[Archived] Act 3 — Shadow of the Hunted

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Re: Deck 6 (Science Labs, Upper Engineering, Brig)

#121 Post by DadsAngry »


The doctor stand and moves over to the wall intercom. He presses the flashing light to active it.
"Captain the prisoner has escaped and he's armed with a phaser! I have one wounded and one dead."
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Re: Deck 6 (Science Labs, Upper Engineering, Brig)

#122 Post by Grognardsw »

Ensign Hardy gets up.

"Thanks doc!"

He uses the intercom after Dr. Ryerson to call his commanding officer and ask for instruction.
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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#123 Post by Starbeard »

USS Janus: The Bridge
Stardate 2271.3.23: 0218h

Nadix gives a grim diagnosis of the two crewmen thrown in the blast, and moves on to wrestle with the sparking helm station. He uses a miniature canister of flame retardant to snuff out the small flames licking up from exposed wires, and immediately sets to work keeping the ship on course with one hand while trying to repair the damage with the other two. (Keeping the ship on course is a simple manoeuvre and automatic, but repairing will require a 4D6 vs MN test, please).

The Captain does the same beside him, fanning out the flames on the navigation console and repairing the damage done there. "Commander T'Leia, replacement helm and navigation crew to the Bridge, on the double!" The communications officer relays the order below decks.

De Mattio continues tracing the cloaked enemy ship, and notices that it is continuing to break off away from them, and from the planet.

Just then the intercom beeps in with a communication. It is the Doctor, from the Brig: "Captain the prisoner has escaped and he's armed with a phaser! I have one wounded and one dead." The bridge crew trade apprehensive looks. The Captain responds, "I'll send backup right away—be careful down there Needles." He gives a nod to the ornery Tellarite security chief, Commander Vek.

Vek lets out a mad grunt. "What a useless crew! I have to hold their hands to get anything done!" She strides over to the communicator and barks out an order through the ship. "All available security teams, to the Brig! This is an emergency! Escaped prisoners on board, armed and dangerous!" She stomps off the bridge.

USS Janus
Engines & energy: warp A (20/20), warp B (0/20), impulse (4/5)
Hull CT: 13/18
Shields: 4/5 (fore), 4/5 (port), 4/5 (starboard), 5/5 (aft) (draws 17e)

Phasers (A):not charged[/b] (front, port, & aft arcs)
Phasers (B): not charged (front, starboard, & aft arcs)
Photon torpedos: not charged
Tractor beam: offline

Current Speed: 3 (draws 6e)

Basics: online (1e draw)
Crew efficiency: engineering (79%), sciences (84%), security (80%)
Energy Spent: 24/24
Phaser banks: 1-2 to charge, stored until used/deactivated. Can be overloaded with 1-2 extra energy for +50%/+100% damage, with risk.

Photons: 5 energy to charge, once charged will draw 5 energy until fired/deactivated. The ship can only load one torpedo at a time.

Tractor beam: draws 1-5 energy when in use (user decides how much power to use).

Shields: draws 1 energy per 20% of shield strength, in each of 4 quarters that surround the ship (fore, aft, port, starboard). All shields may be boosted to as much as 200%, but anything beyond 100% can damage the systems with increasing risk.

Tactical (impulse) speed: rated 0-10, and costing 2 energy per speed rating.

Basic essentials (generally on at all times): 1 energy is drawn for basic life support, sensors, computer, transporters, etc.
Current damaged turbolifts: Deck 5 (0% fixed), Deck 6 (50% fixed) Deck 7 (0% fixed), Deck 8 (0% fixed)
Deck repair schedule:
Deck 5: 50% at 0245
Deck 8: 50% at 0315
Deck 6: 100% at 0415
Deck 7: 100% at 0515
Deck 5: 100% at 0615
Deck 8: 100% at 0715
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Re: Deck 6 (Science Labs, Upper Engineering, Brig)

#124 Post by Starbeard »

[quote="Starbeard"]USS Janus: The Brig (Deck 6)
Stardate 2271.3.23: 0218h

Dr. Ryerson helps Ensign Hardy regain himself. The ensign now remembers: from the hit, everyone was knocked off their feet, and the cell doors were powered down. Before he and Ensign Laurel could regain their composure, they were attacked by the pirates and the Romulan, holding heavy pieces of debris as weapons. During the wrestling match one of the phasers was taken from their hands and used to blast Laurel in the chest. Dr. Ryerson determines that Laurel himself must have been struck in the head with debris and left for dead.

From the Bridge, the Captain responds through the intercom. "I'll send backup right away… be careful down there Needles…"

Shortly afterward, the corridors of the ship echo with the menacing and argumentative voice of Commander Vek, chief security officer. "All available security teams, to the Brig! This is an emergency! Escaped prisoners on board, armed and dangerous!"

The Doctor and Ensign Hardy stand in the ruins of the Brig, and wonder where the prisoners could have gone. They hear no footsteps, and Ryerson saw no one on his way to the Brig. Presently they hear a sniffle and turn to notice the prisoner Leah Moore sitting alone in her cell, the beauty of middle age shining through her dishevelled appearance and streaks of silent tears.

The blue arrows mark Dr. Ryerson's path to the Brig. The X's mark turbolift shafts that are out of order.

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Re: Deck 6 (Science Labs, Upper Engineering, Brig)

#125 Post by DadsAngry »

Dr. Ryerson:

"Where did they go Ms. Moore? Why did they leave you behind? How many more people are going to have to die to satisfy your selfish ambition?"
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Re: Deck 6 (Science Labs, Upper Engineering, Brig)

#126 Post by Grognardsw »

"Did the pirates or Romulan say anything before they left? Ensign Hardy, feeling the need to contribute, asks the prisoner Leah Moore.
Nice maps!
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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#127 Post by Grognardsw »

Starbeard wrote:USS Janus: The Bridge
Stardate 2271.3.23: 0218h

"Commander T'Leia, replacement helm and navigation crew to the Bridge, on the double!" The communications officer relays the order below decks.
"Ensign Manion reporting for duty sir! Shall I take the helm?"

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Re: Deck 6 (Science Labs, Upper Engineering, Brig)

#128 Post by Starbeard »

"They transported away… James and the rest of the crew. They used one of the guard's communicators to contact the Arcadia, and were just transported away. They wanted me to go with them, but I couldn't. Poor, stupid James…"

She trails off before Ensign Hardy's question brings her back to reality. "Carlax, the Romulan, he must still be on the ship. There was a short argument, when Carlax tried to give them orders. They beamed away to the Arcadia without him. I guess in the end they really are just pirates, looking out for themselves and no one else. Carlax took the phasers and ran off."
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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#129 Post by Starbeard »

"Right away, Ensign," says the Captain. "Nadix, you can stand down from navigation for now. It looks like the pirates are tiring of the dogfight. They've got their tail between their legs."

Sure enough, De Mattio sees that the cloaked vessel is continuing to move away both from the planet and from the Janus. They appear to be heading straight for the outer limits of the system.

Commander T'Leia manages to snatch another static-laced transmission from the S.S. Arcadia. She puts the visual on screen.

"cadia, come in. Return to orbit immed…"
"…stem, dam… …ger working, engines… …orget your orders! …deal is of…"
"…mander to SS Arc …ack here… Arcadia! Arcadia!"


The Captain returns to his chair and ponders the situation. "We have escaped prisoners on board, armed and dangerous. Let's stay on red alert. Our first priority is to catch the prisoners." He turns to Commanders De Mattio and Nadix. "Officers, what's the ship's condition? Could we chase the enemy vessel and press for a surrender?"

The two bring up reports and understand that the Janus probably has a slight advantage in speed and power generation over the Arcadia, and continues to hold the upper hand in firepower. There is the possibility that the pirate ship is even further crippled. Trailing the Arcadia and making detailed scans will bring a more accurate assessment of its current state of damage, but allow extra time for it to escape the system.
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Re: Deck 6 (Science Labs, Upper Engineering, Brig)

#130 Post by DadsAngry »

Dr. Ryerson:

The doctor quickly moves to the wall communication station and press the button contacting the bridge.
"Brig to Captain, Dr. Ryerson reporting. Prisoners have beamed off the ship according to Ms. Moore who is still in custody. Carlax the Romulan is still on board and roams the ship, possible armed."
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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#131 Post by Inferno »

Commander Nadix Ar Eth, Science Officer:

The Edosian officer stands down from the helm, returning to his station. He calmly replies, "Captain, we hold the advantage according to every measurement. In my estimation, sir, we have no choice but to pursue."
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
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Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#132 Post by Starbeard »

Dr. Ryerson speaks through the intercommunicator to the bridge. "Brig to Captain, Dr. Ryerson reporting. Prisoners have beamed off the ship according to Ms. Moore who is still in custody. Carlax the Romulan is still on board and roams the ship, possible armed."

The Captain replies, "Thank you Doctor. Better make sure there aren't any wounded elsewhere on the deck. Vek should be there shortly with a security team."

He mulls over Nadix's words. "Pursuit seems to be the only alternative, aside from withdrawing completely from the sector. We can't stay here wounded and give them time to recuperate." He orders Ensign Manion to pursue the cloaked craft, phasers armed. "Commander T'Leia, once we are in range make them stand down. I want their total surrender. Nadix, De Mattio, meet me in the briefing room."

The Captain leads his senior officers out of the bridge and down to the briefing room.


"Let's get to business," he says as they sit. "We have an armed Romulan stowaway on the loose, and our ship is crippled. However, we have the advantage: we now control space, and their planetary headquarters are having trouble keeping control of the situation. I'd like to send a landing team down in the Minerva, to locate their headquarters and strike while they're still having trouble. Nadix, I'd like you to lead the mission, since you've been there before. De Mattio, your planetary and engineering skills will be helpful as well. I'm authorizing whatever force is necessary in capturing or incapacitating the enemy. Do you have any specific requests for the landing party?"
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Re: Deck 6 (Science Labs, Upper Engineering, Brig)

#133 Post by Starbeard »

The Captain replies from the Bridge. "Thank you Doctor. Better make sure there aren't any wounded elsewhere on the deck. Vek should be there shortly with a security team."

Needles and Ensign Hardy look out the door and see no sign of Vek yet.
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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#134 Post by Inferno »

Commander Nadix Ar Eth, Science Officer:
Red shirts. Plenty of red shirts. ;)
"Thank you, Captain," the Edosian nodded, feeling the solemn responsibility and trust placed upon his three shoulders.

"I would request Dr. Ryerson and a security team. May I recommend the use of palm phasers? Much damage has already been inflicted upon the Coxan culture," replied the devout adherent of the Prime Directive.

But he seemed more open to the possibility of defensive technology. "Commander De Mattio, are any of the Slaver artifacts ready for a field test?"
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: The Bridge (Deck 1)

#135 Post by Grognardsw »

Ensign Manion moves to warp speed, pursuing the pirate ship.
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Re: Deck 6 (Science Labs, Upper Engineering, Brig)

#136 Post by Grognardsw »

"Can we locate the Romulan using sensors to detect his Romulan physiology?" asks Ensign Barry to the doctor. He hopes he hasn't asked a stupid question that reveals his skechy knowledge of sensors.
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Re: Deck 6 (Science Labs, Upper Engineering, Brig)

#137 Post by DadsAngry »

Dr. Ryerson:

"I'm a doctor not an engineer Ensign. I can't … wait … no blasted, I could! If I had by tricorder that I took on planet. It contained Carlax's psychological information. I could adjust the setting to scan for his specific pattern. But it's in sick bay on Deck 7."
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Re: Deck 6 (Science Labs, Upper Engineering, Brig)

#138 Post by Grognardsw »

"I'll go get it!" exclaims Ensign Barry, glad to be useful.
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Re: Deck 6 (Science Labs, Upper Engineering, Brig)

#139 Post by DadsAngry »

Dr. Ryerson:

"We'll both go. Help me with Ensign Hardy." Dr. Ryerson bends down and positions his shoulder under the injured man's arm in an attempt to lift him up.
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Re: Deck 6 (Science Labs, Upper Engineering, Brig)

#140 Post by Starbeard »

The two lift Ensign Laurel together and haul him out of the brig. Leah Moore gives a start when they make to leave. "Is it alright if I come with you?" She points back at the cells, their force fields damaged and deactivated. "There doesn't seem much point in keeping me here, anyway."

They carry Laurel's body along the corridor as silently as they can, retracing Dr. Ryerson's steps to the turbolift. Everyone's hairs are on end, as they expect the Romulan fugitive to ambush them at any moment. He is nowhere to be found, however, and in short order they arrive at Sickbay. The door does not open at first, but Dr. Ryerson orders an override and they enter.

The room appears much as it did before the battle, but with a couple of fresh wounded and everyone else resting as best they can. Nurse Teklah takes the body off of their hands and arranges a place for Leah. "We were given word about the escaped prisoner, and I had ordered the doors locked. The operations ensigns that have been helping us as nurses are now standing guard. What can I do for you both?"
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