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What We Know - The Log

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 7:51 pm
by Bluehorse
Trying a new format here. Let me know if you prefer this or the older one, or have better suggestions.

Things We've Done
Get moved in.
  • Met Julia
  • The Team day 1:
    • Jacob Matz
    • Dr. Jason O'Roarke
    • Roy O'Dowd
    • Lionel Williams
  • Got the tour.
  • Got the first call!
First Call: Fort Smith Coffee Company
  • Made a run for it! (No Ecto)
  • Busted your first ghost!
    • Met with the owners' Billy & Jean
    • So thankful that you earned perks of free coffee and breakfast for life.
    • +$5k.
  • Shady Reporter: Bur Westmolen had questionable coverage of the event.
  • Met Seargent Hightail of the FDPD.
Buy an Ecto!
  • Purchased 2018 Jeep Compass 4x4 Details
    • Met Slade Slimmerman
    • Got a good deal with the condition of helping him make a commercial.
    • New Ecto outfitted with logos and equipment.
Ghost in Firehouse!
  • Previously caught ghost got loose from containment.
    • Recaptured in Basement
    • Jacob quits!
More Teammates Arrive day 2:
  • Etta Conklin
  • Mac MacAuslin
Ribbon Cutting
  • Mayor officially opens the Firehouse.
  • Met with city officials and Press.
    • Mayor Sanders
    • J.T. Zurttuci.
    • Gabby "Pendelton" Phen
  • Father Belmont and his congregation showed up to protest the opening.
  • Mayor Sanders rushed to finish and get everyone inside to avoid bad press and have some posed photoshoots.
  • Bur gets shut out.
  • Met Julia's Mom, Mary. They inform the team that Father Belmont is not someone to mess with within this town, but neither is the mayor.
  • Mac gets a lead on possible hauntings at the Historic Site from two city officials who agree to provide the team with permits to work there.
  • Mayor hinted that he owns the Firehouse and business to Etta.
Etta investigates Father Belmont Details
  • Get strong readings from outside The Church of the Living God indicating the presence of a Class 7 entity inside.
  • Team focuses on doing research about Father Belmont and easily finds some very disturbing information.
    • Stories about him, his father, and mysterious a mysterious fire at the previous church in Moffet, OK.
    • Unusual cross "The Rood" that came into their possession about that time.
    • Associated with a Romanian story about a demon named Kindle that was trapped in a tree.
    • Living descendant of the same family of priests that trapped the demon lives in town, Father "Papa" Popascu.
    • Filled them in on the lore surrounding Kindle.
Etta looks into the Mayor and the establishment of the Franchise for the Firehouse Details
  • The Mayor owns a large portion of the franchise for Old Fort Ghostbusters personally.
  • White Hat Realty Investments owns another large portion.
    • White Hat belongs to the Mayor
    • Louis Tully admitted he made a "Boo-boo".
1st Investigation to the Fort Smith Historic Site
  • Got a tip from two city officials about the hauntings and stories.
  • They offered to sign a permit for the Historic Site for a more in-depth investigation.
  • Investigators the Old Courthouse and grounds for rumored hauntings.
  • The team got many strong readings from the Bass Reeves Statue, Courthouse, Grounds, Gallows, and could pick up a lot from the grounds heading west to the river.
  • The PKEs were burning up due to the heavy readings.
  • While investigating the gallows, a large man told them they should leave.
  • He had strong readings as well and promptly disappeared after, leading the team to think it might have been a ghost.Details
    • Later research lead them to think it might even be the Arch Angel Raguel.
Jason gets a date with Gabby, the Mayor's cute assistant
  • Finds out Pendelton is not her real name.
  • Her family immigrated here from Vietnam fleeing the war.
  • She has a VERY protective brother named Kien!
  • Date ended suddenly when her brother embarrassed her in public.
Lionel has a Rendezvous with Latiqua who reached out to him via Screecher
  • It went south in a hurry!
  • Wound up leaving her there and walked around downtown.
    • Saw some neat statues
    • Hung out at a local eatery to listen to some live music.
    • Met a mysterious old man that seemed to disappear after offering some advice.
Investigation at the Cavanaugh Mound
  • Met Brother Barry.
  • Clear readings from the mound.
  • Jason is snakebit several times!
    • Lionel and Roy help Jason to Julia's Car.
    • She races them to the Hospital
      • They notice that Julia has mad skills behind the wheel of a car, enough to raise suspicion.
      • There is a lot of extra horsepowers and tuning under the hood of that beetle!
Dzjokar "Joker" Jelal Arrives, Aug. 10th (day 3)
  • Upon arrival finds the Firehouse empty and sees a homeless man arguing with a cat in the alley.
  • Makes a good impression with Bur while waiting on the rest of the team to arrive back at the Firehouse.
  • Promises an exclusive tour to be scheduled later.
Jason in the Hospital
  • Gets there just in time!
  • Antivenom and Pain meds are great!
  • Meets Jack Feelgoode.
    • A friendly if belligerent ghost that likes to talk to the dying and sample the meds.
      • Jason gets a tip about more ghost in the old sub-basement
      • A "bad dude" has the ghost of a nun down there.
Etta & Lionel investigate a potential job at John Henry Tooling.
  • Meet with Charlie & Frank, Jr. about the job.
  • Witness an accident which is caught on camera.
  • They can just barely make out a vapor next to a shelf that fell.
  • Frank, Sr. comes out of the office and tries to run off the ghostbusters.
  • Frank, Jr. hires them to come on after the 2nd shift.
  • Rumors it was "Old Griff".
John Henry Tooling Job Details
  • Quickly found activity.
  • The team was attacked several times before catching a glimpse of a second ghost.
  • Second ghost helped save Joker, Lionel, & Mac.
  • Second ghost turned out to be "Old Griff" while the first was Jerry Harper, the ghost of a local thug strongarming the Henrys for "Insurance" money. Jerry had rigged the explosion that killed both himself as well as Griff many years before.
  • The team bust the Harper Ghost.
  • Frank, Sr. suffers a heart attack and dies on the spot from the stress.
  • Both Frank, Sr. and Griff are reunited and cross over together which Etta captures on video.
  • Etta acquires a Spiritual Hammer from Old Griff. Now located in the Lab at the Firehouse.
  • The team also meets the Reporter for Channel 4 News for the first time, Jamie Roth.
  • +$6k]
Joker fixes the Containment Unit
  • Was a rush job.
  • Loose connection allowed the previous ghost to get out.
  • Concerns about basement flooding are brought up.
The Team researches the mound and traditions of the Caddo People
  • Jason has a nightmare where he is back at the mound and hears chanting.Details
  • Etta and Mac look into getting some help from a local Caddo official for insight into the Mound since it dates back to their people.
    • Following a lead by Dr. Mulvihill, a local archeologist from UAFS and meet Jean and Thomas Ten-Chiefs who agrees to help.
    • They learn about the mounds.
    • Thomas helps them build an altar in the Firehouse to help placate A'ya'hi'ya.Details1Details2
    • They then go to get some pizza before heaving out to the Mound at Dusk to coincide with the New Moon.
The Cavanaugh Mound
  • On the night of the New Moon, there is always drumming.
  • This corresponds with what the team learned about A'ya'hi'ya.
  • Accompanied by Thomas & Jean Ten-Chiefs they went to investigate, this time wearing snake-proof boots that Julia was able to get them.
  • The quickly encounter A'ya'hi'ya.
  • The diety of the dead and serpents has a clear interest in Jason.
  • A'ya'hi'ya ask for Brother Barry to come forward, so the team gets him.
    • A'ya'hi'ya points out the spirits on top of the mound are restless but since they are "of your people" that it is Brother Barry who should pray for them.
    • A deal is struck to allow the Caddo to come to pray for their dead and that Brother Barry's congregation will do the same for the settlers buried on top of the mound as well.
    • A'ya'hi'ya is pleased.
  • +$4.5k
Lionel's Fun Run
  • Lionel went outside to find a throng of reporters that wanted to get an interview about the previous night's job at the Caddo Mound.
  • He takes them along on his morning run to weed out most of them and find out who really wants it.
    • Eleminated it down to just two reporters: A YouTuber called GoProJerad and Jamie Roth, the same reporter who scooped Bur on the Caddo Mound the night before as well as the job at John Henry Tooling Warehouse.
    • They agree to share the interview, GoProJerad would take the video and be allowed to publish it as well as release it to Jamie to use for her own reporting, each would exchange credits. Win! Win!
Lionel and the Mayor
  • Lionel was picked up by Mayor Sanders during one of his morning runs.
  • The Mayor drove him to his office to talk business.
  • Said he was interested in seeing Lionel do well and could even see him on the city council one day if he "played ball."
  • Lionel appreciated the idea but later when reporting to the rest of the team voiced his suspicions.
UAFS-Met contact Dr. Burkley about the theories and history of the area.
  • He loaned them some information concerning Local history around the Historic Site and Fort Smith in general, offering them access to his collection of books in exchange for access to their own.
  • Seemed to offer a good source of local information and was not opposed to the idea of theories of the occult where folklore and history intertwined from an academic level.
    • Got caught up in a football game with the "Harper Five".
      • Details
      • Red Harper
      • Husky Harper
      • Crusty Harper
      • Slim Harper
      • Squat Harper
    • After a long game, and multiple possessions (haha) the team managed to save the day and capture the group of poltergeists.
    • Saved Julia from possession as well as a few students.
    • +$10k.
Papa Popascu contacted the team on 8-23-18 and shared information.
  • Says he has the ritual ready but it must be performed perfectly.
  • Has the ghostbusters all do a confession to clear their spirits of any guilt that Kindle could use against them.
    • Jason
    • Roy
    • Lionel
    • Mac
    • Joker
  • Urged the ghostbusters to work quickly since Kindle is clearly aware of them given his recent attack on the City Official that was helping them and Father Belmont's current focus.
  • When asked about the information that might further link Bass Reeves and the Archangel Raguel connection, Papa Popascu urged them to be open to the possibility and move cautiously, because Raguel was not known for leniency in God's Law or the idea of Justice.
Pink Flamingo BBQ
  • Multiple Violent Possessors became active on-site, taking possession of hog carcasses as well as equipment.
    • Details
    • Hot Hog
    • Cypork
    • The Pyg
    • Little Pig
      • The final was apparently non-violent and was a residual leftover from the blood scene left in the kitchen after Pyg was trapped. A simple single blast from a Proton Pack completely dissipated it.
  • Multiple injuries and at least three casualties from the violent ghosts.
  • The business and neighboring businesses were all but destroyed.
  • +$8k
Investigated several odd jobs between 8-11 to present
  • +$4k
Follow up on the initial courthouse investigation.Details
  • Investigated the Courthouse itself.
  • Further exploring of the grounds.
  • Got some help from a park ranger named Cody who showed them into the "Hell on the border" Jail under the courthouse.
    • There is a LOT of paranormal readings going on, enough to short out a PKE on normal settings.
  • Lots of hints at haunting on the grounds.
  • As you get farther away from the Historic Site, the ambient readings become more normal.[list
  • This corresponds with other findings around town from PKE epicenters around town.
The team switches up.
  • Etta pulled away for personal business and will be away indefinitely.
  • Sam Strickland and Jon Roop join the team.
Oak Cemetery Investigation:
  • Several Hot Spots.
  • Jack Belt (No Readings)
  • A broken stone.
  • Two stones oozing black EctoPlasm that Joker took strong readings from as well as samples.
    • Both were of the last name Harris.
  • Christopher Columbus Ayers, a Mason, gave off readings that Jason described as "Playful".
  • A group now referred to as the Blackwell Witches gives off a lot of readings.
Library/Mormon Church Geneology Investigation
  • Sam went first to the library and then the Mormon church to investigate the names that the team was looking into at the cemetery.
  • The Blackwells: Long-time local family with a sketchy background both from mysterious deaths and disappearance as well as minor criminal records.
    • The team wants to track down the living relatives of the Blackwells:
      • Gloria Mary Joniet
      • Jenevieve Joniet
    • D.O.O.R.: A budding group of paranormal investigators that have shown up on local radar since Jenevieve Jonet as a Psychic Investigator helped solve a local missing person turned homicide case.
      • Michael Harper sentenced to an 85-year sentence for the murder of Sarah Hemsly. It was D.O.O.R. & specifically Jenevieve Joniet that helped solve the case while working with the FSPD.
      • It is widely accepted that this was the event in responsible for turning the local government and people in favor of bringing in a Ghostbusters franchise to help with paranormal events around town.
      • Seem to be some traces of possible paranormal activity that go mostly unnoticed.
      • Roop at some point disappeared. No one seems to care.
Jason & Gabby: Piano Bar to the Caddo Meeting
  • Piano Bar
    • Gabby opens up over drinks and tells Jason that Bill Maily (The city official that tipped off Mac to the Historic Site hauntings and provided the permits to operate there) committed suicide that morning after seeing himself on Father Belmont's television show.
    • She indicated that nothing about it made sense because he was a genuinely happy man, but something about that Sunday night show got to him.
    • She also confirms that Jason and the rest of the team is right about Mayor Sanders owning most of the town and the areas around it.
  • Caddo Meeting
    • Jason and Gabby are personally greeted by Thomas Ten-Chiefs.
    • The Mayor and J.T. show up about the time Jason is sat down with Thomas.
    • The Caddo ask for Jason's side of what happened at the mound and are satisfied with his answer.
    • The Mayor brings up that he wants to buy the Cavanaugh Mound (which shares a property line with his brother Muddy Sanders trailer park) as well as some if not all the remaining Caddo Reservation.
      • He offers them double top market value for all properties.
      • He further offers to put them up in new houses in Caffee Crossing, the new upscale subdivision on the other side of Fort Smith, and mentions all the amenities they would get like city sewer and water, TV and Internet, etc.
    • Thomas speaks up about how the mayor always makes these offers and they are not interested in giving up what they have.
    • Thomas mentions part of what the Mayor wants is native cemetery lands and asks if the mayor plans to build over those graves as so many places in Fort Smith have done before.
      • The mayor is able to play word games and throw the meeting into chaotic arguing between those that want to sell and those that want to hold fast, not to mention those that want something in-between.
      • Thomas turns his back on the meeting and walks out, creating silence.
      • After the elders follow him, the rest of the meeting people seem shocked into silence while they wait.
      • Jason implores the Mayor to reconsider his stance on building anything on the Mound Site.
      • Pitches a quick idea on the fly of:
        • Building a museum in town that documents and showcases the Caddo Mound and local culture.
        • Reinvesting by running utilities out to those that want it as a tax write-off.
        • Considering the profit from full hotels and restaurants, and other businesses that would appreciate the money brought in by the mayor, which would lead not only to profits but votes.
      • The mayor agrees to consider that idea and put off his plans to buy for the moment.
      • When the meeting disperses, Thomas and the Elders bring Jason into the back room and inform him that he changed the Mayor's mind just in time because they were going to be forced to vote on the matter since it was the 3rd time it had been brought up.
      • Jason realizes this is why the Mayor seemed so please with himself when the chaos erupted since a split vote would likely rule in his favor.
      • Gabby also found out that there are some that have already settled with the Mayor privately, but once the land is sold in any way, that part of the reservation is gone forever.
Joker Discovers the Vagrant that has been staying near the FirehouseDetails
  • Recognizes him as the man arguing with a cat from his arrival to the Firehouse.
  • He startles and disappears down a manhole when Roy and Sam arrive.
  • Sam climbs down and sees it is a storm drain.
  • Sam inadvertently discovers that there are people using the storm drains to move around unseen.
  • There are markers/signs drawn or etched into the walls at intersections.
  • Sam discovers the Old Underground Tunnels that had been sealed off, and now in use by vagrants and ????
  • Makes his way to the big catholic church at the top of Garrison Ave and then finds an intersection where the PKE on his phone spikes to the South.
  • Following the signal, he finds a bricked-up entrance to the Hospital's old sub-basement.
  • Sam can hear voices warning him away.
  • The team loses contact with Sam while he is underground and begins tracking him down, finding him outside the hospital near a manhole.
Baptist Health: Old Sub-Basement
  • The team gathers around the manhole with Sam.
  • Lionel cuts his date with Jamie Roth short, but she is excited to join them.
  • Jack Feelgoode comes to Jason, at great discomfort from straining his anchor to the hospital, to warn them away and tell them the violent ghost he warned Jason about before during his hospital stay had "gotten a whiff" of (Sam) and was waiting for them.
  • The team equips themselves and heads down into the tunnel anyway.
  • Mac smashes through the bricked-up entrance to the hospital and they come out into an old workshop in the sub-basement.
  • The team encounters three ghost:Details
    • Harlem Harper.
    • Jack Feelgoode, A.K.A. Jack Belt.
    • The Nun, Sister Bethany.
  • The Harper Ghost proves very violent and attacks brutally without remorse, even seems to take pleasure in causing suffering.
  • He regularly drains energy from those around him, like the Nun and Jack.
  • Even drains some life force from Jamie.
  • The Nun helps heal Jamie.
  • With the help of Jack Feelgoode, the team is able to trap The Harper Ghost, but they are in the same trap.
  • The team is also guided by The Nun to her remains, giving her closer to leave and solving a near-century-old mystery.
  • +$6.2k
Joker & Jason experiment on a way to separate entities from the containment unit for studyDetails
  • The most immediate goal is to Free Jack without freeing Harlem Harper from the same trap.
  • The experiment is a success!
  • Joker and Jason work on a possible sell patent to GBI.
  • The conversation with Jeremy & Veronica Spengler of GBI sounds promising!
Decided on a budget for August
  • Team chose to budget for a Ready Operation of $8k.
Investor Shares hit on Aug. 31.
  • -$24,857.40 or approximately 88.9% of the company funds.
    • After the payroll hits overnight, the Firehouse is in the Red!
    • R&D, Monthly Expenses, Payroll, and payments to Investors coupled with an overdraft fee started off the month of Sept at -$21,014 in the bank! Details Also see Bank Statement
Roy looks for Fast Cash around town.
  • Roy explores a few different stores.
  • Finds himself in Fort Smith Coffee Co.
  • Picks up a job building a computer for a Robotics club at the nearby High School.
  • Mr. Alapha offers $200 of the club budget and will put in $100 of his own for a good Robotics Computer.
  • Billy and Jean offer to hold a fundraiser for the Ghostbusters.
Seeking help from the Mayor
  • The team approached the mayor about the investor shares.
  • He assured them they would find everything was good and legal.
  • Said that all investors naturally would want a share of profit according to what they had put into the startup of the company.
  • When the call came in for the job at 601 North E Street, he asked the team to ignore it.
    • Lionel tried to catch him on video asking them to ignore a job for a favor.
    • The Mayor was too slick for that and sidestepped like a pro. Which he is.
  • Everyone's suspicions on the Mayor went up again.
  • More questions raised as to why the mayor would want that particular job kept quiet and ignored for such a big monetary favor as relief from the investor shares.
Job at 601 North E Street
  • Investigation proved this house was VERY actively haunted.
  • Poltrigeist present.
  • The team found a Book and Hex Bag being used to create a weakening Containment Field.
  • Investigating the book broke the spell, allowing the poltergeist to move more freely and attack.
  • The Blackwell Witches, now D.O.O.R. had surrounded the house!
    • 21 witches.
    • Mac was knocked unconscious and had a vision with Mary Duncan who was the witch to leave the book and hex bag to make the original spell.
  • Bust this job!

Re: What We Know - The Log

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2021 8:03 pm
by Bluehorse
Things We've Done Updated 9-26-21 (9-11-18 In Game Time)
Make that commercial for Slimmerman.
A little premature, but eh, we're working on it.
Julia the Expert Driver?
  • Julia has proven to have mad driving skills on at least two different occasions.
    • From the Cavanaugh Mound to the Hospital.
    • From the Firehouse to UAFS.
    Her car also obviously has something "extra" under the hood.
  • The team spotted Julia at a street race on the Clayton Expressway.
    • She is definitely a pro driver.
    She won a high-stakes race before everyone dispersed to avoid the police.
Meeting with the Mayor after the 601 Job:
  • The Mayor is happy with the job you did.
    • The team inadvertently took out part of his competition.
    • He said not to worry about the legal issues, he was going to personally make them "go away."
    He advised the team to steer clear of "Those witches."
    Meeting with Jeniveve Joniet
    • Jeniveve is the head of the organization known as D.O.O.R. and descendant of the Blackwell Witches of local lore.
      • She sent for the team just as they were leaving the meeting with the Mayor where he told the team to keep clear of them.
      • They also met Gloria Joniet (Her mother) who was the last legal owner of 601 N. E St.
      The team found out more about D.O.O.R. and what their M.O. is all about, at least from their perspective.
      Joker's To-Do:
      • Finish the temporary holding cell gadget.