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Re: Toadmother.

#21 Post by Spearmint »


June 6th 1066.

The group has many plans but few come to fruition. Once before Gunter and Golgarth sought out the old crone and though initially skeptical regarding her soothsaying, she proved to have some beneficial knowledge.

With Dalin and Johka accompanying them, leaving Sidkrake and Froed to watch the Embassy further, the group once more trek the muddy track to her unusual abode.

"Forewarned of your coming. It did not take the croak of bull frogs or the rattle of snake tails. Am I not your honeypot and you bees? Bumble bees that drift to and fro in every gust of wind. Ill wind blows, though quiet as vented gas leaking from the mountain roots or bubbling in yonder mud pools." the Crone comments harshly but then rubs the ring of Rosario which she stills wears loosely upon a bony finger.

"Well, be welcome. This ring you gave me opens my door to you and the ring you wear opens my door to you also." she says in reference to the signet ring held by Dalin that was given as a token by Renata.

She gestures each inside and goes to her stirring cauldron. Overflowing but not with bush-meats or hag-stew but laundered linens.

You each can partake of the jug of water kept on a side dresser. The water given in a barrel from the newly blessed Well. She is saddened to learn of Barraclough's fate, agreeing his interment in the Well cistern to be a good thing. "See. He sojourned under the Moonlight here and stayed. As I warned you. You think men barricaded your way to Ironguard?. I say the God's jest and move you as pawns. You move forward, you move backwards, you move sideways. But only in death can you leave the board." she comments, refering to an earlier warning she gave Gunter and Golgarth.

She listens to the story of how you raided the defiled chapel, slew the Drow priest. Turning to Dalin, you find yourself sharing in detail regarding Arthuro and the need to locate the brigandine. Golgarth bares his healing scars and recounts the events at the bridge.

After each, Johka included, have spoken, you realise you might have spoken more than you intended but sense no charm or compulsion to be so candid. The Toadmother is not directly threatening and in physique, quite diminutive compared to you fellows. She does have a host of creatures that habitually come and go from around her dwelling, creatures of larger than normal size or appearance mind.

"I can help you pass through the warded gates. Better walking in as a guest than found sneaking over a wall." she says, pre-emptively, picking up on a desire to get inside the Silvanus compound.

ask the Toadmother anything you need in relation to your missions. provide a 4d6 with your post which I will use to determine how much or how accurate her answers might be.
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Re: Toadmother.

#22 Post by Bluetongue »


He looks at the creatures and far off into the boggy marsh surrounding her property wondering whether she is really another 'mad druid' or actually an evil sorceress hag doing witchcraft.

"Did trouble return after we left?" he asks referring to the bodies of the minions who had the ticks that attacked us before. He hopes their arrival.does not bring more to the scene.

"Last time you said that perhaps we were being scryed upon during our search for Barraclough. We need to turn the tables upon this cult and scry upon them. And yes, any help in bypassing guards would be of service."

He drinks from the barrel knowing the water is good.

Golgarth: Wisdom check vs 13 (any Cravat bonus?) [4d6]=13

He considers. The crone's help last time came at a favour (as seems to be the expedition theme). "How may we bless you in return?"

I would ask her too regarding Drow elves and where they come from. How are they associated with the Wood Elves and what happens with the Silvanus worship now. Is that all a front? Have all the Bogtown elves converted to this cult, why no major pushback from Elven society?

The cleric of Cromm Cruach is eager to physically confront something. Perhaps that drives his impatience. He likes to see the reward from his labour quickly, not like a farmer who does a seed and waits a season for buds and green shoots to develop. Having investigated much and as Toadmother recommended, turned stones over, quite forcibly at the Farrier's and after, the next logical step is to challenge the goings on at the Embassy, then help this Renata bust the cultists at a Masquerade Ball and save the Duke, then go back to Helix.

It sounds simple.
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Re: Toadmother.

#23 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Dalin gets a bit sidetracked about the bee talk and then the talk of doors and his ring. "You know the funny thing is bumble bees aren't the honey producers it's Honey Bees that do that. At least that is what I learned in my stay at the Crocked Yew. Fascinating insects bees are." then he looks to his ring "Hmm so what is is exactly about this ring that gives me such great favor? I had no idea such a gift from a friend would open so many doors for me." he says with a bit of a chuckle and wink.

WIS 11 [4d6]=21

"So you can let us in through the warded gates? I"m guessing my new friends here did not know this. Or perhaps that is why they guided us to you?"
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
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― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Toadmother.

#24 Post by Hvalreki »



"Well Dalin, Toadmother's guidance helped us defeat a great evil beneath the Embassy. The foul creature that guarded the temple sanctuary could only be harmed by silver or magic. I bought Hubris here (patting his silvered dagger) based on her words and it saved me life. She's definitely worth listening too even though her meaning may not be clear to you at the time she speaks."

Turning to Toadmother, "Tis good to see you again 'mother though as you've heard we had a bit'o trouble at the Dwarfbridge. Would you mind if we rest here and heal up for a few days afore we return to our errand at the Embassy? That dark place must be purged for good but the Militia probably isn't too happy we rescued a friend from their clutches as they was preparing for his last jig on the gallows pole.

We killed a Drow priest and laid Elder Barraclough back down from what he'd become, Cromm save our souls, but there is still comins and goins there so we think the cult is hurt but still active. Anything you can tell us about what awaits there, who is behind this or how we can defeat them would surely aid our cause.

Also if you have any potions, poultices or unguents you're willing to sell that would help heal our wounds or aid us in some way we could use all the help we can get.

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Re: Toadmother.

#25 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Dalin nods his head in understanding Gunter's statement "Well then it is a good thing we came here."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Toadmother.

#26 Post by Joey2k »

Not knowing what to say to the old woman, and trusting the wisdom of his companions, Johka remains silent for the time being and listens to what they ask of her, and her answers
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Re: Toadmother.

#27 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Dalin thinks of something and asks the toadmother "Do you have any way of sending a message to someone some distance away? Perhaps message by raven or do you have a magical way of sending messages? I'm only asking as I think it may be important to get a message to someone out in the Crocked Yew."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: Toadmother.

#28 Post by Spearmint »


June 6th 1066

The old crone responds to Dalin by summoning a large bee from the fields surrounding her dwelling. Perceiving that you would contact the druids there as that is in line with other thoughts regarding Bjornark too.

"It is not guaranteed but I can incant a short message to the bee and with luck, they might travel unmolested across the Moor to the hives far away."

She has no trained messenger ravens which are a regular postal service between the settlements but a bee might suffice. You can script up to twenty words.

While Johka remains silent, she addresses Gunter's request.

"You can stay overnight and I will address any wounds if I am able and you are willing.

As to slipping past the guards, these linens I wash are figurative 'hides'. Not as in camouflaging you from being seen, rather they will disguise your appearance.

You can pass through as though being elves but I require a favour. Those of Silvanus have long since held me in contempt. They have within their possession an artefact I desire; a talisman, a medallion. It would mean a lot to recover it once more."
She describes a decorative amulet that is made from a meteorite, the stone being of curious quality and shaped into a star design and inset into a silvery mount and chain.

In consideration of Golgarth's questions she does not know much about the Impurax takeover of the Silvanus Embassy. The elves generally keep to themselves but she knows that the cult has influence among the general populace of the settlement. She has no particular allegiance to the Duchy, a lot of Bogtown residents are considered outcasts if not outlaws but in the other hand, would rather not see a resurgent cult take influence in the citadel which would have knock on effects in the region.

She has never met a Drow elf and doesn't know where they come from but would advise that they if they have gained a foothold in the Silvanus Temples, then other elven communities must also be at risk of the chaotic aligned machinations of the Drow. She wonders if the Drow have some influence upon the Thornswild since they became quite xenophobic and unwelcoming to outsiders.

You can ask any other questions if you want.

The night passes here without mishap, the four of you can camp overnight here. Gunter and Golgarth both carry injuries. She offers to heal you both up, both at the cost of donating some blood, a pint each which she will drain from you into a flask via a cannula. "Blood for blood and bone for bone."

You can take her 1st Aid poultice +3hp if you wish or dismiss the idea.

Golgarth of course can supplicate to Cromm Cruach in the dawn hours for new spells though in this eerie domain of witch craft and superstition, only one Cure Spell will be granted for the day. note on your sheet the other memorized choices.

I will update next back in the expedition thread as the action continues with the raid on the embassy.

post here any last actions and comments.
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Re: Toadmother.

#29 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Dalin starts working on his short message to Brother Clive.

This is what he comes up with for the toadmother to send along through the bee.

Hello Brother Clive, this is Dalin in Bogtown, blight here, man changed into tree, may be work of cult here.

"That is the best I can come up with hopefully this reaches Brother Clive in time and makes enough sense to him.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: Toadmother.

#30 Post by Hvalreki »


June 6th 1066


"Blood for blood and bone for bone."

"Well 'mother, gods know I've left my share of red on the battlefield so a bit more for you won't hurt. However as a sworn man of Anganach Cromm Cruach I'll first need you to swear by your life on the Stonefather's holy symbol that our sanguination will not be used for any evil purposes or to bind minds, bodies or souls in any way."
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Re: Toadmother.

#31 Post by Bluetongue »


The 'offer blood for health' is a tease certainly and one to think about as a roleplay issue. Generally I prefer to use my Cure Light Wounds on other characters rather than myself even though I need the healing. Golgarth is stubborn and not the wisest.

I wonder what she would use my blood for. To gain some hold over us spiritually? That would be my concern, rather than thinking she is alchemy mixing it into a potion or 'for medicinal purposes'.

I would agree with Gunter and ask the same. But the offer of 'cloaking cloaks' to get us inside the Embassy without a fight, bypassing guards and walking in (and out hopefully) must be worth the sacrifice.
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