INTRO: Meeting with the Council

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INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#1 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Calling all Saltmartians!!!

The Town Council of Saltmarsh needs a group of common folk to step up and do their part as respectable citizens. The rumors of the old haunted mansion on the cliffs are running rampant again and the frightened townspeople want the alleged scary flashing lights and loud eerie noises investigated. The Council has heard numerous reports of everything from demi-human activity to undead armies amassing for a future attack on our poor seaside town.

We seek a large group of townspeople that aren't afraid to go out to the haunted mansion. You will need to investigate the area and find out what is really causing all the alarm. It may be dangerous, and there will be no reward or pay for the job, but you will be allowed to keep anything valuable that you find, tax free. The towns militia is far too busy for such matters and have far better things to do with their time.

So........What say you commoner? Are you our next Saltmartian hero?

Ok, folks. Let's do this thing!!!

This will be an introduction thread. It will be mostly informational so, you still have time to finish up sheets and whatnot before we set out.

You guys all seem incredibly intelligent so I won't waste a bunch of time explaining the "how to's". If you have questions that you're not sure about, post them in OOC or in your private thread. I'm happy to help and want to try to keep things as uniform as possible. Thanks!


PLEASE do not post gibberish, memes, or anything else that isn't game related in the game thread. (I really hate that) :D

For those that don't know, this is the adventure module:
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Re: INTRO: The Council of Saltmarsh

#2 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Meeting with the Council

This is what you all know (or could easily learn) about the council.
There are a total of 5 esteemed members that sit on the Saltmarsh town council, one of them being the honorable Mayor Everett Palmer himself. The other four members are successful business owners and/or highly respectable leaders of the community. The council meets twice a week on Sunday and Waterday. The townspeople are allowed to bring their problems to the council who in turn resolve any disputes and deal with all minor issues occurring amongst the towns population.

After answering the councils call, each of you in your own way, you find yourselves assembled outside the towns meeting hall. You notice that your group is mostly made up of young men, some very young. There is also a middle aged farmer type and another strange looking teenager with a pale, sickly green complexion and watery eyes. It doesn't take long for you to realize that there was not a single female that answered the town-wide summons.

As you approach the building you can see two large Militia Guards standing outside the doors, waiting for your group to arrive so they can escort you inside. Most of you can't help but to stare at their shiny metal armor and the exquisite detail of their spotless uniforms as well as there many wondrous weapons. When all ten of you have arrived, the guards approach your group and speak.

Guard 1
Oui! Would you take a look at this lot, mate!

Guard 2
Aye, some real ero's here, eh?

Let's see what we got! A bunch of bloody kids?

One guard moves up directly in front of the oldest looking member of your group. Ive seen you round ere before. You're that cow Doctor, aincha?

Ya, looks like quite the crew! Blond beauty, a little boy with a bowl cut, a short arse dwarf? Not many of your kind around these parts! Let's see, there's also a salty sailor, a orcman, a smelly stable hand, a dirty baker with that a rolling pin?
The pair burst out in laughter when they see that one of you is going out using a rolling pin as a weapon.

The second guard looks the member called Danny up and down.Ooooh. Nice cape weirdo! Don't scratch me with your tiny paws. You better not be thinking about Juli when your in there pretty boy, she's mine!


Just before the bullying pair moves over to double team on young Jonas, the door to the town hall opens and another guard steps into the doorway.

Sergant at Arms
Excuse me! If you two dolts are done harassing our future heroes, the council will see them now!

The Sergant stands aside the door and motions with his arm for you all to enter the hall.

And we're off!
Lots of time to respond to the friendly guards on your way inside to meet the council. :D
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Re: INTRO: The Council of Saltmarsh

#3 Post by wolfpack »


Jervis puffs out his chest and brushes past the nearest guard and into the hall.

Jervis the Gallant, remember the name dullard because soon enough the townfolks will be singing it in their heroic balads.
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Re: INTRO: The Council of Saltmarsh

#4 Post by hedgeknight »

Burly...the Baker

Burly flushes crimson when the guards make fun of his grandmother's rolling pin, all the while wishing he had some of her spunk. She would have brained the two brainless guards with her rolling pin for looking at her crossways. Once the doors open, Burly hustles inside, grateful to be away from the bully guardsmen.
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Re: INTRO: The Council of Saltmarsh

#5 Post by Mant72 »

Keilif Zythanthus:

Keilif stares at the floor as the guardsmens' harrrasment commences, trying not to further draw their attention and trying to avoid any eye contact. As the Sergant at Arms enters, Keilif mumbles to the two boorish men, "Peace be with you, brothers." and hurriedly makes his way into the hall.
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Re: INTRO: The Council of Saltmarsh

#6 Post by Urson »

Alec Thunderfist
"Hyu should go piss into de vind- bot uff hyu." Alec's accent is sort-of German and sort-of Russian. He shifts the crowbar to his other hand as he walks past these two, head up, shoulders back, sure he owns the place.
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Re: INTRO: The Council of Saltmarsh

#7 Post by Nordbo »

Danny Cruester
with a crafty grin and a "what's up, dude"-look on his face, Danny cockily nods his head at the second guard while brushing past him. Inside he looks out for this so called 'Juli'. Could she be one of those sea witches his uncle warned him about ?
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Re: INTRO: The Council of Saltmarsh

#8 Post by Fulci »

Jónas Gillman

To calm his nerves and to not collapse before the council's scrutiny, Jónas went for a swim. Now, the thing about fishing villages is that nobody goes for swims. What the boat is for then, mate? If you fall into the water, you are doing it wrong! But Jónas found the sensation of the seawater against his skin soothing. To avoid the constant taunts of the fishermen, he found himself a small, secluded bay where he could be alone.

Thus, he arrives at the city square a bit late, spreading a certain wet salty odor around himself. Mind, Saltmarsh does smell of salt and fish all the time when the wind blows from the sea, but Jónas is a moving epicenter of this. His thin hair, almost transparent in color, is sticking wet to his skull.

Jónas' weapon of choice is a kitchen knife - old, but well-sharpened, stuck in his belt. Most of his clothes are not much of interest, but his belt is something else: it's a nice wide strap of leather, with a wave-like ornament pressed into it. The buckle is decorated with sea-shells.

His late arrival makes it impossible for him to just blend in with the group, and the guards are just about to make his life even worse. But luckily, the Sergant opens the door and invites them all in - Jónas quickly tries to slip through the entrance, without raising his eyes or confronting the guards. "Why aren't they exploring the mansion instead, if they are so valiant warriors in shiny armor?" - the thought enters his mind.
G A M E S :
Running Vaults & Wastelands [Fallout]
Isaiah Bartlett in That Which Should Not Be [CoC]
Ingrid Esthof in The Horror at Briarsgate [1e]
Jónas Gillman in The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh [1e]

I N A C T I V E : (
Ballar Uh in Dungeonesque [LL/AEC]
Favrick in The Rise of Smaug [BW]
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Re: INTRO: The Council of Saltmarsh

#9 Post by coil23 »


Doubtful endures the two guardsmen with stolid resignation. As the group shuffles inside he mutters to them:
Yeah, welcome to town, guys...a real cultural mecca.
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Re: INTRO: The Council of Saltmarsh

#10 Post by Stirling »

Vhing looks around at the assembling group. He is not impressed either, but he had no real expectation of anything different. Gratefull the deputy had not chucked him in with the press-gang of 'hard labourers', he still wondered what the draft into 'civic duty' might mean.

Looking around he thought maybe one or two were familiar faces he had noticed before in town but no names came to mind. Socialising with the locals was not his thing, besides as a general rule half-orcs were tolerated but not entertained.

Vhing lazed at the back of the group, avoiding eye contact. He listened to the mocking brutes but ignored their taunts. He couldn't hide away in the shadows here however much he hunched over, he was simply taller than the rest. He scanned the council notice board for local news and gossip. A town fayre was planned, church services, choir practice, swim-a-thon sponsor forms amongst others and to his horror a newspaper clipping which exclaimed, 'Extortion racket busted: Flame retardant scam now lies in ashes' and a hand scrawled picture underneath of 'The Retards'...actually the likeness was appreciatively good. Notwithstanding, Vhing hurriedly ripped it off the notice board and tore it up. Finding no bin and feeling eyes upon him, Vhing stuffed the paper in his mouth and chewed it up. Swallowing it he simply stated ,"hungry", and looked away. Pulling up the hood on his still soot stained cloak and hoisting a sledgehammer across his shoulder like a water bearer, Vhing shuffled in line through to the council halls.
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Re: INTRO: The Council of Saltmarsh

#11 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The other guard laughs loudly at his friends comment about Juli being "his" but they both snap to attention immediately when the sergeant speaks.

The boy Jervis and Alec, the stout dwarf are the only ones who decide to toss something back at the guards on your way to the doors.

The group slowly makes its way into the hall. Just inside the doors, past the smiling sergeant, stands a middle aged, pudgy man that is dressed like a complete dandy. Some of you know this man to be the mayor himself.

He has a large book open in one hand and a peacock feathered quill in the other. Beyond him, at the far side of the room, you can see the other four council members waiting for you at a long table on a raised dais.
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The pudgy mayor addresses your band once you are all inside.

Welcome brave men and women of.......I mean, brave men of Salt........good heavens! Except for one, you are all merely boys!

He looks the entire group over again closely, pausing for some time when he sees Jonas.

Oh well, no matter I guess. Who better to search for haunts then the young? Strong lads that don't scare easily, that's what we need! Very good then!

Now, each of you please give me your name and the reason you are volunteering for this mission? For the records of course.

He begins to scribble feverishly in his book as you all give him your information.
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Re: INTRO: The Council of Saltmarsh

#12 Post by OGRE MAGE »

I will give you all a little something that you would or could know about each council member as you meet them.

His Most Honorable, Everett Palmer
The mayor is the closest thing to nobility that Saltmarsh has unless the king pays a visit. He is a bit pompous but has a deep love for the people of the town and the surrounding area. He has never actually been very good at the fundamentals of his job per say, but it is told by the commoners that he is the most honest and fair person around. He irritates the other council members when they try to push things through the system too quickly and he goes through every proposal presented to them with a fine toothed comb. His policies are fair and always benefit the townspeople. He is looked at by the other council members as more of a figurehead for the town than its actual leader.
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Re: INTRO: The Council of Saltmarsh

#13 Post by coil23 »


You know me. There have been more and more problems with the local livestock what with all the strange goings on at night. More and more it seems like something is out there in the dark, who knows how long before something starts happening to the animals and people around here too?

This is the group willing to look into it for everyone. What help can you give us, Mayor?
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Re: INTRO: The Council of Saltmarsh

#14 Post by wolfpack »


Jervis looks around to what appears to him to be a magnificent hall, clears his throat and takes 2 steps forward.

Puffing out his chest he places his fist over his heart in a salute.

Hale and well met my lord, I am Jervis the Gallant and I have come to free the good townspeople from the clutches of the despicable evil that casts it's long shadow over this city. I will gladly lead this valiant band against the horde of the netherworld that haunts the citizens and free them from it's clutches.
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Re: INTRO: The Council of Saltmarsh

#15 Post by Mant72 »

Keilif Zythanthus:

Keilif stands before the dais, straightening in obvious respect towards the councilmen. He then waits for an appropriate moment in which he clears his throat, and addresses them, "I am Keilif Zythanthus, and I am but a humble fisherman. I trust my uncle, Darn, told you all of the horror we uncovered on the beach the other evening? Saltmarsh has always been my home and it has been my family's home for generations. If more of these abominations surface to threaten our community, I want to be there to see them cleansed from the earth. In the name of Shileil, I pledge to offer my services to Saltmarsh in any way possible."
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Re: INTRO: The Council of Saltmarsh

#16 Post by Spectreman17 »

Ermulf Jormundson
Sorry for the late start :lol:

Upon being berated for being such a young group of adventurers, I begin to retort, but think better of it. I think to myself, "These men are doing far better than I am in my quest towards Knightship, I should respect them, even if they are rude. One could be my teacher one day."

Upon entering the city hall, I remember the times my father has been brought here to answer for an outstanding debt, the mayor is an honest and just man. Hopefully I can find enough gold on this quest to buy my parents land from the wealthy land owner who is standing with the other three council members. What was his name again... I could never remember names, especially important ones. But of course, not until I had enough money for a proper weapon and a horse, because all knights need a signature weapon and a Valiant Steed!

I think to myself, the haughty Jervis fellow seems to know what he's doing, so I follow suit. I step forward as well and put my hand over my heart in an over zealous imitation of his salute, then say,"Hale and well met my lord, I am Ermulf, son of Jormund, and I have come to free the good townspeople from the clutches of the despicable evil that casts it's long shadow over this city. I will gladly offer my strength against the horde of the... uh... oh. um. bad guys..."I trail off as I forget what else Jervis said. I turn a bright beet red and return to the group, not wanting to draw any more attention to myself.
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Re: INTRO: The Council of Saltmarsh

#17 Post by Nordbo »

Danny Cruester

Cap in hand, while sizing up the mayor at the same time (he's never been this close to a mayor before), Danny speaks up: "Mr mayor, sir... I ain't 'fraid of no flashing lights - or eerie noises. You should hear my uncle snore!"

then glances around the hall to see where 'Juli' might be.
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Re: INTRO: The Council of Saltmarsh

#18 Post by Stirling »

Vhing Cranepool

Vhing gets nudged to step forward. "Vhing Cranepool,"he says and proceeds to spell it out,"ker, rrrer, aah, nner...I'm on parole for good behaviour. ".
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Re: INTRO: The Council of Saltmarsh

#19 Post by Urson »


"I am Alec Thunderfist. I haff come to like dis town undt de people werry much. Undt besides, my great-uncle Oren wouldt slap me stupid if I did nut choin dis search."
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Re: INTRO: The Council of Saltmarsh

#20 Post by hedgeknight »

Burly...the Baker

Burly tries to straighten his clothes a bit and run his fingers through his greasy hair. When he realizes it's his turn to speak, he clears his throat and steps forward, one hand in his pocket, the other on the end of this grandmother's rolling pin, tucked through his belt. "Burleson Sword is my given name, Mayor, but friends and family call me Burly. My family are bakers from Seaton and I come up here to open a bakery on the wishes of my Pa. Fell into a bit of trouble and need some coin to get back on my feet. Reckon I might find it that old haunted house or thereabouts."
Last edited by hedgeknight on Thu Dec 24, 2015 1:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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