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#1 Post by Spearmint »

The Toadmother.

About an hour's trek west of Bogtown, on the edge of the Barrow Moor lives an archetypical witch-woman. Or so rumour goes.

Asking about the Toadmother, you get varied answers on the same theme. "She is an old crone ... a witch ... a hag ... a crazy frog woman ... a moon druid ... a troll-kin.".

Whatever the fears, it seems that the woman is routinely sought in order to scry into futures, open the wombs of the barren, lift curses or even to cast a corrupting hex upon a rival.

The path to her lodge is not well worn or signposted, most who seek her out do so following the croak and whoop of large bulbous eyed toads that gather around her dwelling and line the trails. Inevitably, your arrival is created by a cacophony of bloated throats.

Toadmother, a title more than a name. She lives within a cave set back into a small rock face, the entrance sheltered under the roots of overhanging trees. A large bog surrounds her abode which bubbles with strange sulphurous gases and often is lit with ethereal willowy wispy lights that shimmer and glean above the patches of thick reeds.

Despite the swarm of amphibians that dwell alongside her, frogs the size of shields and wide mouthed toads that could swallow a gnome in one gulp, passage to her hovel is not dangerous. At least, not so seemingly for those who have no ill intent.

With the alarm croaks and perhaps gifted knowledge of your approach, Toadmother seems forewarned and prepared for your arrival.

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Re: Toadmother.

#2 Post by Spearmint »

Golgarth, Gunter, Solly & Sidkrake journey the fee miles west of Bogtown, following a rather large toad that hops a few yards in front of them. Croaking with each of their steps and turning to watch you with large popeye stares to make sure you follow whenever you halt.

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Re: Toadmother.

#3 Post by Hvalreki »

Bogtown: Toadmother

Gunter Red Shirt

Gunter keeps his bow loaded as they make their way through the dank bog following their amphibian herald. Wishing he'd cleaned up a bit in the well he curses under his breath at the chafing from the muddy, bloody clothing and armor he's wearing.

"Well ain't this a regular toady parade. Quite unnatural, quite."

As they near the cave he unloads and rests the cocked but empty heavy crossbow on his shoulder.

Looks like we're expected boys. Hope this Toadmother can tell us about our missing cleric. Maybe she knows something about the well too, like another way in without disturbing the dead."

"Yer probably better at the niceties Stonefather, we'll leave the questioning to you."
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Re: Toadmother.

#4 Post by Bluetongue »


Clutching his holy symbol, approaches the entrance to the cave, moving aside any draping vines and calling the woman forward.

"My pardon ... Ma'am. Mother of Toads.", he has not though how to address her, uncomfortable actually in what are bizarre living conditions for 'a civilized' person. He wonders why the good people of Bogtown allow such a witch to live so close to them. He is reminded of the warning by school Ma'am Quirrell that some insidious influence was being exerted over the minds of the village children. A witch would naturally be suspected as to the root cause of such evil.

He coughs,

"I am Golgarth, minister of Cromm Cruach, these are my companions. I seek knowledge of the elder who dedicated the Bogtown Well. He may have been investigating strange cults here, which by your reputation causes me to come to your door. What is the truth of these matters?"

Golgarth uses his Charisma vs 9 [3d6]=8 [4d6]=10

He tries to be polite rather than threatening but will press for answers quite firmly.
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Re: Toadmother.

#5 Post by Spearmint »


May 20th 1066.

The woman, dextrous and agile despite her seeming age, nimbly walks between the sparse furnishings of the cave.

"Expected you are, welcome you are not. I don't give to niceties, Ma'am, crone, hag. Each are sweet nothings in my ear.

Sweet nothings? Have you not a gift, ladies like pearls, you don't cast them before swine. A token of affection, a bribe, a trophy? Once a young man offered me a ring for my finger. I chose instead his finger for my ring."
she cackles and shows you a set of bones looped on her hand.

She looks at each of you under a deep furrowed brow before grinning a half toothless smile.

"Well desperate men come with their pleas. He didn't plead but he did come. A wise man knowing when the ill wind blows. Bogtown has strange winds, prevailing mists influenced of the Moor. You are familiar with 'a time to sow, a time to reap'. But the seasons are unnaturally changed and soon there will be only time to wither.

Have you not been told, 'the Withering comes'?"

She gestures each of you to come close so she can pad you down and frisk your muscles and frame. Cooing at the broad shoulders and biceps, tutting at the double chin and sagging beer gut.

She pours water from a jug, offering you each a glass. "It is clean. A barrel brought to me by the man you seek. The first fruits of the spring reopening. His restoration was contested, the Well is a blessing not all want to see restored. Strange cults yes, but not at my door. I stay here and they do well to stay away.

I will tell you what I told him. Stay another moon and you may not leave at all."

She makes a few cryptic comments and busies herself adjusting oddments on a side shelf or dusting an already dusted table. You wonder if she is quite mad or whether her lucidity, perhaps like that of the beggar Alastar, is a temporary hiatus.

Outside, amorous toads mate, faerie lights twinkle over boggy patches of dangerous sucking mud, soft wind chimes tinkle with almost recognisable tunes

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Re: Toadmother.

#6 Post by Bluetongue »


Drinks the water. He considers what she has said and still on edge, checks the surroundings. He should ask more about who she actually is and why she lives here. His theological heckles certainly rises in the presence of someone who so obviously practices witchcraft.

Maybe he has gone too far. She is just an old druid lady living with her croaking flock.

"Tell me more about the 'strange cults'. Who are they? Where do they meet?"

I remember Sidkrake mentioning now about the man he stabbed, how he turned from a normal thug to some wild eyed, zombie type. I will ask Sidkrake to repeat his story. The zombie spoke about 'the Withering'.

"What do you know of Verne the apothecary? He seems to favour scouting the woods for exotic compounds for his experimental salves. But he was hiding a secret, some outfit that he said pertained to a festival but it looked more permanent garb, like a dark priests cloak and mask."

She also gave us a warning. Is she fortune telling some doom to come upon us. And I assume she warned Barraclough and he did not heed her advice, staying longer in Bogtown to uncover the mystery and got killed as a result.

Golgarth: Wisdom check vs 13 [4d6]=5
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Re: Toadmother.

#7 Post by Hvalreki »

Toadmother's Hovel

Gunter Red Shirt

"Thankee kindly for the water mother. How long ago did the Old Stonefather bring you the barrel? We're worried for him, he hasn't been seen for weeks! We searched the well for him but only found some unnatural guardians we couldn't pass. Do you know of the ruins or another way in besides the well?

We're not from these parts, what's all this Withering about then?"
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Re: Toadmother.

#8 Post by Spearmint »


May 20th 1066.

Gunter and Golgarth continue to pry information from the old crone. She is reticent to say more, perhaps waiting for that offer of a trinket or gift that might sweeten her tone.

"The elder knew about duty. It was his to stay and it is mine.

Bogtown has many hidden places, above and below ground. I do not know the well, closed it has been for decades until your elder came. I told you, that he never left Bogtown but I do not know where he lives now, if he lives at all.

Verne, he comes and goes. Collecting compounds and herbs, mixing and grinding, petals and bugs, bones and fungi. I have seen his associates preaching from the village square and alleyway corners. Strange cults do not advertise."
She goes over to a rock, turning it over and exposing underneath several beetles and worms.

"You need to do the same." she says, picking up a large wriggling worm and swallowing before she looks at you.

"It looks like the worms have turned, look they come."

The crone points behind you down the trail you came from and towards a huddle of shambling figures. Her guardian toads croak loud, bloated warnings.

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Re: Toadmother.

#9 Post by Hvalreki »


May 20th 1066.

Feeling foolish for having missed the obvious Gunter holds up his hand and offers Rosario's ring to Toadmother. "Ere mother, this trinket is more suited to someone like you I think and may jar your memory where our friend is concerned."

Before he can remove it, the old woman turns over a rock and eats a worm! The croaking of toads becomes unbearably loud as if all the toads in the swamp were croaking a warning at the same time.

"It looks like the worms have turned, look they come."

Gunter turns to see where the hag is pointing and sees a huddle of figures shambling towards them.

"To arms! To arms we're under attack!"

Gunter loads a quarrel into his already cocked bow and kneels to steady his aim. If he can identify the figures clearly as foe he'll fire.

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Re: Toadmother.

#10 Post by Bluetongue »


Turns around to where the Toadmother points. He slips his shield from over his shoulder, bashing the central boss with his warhammer and then walking up the trail to meet the foe head on.

As usual he proves a bit of a paper tiger.

Golgarth initiative: [1d6]=6 Warhammer melee [1d20]=8 damage [1d8]=5 stun chance % dam+1 per level [1d100]=37

Are these undead?

He wonders if we were followed from town. It doesn't make sense they are just a random occurrence or even summoned by the crone. Who knew we would be here? The two at the well, the teacher, the apothecary. We were initially followed after visiting him. Didn't Gunter see a strange man (at the shoe shine or smith place?).
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Re: Toadmother.

#11 Post by Spearmint »


May 20th 1066.

The arrival of the shambling figures is not greeted with the same chorus of noisy but almost melodic rubbers that heralded your own arrival at the Toadmother's dwelling. This time the critters croak loud warning barks and snap wide mouthed jaws, eyes bulging alarmingly.

In her hovel, the crone goes to dig about among some bric-a-brac leaving the men to deal with the threat that seemingly has followed you here. Followed, drawn, summoned? It is just guess work at the moment but the figures display the same manifestation that Sidkrake encountered when he ambushed the man on the way to the school teacher.

Their eyes roll back inside their heads, gaunt jaundiced skin, hollowed with many scars of pockmarked trypophobia. The five figures have awkward gaits, not shuffling like mindless zombies but not a fluent movement. It gives you an edge with initiative and Gunter triggers a shaft that sails high and wide.

Sidkrake targets another who charges straight at him. A dagger flies by the man's shoulder before a second throw takes him in the chest. The man falls to his knees halted before he can strike the mercenerary with his ceremonial dagger. Torchbearer Solly displays his lack of martial skills, comparable to Golgarth who both miss opponents.

The pair are ganged up on and in the melee, the cleric of Cromm gets wounded, -3hp
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Re: Toadmother.

#12 Post by Hvalreki »


Gunter Red Shirt

"Croms Bollocks!"

Gunter curses as the bolt goes wide, "Three years on the line and I've yet to hit a shot fired in anger since we got to this bleedin corner of the world!"

With no time to reload, he falls into the motions drilled into him through endless hours of practice. He drops his crossbow, doffs his pack , slides his left arm into the straps of the small shield and pulling the axe from his belt loop with his right hand, charges screaming into the fray.

"Cromm Cruach take ya blighters!"

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Re: Toadmother.

#13 Post by Bluetongue »


All heart but no real skill. He tries to bludgeon one of the men in but fails again.

Golgarth initiative: [1d6]=2 Warhammer melee [1d20]=9 damage [1d8]=3 stun chance % dam+1 per level [1d100]=38
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Re: Toadmother.

#14 Post by Spearmint »


May 20th 1066.

Golgarth hacks up while Gunter hacks off a hand. Sidkrake can't take advantage of any flanking attempts but Solly slashes an opponent, the pockmarked afflicted minion having his throat opened.

The melee turns in favour of the group as none of the 'Withermen' can land a blow.

Out of the corner of your eyes, comes a darting of yellow and black, buzzing wings and furious animated zipping to hover and then dart to strike with a venomous sting. Large bees, each the size of a house cat come from the woods and as directed by Toadmother , strike at the unwelcome guests. She gestures as a music conductor might, swinging her arms with an imaginary baron and coordinating the summoned bees to swarm about. -2hp each minion.

Relentless however, the minions of some strange cult press on to attack the group.
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Re: Toadmother.

#15 Post by Hvalreki »


Gunter Red Shirt

Giant yellow and black bees drone past Gunter darting and striking to harass the enemy.

"Well now I've seen bloody everything," Gunter mumbles to himself as he moves to engage his opponent again.

"Death take ye!"

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Re: Toadmother.

#17 Post by Spearmint »


May 20th 1066.

The relentless minions tussle to fend off bee sting or blade. Solly stabs one of the men and a second bee sting finishes the guy off. The remaining pair stab back, one slaying a bee while the other tries to grapple Sid. Gunter hacks him across the back and he falls prone to scream profanities as his life ebbs away.

The last one looks about as his comrades fall around him but does not ask for quarter or retreat. He presses forward to try and grab the cleric but under a hail of blows is mercilessly cut down.

The very first man injured, the one whose hand was hacked off is still alive and tries to crawl away but Toadmother uses the last of her summoning to send the swarming bees to cover the man. His crawl goes a few steps before he writhes in death throes under the stings.
"We should bury them. Out in the bogs." says Toadmother, (the 'we' should be understood as 'you' and she fetches a couple of spades).

You can search the bodies. The men are dressed as townsfolk. Each carries a dagger and each has across their palms a number of slashed scars which might indicate they cut themselves (as one might when tribes make 'blood brother' commitments). The other very interesting feature is that each figure has a large fattened tick, a blood sucking bug, that is at least a hand's span in size which leeches from the figures spine. The bugs draw blood and spinal fluid from their host. Once the host has died, the bloated flea like creatures try to crawl away. You can splatter then underfoot with a gory, blood squirting crunch.

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Re: Toadmother.

#18 Post by Hvalreki »


Gunter Red Shirt

"What deviltry is this?" Gunter winces in disgust as the ticks dislodge from their fallen hosts.

"Get them all boys and make sure no eggs or ticks remain hidden."

Gunter and Sid go a-stomping until they are sure the ticks are no more. They carefully strip and search the bodies while trying to touch them as little as possible. Clothing is cut off with blades and piled together while anything of interest or potential value is put to the side.

Gunter uses one of Toadmother's candles and a bit of oil to set the pile of clothing on fire.

After the blaze grows to his satisfaction he turns to address Toadmother,

"Cry your pardon Toadmother. I'm not afraid of buryin this lot but shouldn't we, I dunno, burn the bodies too? Wouldn't want this foulness to spread.

Do you know what these tick creatures are or where they come from? Don't want to wind up like these sods, that's for sure."

"Oh, and here's a shiny for ya for helping us with the bees, mayhaps it will help you recall something of our missing friend as well."

Gunter removes Rosario's ring from his finger and hands it to Toadmother.
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Re: Toadmother.

#19 Post by Bluetongue »


The ticks on each, all leeching in the same spot at the nape of the neck or spine looks ominous. I have seen ticks in dogs ears. Get into the skull and drive them mad. Must be the same kind of thing.

He collects the shattered bugs and asks Toadmother to investigate them thinking she will have more knowledge of such creatures. He thanks her too for the help, at least her intervention proved crucial and gives peace of mind to the lingering suspicion she is involved in some way way.

Getting rid of the bodies is fine. He asks Sidkrake to decapitate them just in case they return as undead. I think a bog grave should suffice. He will help dig in a suitable spot and even though these minions tried to kill us, say a prayer for their souls and commit them to the judgement seat of Cromm.
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Re: Toadmother.

#20 Post by Spearmint »


May 20th 1066.

The quintet of minions are stripped and buried. The soft boggy peat makes an easy grave, weirdly Golgarth digs remembering a few days ago his own plight to be lifted out of a murky pit. Sidkrake can help commit the dead to the afterlife, lopping off heads to disable any kind of undead resurrection. The graves are left unmarked and quickly filled in.

The minions belongings and raiments are burned to rid any lasting remnants of lice or tick eggs. Nothing of value save a few silver or copper pieces (+65sp). One has a few tools on a waist belt, awls and small hammer. A pouch of short nails. Possible a farrier with his hoof shoeing tools. It might at least lead to an identity if you want to follow that line of enquiry.

The large ticks are examined by Toadmother. She 'tuts'. "I have not seen their like for years. Troll-ticks from the Moor. But these parasites are deliberately placed. Maybe their leeching turns the victim into some kind of servitor, a minion under some compulsion of others. These men were sent after you, not me. You were followed or your whereabouts scried.
She goes over to a rock, turning it over and exposing underneath several beetles and worms.

"You need to do the same." she says, picking up a large wriggling worm and swallowing before she looks at you.
so her advice for you to 'do the same' was in reference to turning over a rock or in other words, go bash a few heads, rough a few suspects about to reveal the beetles and worms or rather cultists.

She does not know and cannot tell where Elder Barraclough is but the warning about him staying in Bogtown if he did not leave soon, seems to indicate he is either a prisoner here or perhaps dead and buried. If the elder discovered something that caused him to reflect it was his duty to stay, it intimates that he could not leave as some threat was imminent. One of his last actions seem to have been to invest his resources in acquiring the neckerchiefs for the school children that Quirrell believes helps shield their minds from possible mind influencing spells or effects.

Could Verne's associates seen by Toadmother preaching in back alleyways and street corners actually be casting some cultic proselytizing?

She takes the ring, slipping it on a finger. "My, you are such a charming boy. You slip rings on girls with such ease. You don't need a gold tooth to get hearts all a flutter at all. But you will need a silver to stop them."

She makes a cryptic, almost soothsaying 'thank you' for the ring. Toads croak, mosquitoes hum. The crone seems to go about her business ignoring you. Seemingly your welcome is done.

next actions please

I will switch back at this point to the main expedition thread if you don't mind.
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