Mission Reports Team 1

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Mission Reports Team 1

#1 Post by Demilich »

This is for your Mission Reports after each mission
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Re: Mission Reports Team 1

#2 Post by cybersavant »

Andreas Richter

Korean Mission

Agent Kirovich jumped first and I followed. We both landed in the target area, but couldn't see Agent d'Eloyse. Agent Kirovich asked some of the soldiers to search for her while we pressed on. Ten soldiers accompanied us. We came to the chain link fence,where i looked for guards and dogs before climbing over. Then i provided cover for Agent Kirovich to follow and move to the front door. I entered once she had secured the entrance. Inside i checked the reception desk and found papers in English about a business deal. A male Korean caught us. Agent Kirovich used her phone to translate. I tried to bluff, but failed, so fired on him, hitting him in the arm. I told Agent Kirovich to keep searching while i went after the guard. I found him in an office - a worker was bandaging him. They surrendered and i secured them and gagged them. I heard a gunshot that sounded like Agent Kirovich's. I carefully moved down the hall, listening at each door until i heard Russian. Inside i found Agent Kirovich working on a safe, so i monitored the hall while she worked. Once she had secured the plans, i covered her exit from the building, and once she was through the fence on on her way i followed. We rejoined the soldiers and ran for the pickup as the soldiers covered our escape. The plane retrieved us with no problem and when we landed in Seoul, Agent Kirovich gave the plans to our driver.

Goldfinger Mission

Initially we split up, i infiltrated Galore's stables as a new hire. I studied Galore's moves and when she had guests over at the main house, i entered through an upstairs window to access her laptop. However, i was discovered and had to exit before the download was complete. I joined Natalia and Brandon at the plane and we flew to where the bombs were to be exchanged. Natalia went after the plane, while Brandon and I went for the warehouses. We took out the guards and found the bombs. I loaded the jeep i found there and we headed for the plane and Natalia. Brandon went to the plane to search for Natalia, while i stayed back, but kept watch in case Natalia was captured and it was a trap; not wanting to let the bombs fall into enemy hands. While Brandon was in the plane, another agent arrived to help.

Operation Overlord

The assignment – to rescue Dr. Vadim Sokolov and his autistic daughter Anna from the FSB.
On the flight to Sochi, there was a disturbance on the plane and shouts of a bomb. Agent Kirovich rushed back to see what was happening. Agent Culpepper and myself followed later to see that agent Kirovich had restrained a man. When we landed the local police removed the terrorist as well as some witnesses, including agent Kirovich. Larter she appeared on the local news.

Agent Wallace joined Culpepper and myself at the hotel. Agent Kirov informed us she was compromised and recalled. On the street, as I made my way to the Casino, I overheard a woman talking about something called 1138; I forwarded this information to HQ and continued on with my mission. We infiltrated the quarterly grandmaster baccarat tournament at Casino Sochi and surveilled Lt. Andrei Kariska. There were Russian military officers present as well.

Lt. Kariska was in the company of a woman, one Xeni Onnatopp. When they left together I tailed them, noting their car and the license plate. Wallace followed them in a cab and soon the local police swarmed the Casino. Wallace informed me of their destination and I took a cab to the area. I approached the warehouse on foot, entered an adjacent building and crossed over to the roof of the target, where I made my way inside. There were offices and labs set up with many workers, who offered no resistance.

I bypassed the security systems and entered the basement, where I disable a scientist working on a supercomputer, as well as a single guard. Agents Wallace and Culpepper soon joined me there. I persuaded the guard to talk. We discovered Dr. Sokolov in an adjacent room, and soon his daughter in yet another lab, where she was hooked up to the computer. Sokolov extricated her, and the other agents took them to safety, while I remained behind to clear the building and blow it up.

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Re: Mission Reports Team 1

#3 Post by PyroArrow »

ICON Operation Overlord Mission Briefing for ICON Agent Leon Culpepper:

Possible bomb carrier on plane, midway through flight from Heathrow airport to Sochi, as we are sitting up in first class on way to mission.

We get up to confront the possible bomber. Natalia has the bomber in a headlock from the seats behind him, until he loses consciousness. Borrowing belts and a large jacket the terrorist is bounded up, gagged with a sock.

One we land in Sochi, police take the terrorist into custody and question everyone on plane. Natalia goes with the police for more questioning. Rest of the agents get rides to the hotel.

At the hotel, we are given weapons and tickets to a baccarat tournament for starting our next mission.
At the casino hosting the tournament, I end up sitting at a table with Russian Lt Andrei Kariska and Xenia Onnatopp.

I have noticed others inside the casino wanted by various law enforcement agencies and text the info to HQ.

I mention my name as Petre Clouseau, to Xenia when talking to her, giving her a card with my name and contact info.

Xenia, wins the Baccarat tournament, then leaves with Andrei Kariska.
Other agents follow the pair directly, scoping the limo they are in. I stay behind for a bit, updating HQ on the whereabouts of the others spotted earlier. I having spotted some celebrities, get a few autographs when I notice the authorities arrive to apprehend the other wanted suspects.

I receive a text from Mike Wallace, with the address of a warehouse that Andrei and Xenia have arrived at and get a ride to the place from a Uber driver.

After being dropped off I spot a taxi a block away with two people in it. The warehouse that Andrei and Xenia went into was the only one lit up in the area.

I approach the warehouse on foot, seeing if there is anyone outside the building, looking for anything out of the ordinary.

I arrive at a side door with a bare light bulb over it.
Turns out it was Mike Wallace in the taxi, who texts the location of the taxi as a getaway car, Mike the observes the front door.

I pick the lock on the side door open as does agent Josef at the side door he is at.
Before I enter, I receive a bionic ear from agent Mike Wallace, so I can better listen to what is going on inside the warehouse.

Mike is looking for a car tracker but I don’t have the device, just the app for it.
I enter the warehouse quietly and listen in with the bionic ear to gauge where to head and have a look, informing the others my intent.

I find a coat room, and hear people walking around, and various equipment sounds. I quickly search through any coat pockets but find nothing of any value that could help.

I see a lady come up to the coat room and try to hide. I hear her saying, "You should go down to the basement.", "She is waiting there, Anna and Dr. Sokolov. That's why you came here, correct? Follow this hallway around to the door in the far left corner. You should tell others to go with you also. The one on the stairs and the one outside."

I reveal myself and inform the others where to go, the woman heads into an office.
Agent Mike Wallace, arrives at my location and I point out where to go according to what the lady informant told me, to find Anna and Dr. Sokolov, our mission objectives.
I follow after Mike, keeping an eye on our backs.

Meeting up with Andreas, he hacks the security to a door and we enter into a room with a supercomputer, with a lab tech inside, with a Russian officier reading a binder.
Andreas, shots the knee of the lab teach as the officer, raises his hands, I still keep a watch out the door, until Andreas asked for assistance.

Andreas aka Josef Lars, covers me as I tie up the officer and lab tech.
Josef, hears some noise behind a locked door and picks the lock to finds Dr. Sokolov but not his daughter in the room.

We are informed that they took Anna Sokolov to another location.
Josef questions the officer and lab tech, winds up shooting the officer in both knees trying to get info out of him.

We learn that Anna is in the next room and we move the officer to a hand scanner to open the door, which opens.

Josef, enters the room with gun in hand, and sees Anna Sokolov in a small chair with a contraption on her head full of wires that lead into the wall behind her. She is now bald with electrodes attached to her skull.

Josef, climbs a ladder in the room to see it leads to an opened manhole cover, so obviously someone was in the room with the girl.

Dr. Sokolov, examines Anna and starts to slowly remove the electrodes.
Before leaving the area Josef, shots the officer in the head. About a half hour later Dr. Sokolov has Anna freed of the electrodes.

We exit the place by going up the ladder, carrying Anna up with us.
Agent Richter, sets up a chemical explosion inside the warehouse and sets it off.
Doctor and Anna Sokolov are now safe.
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