? Her story can't be true, how can it be? Man cannot transport himself from one place to the other without some mode of physical transportation. Where is she getting all this from? Some weird fiction magazine perhaps? I wish Edith was here to deal with these womanly delusions.
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Re: The Past is Prologue - The Accounts of Clarke, Archer &

#514 Post by Grognardsw »

Florence is visibly shocked at Dr. Clarke's words. "What do -- that can't -- he --"

"David - Raymond is in a coma at the hospital," she says, clutching a hankerchief. "He appeared a month ago, twice the age he was when he left!"
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Re: The Past is Prologue - The Accounts of Clarke, Archer &

#515 Post by DadsAngry »

Dr. Clarke:

Dr. Clarke stares at Florence eyes blinking rapidly as the new information is processed through his logical mind. He tries a few times to speak but all that comes out is incoherent bits of syllables. "Wha… but… Tha.. doesn't… How can he… It's not poss…" His hand that currently has a hold of Florence's shakes nervously at the prospect of what could be the truth. Is he really alive?
After a few failed attempts to speak he musters out a reply.
"Are you sure? That's not possible. I saw him disappear. Gone. No trace. Nothing. How can this be?"
He releases her hand and stands up and begins to pace back and forth within the room. His hands at his face covering an expression of great though and skepticism. He says nothing or looks at Florence. Quite mumbling is audible but can not be understood. Final Dr. Clarke turns to Florence.
"May I use you phone?"
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Re: The Past is Prologue - The Accounts of Clarke, Archer &

#516 Post by Grognardsw »

"Of course," says Florence, indicating the phone on the side table.
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Re: The Past is Prologue - The Accounts of Clarke, Archer &

#517 Post by DadsAngry »

Dr. Clarke:

"Thank you Florence." Dr. Clarke walks over to the phone and picks up the ear piece and puts it to his ear. With his other hand he taps the ear piece holder a few times of the candlestick phone to signal the operator. The nasally female voice of the operator rings through the ear piece. Dr. Clark picks up the candlestick phone and holds it close to his mouth and prepares to speak.

Operator: "Operator, What number please?"
Dr. Clarke: "St. Mary's Hospital on West street, ah... AR-49312, please."
Operator: "One moment while I connect you?"
Dr. Clarke glance over to Florence who is no doubtably is look at him with some skepticism. Wondering what he is trying to prove.
A new female voice makes an appearance on the line. "Hello, operator, Hello?"
Dr. Clarke: "Yes, Hello is this St. Mary's Hospital?"
Female voice: "No, this is Rose. Who is this?"
Dr. Clarke: "Rose?" He looks to Florence who seems to recognize the name when spoken. Must be a neighbor using the same party line. "If you would please excuse me. I'm trying to make a very important phone call. Could you please clear this party line."
Rose: "Is this Harold?"
Dr. Clarke: "No! Please clear the line."
Another female voice come on the line.
St. Mary's Hospital: "Hello, this is St. Mary's Hospital reception. How may I help you?"
Dr. Clarke: "Yes, hello. I need to make an inquire on a patient of yours, a Dr. Raymond Randolph? Do you have a patient registered by that name and could you please tell me when he was admitted and his current condition? This is Dr. David Clarke, professor of the Archaeology at the Miskatonic University and a close personal friend and colleague of Dr. Randolph."
A quite almost muffled voice of Rose can be heard on the other end speaking to someone else. "Oh it about Florence's husband." (another voice can bearly be heard) "Quite, he'll hear you."
Dr. Clarke sighs and wonder when they will invent a more private means of communication.
Credit rating to try and obtain medical information that would be only obtained by family members.
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Re: The Past is Prologue - The Accounts of Clarke, Archer &

#518 Post by Grognardsw »


"Please hold while I inquire," responds the operator. Dr. Clarke waits tensely while Florence looks on.

"Yes sir, a Mr. Raymond Randolph is a patient here, admitted four days ago for complications of old age. He is in a coma right now."
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Re: The Past is Prologue - The Accounts of Clarke, Archer &

#519 Post by DadsAngry »

Dr. Clarke:

It takes a moment for Dr. Clarke to respond but when he does it's calm and collected.
"Thank you. That all I needed, good day." and he hang the ear piece back onto the candlestick phone and places it back on the side table.
He proceeds back to sit next to Florence.
"Florence, I don't know how this could be. You must tell me everything. Every single detail you have from the first time you notice Raymond appeared home. I need you to be exact as possible. What was the date, the time, what was he wearing, the clothes were they dirty, anything like that. The smallest detail, the most insignificate detail could be a clue into understanding of what happened. Because in truth Florence, I cannot explain what has befell Raymond."
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Re: The Past is Prologue - The Accounts of Clarke, Archer &

#520 Post by Inferno »

Sam Archer, private eye:

Archer nodded attentively and politely to the museum curators, his face holding no particular expression.
"I've been meaning to ask you, whose idea was it to hire a private eye to track down the stolen artifacts, rather than relying on the police?" The question was idly asked, with no motive or intent behind it.

"Sure thing," Archer said to Andy and hung up. He picked the receiver right back up and called the BOI in Providence, asking for Agent Watson.
Maybe these swells would be willing to raid the Shunned House.
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

DM bio is here.

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