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Re: XIII. Flooded Quarry - Trip Two

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 4:06 am
by AleBelly
"If we free you, you get your pack, we get the possessions, you help us kill the others. We let you go. Sounds like a deal?" asks Sylvan, not necessarily meaning to follow through if the others don't agree.

Re: XIII. Flooded Quarry - Trip Two

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 4:09 am
Sparrow sighs at the lack of interest in checking out the contents of the pack.

Are you saying that you are willing to help us eliminate this Roaghaz and his blood vow tribe?

The black skinned man begins to slowly cut away at the kobolds bonds, waiting for her answers.

Re: XIII. Flooded Quarry - Trip Two

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 2:12 pm
by tooleychris
Sorsha grips her throwing knives. "Gonna set it free?" she whispers. "I've got a bad feeling about this."

Re: XIII. Flooded Quarry - Trip Two

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 11:26 pm
by dmw71
"I only heard some noise," Nighttail states in response to Ciar's question. "But no one has passed through here in that time. Like I said, you seem to be doing some good work in here." she finished excitedly, but her excitement is short-lived. "You take my possessions?" Nighttail wimpers at Sylvan's statement. "What good is an empty pack going to do me?"

"But, I will be glad to lead you to Roaghaz. You'll help me kill him, you will?"
she asks, excitement returning to her voice. "Then once Roaghaz is dead, the rest will follow me... and I promise we will never bother the humans again."

"So, a new deal. I keep my back and possessions, and I will help lead you to Roaghaz. You get to keep any monies or treasure we find on the way, and from Roaghaz. Yes?"
she counters.

"Oh, my friend Huk is being held in another chamber not far from here. It has a shortcut to the lower levels! We need Hak."
Nighttail.png (12.44 KiB) Viewed 662 times


Date: 7 Neth, Year 4707
Time: 13:13 (Sunrise: 06:41, Sunset: 16:52)
Temp: 57F outside (55F in lair)
Conditions: Winds, E 11mph
Light Sources: Everlit torch (Sparrow), Everlit torch (Ciar Fulp)
Known Spells in Effect: None
Spells Remaining: Sylvan (priest-1st: 4, 3)
* Note: Spell-casting character will be listed above only after they reveal themselves to be casters.

Good: Grim, Leliana, Sorsha
Fair: Ciar, Fulp, Sparrow, Sylvan
Serious: None
Critical: None

Re: XIII. Flooded Quarry - Trip Two

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 12:20 am
by FantasyChic
Leliana watches the Kolbold with a cold look. "I don't like this one bit. I've never known Kolbolds to be crafty, but I also don't know them to be overly helpful either. I say leave her, but I'll go with the group on this."

Re: XIII. Flooded Quarry - Trip Two

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 2:56 am
Sparrow looks at the others.

Im not sure about this either but, she seems pretty sincere to me.

He looks back to Nighttail.

We would need some assurance that you won't turn on us once you get into power. Your kind doesn't exactly have a great reputation for being friendly or trustworthy, you see.

Perhaps there is something of yours that we could hold onto until this is all over and our accord has been reached.

He moves towards the pack with the intention of searching it.

Re: XIII. Flooded Quarry - Trip Two

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 6:27 am
by AleBelly
"You're in no position to bargain. We may release some contents of your bag to you after you've proven yourself worthy. Otherwise I think we're capable of finding this king of yours, and we can leave you here to rot" replies Sylvan ambivalently.

Re: XIII. Flooded Quarry - Trip Two

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 12:20 pm
by onlyme
Fulp allows the others to debate her sincerity. He has long given up on his own ability to do so.
He watches for an ambush as the others focus on her and the crap pile.

Re: XIII. Flooded Quarry - Trip Two

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 4:34 pm
by Alethan
Ciar quietly moves down the tunnel to 41 and keeps an eye/ear out for anything that might be coming from that direction.

Re: XIII. Flooded Quarry - Trip Two

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 11:49 pm
by saalaria
Grim spits on the floor, he shakes his head.

"Furgin'...kobolds....pah!" he whispers
"No good be comin' of this, mark me words."

He continues his watch....

Re: XIII. Flooded Quarry - Trip Two

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 3:09 am
by dmw71
"You're in no position to bargain. We may release some contents of your bag to you after you've proven yourself worthy. Otherwise I think we're capable of finding this king of yours, and we can leave you here to rot," replies Sylvan ambivalently. Thoughts that seem to echo those of the rest of the group. "I'm not sure about this either but, she seems pretty sincere to me," Sparrow says as he moves towards the bulging leather sack; Fulp, hearing this, creates some space for the chief negotiator of the group in this situation. "We would need some assurance that you won't turn on us once you get into power," the dark-skinned warrior continues as he turns back to Nighttail. "Your kind doesn't exactly have a great reputation for being friendly or trustworthy, you see."

Perhaps there is something of yours that we could hold onto until this is all over and our accord has been reached."
Sparrow examines the large, stuffed leather sack and, trying to find a section near the opening that isn't coated in waste, opens the pack and peers inside.

Ciar and Grim keep watch over the western and southern corridors and have nothing to report.
Pack.png (18.74 KiB) Viewed 638 times



Date: 7 Neth, Year 4707
Time: 13:16 (Sunrise: 06:41, Sunset: 16:52)
Temp: 57F outside (55F in lair)
Conditions: Winds, E 11mph
Light Sources: Everlit torch (Sparrow), Everlit torch (Ciar Fulp)
Known Spells in Effect: None
Spells Remaining: Sylvan (priest-1st: 4, 3)
* Note: Spell-casting character will be listed above only after they reveal themselves to be casters.

Good: Grim, Leliana, Sorsha
Fair: Ciar, Fulp, Sparrow, Sylvan
Serious: None
Critical: None

Re: XIII. Flooded Quarry - Trip Two

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 3:19 am
Sparrow digs around in the pack a bit with his blade, keeping the kobold crap from touching his hand.

Shes not lying. Just some meager possessions in here.

He kicks the disgusting pack towards the prisoner, spilling its contents out on the dry part of the floor.

Lets see what we all have in here.

He goes through the items individually, watching the kobolds expression to see if she reveals an obsession over any of the items.

Anything special to you in here Nighttail?

Re: XIII. Flooded Quarry - Trip Two

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 3:10 pm
by dmw71
Sparrow digs around in the pack a bit with his blade, keeping the kobold crap from touching his hand. "Shes not lying," he starts. "Just some meager possessions in here. he says, kicking the disgusting pack towards the prisoner, spilling its contents out on the dry part of the floor, which include a suit of kobold-sized leather armor; a small, leather backpack; a short, curved blade in a sheath; a few small leather pouches; and some loose scraps of "food." "Anything special to you in here Nighttail?" he taunts, considering the items individually, watching the kobolds expression to see if she reveals an obsession over any of the items. The kobold, frustrated, begins to snap at Sparrow's actions, but bites her tongue to avoid a verbal lashing. She thrashes pretty consistently as Sparrow moves from one item to the next, unhappy in general, but does not appear to favor any one possession over another.

Ciar and Grim continue to keep watch and all remains quiet.
Contents.png (13.04 KiB) Viewed 632 times



Date: 7 Neth, Year 4707
Time: 13:24 (Sunrise: 06:41, Sunset: 16:52)
Temp: 57F outside (55F in lair)
Conditions: Winds, E 11mph
Light Sources: Everlit torch (Sparrow), Everlit torch (Ciar Fulp)
Known Spells in Effect: None
Spells Remaining: Sylvan (priest-1st: 4, 3)
* Note: Spell-casting character will be listed above only after they reveal themselves to be casters.

Good: Grim, Leliana, Sorsha
Fair: Ciar, Fulp, Sparrow, Sylvan
Serious: None
Critical: None

Re: XIII. Flooded Quarry - Trip Two

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 3:19 pm
Sparrow gathers the items together and places them in a neat pile in front of the captive.

Well, I will leave it up to the group if we let her help us or not.

I believe her and think we should take her offer. Should I release her or not?

Re: XIII. Flooded Quarry - Trip Two

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 3:35 pm
by tooleychris
"The enemy of my enemy..." Sorsha sighs. "I'd feel better if it were leashed." She heads east (tile 33) to keep an eye out.

Re: XIII. Flooded Quarry - Trip Two

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 4:55 pm
by Alethan
Eavesdropping on the conversation from the hallway, Ciar returns to 11, says, "If she betrays us, we kill her first. Otherwise, I'm fine with a local guide."

Then he returns back to the hallway and, in fact, begins moving to 45 to see what is around the corner...

Re: XIII. Flooded Quarry - Trip Two

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 5:25 pm
by onlyme
Fulp will follow Ciar.

Re: XIII. Flooded Quarry - Trip Two

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 7:34 am
by saalaria
Grim join the others in the room but still watches the rear.

"I aint happy with this...unless she's out front to set off any traps them bastards got fer us."

Re: XIII. Flooded Quarry - Trip Two

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 5:59 pm
by dmw71
Sparrow gathers the items together and places them in a neat pile in front of the captive. "Should I release her or not? he queries the rest of the group. "The enemy of my enemy..." Sorsha sighs. "But I'd feel better if it were leashed," she adds as she crosses to the other side of the chamber to to keep an eye out. "If she betrays us, we kill her first." Ciar adds before returning to and disappearing into the southern hallway, followed by Fulp. "I aint happy with this... unless she's out front to set off any traps them bastards got fer us." Grim adds, joining the rest in the room, but still keeping a watchful out the western passage.

With everyone, at least reluctantly, in agreement, Sparrow cuts loose the rope binds that hold Nighttail in place. The kobold immediately begins to rub at her aching wrists and ankles before moving to collect her possessions from the neat pile they've been arranged into. After donning her leather armor, strapping on her backpack, and belt, and weapons, she moves to the pile of waste and, reaching in, pulls out a spear, wiping it clean with the sack her belongings had been stored in.

"Now I'm ready," she starts, moving to the southwestern corner of the chamber, splitting Leliana and Sylvan, and walks right into... and through... the wall! An instant later, a loud crashing sound is heard. An instant after this, Nighttail's head pops back into the room, through the illusionary wall.

"Follow me..." she says, pulling her head back and disappearing back into this secret hallway.
IllusionaryWall.png (12.42 KiB) Viewed 612 times



Date: 7 Neth, Year 4707
Time: 13:36 (Sunrise: 06:41, Sunset: 16:52)
Temp: 57F outside (55F in lair)
Conditions: Winds, E 11mph
Light Sources: Everlit torch (Sparrow), Everlit torch (Ciar Fulp)
Known Spells in Effect: None
Spells Remaining: Sylvan (priest-1st: 4, 3)
* Note: Spell-casting character will be listed above only after they reveal themselves to be casters.

Good: Grim, Leliana, Sorsha
Fair: Ciar, Fulp, Sparrow, Sylvan
Serious: None
Critical: None

Re: XIII. Flooded Quarry - Trip Two

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 6:10 pm
Sparrow smiles as the kobold holds true to her words. He gets back into the usual marching order and follows Nighttail through the secret door.