Feargus's Henchmen

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Ranger Knight
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Re: Feargus's Henchmen

#2 Post by The_Wanderer »

== Goshawk ==
XP 10,129/16,000
Alignment Neutral

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3
STR 13 (+1)
INT 9 (0)
WIS 14 (+1)
DEX 12 (0)
CON 10 (0)
CHA 12 (0)

== Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==



Improved Critical - The character inflicts maximum damage on a roll of 19 or 20. Additionally, as a critical hit, a roll of 19 or 20 automatically hits the target regardless of modifiers.

Riding (Proficient)
Healing (Proficient)
Navigation (Proficient)

===Fighting Style===
Sword and Shield One ally adjacent to, and up to two allies immediately behind, the fighter gain a +1 bonus to their armor class.

===Combat Maneuvers===
Trip (Str) (Proficient)
Defensive Stance (Int) (Proficient)
Disarm (Dex) (Proficient)

== Combat ==
AC 16 (17 w/ shield)
HP 15 / 15
Movement Rate 90'
Initiative Modifier +0
Attack Bonus +2
*Primary Melee Attack: Halberd (Polearm) +3 (1d10+1)
*Secondary Melee Attack: Bastard Sword of Lyed Rismi +3 (1d6+4/1d8+4) (Not Readied)
The bastard sword deals 1d6+1/1d8+1 points of damage, plus this blade inflicts an additional +1 damage due to its masterwork quality. It also is less likely to break, gaining a +4 bonus on all saves.
This sword here, that you mention, is called a 'hand-and-a-half blade. The hilt is long enough to be wielded with one or two hands, the blade wider and slightly longer than a normal sword. This style is favored by the ronin of the Sable Principality. This particular blade is of unknown provenance, but was likely forged two Cycles ago in the Sablelands. I know that when I obtained it the last wielder was the paladin Lyed Rismi, of the freehold Fortincan, north of here. Lyed was slain by the dragon Sthenncor, but before she fell managed to allow the escape of those within Reker Keep, before it, too, fell to Sthenncor's foul breath. It is said the dragon claimed the Keep as his own, and dwells there still, curled up in the battlements. This was not Lyed's primary blade, but had been given to her squire mere days before she died.
*Primary Ranged Attack: Shortbow +2 (1d6; 50'/100'/150') (Not Readied)

*Poison & Death 10
*Staves & Wands 11
*Petrification & Paralysis 12
*Breath 13
*Spells 14

== Class Abilities ==
*Allowed Armor: Any, including shields
*Allowed Weapons: Any
*Fighters can Cleave once per round, up to a maximum number of times equal to their Hit Dice.
*Once per day a fighter can automatically negate a single physical attack that would otherwise successfully hit them. Any effect that is contingent upon the hit – such as paralysis or poison – is also negated.
*When fighting with two-handed melee weapons fighters roll damage with Advantage – rolling twice for damage and taking the better result.

== Equipment ==
*Money: (Stashed)
2,412 GP

*Readied: (6 available)
Plate Armor, scratched and pitted (Counts as 5)

*Packed (Backpack): (13 available)
Coinpurse: 50 gp, 50 sp
Wooden Shield
Rope, hemp (50 ft.)
Torches (6 of 6)
Iron Spikes (6 of 6)
Small Hammer
Long sword
Quiver of Arrows
Masterwork Bastard Sword of Lyed Rismi

A riding horse named Pinwheel
Last edited by The_Wanderer on Fri Aug 13, 2021 2:06 pm, edited 7 times in total.
Ranger Knight
Ranger Knight
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Re: Feargus's Henchmen

#3 Post by The_Wanderer »

== Mardan Cy ==
XP 2,816/2,900
Alignment Neutral

== Attributes == Attibute modifiers are as follows: 3 -3, 4-5 -2, 6-8 -1, 9-12 0, 13-15 +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3
STR 11 (0)
INT 10 (0)
WIS 8 (-1)
DEX 15 (+1)
CON 8 (-1)
CHA 16 (+2)

== Background/Languages/Knacks/Skills ==



Charm-breaker. By spending their turn in a round performing and making a successful Performance check the bard can break a charm, suggestion, fear, or sleep effect on all creatures within a 30’ radius of them.

Performace-Story-telling thru singing and poetry (Skilled)
Alchemy (Proficient)
Deception (Proficient)

===Fighting Style===

===Spells Known===
First Level: auditory illusion, charm person, dancing lights, detect danger, detect magic, light (darkness), read languages, sleep

===Spells Memorized - Standard Repertoire===
In town: auditory illusion
On the road: Sleep

== Combat ==
AC 15
HP 3 / 3
Movement Rate 90'
Initiative Modifier +1
*Primary Melee Attack: Longsword (Stowed, not readied)
*Secondary Melee Attack: Dagger (Stowed, not readied)
*Primary Ranged Attack: Longbow +1 (1d8); when mounted: Shortbow +1 (1d6)

*Petrification & Paralysis 13
*Poison & Death 13
*Breath 16
*Staves & Wands 14
*Spells 15

== Class Abilities ==
➢Bardic Inspiration: 1/day; Bards have the ability to grant boons to their allies and banes to their enemies. At 1st level they may do this once per day to a creature within 10’ of them. They may do this as a free action during a round, unless the bard is casting a spell, in which case they cannot use inspiration. Bardic inspiration can only be used once per round. By using inspiration the target creature rerolls either an attack roll or saving throw, taking either the better (if a boon) or the worse (if a bane). If an ally is granted bardic inspiration they may use the reroll at any point during the next turn; bardic inspiration directed at an enemy is typically used to force them to reroll an immediate roll. The range of bardic inspiration is increased to 30’ at level 3, 45’ at level 6, 60’ at level 9, and 90’ at level 12. The bard must have line of sight to the target to be inspired.

➢Lore: N/A at Level 1; As the character adventures they hear, remember, and, most importantly, assimilate various bits of information and trivia. As a result, the character has a chance (as shown on the table) of knowing important pieces of information.

➢Bard Skills: Bards pick up various skills during their careers. When attempting to perform a skill they are untrained in they are successful on a result of 19- 20, instead of just 20.

== Equipment ==
*Money: (Stashed) 1,250

*Readied: (5 available)
Chainmail, Shiny and looking new (3 readied items)
Longbow when on foot (2 readied items)
Shortbow when mounted (2 readied items)

*Not readied
Sheathed Longsword

*Packed (Backpack): (TBD available)
Coinpurse: 50 gp, 50 sp
Holy Water x3
Lamp Oil x3
A small hammer, said to once hang in the shop of Cwen Candla the Killer Cordwainer
A thin red-leather bound journal (Bard spellbook)

A riding horse named Dappleganger
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