Character Sheets

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Character Sheets

#1 Post by Marullus »

Paste the spoilered sheet below into your character sheet post
== Your Name Here ==
Male/Female Human
Class / Level

== Views ==
Core Value:
Goal - Short-Term:
Goal - Long-Term:

== Attributes ==
STR AA (Mod)
DEX BB (Mod)
CON CC (Mod)
INT DD (Mod)
WIS EE (Mod)
CHA FF (Mod)

== Skills ==
List any skill you have ranks here (i.e. Administer 1)
Saved Skill Points: 0

== Defensive Abilities ==
HP: 1 / 1
System Strain: None
Conditions: None
Armor Set 1: (i.e. Leather Jacket) AC:
Armor Set 2: (i.e. Armored Grav Suit) AC:
Physical: Evasion: Mental:

== Offensive Abilities ==
Base Attack Bonus:
Primary Weapon: (i.e. Laser Pistol +1 (1d6+1) Range: Magazine:)
Secondary Weapon:

== Foci ==
List any Foci you have and the level (i.e. Alert Level 1: Gain Notice as a bonus skill. You cannot be surprised, nor can others use the Execution Attack option on you. When you roll initiative, roll twice and take the best result.)

== Psionics ==
Psionic Effort: X / Y
Psionic Technique (i.e. Telekinetic Manipulation Level-0: The psychic can exert force as if with one hand and their own strength.)

== Cybernetics / Innate Abilities ==

== Equipment ==
Readied items:

Stowed Equipment:

== Background ==
Description here.
== Character Creation (Linked Rolls) ==
Attribute Roles:
STR [3d6] DEX [3d6] CON [3d6]
INT [3d6] WIS [3d6] CHA [3d6]

Growth/Learning Rolls:

Three Bonuses (genetics/mutation/cyberware):

Hit Points: [1d6]

Equipment Package choice or [2d6]x100 credits
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Re: Character Sheets

#2 Post by Mister-Kent »

Agent Faraday
== Agent Faraday ==
Male Human
Expert/Warrior, Lvl 1
XP 0/3

== Views ==
Core Value: All unknown tech must be contained, analyzed, and if necessary, destroyed
Goal - Short-Term: Track down and acquire local Earth-9 maltech
Goal - Long-Term: Re-establish the Perimeter in its full glory

== Attributes ==
STR 14 (+1)
DEX 14 (+1)
CON 16 (+1)
INT 17 (+2)
WIS 14 (+1)
CHA 06 (-1)

== Skills ==
List any skill you have ranks here (i.e. Administer 1)
Saved Skill Points: 0

== Defensive Abilities ==
HP: 9/9
System Strain: None
Conditions: None
Armor Set 1: Armored Undersuit AC: 13
Armor Set 2: (i.e. Armored Grav Suit) AC:
Physical: 14 Evasion: 16 Mental: 14

== Offensive Abilities ==
Base Attack Bonus: +1
Primary Weapon: Laser Pistol (1d6) Range: 100/300 Magazine: 10
Secondary Weapon: Monoblade knife (1d6)

== Foci ==
Close-Combatant 1- Gain any combat skill as a bonus skill. You can use pistol-sized ranged weapons in melee without suffering penalties for the proximity of melee attackers. You ignore Shock damage from melee assailants, even if you’re unarmored at the time.
Hacker 1 - Gain Program as a bonus skill. When attempting to hack a database or computerized system, roll 3d6 on the skill check and drop the lowest die.
Shocking Assault 1 - Gain Punch or Stab as a bonus skill. The Shock damage of your weapon treats all targets as if they were AC 10, assuming your weapon is capable of harming the target in the first place.

== Psionics ==
Psionic Effort: X / Y
Psionic Technique - N/A

== Cybernetics / Innate Abilities ==
Mutation Benefit - Energy Sensitivity - You can shift your senses to perceive electrical currents, charged power cells, and radioactivity within a 10 meter range. This sense can penetrate up to a meter of intervening matter.
Mutation Flaw - Quarrelsome - You can control yourself around fellow PCs and friends, but others that contradict you or defy your wishes infuriate you. You won’t necessarily attack, but you suffer a -3 penalty on all social skill checks with them that don’t involve intimidation.

== Equipment ==
Credits: 200
Readied Items (7/7):
Backpack TL0
Armored Undersuit
Laser Pistol
Monoblade Knife
Type A cells x4

Stowed Equipment (/14):
Postech Toolkit
Spare Parts x6

== Background ==
The child of a maltech cultist and a renegade psitech researcher, the man who would become known as "Faraday" grew up exposed to dangerous quantities of extradimensional radiation. When the Perimeter apprehended his parents, the agency discovered the boy's mutation and immediately entered him into their Junior Operative program.

When everything went to Hell, Faraday was undercover on Earth-9, posing as a scavver. With no contact from any handlers or fellow agents, Faraday has been pursuing his own objective as well as just trying to make a living. He suspects he can reunite with the Agency if he can make his way offworld.
== Character Creation (Linked Rolls) ==
Attribute Roles:
STR [3d6] DEX [3d6] CON [3d6]
STR [3d6] = 12 DEX [3d6] = 14 CON [3d6] = 16
INT [3d6] WIS [3d6] CHA [3d6]
INT [3d6] = 17 WIS [3d6] = 4 CHA [3d6] = 6

Growth/Learning Rolls:
Growth [1d6] = 2 Learning [1d8] = 2
Learning [1d8] = 3

Three Bonuses (genetics/mutation/cyberware):
(1)(2)(3) Selected Mutation Bonus and Flaw

Hit Points: [1d6+3] HP [1d6+3] = 6+3 = 9

Equipment Package choice or [2d6]x100 credits: Selected Technician package
Last edited by Mister-Kent on Fri Feb 19, 2021 2:27 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Character Sheets

#3 Post by cybersavant »

Báleygr Gangleri scavenger originates from the Southern Archipelgo on Earth-9. He spent time in space, among a smuggler crew and gained some cybernetics. Recently, on a return trip to Earth-9, the smuggler ship crashed and burned. Báleygr Gangleri luckily survived, and is now searching for a way offworld once again.


Balygyr has accepted the bargain and now can strike-out this flaw on his character sheet - Your Sight is very weak. You cannot succeed at ranged combat rolls more than ten meters away.
He keeps the Slime Buffer mutation that came with it.
Also note: Balygr as a 3rd level Partial Magister still has mastery of only the same two spells, but now has 4 slots to cast them per day, not 3.
This will go up again at 5th level.

Balygyr now has 6 system strain and cannot safely use his occular nerves (by tearing off bandages and using his eyes or by using the drone controller) until they are healed. Unfortunately, Balygyr's Rectifier abilities do not include an option that speeds the healing of system strain, so this is just six days of rest. Surprisingly, I can't find any rules for what being blind does in the SWN:R rules (though several entries and items 'eliminate the penalties' of blindness. For simplicity, I will apply a -4 penalty of "almost total cover" to any roll, assuming the role is possible to attempt blind. Actually, let's make that -4 to d20 attacks and +2 to skill difficulties, since they're different types of rolls.
== Báleygr Gangleri ==
Male Human mutant
Background: Spacer
Class / Level: Arcane Expert/Rectifier / Level 3
XP 3/6

== Views ==
Core Value:
Goal - Short-Term: get offworld again, preferably on a ship
Goal - Long-Term: find TL4 tech to repair/use/sell

== Attributes ==
STR 12 (+0)
DEX 11 (+0)
CON 11 (+0) 5
INT 14 (+1)
WIS 14 (+1)
CHA 13 (+0)

== Skills ==
fix 2
administer 0
cast magic 0
notice 0
survive 1
Pilot 0
program 1
sneak 0
know 0

Saved Skill Points: 0

== Defensive Abilities ==
HP: 6 / 6
System Strain: 2 (Permanent: 2)
Conditions: None
Armor Set 1: Armored Undersuit AC: 13
Armor Set 2: None AC: 10

Saves: Physical: 14 Evasion: 13 Mental: 14

== Offensive Abilities ==
Base Attack Bonus: 0
Primary Weapon: Biogun [1d20-2] Damage [1d12] Range: 100/300
Secondary Weapons: Laser Pistol [1d20-1] Damage [1d6] Range: 100/300 Magazine: 10
monoblade knife [1d20-2] Damage [1d6] Shock: 1pt/AC15
knife [1d20-2] Damage [d4] Shock: 1pt/AC15
unarmed [1d20-2] Damage [1d2] No Shock

== Foci ==
Wild Psychic Talent: Precognition/Sense the Need

Maskwalker: As a Main Action, you can adjust your appearance and the appearance of your attuned gear within any range normal to your species. These alterations are physical changes, not mere illusions, and will pass standard TL4 genetic tests or physical gear inspections. Changed gear does not function, however, unless its new shape is compatible with its original function. You revert back to your original shape as an Instant action or when you die, as does any changed gear. To mimic a specific other person you need a sample of their DNA and gain one point of System Strain that cannot be lost until you leave the shape.

Tinker: Gain Fix as a bonus skill. Your Maintenance score is doubled, allowing you to maintain twice as many mods. Both ship and gear mods cost only half their usual price in credits, though pretech salvage requirements remain the same.

You have a considerable fluency with digital security measures and standard encryption methods. You know how to make computerized systems obey you until their automatic failsafes come down on your control. Level 1: Gain Program as a bonus skill. When attempting to hack a database or computerized system, roll 3d6 on the skill check and drop the lowest die.
Level 2: Your hack duration increases to 1d4+Program skill x 10 minutes. You have an instinctive understanding of the tech; you never need to learn the data protocols for a strange system and are always treated as familiar with it.

Stigmata: You are horrendously ugly, with aquatic inhuman features - Fish scales, bulging eyes, "whiskers", fins, webbed digits. Take -2 to all social skill checks that don’t involve intimidation any time your natural form is showing.

Flaw: You have bulging fish eyes, even if otherwise human.

Benefit: You have a [Biogun] that can be used in combat.
Biogun: You can expel bone shards, teeth, or other natural projectiles as if firing a combat rifle (1d12 damage, 100/300 range), using either Punch or Shoot as the relevant skill and Dexterity as the attribute for the attack. After each fight or situation in which this mutation is used, roll a Physical save. On a failure, the mutation is drained for the day unless you spend 1 System Strain.

Your Sight is very weak. You cannot succeed at ranged combat rolls more than ten meters away.

Your reinforced body allows for a Slime Buffer. You have a slimy or oily exudate layer that has a powerful antiseptic and neutralizing effect on toxic agents. You are immune to acids, diseases, and contact toxins. In a fight, you ignore your first round of damage from a heat source, whether a bonfire, laser, plasma gun, or flamethrower.

== Psionics ==
Effort: 1 / 1

Sense the Need (Precog Level-1)
At some point in the recent past, the psychic had a vague but intense premonition that a particular object would be needed. By triggering this power as an Instant action and Committing Effort for the day, the psychic can retroactively declare that they brought along any one object that they could have reasonably acquired and carried to this point. This object must be plausible given recent events; if the psychic has just been stripsearched, very few objects could reasonably have been kept, while a psychic who’s just passed through a weapons check couldn’t still have a loaded laser pistol.

== Spells ==
Spells per Day: 3 / 3

Level 1- Biometric Imposture: Whenever a person or device is conducting a biometric or physical diagnostic test within ten meters of the caster, such as testing DNA, comparing retinas, screening for diseases, or checking thumb prints, the person who has mastered this spell becomes intuitively aware of it and may choose to cast Biometric Imposture. If so, the test will produce whatever results the caster wishes for it to produce. If the caster isn’t sure what the test is checking for, the spell will confirm whatever expected or ordinary result the test usually obtains. This spell automatically defeats technological devices, but if the biometric scan involves purely human analysis, such as comparing fingerprints or using a magical ability, the target gets a Mental save to resist. This spell may be cast as an Instant action.

Level 1- reinforce tissue: The caster catalyzes the latent organic energy within a visible wounded target to provoke immediate healing of physical injuries. This spell is unusual in that once it is mastered, it can be cast with any level of spell slot. The healing provided is equal to 2d6 per level of the spell. Thus, if cast as a first level spell, it heals 2d6 damage, and if cast as a fifth level spell, it heals 10d6. Each use of this spell on a target causes it to gain one point of System Strain. This spell can only heal physical trauma, and cannot regrow lost limbs, cure diseases, or detoxify poisons.

== Cybernetics / Innate Abilities ==
These are extreme mutations from birth, not actual cyberware.

Bioadaptation Augments: These additional organs and filters allow the bearer to survive in thin-atmosphere conditions, as well as tolerate temperatures ranging from Antarctic chill to heat sufficient to boil water. They can also eat a wide range of native life forms for sustenance; no normal planet’s native biology is ever considered immiscible for consumption. He can also breathe underwater.

Panspectral Optics:
Ocular mutations allow them to see clearly at any light level short of perfect darkness, in addition to giving them thermal vision that can easily distinguish shapes and distance even in the total absence of light. Dangerous radiation and lasers tuned outside the range of visible light are also visible to the user. Nearby radio transmissions can be seen as if they were visual flares of color. The system cannot translate these transmissions, only alert the user to them.

== Equipment ==
Credits: 120

Readied items:
backpack (TL 0)
Laser Pistol
Monoblade knife
Armored Undersuit (AC 13)

Stowed Equipment: (in backpack)
4 Type A Cells
Postech Toolkit
6 Units of Spare Parts
climbing harness

== Background ==
originally native of Earth 9, a scavenger, taken offworld & joined scavenger/smugglers trading tech, etc., eventually returned to Earth 9 via crashed/destroyed ship; now looking to get offworld again

Magic - Back home in the Southern Archepelago, there's Athalgara, a 'witchwoman' that lives alone in the woods outside the village town. Locals go to her for healing and herbs, etc. Due to the severe mutation, she took an interest in him/ or cared for him if/when abandoned, and taught him a little of her craft - [ Obi-wan to Luke, sort of ]

Some aquatic mutation is standard in the Southern Archepelago, but he is way beyond that. Most can hide their looks from outsiders - so ostracized as he'd bring too much scrutiny to the area. So, led a solitary life, except for Athalgara. Once he masted the maskwalker thing, ventured off in search of adventure - and eventually made his way into space. Learned to fix things, discovered he has a knack for tech, and watched the pilots fly in his spare time. Maybe he was allowed to co-pilot a routine landing as they returned to Earth 9 looking for more salvage that couldn't find elsewhere. That's when the crash happened.

== Character Creation (Linked Rolls) ==

Attribute Rolls:
STR [3d6] DEX [3d6] CON [3d6]
INT [3d6] WIS [3d6] CHA [3d6]
[3d6] = 12[3d6] = 11[3d6] = 11[3d6] = 10[3d6] = 13[3d6] = 13

Growth/Learning Rolls:
[1d6] = 6[1d8] = 1[1d8] = 4
Any Skill, Administer, Fix

Three Bonuses (genetics/mutation/cyberware):
(1) mutation
(2) cyberware
(3) cyberware

Hit Points: [1d6-1]
[1d6-1] = 4-1 = 3
[2d6] = 9

Equipment: Technician package
That's by spell level, not character level - this is still an OSR-style game, so it uses spell tables like D&D. You're a type of Magister, their spell progression is below. At level 3 you will gain access to second-level spell slots. The extra healing comes if you spend one of those slots instead.

(Also, it is one strain per use, so casting at a higher level still causes one strain. Casting multiple times with first level slots costs more strain. :) )

Magister Spells.JPG
Magister Spells.JPG (42.25 KiB) Viewed 5 times
Last edited by cybersavant on Wed Feb 08, 2023 5:21 am, edited 30 times in total.
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Shadrach, Demon-Hunter

#4 Post by Enoch »

Male Human
Vengeful Renegade
Godhunter 3
XP 0/3

== Views ==
Core Value: Shadow cults are a tool of the Devil and must be eradicated.
Goal - Short-Term: Defend the farmstead.
Goal - Long-Term: Destroy the cult that sacrificed my family.

== Attributes ==
STR 15 (+1)
DEX 15 (+1)
CON 18 (+2)
INT 13 (+0)
WIS 05 (-1)
CHA 14 (+1)

== Skills ==
Know Magic-1

== Defensive Abilities ==
HP: 5 / 15
System Strain: None / 15
Conditions: None
Armor Set 1: Woven Body Armor (TL3) AC: 16 (18 vs. Shadows/Shadow cultists), Enc 2
Physical: 12, Evasion: 12, Mental: 12 (-2 bonus vs. magical/mundane effects of Shadows and Shadow cultists)

== Offensive Abilities ==
Base Attack Bonus: +1
Primary Weapon: Spike Thrower [1d20+1 (if using Twitchlock Actuators), +3 vs Shadows] [3d8+1] Range: 20/40, Magazine: 7/15, Enc 2
Secondary Weapon: Combat Rifle [1d20+1 (if using Twitchlock Actuators), +3 vs Shadows] [1d12+1] Range: 100/300, Magazine: 30/30, Enc 2
Secondary Weapon: Knife [1d20] [1d4+1] Shock 1/AC 15, Enc 1
Secondary Weapon: Rifle (clubbed) [1d20 (if using Twitchlock Actuators), +2 vs Shadows] [1d6+2]

== Foci ==
Grim takes the form of a large, pitch-black wolfhound, with eyes that are eerily human, though its gaze is blank and pitiless. It prefers to rest in shadows, and when called appears in the shadows formed by sharp angles. When in those shadows, its appearance doesn't seem to quite match what most people expect- its body and movement is more leonine than canine, and- though it's impossible to say for certain- the head seems almost human.

AC 15, HP: 11, +3 to-hit, 1d10 melee damage, Morale 12, Save 13
+1 to skills appropriate to its nature

Principles: Guard Your Master, Feast on Slain Shadows.
Shadow Companion 1: You’ve been bonded with a particular Shadow, whether as a familiar, as a loyal companion, as a barely-chained demon, or as an echo of your own psychic self. The specific nature and shape of this Shadow varies from tradition to tradition, but its attributes are usually those given below and it requires no conventional sustenance or human-miscible environment. This Shadow can be dismissed or summoned adjacent to you as a Main Action. If reduced below 1 hit point it is banished. Any damage it has suffered is erased after 24 hours of dismissal. The Shadow cannot take any objects with it when it is dismissed. The Shadow cannot go more than one hundred meters from its summoner; if dragged beyond that distance, it is instantly dismissed. If a companion is banished by damage, it can be re-summoned after 24 hours have passed, but the PC needs to do it some favor or give it some gift appropriate to its nature and desires before it will serve again. If purely a material gift, it shouldn’t cost more than 10% of the PC’s funds. Chances to indulge a Shadow’s Principles or its own desires may be much cheaper, if perhaps more far-reaching in potential consequences.

It has 5 hit points plus two more for each of your character levels, a hit bonus equal to your character level with 1d10 melee damage and no Shock, a movement rate equal to your own, an AC of 15, Morale of 12, and a Save roll of 16 minus your character level. It gains a +1 on any skill checks appropriate to its nature. It has human intelligence and can communicate with you, but not directly with others. It will carry out any order not contrary to its nature or suicidal; if ordered to do something against its Principles or apparently suicidal, you need to make a Cha/Talk skill check against at least a difficulty 9 to persuade it. You define one Principle for your Shadow and the GM defines another that seems appropriate to it.

Alert: You cannot be surprised, nor can others use the Execution Attack option on you. When you roll initiative, roll twice and take the best result.

== Cybernetics / Innate Abilities ==
Phasing (Mutation): A gift granted by the High Prelate to Shadrach gives him the ability to come, partially, into the reality demons inhabit. He can briefly phase a large portion of his mass into metadimensional space, leaving him almost intangible. He can push his way through all but exotic Old Terran psi-shielded materials at normal movement rates. He cannot touch or affect the tangible world while phased, nor can he be affected. He is visible while phased. Each round spent phased adds 1 System Strain. If he re-materializes inside a physical object, he is shunted into the nearest open space, suffering 1d10 damage per meter.

Dehydration: He was cursed by the cult when he was cast out, forbidden from finding them again in their desert fastness. Deserts or other very arid places leave him debilitated and weak, suffering a -2 modifier to his Strength modifier that lasts for ten minutes after exposure.

Purity of Arms (Level 1): Any weapon or unarmed attack counts as a magical weapon for the purposes of affecting targets only subject to magical weapons.
The Godhunter may take Arcane Warrior foci with their initial focus pick and any other they may accrue.

True Hand (Level 1): The Godhunter receives a bonus to hit rolls against Shadows and Shadow cultists equal to half their character level, rounded up.

Grim Determination (Level 1): Gain a +1 bonus to maximum hit points at this and every odd character level thereafter.

Sacriligious Scorn (Level 2): Gain a +2 bonus to all saving throws against magical or mundane effects created by Shadows or Shadow cultists. This increases to +4 at level 6.

Armor of Contempt: Gain an AC bonus against Shadows and Shadow cultists equal to half level, rounded up.

True Eyes: The Godhunter may make a Mental saving throw to automatically pierce any magical illusions created or magical disguises adopted by a Shadow or cultist. Failure means a new attempt cannot be made until a new scene begins.

Twitchlock Actuators: Neural override fibers are woven into the user’s hands and arms and linked to a perceptual modulator implanted at the base of the user’s brain stem. When presented with a direct exercise of hand-eye coordination, the twitchlock can be engaged to produce superhuman accuracy and precision. Any attack roll or skill check reliant chiefly on manual dexterity or aim can be rerolled, though the power surge inflicts two points of System Strain on the user. A given roll can only be rerolled once with this cyberware. While the twitchlock allows superhuman accuracy when engaged, the overrides fuzz ordinary nerve impulses and reduce the user’s Dexterity modifier by 1 when active. Activating or deactivating the cyberware requires a Main Action.

== Equipment ==
Credits: 55
Readied items:
  • 81 rounds ammo (enc 2)
  • Compad (enc 0)
Stowed Equipment:
  • Backpack (TL0)
== Background ==
A veteran of the Succession Wars, Shadrach settled down with a wife and started a family, buying a small farm and hoped to scrape out a modest but happy existence on the edge of the desert. Instead, he returned from town to find his family kidnapped as a sacrifice for a cult of Shadow-worshippers who laughed when Shadrach tracked them down and cast him out of the desert with a curse to forestall any vengeance.

He turned to the Church for aid, and it granted him many gifts. In exchange he has served the Church, particularly the Order of Saint Chrysostom, hunting demons and the cults that worship them. He's grown old in her service, however, and longs for a peaceful life. Many of his missions, too, gnaw at his soul; too many so-called "demon-worshippers" and cults were little more than misguided fools or heretics, and their souls weigh heavily on him.

Still, he cannot hang up his gun belts until the cult that killed his family is destroyed. Until then, he will serve the Order as best he can.

== Character Creation (Linked Rolls) ==
Attribute Roles:
STR [3d6] = 15 DEX [3d6] = 15 CON [3d6] = 17
INT [3d6] = 13 WIS [3d6] = 6 CHA [3d6] = 5

Growth/Learning Rolls:
Shoot-0 (Free Skill)
Connect-0 Growth Roll: [1d6] = 5
Any Skill-0 (Cast Magic) Growth Roll: [1d6] = 6
Any Skill-0 (Shoot-0) Growth Roll: [1d6] = 6

Three Bonuses (genetics/mutation/cyberware):
(1) Mutation:
Flaw: [1d12] = 4, Benefit: [1d12] = 5
Movement Power: [1d8] = 8
Environment: [1d8] = 2
Physical Attribute: [1d6] = 2
(2) Cyberware (Twitchlock Actuators)
(3) Cyberware (Twitchlock Actuators)

Hit Points: [1d6] Lvl 1 HP: [1d6] = 4 (+ 1 Con, +1 Godhunter)

Equipment Package choice or [2d6]x100 credits
Soldier Equipment Package
Last edited by Enoch on Mon Aug 07, 2023 1:59 pm, edited 37 times in total.
Shadrach, Demon-Hunter - Dust to Dust
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Re: Character Sheets

#5 Post by redwarrior »

Hansel Shatner, Human Dilettante, former spy, and now Bounty Hunter
Part Expert/Part Warrior
== Han Shatner ==
Male Human
Dilettante, originally from Georghiad.
Class / Level Partial Expert/Warrior -- / 3
XP 6/12

== Views ==
Core Value: Excitement and adventure - Han wants to see what’s beyond the next hill – I bet it’s good.
Goal - Short-Term: To see those who prey on the weak punished. You should only prey on those as can defend themselves.
Goal - Long-Term: To build up enough credits that he can get a ship and explore the galaxy

== Attributes ==
STR 14 (+1)
INT 11 (0)
CHA 16 (+1)

== Skills ==
Connect 0: Find people who can be helpful to your purposes and get them to cooperate with you. Roll
it to make useful connections with others, find people you know, know where to get illicit goods
and services, and be familiar with foreign cultures and languages. You can use it in place of Talk for
persuading people you find via this skill. (from dilettante background)

Fix 0: Create and repair devices both simple and complex. How complex will depend on your character’s
background; a lostworlder blacksmith is going to need some study time before he’s ready to fix that
broken fusion reactor, though he can do it eventually. Roll it to fix things, build things, and identify
what something is supposed to do. (from dilettante background)

Notice 0 {Specialist} : Spot anomalies or interesting facts about your environment. Roll it for searching places, detecting ambushes, spotting things, and reading the emotional state of other people. (from Specialist focus)

Pilot 0: Use this skill to pilot vehicles or ride beasts. Roll it to fly spaceships, drive vehicles, ride animals, or tend to basic vehicle repair. This skill doesn’t help you with things entirely outside the scope of your background or experience, though with some practice a PC can expand their expertise. (from dilettante background)

Shoot 2: Use it as a combat skill when using ranged weaponry, whether hurled rocks, bows, laser pistols, combat rifles, or ship’s gunnery. (from gunslinger focus)

Stab 0: Use it as a combat skill when wielding melee weapons, whether primitive or complex. (from close combat focus)

Talk 1: Convince other people of the facts you want them to believe. What they do with that conviction may
not be completely predictable. Roll it to persuade, charm, or deceive others in conversation. (roundout skill)

Saved Skill Points: 0

== Defensive Abilities ==
HP: 26 / 26
System Strain: 0
Conditions: None
Armor Set 1: "Stormtrooper" Armor AC: 16 (18) embedded com links, security credentials for space station 0 currently disabled Equivalent to "Combat Field Uniform" ~~ WAS Harmony Armor, AC 16 (18)
Armor Set 2: Armored Undersuit AC: 13 (15)
Armor Set 3: Old Terran Clothing AC: 13 (15)

Physical: 11 Evasion: 11 Mental: 12

== Offensive Abilities ==
Base Attack Bonus: +2
Primary Weapon: Laser Pistol (1d6) Range: 100/300 Magazine: 10
Combat Rifle (1d12) 100/300 Magazine 30 {Dantes HAS}
Anodyne Corporation Laser Rifle (1d10) Range 300/500 Magazine: 20
Secondary Weapon: Revolver: 1d8+2 damage, 6 shots, Range 30/100.
Tertiary Weapon: Monoblade knife (1d6)
Stun Baton.
(+2 to damage with firearms from gunslinger/shooting skill level)
== Foci ==
List any Foci you have and the level

Close Combatant
Level 1: Gain any combat skill as a bonus skill [STAB]. You can use pistol-sized ranged weapons in melee without
suffering penalties for the proximity of melee attackers. You ignore Shock damage from melee assailants, even if you’re unarmored at the time.

Level 1: Gain SHOOT as a bonus skill. You can draw or holster a Stowed ranged weapon as an On Turn
action. You may add your Shoot skill level to a ranged weapon’s damage roll.

Level 1: Gain a non-combat, non-psychic skill as a bonus [NOTICE]. Roll 3d6 and drop the lowest die for all skill checks in this skill.

Level 1 Gain Talk as a bonus skill. You speak all the languages common to the sector and can learn new
ones to a workable level in a week, becoming fluent in a month. Reroll 1s on any skill check dice
related to negotiation or diplomacy.
== Psionics ==
== Cybernetics / Innate Abilities ==

== Equipment ==
Credits: 25
Readied items: 7/7
Armored Undersuit - Enc 0
Compad - Enc 0
1 - Harmony Armor worn (enc 1)
2 - Laser Pistol (type A cell)
3 - Revolver (Moonshine - see below)
4 - Metatool
5 - Laser Rifle (enc 2)
6 - "" ""
7 -

Stowed equipment (pockets)
1 - 2 Type A Cell backup
2- Monoblade knife
3 - Low Light Goggles
4 - Climbing harness
5 - 2 type A cell backups
Backpack (TL 0) - Currently with truck (enc 1)
Stowed Equipment (pack - currently in truck):
0 - Old Terran Clothing
1- 18 Spare bullets for revolver
2 - Whiskey
3 - Bedroll
4 - Spare 30 round magazine
5-9 10 spare "A" cells
10-14 blank

Custom large-caliber revolver (Sheriff Skender’s)
Counts as the Boosted mod, but without maintenance. Instead requires custom-load ammo at 2x cost.
Revolver: 1d8+2 damage, 6 shots, Range 30/100.
Inscribed on the side of the grip, the pistol says "Moonshine."
18 bullets + 6 in the chamber is 24 total [1 used, 23 total remaining]

Hovercycle: (group item)
Speed 2, Armor 3, HP 10, Crew 1, Tonnage 1, TL 4

== Background ==
Born of a wealthy family on Georghiad, Han spent the early years of his life jumping from a commission in the military to working as a spy infiltrating various insurgent and criminal groups. His time in the “silent service” led to assuming many roles: working on orbital platforms, running intra-system shuttles, a stint as an engineer, a bouncer in questionable establishments, and a host of other jobs. After a disagreement with his superiors regarding a mission that were the subject ended up dead instead of turned, Han “mutually” left the service attempted to return home, only to find that his families estates had fallen on hard times, and there was no life of leisure for him there. A jack of many trades from his years as a spy, when his money ran out, he realized that there were two things he was really good at, being keenly aware of opportunities and fighting. So, he's found himself temporarily stranded on Earth-9, in search of a bounty to fill. He’s hopeful that the private sector will pay better than the government of Georghaid did.

== Character Creation (Linked Rolls) ==
Attribute Roles:
STR [3d6] = 13 DEX [3d6] = 12 CON [3d6] = 12
INT [3d6] = 11 WIS [3d6] = 17 CHA [3d6] = 16

Growth/Learning Rolls:
Growth [1d6] = 1 Learning [1d8] = 6 Learning [1d8] = 2

Three Bonuses (genetics/mutation/cyberware):
(1) CON
(2) CON
(3) DEX

[growth roll bump applied to STR ]
[“bump” rule applied to DEX ]

Hit Points: [1d6]
HP Level 1 [1d6 +4] = 1+4 = 5
HP Level 1 [1d6 +4] = 6+4 = 10
Equipment Package choice or [2d6]x100 credits
L2 HP [2d6+8]=7+8=15
L3 HP [3d6+12]=14+12=26
Thief kit

L3 Mods:
4 skill points (3 for leveling, one of partial expert)
Increased Wisdom from 17 to 18. (1 skill point)
Raised shoot from 1 to 2 (3 skill points)

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Re: Character Sheets

#6 Post by Faanku »

Sister Amalia
Female Human
Pacter 1
XP 0/0

== Views ==
Core Value: Rid the Badlands of the Devil's taint and guide humanity into the light.
Goal - Short-Term: Survive her first mission.
Goal - Long-Term: Summon ever-greater aspects of the Lord.

== Attributes ==
STR: 15 (+1)
DEX: 14 (+1)
CON: 14 (+1)
INT: 14 (+1)
WIS: 10 (+0)
CHA: 18 (+2)

== Skills ==
Saved Skill Points: 0
Cast Magic-1

== Defensive Abilities ==
HP: 4 / 4
System Strain: 0
Conditions: None
Armour Set 1: Armoured Undersuit (AC: 14)

Physical: 14
Evasion: 14
Mental: 13

== Offensive Abilities ==
Base Attack Bonus: +0
Primary Weapon: Laser Pistol +0 (1d6+1)
Secondary Weapon: Monoblade Knife -1 (1d4+1)

== Foci ==
Once per day, you can make a request from an NPC who is not openly hostile to you, rolling a Cha/Lead skill check at a difficulty of the NPC’s Morale score. If you succeed, they will comply with the request, provided it is not harmful or extremely uncharacteristic.
Cross-Disciplinary Study
You may pick one spell of any level you can cast. This spell is now known to you. You can change this spell once per experience level, assuming you can find a source for the new spell.

== Magic ==
LEVEL 1 - [3/3]
Analyse Shadow
The caster may target any visible subject within one hundred meters. If the target is a Shadow, the caster learns its hit dice, its Principles, a few sentences describing any special abilities it may have, and can discern whether or not it has been summoned by a caster or is supported by other channels of metadimensional energy, albeit not specifically what those channels are. This spell can penetrate conventional shapeshifting guises adopted by Shadows; only defences that specifically allow for resisting magical detection allow the Shadow a Mental save to resist being found out.
Call Lesser Servitor
This spell summons a Lesser Servitor. The servitor will obey the caster with suicidal devotion and a human degree of intelligence, but it has no sentience or personal will, and is unable to fight effectively. The Lesser Servitor remains so long as Light Focus is held and it is not destroyed by violence.
Energetic Construct Evocation (Cross-Discipline)
The spell creates a solid, sturdy object up to 2 x 2 x 1 meter in volume per caster level out of congealed meta- dimensional force. It can be shaped as the caster wishes with a sophistication up to a TL3 firearm, mechanical tool, or suit of clothing, but it can’t be electronic or be made into more than one object. It lasts for one hour per caster level or until the caster uses this spell again. If made into a barrier, it can take the caster’s level in hit points of damage per meter of thickness before being broken.

== Equipment ==
Credits: 25

Readied items [7/7]:
- Laser Pistol
- Monoblade Knife
- Armoured Undersuit
- Low-Light Goggles
- Compad
- Metatool
- Type-A Cells (2)
- Backpack (TL0)

Stowed Equipment [1/15]:
- Climbing Harness

== Background ==
Amalia Ioanna Cordova first head the Voice of God when she was 7 years old, accompanying her parents to listen to High Prelate Evangelos Teresides' preach his firebrand sermons on the rampant evils of mankind. The Voice told her she was special, that it would teach her miracles with which she could manifest aspects of His divine power, that all she had to do was listen...
By the time she was 15, now a devout follower of the Order of Saint Chrysostom and its ruthless beliefs, Amalia had mastered many of the Voice's lessons, able to summon the Lord in myriad forms. She had also learned how to channel divine energies into her eyes in order to identify demons and other servants of the Devil in their many guises, a talent that earned her the attentions of the High Prelate himself. After meeting with the leader of her faith directly, he deemed her powers to indeed be gifts from the Lord, and ordered her to master her talents that she might "stand as a vanguard against all sin". And thus her real training began.
4 years later, the newly-baptised Sister Amalia begins a campaign of retribution against all darkness in the Badlands, aided by her Church-appointed guardian and a divine, ethereally beautiful attendant named the Handmaiden.
She can't be stopped, she's on a mission from God.
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Re: Character Sheets

#7 Post by greyarea »

== Emile Khadaji ==
Male Human
Sunblade Mystic
Sunblade / 2
XP 3/6

== Views ==
Core Value: Justice. As a member of The Mystic Knights of the Chun Kuk, he served to quell riots and frontier skirmishes. He prefers to talk things out, but will resort to the SunShooter when needed.
Goal - Short-Term: He aims to bring justice, and thereby civilization, to the Badlands.
Goal - Long-Term: Once he has helped the locals, there are others in this part of the galaxy who need evil destroyed.

== Attributes ==
STR 7 (+0)
DEX 15 (+2)
CON 10 (+1)
INT 7 (+0)
WIS 13 (+0)
CHA 10 (+0)

== Skills ==

Saved Skill Points: 0

== Defensive Abilities ==
HP: 10 / 10
System Strain: 0
Conditions: None
Armor Set 1: Leather Duster AC: 15
Armor Set 2: None AC: 20 (Robes of Discipline + Dex bonus + Level)
Physical: 12 Evasion: 11 Mental: 13

== Offensive Abilities ==
Base Attack Bonus: +1
Primary Weapon: SunShooter [1d20+6] Damage: [2d6+6] Range: 50m Magazine: Unlimited
Dual-wielding SunShooters [1d20+5] Damage: [2d6+8] Range: 50m Magazine: Unlimited
Secondary Weapon: Punch/Unarmed [1d20+1] Damage [1d2+2] No Shock

== Foci ==
You know how to get your way in personal negotiations, and can manipulate the attitudes of those around you. Even so, while smooth words are versatile, they’ll only work if your interlocutor is actually willing to listen to you.
Level 1: Gain Talk as a bonus skill. You speak all the languages common to the sector and can learn new ones to a workable level in a week, becoming fluent in a month. Reroll 1s on any skill check dice related to negotiation or diplomacy.

Close Combatant
You’ve had all too much practice at close-in fighting and desperate struggles with pistol or blade. You’re extremely skilled at avoiding injury in melee combat, and at level 2 you can dodge through a melee scrum without fear of being knifed in passing.
Level 1: Gain any combat skill as a bonus skill. You can use pistol-sized ranged weapons in melee with-out suffering penalties for the proximity of melee attackers. You ignore Shock damage from melee assailants, even if you’re unarmored at the time.

== Sunblade Abilities ==
Sunblade Effort: 2/2

Sunblade Wielder (Level 1): When using the sacred weapon of their order, the Sunblade gains a bonus to their hit roll equal to half their class level, rounded up. Their sacred weapon always counts as a magical weapon.

Esoteric Secrets (Level 1): The Sunblade may pick Arcane Expert or Arcane Warrior foci with their choices, but each level in either type requires two picks instead of one. They may save focus picks for later levels in order to afford such abilities.

Sunblade Effort (Level 1): You have a Sunblade Effort score which is committed and recovered just as psychic Effort is, but is tracked separately. Your total Effort equals your Sunblade skill plus the higher of your Wisdom or Charisma modifiers.

Robes of Discipline (Level 1): When unarmored and carrying a Readied sacred weapon, whether or not it is drawn, the Sunblade’s base AC equals 16 plus their Sunblade skill level. This AC can be modified by Dexterity, but not by shields.

Assuming ordinary TL2 parts availability, any Sunblade can build a replacement for a lost sacred revolver with no more than a day’s work.

Can roll Sunblade instead of other relevant skills (Know, Connect, Fix, Notice, etc.) when it relates to the The Mystic Knights of the Chun Kuk.

== Cybernetics ==
Panspectral Optics: Ocular adjustments to the wearer allow them to see clearly at any light level short of perfect darkness, in addition to giving them thermal vision that can easily distinguish shapes and distance even in the total absence of light. Dangerous radiation and lasers tuned outside the range of visible light are also visible to the user. Nearby radio transmissions can be seen as if they were visual flares of color. The system cannot translate these transmissions, only alert the user to them.

== Mutations ==
Your body is patterned with nanite tattoos that have long since lost their meaning. Your skin is strong and reflective and you take half damage, rounded down, from lasers, plasma, or other thermal or light attacks. Your mutation, however, ravages your system. In addition to any normal activation costs, using it costs either 1 System Strain point or 1d6 points of damage, chosen at the time of use. For constantly-active mutations (Like this one), this cost must be paid once per day to activate the power.

It also is offering some protection against the irradiated environment - he can roll twice and take the better result when making a Physical Save against the radiation.

== Equipment ==
Credits: 500
Readied items:

Stowed Equipment:

== Background ==
As a member of The Mystic Knights of the Chun Kuk, he served to quell riots and frontier skirmishes.
== Character Creation (Linked Rolls) ==
Attribute Roles:
STR [3d6] = 7 DEX [3d6] = 13 CON [3d6] = 10
INT [3d6] = 7 WIS [3d6] = 13 CHA [3d6] = 10
What are the odds that those would be identical? Raising DEX to 14

Growth/Learning Rolls:
growth [1d6] = 6 growth [1d6] = 6 learning [1d8] = 1 Any Skill x2 Any Combat

Three Bonuses (genetics/mutation/cyberware):
(1) DEX
(2) CON
(3) Cyberware 15k cr

Hit Points: [1d6]
hit points [1d6+1]=5+1=6

Equipment Package choice or [2d6]x100 credits
money [2d6x100]=5x100=500

Second Level
Hit Points level 2 [2d6+2]=6+2=8

Added Robes of Discipline focus and upped Sunblade skill to 2 (3 point cost)

== Offensive Abilities ==
Base Attack Bonus: 0
Primary Weapon: SunShooter [1d20+5] Damage: [2d6+3] Range: 50m Magazine: Unlimited
Dual-wielding SunShooters [1d20+3] Damage: [2d6+5] Range: 50m Magazine: Unlimited
Secondary Weapon: Punch/Unarmed [1d20] Damage [1d2+2] No Shock
Last edited by greyarea on Tue Jan 11, 2022 1:43 pm, edited 17 times in total.
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Re: Character Sheets

#8 Post by jemmus »

Taavi Perttu
Male Human
Scholar (attorney)
XP 3/6
== Views ==
Core Value: Justice and fairness, as much as is practicable in this mess. Seeks to help prevent further degradation into ignorance and barbarism.
Goal - Short-Term: Survive. Not get beaten up (or worse) by local bosses not interested in laws or any meddling in their business. Persuade strongmen to agree on alternative penalties for crimes (something other than flogging or hanging for every crime).
Goal - Long-Term: Establish simple, practical, workable courts for punishing crimes and peacefully settling disputes.

== Attributes ==
STR 8 (+0)
DEX 14 (+1 & +1 GM-allowed bonus)
CON 10 (+0 & +2 GM-allowed bonus)
INT 16 (+1)
WIS 14 (+1)
CHA 13 (+0)

== Skills ==
Administer - 0
Know - 0
Talk - 0
Telepathy - 2
Telekinesis - 1
Teleportation - 0
Precognition - 0
Shoot - 0
Gunslinger - 0

Russian language

Saved Skill Points: 4 viewtopic.php?p=586878#p586878

== Defensive Abilities ==
HP: 10 / 14
System Strain: None
Conditions: None
Armor Set 1: Secure Clothing AC: 13 (+1 Dex Modifier)

Saves: Physical: 11 Evasion: 11 Mental: 12

== Offensive Abilities ==
Base Attack Bonus: +1
Primary Weapon: Semi-Automatic Pistol +1 (1d6+1). Range: 30/100 Magazine 12
Secondary Weapon: Rifle +1 (1d10+2+1 (for Shoot)). Range: 200/4000 Magazine: 6
Tertiary Weapon: Unarmed [1d20-2] Damage [1d2+2] No Shock

== Foci ==
Psychic Training Level 2: Gain any psychic skill as a bonus. If this improves it to level-1 proficiency, choose a free level-1 technique from that discipline. Your maximum Effort increases by one.

== Psionics ==
Psionic Effort: 5 / 5

Telepathic Contact - 2 (Core). The target must be visible or otherwise perceptible to the telepath’s unaided senses. Opening a contact requires the telepath to Commit Effort for the day as a Main Action, and the contact lasts for a scene at most unless augmented by other techniques. Basic forms of contact do not allow for a saving throw.
Level-0: Observe emotional states in a target. Intense emotions provide a single word or image related to the focus of the feelings.
Level-1: A shallow gestalt with the target’s language centers allows the telepath to understand any form of communication made by the target. If the psychic has the requisite body parts to speak the target’s language, they can communicate with it in turn.
Level-2: The psychic’s awareness of the target’s surface cognition is sophisticated enough to read their current thoughts, though it can’t pick up memories or non-obvious connections. The target gets a Mental saving throw to resist this.

Personal Apportation (Core). The teleporter can translocate to another location they have either occupied before or can see with their unaided vision. Locations are fixed in reference to the nearest major gravity well. Teleporting with Personal Apportation counts as a Main Action and requires that the psychic Commit Effort for the scene. The psychic can teleport up to 10 meters.

Transmit Thought (Level-1). The telepath can send thoughts and images over a Telepathic Contact, allowing two-way communication with a willing target as an Instant action when desired. (The target must be visible or otherwise perceptible to the telepath’s unaided senses. Opening a contact requires the telepath to Commit Effort for the day as a Main Action, and the contact lasts for a scene.)

Suppress Cognition (Level-2)
Through intense focus, the telepath can make the target of a Telepathic Contact simply not think about something, whether that’s the presence of the telepath, the possibility of committing violence, the absence of important documentation, or any other single potential action or one specific person. This technique requires the psychic to Commit Effort for the scene as a Main Action. The target gets a Mental saving throw to resist this power and become immune to it for the scene. If failed, the thought remains unthinkable for the rest of the scene unless the target perceives physical danger or a traumatic threat to something they prize highly. In that case, the block instantly dissolves and cannot be
re-established during the scene. Once the effect ends, the target will remain oblivious to their temporary fugue unless it is brought to their attention somehow.

Oracle (Core)
The precog gains a progressively-greater intuitive understanding of their own future. Each invocation of the Oracle technique requires a Main Action and that the user Commit Effort for the day. Once triggered, the adept gets a single brief vision related to the question about the future that they’re asking. This vision is always from their own personal vantage point and never reveals more than a minute of insight, though the psychic processes it almost instantly as part of the power’s use.

Telekinetic Manipulation - 1 (Core)
The adept may Commit Effort for the scene as a Main Action to direct telekinetic force toward an object or person within unaided visual range or with tactile contact with the psychic. This force isn’t responsive enough to be effective as a weapon without further refinement of technique, and cannot cause damage to living or mobile targets. If used to crush or harm immobile unliving objects, it does 1d6 damage per skill level of the psychic per round of focus. Objects move at 20 meters per round when moved telekinetically.
A telekinetic force can be maintained over multiple rounds without expending further actions, such as holding a metal platform in place under a group of allies, but the psychic cannot again activate this technique on a second object until they release the first.
Level-0: The psychic can exert force as if with one hand and their own strength.
Level-1: The psychic can manipulate objects as if with both hands and can lift up to two hundred kilograms with this ability.

== Cybernetics / Innate Abilities ==

== Equipment ==
Credits: 540 (-11, -25 = 479)
Readied items: Metatool, Semi-auto rifle, Compad
Stowed Equipment:
Semi-Automatic Pistol
Laser Pistol and battery pack
Pistol Ammo (17)
Rifle Ammo (20)
Survival kit
Rations (2 days)

== Background ==
Taavi Perttu is a human male around 34 years old. He is an attorney licensed in the northern state of Ransu, which now has a barely functioning government. Half of its territory (the formerly more urbanized part) is irradiated. In the more rural half, Taavi goes from town to town as an attorney advocating for legal justice for someone. As an alternative to the arbitrary justice dispensed by the local strongman, potentate, feudal lord, or gang boss.

His psychic powers came from training in various revived shamanistic traditions. Actually, traditions that have been imperfectly remember and revived, and cobbled together with more modern psychic theory and practices. The public rather disparagingly calls practitioners of these traditions "Reclaimants."
== Character Creation (Linked Rolls) ==
Attribute Roles:
STR [3d6] = 7 DEX [3d6] = 12 CON [3d6] = 10
INT [3d6] = 16 WIS [3d6] = 3 CHA [3d6] = 13
(Per the rules, was able to replace the 3 roll for Wisdom with 14).

Growth/Learning Rolls:
N/A, picked two skills.

Three Bonuses (genetics/mutation/cyberware):
(1) Added +1 mod to DEX
(2) Added +2 mod to CON

Hit Points: [1d6]
[1d6] = 2

Equipment Package choice or [2d6]x100 credits
Civilian package

Level 3 level up
HP [1d6+2]=3+2=5[1d6+2]=3+2=5[1d6+2]=1+2=3 = 13. Level 2 HP was 13, new HP 13+1=14.
Attack Bonus - no change.
STs improved by 1.
New skills
Telekinesis - 0 (Costs 1 skill point)
- Telekinetic Armory - Level I (Costs 2 skill points)
Last edited by jemmus on Mon Oct 24, 2022 10:59 pm, edited 37 times in total.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Samurai Adventures (Cold Iron) - Kiyoshi, ronin bushi
WW2 Supers d6 - Luther "Luke" Goodfox
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Re: Character Sheets

#9 Post by Craigers07 »

Talina Mannifer

Female Human
Free Nexus / 1
XP 0/3

Talina Mannifer
Female Human
Free Nexus / 1
XP 3/3

== Views ==
Core Value: Liberty and independence to serve who she chooses
Goal - Short-Term: Evade anyone looking for her
Goal - Long-Term: Use her special abilities to help others rebuild society

== Attributes ==
STR 11 (+0)
DEX 14 (+1)
CON 8 (+0)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 10 (+0)
CHA 11 (+2)

== Skills ==
Connect (Focus bonus skill)-0

Saved Skill Points: 0

== Defensive Abilities ==
HP: 3/3
System Strain: None
Conditions: None
Armor Set 1: Armored Undersuit AC: 14
Armor Set 2: None AC: 11

Physical: 15 Evasion: 14 Mental: 13

== Offensive Abilities ==
Base Attack Bonus: +0
Primary Weapon: Laser Pistol [1d20+0] [1d6+1] Range: 100/300 Magazine: 10
Secondary Weapon: Monoblade Knife [1d20-1] [1d6+1], 1 Shock / AC 15

== Foci ==
Connected Level 1
Gain Connect as a bonus skill. If you’ve spent
at least a week in a not-entirely-hostile location,
you’ll have built a web of contacts willing to do
favors for you that are no more than mildly illegal.
You can call on one favor per game day and the
GM decides how far they’ll go for you.

== Nexus ==
Nexus Effort: 5 / 5

Symbiosis (Level 1): As an Instant action once per round,
nominate a visible, willing target within 30 meters
that is not you. Until you change your selection,
the target counts as your symbiotic partner for use
of your Nexus gifts, provided they remain within
300 meters. Only one Free Nexus can partner with
a given target on any single round.

Full Override: As an On Turn action, you or your partner
may concede full control to the other. The
controlling subject’s body becomes motionless;
they instead take their actions with the controlled
subject’s body, using their own attack bonus and
skill levels, but the controlled subject’s physical
attributes and hit points. Spells available, Effort,
and System Strain remain those of the controlling
subject. Thus, if a psychic PC took control of the
Free Nexus, they’d use their own Effort and incur
their own System Strain for any activities involving
psychic powers. An override may be ended
as an On Turn action on either participant’s part.

== Cybernetics / Innate Abilities ==

== Equipment ==
Credits: 200

Readied items:
Armored Undersuit (AC 13)
Laser Pistol (1d6 damage)
Monoblade knife (1d6 damage)

Stowed Equipment:
Backpack (TL0)
Postech toolkit
6 units of spare parts
4 type A cells

== Background ==

Escaped from [Corp.] They used her for [Reason], and want her back. Story goes here.

== Character Creation (Linked Rolls) ==
Attribute Roles:
STR [3d6] DEX [3d6] CON [3d6]
INT [3d6] WIS [3d6] CHA [3d6]

Growth/Learning Rolls:

Three Bonuses (genetics/mutation/cyberware):
(1)+1 INT
(2)+2 CHA

Hit Points: 3

Equipment Package choice or [2d6]x100 credits

* You aren't proficient in any weapons, which means I added in a -2 to hit on your weapon calcs. (If you take Shoot-0, then the laser pistol is [1d20+2] instead of +0. If you take Stab then the monoblade knife is [1d20+1] instead of [1d20-1].)
Last edited by Craigers07 on Thu Feb 25, 2021 1:48 pm, edited 17 times in total.
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Re: Character Sheets

#10 Post by shroomofinsanity »

== Lira Bunt ==
Female Human
Accountant of Life and Death
Yama King 1
XP 0/3

== Views ==
Core Value: Law and Order is crucial for a functioning society, otherwise, we are but animals
Goal - Short-Term: Bring The Law to each town I enter.
Goal - Long-Term: Reorganize the badlands under a true lawful government.

== Attributes ==
STR 10 (0)
DEX 14 (+1)
CON 10 (0)
INT 9 (0)
WIS 8 (0)
CHA 13 (+2)

== Skills ==
Shoot-0 (Hobby Skill)
Saved Skill Points: 0

== Defensive Abilities ==
HP: 6/ 6
System Strain: 3/10(cool nightvision eyes, perm.)(compelling gaze x2)
Conditions: None
Armor Set 1: Secure Clothing AC: 14
Armor Set 2: None AC:
Physical: 15 Evasion: 14 Mental: 13

== Offensive Abilities ==
Base Attack Bonus: +0 (ranged +1(dex))
Primary Weapon: Mag Rifle (2d8 + 2 +1(dex)) Range: 300/600 Magazine: 10) 8 rounds remaining
Secondary Weapon:

== Foci ==
Compelling Gaze level 1(CotBS pg. 92)

== Psionics ==
Psionic Effort: X / Y
Psionic Technique (i.e. Telekinetic Manipulation Level-0: The psychic can exert force as if with one hand and their own strength.)

== Cybernetics / Innate Abilities ==
Panspectral Optics: Night and thermal vision(SWN pg. 84)

Passport of Hell (Level 1): You instinctively blend into whatever culture or society you are physically occupying. You can speak, read, and write the local language flawlessly so long as you are involved with that society, and intuitively know enough about the culture to avoid breaking important ta-boos or standing out with odd behavior. This does not change your physical appearance.

Uncanny Bargain (Level 1): You may choose Arcane Expert foci with your focus picks. If taken as a partial Yama King class, no more than half your foci, rounded up, can be Arcane Expert foci unless the other class also grants access to them.

Tallies Thrown Down (Level 1): When making an Execution Attack, your attack roll or skill check to hit is invariably successful.

== Equipment ==
Credits: trade metals: 70 in silver and gold
Readied items: Enc
Armored Clothing (1)
Backpack (1)
Mag rifle (2)
compad (*)
Spare mag (1)

Stowed Equipment:
5 days rations
2nd spare mag (1)
relic satellite phone

== Background ==
Lira Bunt, or Judge Bunt when on the job, is a circuit judge trying to bring law and order to this lawless land. She has been wandering these wastes for a while, working with Taavi to have a judge and defense attorney to offer balanced justice. She is middle aged, and has a habit of quickly picking up the laws and customs of the settlements she enters. Her judicial credentials were granted by the weak but still nominally in power regional government, in a bid to bring a more formalized law back to this frontier. Her justice can often be harsh, with many trials ending with capital punishment, but the verdicts are always fair, and seem devoid of personal interest.

Things of note physically: Lira is of just below average human height, her irises are a slightly natural shade of brown and have a slight reddish tint to them. She tends to hide them behind dark glasses everywhere but inside dimly lit structures. This is due to her ocular augments that give her night vision and thermal vision, when active, her whole eyes goes black aside from the iris which glows a fiery red, like a dying ember. People will say behind her back that she has the "Devil's eyes." she knows this and will sometimes use it to her advantage to wring confessions from criminals.

She also wears fairly well kept clothing, for the area of course, with her secure clothing being integrated into it. She also carries a well kept mag rifle that she uses as a sort of status symbol and is never far from some old busted sat phone that almost never works, but she seems to have some sentimentality towards, like a totem, or a good luck charm. A relic of more civilized times that she wishes to bring back to the galaxy.

== Character Creation (Linked Rolls) ==
Attribute Roles:

STR[3d6]=10 DEX[3d6]=11 CON[3d6]=10

INT[3d6]=9 WIS[3d6]=8 CHA[3d6]=13

Growth/Learning Rolls:

Three Bonuses (genetics/mutation/cyberware):
(2) Cha
(3) Panspectral Optics

Hit Points: [1d6]

Equipment Package: civilian (secured clothing, compad)
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Re: Character Sheets

#11 Post by Marullus »

As Nora and Oliver are coming with you as NPCs, I will post their sheets here as well.

Nora Whighte
Nora Whighte.jpg
Nora Whighte.jpg (90.01 KiB) Viewed 1447 times
Nora Whighte_character_sheet.pdf
(227.02 KiB) Downloaded 41 times

Oliver Whighte
Oliver Whighte.png
Oliver Whighte.png (156.41 KiB) Viewed 1530 times
Oliver Whighte_character_sheet.pdf
(121.45 KiB) Downloaded 35 times
Dantès.jpg (20.23 KiB) Viewed 976 times
(46.76 KiB) Downloaded 32 times
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Re: Character Sheets

#12 Post by cybersavant »

Teyleyr Andras scavenger on Earth-9 who searches for anything high tech. Originally from New London.

== Teyleyr Andras==
Male Human mutant
Background: Technician
Old things break and new things need to be made. Your hero made a career out of building and mending the fruits of technology. These talents can be turned toward less licit ends, and skilled expertise is always useful to an adventuring group that plans to rely on anything more sophisticated than a sharpened stick.

Class / Level: Arcane Expert / Sunblade / Level 3
XP 3/6

== Views ==
Core Value:
Goal - Short-Term: find TL4 tech to repair/use/sell
[b[Goal - Short - Term:[/b] get free of the Harmonius and get off Langtang Station
Goal - Long-Term: find a way off planet to find his grandfathers people

== Attributes ==
STR 14 (+1)
DEX 11 (+1)
CON 11 (+0)
INT 14 (+1)
WIS 10 (+0)
CHA 12 (+0)

== Skills ==

administer 0
fix 2
know 0
notice 0 [ +2 visual ]
pilot 0
program 2
sneak 0
sunblade 1

Saved Skill Points: 0

== Defensive Abilities ==
HP: 14 / 14
System Strain: 1/ 11 [1 permanent]
Armor - Set 1:
- Set 2:
- None AC: 11

Saves: Physical: 12 Evasion: 12 Mental: 13

== Offensive Abilities ==
Base Attack Bonus: +1
Primary Weapon: sunblade rifle [1d20+3] [3d8+2] 500m
Secondary Weapons: unarmed [1d20] Damage [1d2+1] No Shock
Knife [1d20] Damage [1d4+1] 2 Shock/AC 15
Laser Pistol [1d20+1] Damage [1d6+1] Range 100/300

== Foci ==

Level 1: You have a considerable fluency with digital security measures and standard encryption methods. You know how to make computerized systems obey you until their automatic failsafes come down on your control. Level 1: Gain Program as a bonus skill. When attempting to hack a database or computerized system, roll 3d6 on the skill check and drop the lowest die.

Level 1: Gain Fix as a bonus skill. Your Maintenance score is doubled, allowing you to maintain twice as many mods. Both ship and gear mods cost only half their usual price in credits, though pretech salvage requirements remain the same.

Level 1: You always know your exact location, whether on a planet or in space, and the correct bearing to any other location known to you. You have an eidetic memory for paths and travel routes. You can gain a point of System Strain to automatically deactivate, unlock, or bypass any single sealed door, hatch, or other barrier within your sight, forcing it to remain open for at least one round per character level. Such arcane opening never triggers any associated automated alarms or magical countermeasures, but sentient guardians may notice it.

Stigmata: You're hands, feet and part of your arms and legs are covered in a chrome crust caused by nanites.

Flaw: Cowardly
Cowardly: The first time you are injured in a combat or a dangerous environment, you must succeed on a Mental Effect saving throw or flee for five minutes. This panic can be quashed at the cost of 1 System Strain point.

Benefit: Acute vision
Acute Vision: Your sight is spectacularly keen. You can recognize faces at a kilometer’s distance on a clear day and gain +2 to any sight-based Perception skill checks.

== Cybernetics ==

Gecko Anchorss:
84• Cyberware
can twist localized gravity around those limbs to anchor the subject to the nearest surface capable of bearing their weight. As a result, the user can freely run or climb up or down sheer surfaces at their normal movement rate, carrying no more than their normal maximum encumbrance.

== Sunblade ==
Effort : 1/1
That Effort governs both abilities... you can use telekinesis once per scene or you can make an illusion once per day. With low Effort, you might want to consider other Sunblade choices that don't rely on effort (Self-Sustinance and Sense the Unseen are thematic).

Sunblade Welder: (Level 1): When using the sacred weapon of their order, the Sunblade gains a bonus to their hit roll equal to half their class level, rounded up. Their sacred weapon always counts
as a magical weapon. large ranged weapons can be bound up in melee combat. Ranged sacred weapons do not run out of ammo in the hands of a Sunblade.
Large Ranged Weapon 3d8+Skill None Dex/Wis 500m
Esoteric Secrets: (Level 1): The Sunblade may pick Arcane Expert or Arcane Warrior foci with their choices, but each level in either type requires two picks instead of one. They may save focus picks for later levels in order to afford such abilities.
Sunblade Effort: (Level 1): The Sunblade may pick Arcane Expert or Arcane Warrior foci with their choices, but each level in either type requires two picks instead of one. They may save focus picks for later levels in order to afford such abilities.
Mastery of Motion: The Sunblade may Commit Effort for the scene as a Main Action to use the Telekinesis discipline’s Telekinetic Manipulation technique for one round at a skill level equal to their Sunblade skill.
Level-1: The psychic can manipulate objects as if with both hands and can lift up to two hundred kilograms with this ability.

False Visions of the World
: The Sunblade may Commit Sunblade Effort for the day as a Main Action to conjure an audio-visual illusion within 30 meters consisting of figures or scenes occupying no more than five meters in radius. These illusions sound and look real, but are intangible to the touch. The Sunblade can control and maintain the illusions so long as they continue to spend a Main Action each round to do so, but they cannot make them move out of the initial area of effect.

Holy Reel

Overcome ignorance through knowledge
Knowledge creates technology
Technology strengthens life

Overcome emotion through logic
Logic clears the mind
Clear mind leads to awareness

Quell chaos by spreading harmony
Harmony builds equality
Equality sustains contentment

Observe, analyze, repair

== Equipment ==

Readied items:

Stowed Equipment: (in backpack)

== Background ==
originally native of Earth 9, a scavenger, [/color]

== Character Creation (Linked Rolls) ==

Attribute Rolls:
Rolled on: April 22, 2023, 1:28 am, (Mountain Time, USA (UTC -7)) view

Growth/Learning Rolls:
Rolled on: April 22, 2023, 1:38 am, (Mountain Time, USA (UTC -7)) view
any skill - know, connect, any combat - shoot

Three Bonuses (mutation/cyberware/boost):
(1) mutation
lost the mutation rolls [ stigmata 9, flaw 2, benefit 11]
mental debility
Rolled on: April 22, 2023, 2:41 am, (Mountain Time, USA (UTC -7)) view
sensory power
Rolled on: April 22, 2023, 2:54 am, (Mountain Time, USA (UTC -7)) view
acute vision
(2) cyberware
(3) +1 dex mod

gaming since 1980
- = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -
Andreas Larson; Law of the Gun <Boot Hill 3e>
Nah Olos; Earthquakes in the Jotens <AD&D 1e>
Rorexsth; Wayfarers <Doctor Who>

DM - Wrath of the Righteous (PF1)
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