Return to the Barrow Mounds:

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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#81 Post by Spearmint »

May 3rd 1066.

Barrow Mounds, south of Helix. Duchy of Aerik.

1.30pm. Visibility in Mounds varied, generally good to 30'ft, veiled to 60'ft, obscured beyond.
Cloudy, light breeze. Forecast light rain.
Effects: none.

Sven tucks away the scroll wondering what it means and to whom was it written. With no surviving lizardmen to ask it remains as veiled a secret as the Moor.

Amos reminds you that "A clan of Dwarves reside in the Moon Peaks, with a small community of dwarves in the village. You remember those working at the forge. Certainly a number exist within the town though many might swell the village as adventurers rather than settlers. A group where seen in the tavern nights ago and the gossip was a maniac dwarf started the riot in the Foul Pheasant Tavern."

Isvand feels shafted after loosing three. A better aim might mean less wastage. He could always take a javelin or two (or three even) as compensation.

if you want the lizardman gear just add it to a post and share the weight out.

Gerdal collects a few trinkets of her own. It is strangely ironic that one could be so righteously angry over someone decorating themselves with scalps and then another hack bits off corpses for experimentation. She predicts the weather with a degree of knowledge, hoping the rain holds off until you get undercover.

Orgoth leads the way with Amos torch-bearing by his side. Steban and Bro' Fabian bring up the rear.

The trek continues in a southwesterly direction for a good couple of hours. It is a hard slog as there is very little in the way of distinct trails except for small rock cairn markers with arrows stuck in them to point the way. Though once or twice it seems passing delinquents have swapped the directional assists around causing you to backtrack over diversions. Either side of the narrow hardened peat footpaths, the boggy ground persists and shoulder high grasses bunch in thick clumps. Often, beyond your view but close enough to hear or even get splashed by water droplets or mud, large toads hop about and croak.

Eventually you clear the Moor and come within sight of the meadow of burial mounds as hilly rises dot the landscape before you. You have arrived on the southern edge of the moor, unlike previously when you entered from the north.

everyone roll a constitution check vs 3d6 please. Those who fail feel a little drained and weaker. Those who pass may notice that others have several leeches clinging to them.

On a nice,sunny day; the mounds might look picturesque like this:

But this is not a nice or sunny day. As the rain begins to fall, the not-so-nice have come out to play:

actions and initiative please


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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#82 Post by redwarrior »

Isvand calls out Leaches! as he slaps one off his boot save made. Seeing no flesh to sink an arrow into, Isvand stows his bow and hefts his morning star, running forward to take a swing, despite his bravado, he is a little unnerved by animate skeletons.

Con check vs 15 [3d6]=14
Init [1d6]=3
Morning Star THAC0 20 [1d20]=6 damage [2d4]=3
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#83 Post by Rex »


Con check (16) [3d6]=13

Orgoth flicks off any leaches and advances and throws a javelin at the skeletons.
Javelin, thrown [1d20]=8 to hit [1d6+3]=4+3=7 damage
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#84 Post by sastaz »

Gerdal looks quite pale as per usual but does not seem to be affected by the leeches. As Isvand calls out she starts methodically plucking them away, saving three in yet another pouch.

Con check vs 4 [3d6]=4 ha ha wow, will you look at that

When the skeletons advance, as soon as they are into range she casts entangle on the one most far away. Provided it has no visible ranged weapons, as per the image.

Gerdal starts some kind of chant and spreads what looks like twigs from one of her pouches on the ground.

"Mizizi ya dunia inafika na kuwachanganya makafiri ambao watakudhuru."

Retain lv 1 spell vs 15 [4d6+1]=15+1=16
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#85 Post by Leitz »


Pulling leeches from whereever they have attached, Steban looked at the others. "Leeches, check yourself, then have someone else check you." He went around the rest of the group and helped find and remove any leeches missed.

Vs Con for Leeches [3d6]=10

As the skeletons approached, Steban moved himself slightly forward of the group, readying his shield and drawing his sword. "I'll take the middle. Orgoth, on the right, Isvand left. Clerics, any hesitation about dealing with these?
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#86 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven watches Gerdal with great interest as she collects her samples from the lizardfolk, showing her the raptor claw necklace from the items he collected on his last trip out here. "We will have to share thoughts about our special interest someday, Gerdal. I too like to collect trinkets that might be useful magic components."

Con Check (15) [3d6]=10

He also helps the others with removing their leaches before they spot the mounds. "This looks different. We must have walked past the area we found last time and backtracked to this area. Good thing we didn't keep going and walk right by the whole place."

When the boney welcoming committee shows up, Sven smiles at the 2 clerics they brought along, hoping they know exactly how to deal with such a threat. He stays out of the fight himself, readying his magic in case there is need for it.
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#87 Post by Spearmint »

May 3rd 1066.

Barrow Mounds, south of Helix. Duchy of Aerik.

1.35pm. Visibility in Mounds varied, generally good to 30'ft, veiled to 60'ft, obscured beyond. Light rain.
Effects: undead turned or entangled.

The skeletons form a large phalanx, outnumbering you by at least half a dozen. Situated on top of one mound, they form order, perhaps an instinctive reactionary defence from years gone by and then walking slow, slowly, then a trot, then the last yardage into a charge. They cover the distance between you swiftly but expecting their shield wall and spears to meet with crashing resistance and blood and bone.

Isvand and Orgoth take on the centre point to little effect, the javelin and Morningstar easily batted aside by a towering figure, swatting with a shield notched from a score of battles. He raises his rusty broadsword to hack at the tall warrior. Orgoth dodges in time to pull out a second melee weapon.

Steban bides his time looking for an opportunity to attack, acting as a meat shield to those behind him. He pays for his trouble as one spear stabs his ribs. -5hp Gerdal goes full on native, going back to her roots. The mother earth responds sending up grasping vines which twist and turn around the bony limbs, entangling them in strangling snares that halt their offense.

Brother Fabian (looking slightly pale) and convert Amos, summon their own wrath. Raising holy symbols and denouncing the undead. In the spiritual one-upmanship, the mage God of the Futurus dominates the battlefield as a dozen skeletons succumb to 'the Word'.

Those not caught up in the violent grasses turn to flee, dropping their weapons and shields, running in many directions, castigated by righteous anger.

Sven can take comfort in money well spent at the guild.

the GM is going to have to up his game!
The skeletons break ranks and run into the mist. In the area of entanglement the rest remain trapped and under the Turn effect. You can pick them off at leisure as target practice for slingstones.

You stand below a single high mound. The grassy knoll bare of stone or tree. Nothing is seen to either side. After dealing with the skeletons in whatever way you see fit, you investigate this mound but find it barren of entry points. A few attempts at scratching the surface remain as evidence of previous tomb robbers checking but nothing indicates any success in burrowing it. A few walks around and listening checks, you are convinced the mound is raised in clear ground, 180'ft in all directions.

Bro' Fabian ministers grace to the injured fighter, curing all his battle wounds and sealing any scar tissue.+5hp back Steban

so, entering the mounds from the south and no other mound in sight. What do you do?
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#88 Post by Leitz »

I didn't post an attack for Steban as I thought it would be another post before he could engage. I'll try to remember to just post attacks. :)


"Thank you, priest," Steban said. He meant it.
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#89 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven checks over the bone piles once the skeletons are down and the spell runs its course.

"That is a handy spell you have there Gerdal. Very effective!"

Once the area is searched, Sven proposes their next actions.

"The mound we seek is on the northern end of this area. I suggest that we stay to the outer edge of the mounds and work our way around to the north side. I would rather skirt around the mounds than to walk right through the middle of them."

If there are no objections, he lets the others lead the way, thanking his recruits for their help in the battle.
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#90 Post by Rex »


"Good idea skirting around the edge."

Orgoth tries to recover his javelin. Then keeps watch as they continue to move.

Note: When throwing javelins Orgoth switches to his silver spear once he is close enough for melee
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#91 Post by sastaz »

Gerdal picks a few skeleton fingers, while answering Sven. She seems somewhat more cheerful now than her usual composed self.

"Thank you. I happened to see what you did to the saurials with the cricket as well, very powerful. I never learned how to do this, it...comes to me. But when we get back to the village, I'll show you.

She will follow the others.

"What do we seek in this mound?"
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#92 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven takes a few finger bones as well, now just trying to mimic the groups apparent nature apothecary.

"Once we find the mound we seek, I will show you all something that you might not believe. Trust me when I say that the suspense of not knowing for a short time longer will be worth your while."

Sven gets out his writing kit and starts recording any new mounds he sees, adding them to his earlier drawing, trying to make a single map of the entire place for future reference.
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#93 Post by Rex »


Orgoth remains in high alert as they move. Expecting another attack at any moment.
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#94 Post by Spearmint »

May 3rd 1066.

Barrow Mounds, south of Helix. Duchy of Aerik.

2.30pm. Visibility in Mounds varied, generally good to 30'ft, veiled to 60'ft, obscured beyond. Light rain.
Effects: undead turned.

I will move this on as we just wait on Isvand and I expect his agreement to search the direction prompted.

The team, emboldened by the success of defeating the undead guardians of the Mound meadow trek westwards from the grassy mound. Nothing feels familiar to any of the guides. The mist floats like a bad dream, shadowing trees and bushes, noises echo from within. Booted footsteps or a body dragged on gravel, a cry for help or a strange bird squawking as it takes to the skies. Onwards you go, several hundred feet perhaps until you begin to hit the moor fringe again, the stony ground giving way to sodden peat and marsh grass. The team go northwards, presumably do but without a compass you just hope the direction is the one you want. At least ten 'hexes' worth of walking the perimeter before the Moor forces you to go further east. Then after a bowshot distance you halt, making out to the south of you a large green knoll.

It looks similar in height and shape to the second one the squires saw. A rounded hill covering an oval shape, ellipsoid like half a giant green egg.

It offers promise, at least being in the right area. You climb the knoll, wary of more barrow wights and bone guardians. At the top is a freshly dug grave. A small wooden sign simply states, Rufus, butcher, baker, excavator. died, April 1st 1066 we staked him down, just in case like, ... No hard feelings, just the way it is. Pat Doggrel n' the Boyz"

It is a bleak message. You can't tell if the small patch of dug up ground was an attempt by 'Rufus' to claw his way out or jackals smelling the fresh corpse below.

At the bottom of the hill facing east, an area of excavation has taken place. Abandoned now but the lintel of a grey stone door contrasts to the buttercups and daisies growing around it.

Sven and Orgoth conclude this is not '15' or '16'.

what would you like to do?
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#95 Post by Leitz »


While those who have been here before debate and decide, Steban went down the mound and circled around it. Just close enough to see the others, but extending their awareness of what is close by. He inspected, such as he could, the grey stone door.
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#96 Post by sastaz »

Gerdal trots down to Steban as he is examining the stone door, bending down instead to smell the buttercups and daisies.

"Strangely both eerie and comfortingly tranquil here at the same time, isn't it?"
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#97 Post by Leitz »


"I wonder if you know the names of the flowers who feel jealous of your beauty,"
Steban said, and then he winked. "I practiced that one for a while. Bards have earned their coin, helping me know how to talk to a lady. In this case the statement is true, but..."

He shrugged, and looked around. "Yes, mist is nice. Sounds are quieter and you can be alone with your thoughts, at least for a while. Tranquil, as you say. I think more somber than eerie, though. We can leave and rejoin the sunlight, whenever we wish."

He grinned. "And if I were better at socalizing I would think of something to keep you talking. Sadly, I must defer to the lady, if she wishes to speak."
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#98 Post by sastaz »

Gerdal is quiet for a while, then looks up at Steban and smiles warmly.

"It is quite alright, thank you for your kind words. I enjoy the company. Are you landed, Sir, or a free lance? Maybe belong to a clerical order? It would seem like you've been through your fair share of battle."
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#99 Post by Leitz »


"I made a grave mistake," Steban said. He leaned down, picked a buttercup flower, and offered it to Gerdal. "War is harsh, and it calls the worst in us. I am a soldier, neither landed nor cloistered. Merely a sword for hire leading other swords, also for hire."

If Gerdal takes the buttercup, Steban will pick another flower.

"The season was starting again, and I was offered a promotion." He tucked the flower into the belt loop that crossed his chest. "I spent last winter with a farm family; they needed a working man and I needed but little space in the barn and two bowls a day. When the call came for war, I realized that the farm spoke more to my heart than the blade. Thus here I am, wielding a blade once again. This time, though, there is an honorable pupose. Farms cost money to start and to run, and I have little. You asked what we seek, and my answer would be the future. What about you?"
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Re: Return to the Barrow Mounds:

#100 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven checks the fresh grave over closer, looking for any signs of animal activity and poking around in the dirt with his staff. “Poor Rufus. Only been gone just over a month.” He watches the actions of the two clerics closely. “What do you fellas make of this? Anyone recognize the names?”

Once they regroup, Sven offers his opinion. “We know the mound we seek is near the edge of the marsh. So if we continue following along this outside edge, we will eventually find the area we’ve seen before. Hopefully it isn’t much further.”

The mage continues jotting down the locations and descriptions of the mounds they’ve seen on his makeshift map.

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