All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#201 Post by Spearmint »

Rexlin roll a [1d20] + strength mod to hit roll please

In the Bilge:

Zoggrot opens the sliding partition separating the bilge hulls in two. You notice it has a heavy rubber seal and is difficult to pull apart. With a bit of tugging Zoggrot slides it to the right and peers into the darkness ahead, his infravision picking out a few bluey bits of cold from wet sludge on the hull sides and warmer areas from the fungus growths on top of the rock ballasts. All is quiet except for a slight trickle off to the left. Your focus on that area interrupted by series of sonic blasts that seem to rock and vibrate into the ship. They echo will a dull thud of an explosion, a small chain of sounds then one or two nearer on the other side. The trickle becomes louder and more clear as if a tap was slightly turned on and Zoggrot can perceive the sloop, true to the word of the tavern dwarf, 'pissing like yer granny'.

Szmodics crawls behind and with the lantern can cast the light across the top crawl space. A board rivet has sprung and the deckboard is warped out of place. It needs attention or the sloop will be shipping water fast.

Rico joins the call for more light and hands and several sailors begin to make a chain in the first ballast hull, passing fresh rivets, boards and thick gloops of pitch in a small bucket. "Okay you guys, lets nail this leak and get up before we start gagging on seawater." commands Rico and he urges you both ahead, following behind with what looks like a greased mat.
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#202 Post by Spearmint »

Below Deck

Butcher Vayne looks miffed when challenged by Iggway about his 'out of hours' service and appropriating cash from injured sailors.

"Now look here young Missy, I've been on this boat a while now and there's no such thing as a smooth ride. No telling what you can run into or what you need to run from, even the wind. We all need a little to live on and I call it my 'retirement fund'. Ain't planning on being pensioned out with a few hundred gold for a wooden leg and missing hand, eye or brains. No 'arm in it." He laughs a little at the bad joke, trying to dismiss Iggway and casts a look over his shoulder to his small cabin room."No arm' in it, nor leg either!....haven't you a report to write to the Captain? better get on with it Missy, don't want no trouble now do we. After that, do an extra tub of spuds for the men." he points to a barrel of potatoes and several tin pot cauldrons on the ships hearth.

Elijah and Holden talk to Old Plighty...continued tomorrow sorry must dash
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#204 Post by Stirling »


Will push the lantern into the next bilge hull, wedging it between two ballast rocks to free up his hands. Then he will crawl across the ballast rocks to the source of the trickle and try taken out the old rivet and hammering a new one in place.
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#205 Post by Spearmint »

Below Decks

Old Plighty reaches through the brig cell bars and grips the shoulder of Elijah. "Yes, forgive me Brother, bad I was, leaving kith and kin to sail the seas with a rancid crew. Against the Crown vs the Breton govtwe flew our flag but it was a mere pissing in the wind. We were set to dance a merry jug upon Port Royals' gallows but the Capt', I tell you the Captain sought means to flee the rope. No neck dangling drop but an audacious act to flee. Though not all followed, twelve we were, but six remained and the Captain order their simulacrum burned. Cravat and I set the torches to burn the dummies but their souls came through and as they burned with hellfire they screamed their vengeance. The cry pierced his ears and they gripped his throat. Captain slew through the wights hand and we fled. The hand followed though, trying to strangle the Captain in the dead of night. The steward, Mr Perryman he saved him and threw the dread claw overboard."

At that Plighty stands back in the cell and grips his mouth closed. "sshh, I say nothing, just the ramblings of an old seadog. Say boy, give us another song." He turns to Holden and starts to hum the tune to Norlands ryhme.

Just then, there is a bustle of commotion on the deck above as a couple of guys try to push past other sailors at the bilge hatch to get to Elijah.

"There he is, the old whaler, he's the Jonah. Cast adrift to his room but we bring him on board. It'll be our doom with these humpbacks, cast him away again and save ourselves." A couple of sailors with daggers drawn point in the gloomy hull down to Elijah, urging others to set upon him.
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#206 Post by Inferno »

Elijah Crowthorn, ancient mariner:

Old Eli heard the damned man's confession. He was about to ask more questions but he saw a storm brewing.

"Say three 'Hail Poseidons' and don't do it again," he muttered to Old Plighty. Then he turned to face the scurvy rabble; fearless, eyes wild, trident and net ready for war.

"Be ye stark ravin' mad, lads?! Throwin' a sea priest overboard?" he barked with the savage ferocity of the waves themselves. "Anger not the sea gods with ye damnable folly! Humpbacks? 'Tis mating season, ye lily-livered sons of biscuit eaters!!! Get back to ye posts afore the Captain has ye keelhauled! NOW! Afore I damn ye to the briny deep me-self!" he roared like a mast-snapping hurricane.
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Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#207 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Siggard is in awe of the power of the tiny pebbles. He continues to mimic the actions of his mentor, hoping that they are not actually hurting the majestic pod of whales.

Mr. Perryman, sir! I know of no arcane magic that bestows silence. Are you also blessed with devine magics? If so, what god do you serve? I have always been facinated with the concept of religion and its many idiosyncratic paths. Sir.
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#208 Post by thesniperknight1 »

Holden steps in front of Elijah and says with a calm tone, "Now now, I know it's fun to point fingers but just stop for a second and think what will happen to those fingers once the storm settles, I am fairly certain that those fingers will be broken to bits and thrown for the same Poseidon that you are thinking of offering this old man to, because you would be murdering a crewmate without permission from the captain", his voice becomes a tiny bit menacing, "Who do you fear more? A couple of fish or Mr.Perryman's knuckles?"
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus

#209 Post by Hotgoblin »

Iggway begins cutting up the rest of the potatoes. She doesn't understand how someone can heal others based on who can afford it! It's very disheartening and cruel.

After her work in the galley is finished, Iggway heads to the meditation room. Only in here does she feel like herself and not an outcast. Iggy knocks, listens, then opens the door, she'll enter the room if it is empty. Once inside, she begins praying to Yanauluha...Help Iggway stay strong, must be trusted by crew, although I do not trust any of them!! They know not the Evils that lay waiting for them on the Padre's island!

Iggy carefully picks up the enchanted candles as she begins chanting....[4d6] = 18 vs Wisdom (17)
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#210 Post by Spearmint »

Pocc. temporarily being NPC'd as Norjax is withdrawing from game due to other time commitments

From his vantage in the crows nest, Pocc sees that the whales veer their course away from the sloop. He is about to breathe a sigh of relief until he notices a small bobbing carcass of a small whale calf floating upturned off to the starboard. A small cloud of blood stains around the skull as weakened membranes to the ear canal gave way under the explosive pressure from the 'boomstone' pebbles. A few of the sailors cheer and a couple grab long boarding pike to haul in their blubbery catch. It seems as if Rexlin will indeed get his meat feast after all. Sighing over the demise of such a young majestic creature, Pocc notices that against the tide of fleeing cetaceans is another large adult which about turns and heads towards the sloop before submerging below the waves. "Captain Lazarus Sir, another whale us heading straight for us I think, off the starboard bow," Pocc calls waving frantically and pointing out to sea.

Captain Lazarus mounts the mast to gain a view and then calls out, "Dogger set the men to the cannon, we can broadside her before she seeks to ram us." A pipe whistle calls out a few high pitched notes and then the 'All Hands' drum beat begins to repeat in rythym around the deck.

In the Bilge

Szmodics shuffles on his stomach across the smeared rocks to replace the leaking rivets. As you do you feel a wet slurping sensation across your forearm and find that some large slug like creature, about a foot long and several inches fat raises it's body to reveal a gaping maw of several mini suction like teeth. It arches ifs body and prepares to fasten itself on you. Horrified, your lantern light exposes several more leeches in the bilge silt which begin to wriggle their way towards you.

Zoggrot and Rico form the head of a chain, moving board and pitch covered matting to the leakage in the sloop. Zoggrot can hear Szmodics yelp of disgust as the leeches reveal themselves.

Below Deck 2

Elijah and Holden stare down an angry mob if sailors determined to make Elijah a living sacrifice and peace offering to the sea gods. An echo of drum beats calling 'action stations' reverberates and some men halt looking for direction. One of the mob hits the brig guard over the head with a cudgel, grabbing his musket. Another sailor grabs at Holden to move him out the way. Elijah and Holden roll initiative and any attack or action moves please.

Below Deck 1

Iggway arms herself with a potato peeler, thinking she ought to skin the 'Butcher' for profiteering from the crew. Hoping to find solace in study, the 'All Hands' signals more urgent requirement and tables are once again cleared for medical needs. Iggway thinks she ought to be more watchful in case of further thievery from Pascale.

On Deck

Rexlin is still wrestling with a couple of rogues though at the whistle they break off grappling and run to load cannons. Clutching a bleeding nose, one shouts at Rexlin, about 'seeing to you later'. Geoffrey has no such luck as his adversary pulls out a short sword.

You can both roll initiative and state attack or action moves.

Siggard is handed a leather sling from Mr Perryman. "Disorientate the beast before she mounts us." He goes to help load the cannons with the sailors. Siggard can see that the group of sailors halted at the stairs by Mr Simonsen have split up, a couple return to duties in loading and another couple, grabbing sheathed swords and a crossbow open a deck hatchway and make to go below. Siggard you have a couple of pebbles left, if you fire at the whale give me a long and a medium d20 roll or state any other action you wish.
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#211 Post by onlyme »

Geoffrey realizes the irrational sailor wants to fight, and now apparently with a sword.
He pulls out his own sword Init [1d6] = 4

and defensively swats around to keep his foe's blade from hitting him.
Long Sword [1d20+1] = 9+1 = 10 ; damage [1d8+1] = 4+1 = 5 sm/md ; [1d12+1] = 1+1 = 2 Lg
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#212 Post by Bluehorse »

Rexlin "Devil's Scowl" Dupre

Barely acknowledging the crewman's threat as he heads to the cannon, the warrior steps to the man with a sword. He tried to disarm the man with a hard blow close to the man's crossguard as possible, his reasoning and experience telling him that a hard enough blow there can send a sword clattering across the deck... Rexlin... though... isn't very good at finesse....

[1d8] = 1

ooc: Well... I bet this turns out interesting! :shock:
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#213 Post by Stirling »


Better with a crossbow than a dagger, he still reaches into his boot heel and withdraws a long slim blade to stab at the sluggy leechy creature. Not affected by saltwater then?

Dagger attack [1d20] = 14 Damage [1d3] = 3.

"Whats' with the drums, another ship attack or more cannon practice Rico?" Szmodics calls backwards. After stabbing this first creature can Szmodics chop in half a few of the apples he took from the side store and spread them around the ballast rocks, it might entice the slugs to feast on their sweetness not his blood.
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#214 Post by thesniperknight1 »

Holden is surprised that his silver tongue didn't get him out of the situation, he tries to slip away from the man trying to hold him and take the musket from the other member of the mob.

"Can't you hear the call?? Have you gone mad??"

Do I roll a d20 for trying to slip away and get a hold of the musket? Or a different die?
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#215 Post by Inferno »

Elijah Crowthorn, ancient mariner:

Old Eli spouts like a breached whale, "There be the "all hands" drum! All hands on deck, ye scurvy dogs! Man ye posts if ye wish to save this ship, and ye sorry necks from the Captain's wrath!"

To further convince them, Eli swings wildly at the closest one with his trident!

Trident: to hit: [1d20] = 4, damage: [1d6+1] = 1+1 = 2
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Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#216 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Siggard ignores the uncooperative sailors that don't seem to want to man their posts.

Yes sir, Mr. Perryman, sir!

The mage takes the sling, not really sure if he will be much good with it or not.

He attempts to drop a pebble directly in front of the oncoming whale while it is still at a distance.
Random d20 [1d20] = 8 long is -5 to hit?

He lets another fly as the beast draws closer.
Random d20 [1d20] = 14 medium is -2 to hit?

If this attempt fails to thwart the oncoming behemoth, the mage takes matters into his own hands. Knowing that the ship and crew are surely doomed if the whale smashes into them, he defies the ships standing orders and fires off his Magic Missile at the things face.
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#217 Post by Zhym »

The tight quarters being no place to swing a sword or axe, Zoggrot pulls a dagger from his belt and stabs at the leeches.

Dagger (THAC0 20): [1d20+1] = 1+1 = 2. Dmg: [1d4+3] = 1+3 = 4/[1d3+3] = 3+3 = 6 (SM/L)

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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#218 Post by Hotgoblin »

Iggway moves the potatoes and other veg out of the way and wipes down all the tables and counter tops, so the galley is ready for any wounded crew that may be brought in. She places her tartan on and prays to Yanauluha as she waits for the next orders.
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#219 Post by Spearmint »

In the Bilge

Szmodics begins to peel and halve some of the stolen apples from the store hoping to treat the slithering leeches to a wholesome meal and spreads a few cores around the perimeter of the bilge hull. It is all to no avail however as the bloodthirsty leeches treat his treat with disdain, seeking a more juicy and succulent fresh meal, enticed even more so by a spurt of blood as Zoggrot mistakenly takes a nervous keg twitch for a voluptuous maggot. Szmodics -4hp Rico crawls in behind the pair urging them forward, cursing them at the same time as snatch a leech and tearing it in two with a vicious bite."Move it you land loving slobs, if the boards splinter more I'll have to seal you in." Suddenly the dark crammed bilge seems that much more claustrophobic with a steady rising waterline and a relentless encroachment of gold flecked slugs.

The leeches move really slow but there are numerous about. You may attack plus an extra attack for each point if Dex modifier or give me a hard [4d6] dex roll to circumvent the creatures and get to the leakage. To fix the leak requires 3 successful hard rolls vs strength as you fight the water pressure on the warped boards and broken rivets.

Below Deck

Iggway once again clears galley tables into an operating theatre. Butcher Vayne takes his medical chest and opens it, this time seemingly more observant of its inventory. He places a few holy symbols on the tables, a SunStar of Pelor, a Hammer and Anvil of Moradin. He grips a bronzed Caduceus (a serpent coiled around a staff) and offers it to Iggway. "Your Padre on Monte Verde used a similar one to drive out the poison afflicting the Captain. I have seen old Conrad skipping about since your administration. What does Yanu-la-who use as an implement to give favours?" As you reply several men enter through the hatchway stairs and cursing loudly about 'Jonahs' on board run by. One us armed with a crossbow and the others have cudgels. "It's gods mercy to offer one to save us all.", they call and head towards the lower deck.

Holden wrestles with a sailor trying to mug Elijah, the pair at a standoff, neither giving ground. "We fished you out the water Mr Blonde, but the gods want one back or we all go under. Turn and grab him with us," the sailor implores. Elijah pokes his trident at another monster, keeping him back, while Plighty taps the brig bars with a tin cup yelling, "Let me out young maestro, I'll stick my wooden stump up him where the sun don't shine."
you are facing a mob of six men, two in melee and then the musketeer who begins to aim at Elijah, another brigand stands over the brig guard and two push more in from the rear.

On Deck

Pocc descends the mast to join Dogger in loading cannons. Captain Lazarus hails the men, joining in to lug grapeshot and prime bores. Siggard slings his remaining 'Boomstone' pebbles aiming just ahead of spouts of water. He us not sure how effective the deterrent will be and readies a spell as a last resort. Face his monkey senses trouble and dives for the comfort of a backpack booth.

Rexlin clobbers the dwarf on the skull with his sword hilt. Geoffrey stabs at the same opponent. The dwarf swings his blade but misses the Breton youth. In mock bravado he heckles the pair, "Another greasy pig, well I'll gut the pair if you." The helmsman dwarf has control of the ships wheel and so frees Rexlin up for any action. The other assailants seemingly melted away to order and duties on the cannons.

Out to sea. The whale, several hundred yards away lifts it's head above the waves, breathing in air before submerging under a splashing wave. The whale is d4+1 rounds away. Siggard has given me three actions but each, if in melee, give me four attack rolls or any actions, verbals,spells, skills you wish to take and I'll adjudicate the narrative.
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#220 Post by Zhym »

Zoggrot tries to avoid the leaches but can't quite manage it.

Avoid leeches (17): [4d6] = 18
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