(CLOSED) Character Generation

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Re: Character Generation

#21 Post by Antman9 »


I'm going to work on some of the stuff I owe you guys this weekend between runs and homework/papers/Latin 102 practice.
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Re: Character Generation

#22 Post by Antman9 »

Updated characters stats!

Modified/Added: TAG2000

GreyaWolfVT : Kel Axelrod – Half Giant
  • 7’3”, 290 lbs, 33 yrs old, orange hair, sooty black skin.
  • Mother was a Fire Giant
  • Father was a Human Woodsman
  • Lived an isolated childhood harvesting timber with his father (primary skills).
  • Socially awkward, nervous around women
  • Short temper brought about by mocking due to societal abnormalities
  • Fear of being misunderstood, ridiculed, shunned.
  • Seeks out others that fall outside societal norms.
  • Survived giant bug attack on his village and discovered a knack for adventuring
  • Sought a life of adventure for the pure joy of killing giant bugs and things for the betterment of society, kind of.

MonkeyWrench : Rakjak – Gnoll
  • Appearance: 5’10”, 195 lbs, 18 yrs old, orange hair, tanned fur with spots, thin & muscular.
  • Raised in a small tribe of raiding scavenger Gnolls.
  • Born with a higher intelligence than his parents/tribe.
  • Became drawn to a better culinary existence.
  • After repeated attempts at culinary reform, he was ejected from the tribe
  • Sought out a cooking apprenticeship in civilized society, but Rejected at every turn.
  • Culinary desire turned to obsession, beginning a lifelong obsession for culinary excellence.
  • Stumbled upon a traveling eccentric hermetic cook who would teach him.
  • Joyful, confident, joker & butcher; a follower at heart but takes charge when required.
  • Takes joy in slaying and butchering his enemies in a chef-like manner.
  • Will not abide cannibalism.
  • Considers other Gnolls hostile unless circumstances dictate otherwise.
  • Fascinated by the technological and civilized advances in cooking apparatuses of modern civilizations.
  • Combat strategies: fast-attack, flanking-maneuver-combat-barker
  • Driven to the adventuring life after his mentor was killed by Orcs, Rakjak now wanders the land in search of rare ingredients to perfect his culinary art.
  • Tends to see creatures for their culinary attributes, including how they might taste, how best to dissect and prepare them, etc.

Dram : Lyaera Arabana – Dark Elf
  • Appearance: 4’9”, 115 lbs, 138yrs old, midnight black hair, green eyes, facial scar
  • Orphan
  • Treated as an outcast, never finding a suitable home.
  • Ran away at the age of 13 and joined a gypsy traveling circus.
  • Found a natural connection with the circus animals
  • Mentored by One-Eyed Jack the knife thrower
  • Made a living by robbing fairgoers, but was forced to hand over a majority to Jax.
  • When Jax was murdered by a jealous lover, Lyaera sought a life of adventuring.
  • Believes in living to fight another day, taking calculated risks, and a long and prosperous existence.
  • Distrustful of outsiders, but will work closely with a select few she trusts.
  • Hoarding addict.
  • Combat tactics: Sticks to the shadows, opportunistic attacker.

Sol : Zirus – Lizard Man
  • Appearance: 6’5”, 210 lbs, 22 yrs old, amber eyes, green reptilian skin
  • Member of a large, secluded, highly organized Lizard tribe
  • Often quiet, though not anti-social
  • Tendency toward deep contemplation and meditation
  • Intensely spiritual outlook of the world
  • Views outsiders (non-Lizardmen) as foreign/strange curiosities to be studied
  • Has adopted a behavior consistent with social norms, customs, and rules of any outside society, group, or party member to serve his own purpose: to infiltrate and learn the ways of other societies.
  • Grew up as an aspirant to his tribe’s Priest Class, participating in rituals.
  • Witnessed, as a participant, the ritualistic murder of an innocent, tainting his faith in the order.
  • Inducted into his Temple’s Inner Circle.
  • Mentored in the divine skills of plants, prophecy, poisons & toxins, and healing.
  • Concerned his order could no longer provide the necessary training to achieve further enlightenment, Zirus set out to seek answers elsewhere.

thesniperknight1 : Caiden Cross – Human
  • Appearance: 5’9”, 145 lbs, 26 yrs old, blue eyes, black hair, slightly tanned skin, average build and appearance, small facial scar.
  • Born of wealthy, honest merchants.
  • Entire family murdered when he was 14.
  • After seeking out and killing his family’s murderer, he was recruited by an assassins guild.
  • Taught in the ways of fighting, and to overcome strength with speed, agility, and finesse (the martial arts).
  • Detests fighting but will stand to fight with his comrades.
  • Outgoing attitude with a sarcastic sense of humor.
  • Keeps his personal problems to himself unless beneficial to the group.
  • Believes in, and respects others, who live by a moral code.
  • Became torn by the lifestyle, of killing and robbing, even though innocents were never hurt.
  • Upon the discovery that the Duke ordered his family’s death, he took a hard look within.
  • Discovered an ugly beast called Greed, eating at his soul, bent on a revenge that could never be sated.
  • Vowed to never again let greed rule his emotions, and so sought a life of adventuring.

stephberg: ??? – Nemed (Melivora: Honey Badger)
  • Appearance:
NOTE: Working on this one

TAG2000: Tahlasar Vamir – Gruagach Elf
  • Appearance: 4'6", 90 lbs, gray hair, Black eyes, brownish-green skin
  • From a young age Tahlasar found that plants seemed to grow and flourish in his presence.
  • He became enthralled with the life of plants, ignoring the customs of his own tribe.
  • Soon, the tribe began to shun him.
  • His mother, faced with exile, could not abandon her child to the horrors of the wild, and so the decision was made for her. The tribe drugged Tahlasar and tossed him in a fast flowing river.
  • Tahlasar awoke, embraced in weeds at the river’s side in a strange, dark wooded area.
  • After freeing himself, Tahlasar wandered the dark woods, alone and confused.
  • He soon discovered the plants in this new place to be strangely powerful, speaking to him silently, urging him deeper into the woods.
  • Becoming overpowered by the voices in his head, Tahlasar began eating strange but beautiful plants.
  • Tahlasar became violently ill and soon fell to the forest floor unconscious, where the forest plants quickly encased his body.
  • After several days Tahlasar awoke physically transformed by the forest, a strange power coursing though his veins and a deep connection to the forest around him.
  • Tahlasar wandered the forest for months, bonding with plants, absorbing their energy, and learning his new gifts.
  • Sharp thorns soon sprouted from every inch of his body.
  • After awhile Tahlasar discovered the ability to transform his skin at will, growing foliage, or thorns, turning to back, and even becoming elastic like small whip-like willow sapplings.
  • Driven to the adventuring to discover the extent of his abilities.

Please address the following items for your background:
  • 3-5 words or short phrases (adjectives) that describe your character’s personality.
  • Briefly describe one or two things your character finds joy in.
  • Briefly describe one or two things your character despises/dislikes.
  • How will your character act/react around other races, other Gruagach Elves, and in different environments (i.e. forests, cities, tight spaces, etc).
  • Describe one or more combat strategies.
  • Combat strategies: fast-attack, flanking-maneuver-combat-barker
  • Driven to the adventuring to discover the extent of his abilities.

Suggested modifications to your Character’s abilities:
I would like to modify your background, the last portion anyway, to fit more in line with the campaign type/style. Instead of having vines grow from your character’s skin he has the ability to change his skin (up to three times per day) and can encourage nearby plants and dormant seeds to grow instantaneously. This ability will require Tahlasar to expend his own hit points to do so. The hp cost = 2 hp to change skin; 1-4 hp per round to encourage plants to grow. The extent of the growth (number of rounds to complete) will be determined on a case by case basis (i.e a full grown tree will take much longer than a small flower, and encouraging existing plants to grow will take less time than from a seed. To counter the hp deficit Tahlasar has the ability to take health from the plants around him, though it will come at the cost of taking the plant’s entire life force (i.e. kills them), something Tahlasar will most likely appose, unless the plant itself has nefarious intensions toward him or his fellow/other humanoids. Tahlasar may even carry a selection of seeds with him. He will also be able to recognize others who have been affected by the power that changed him (the power from the forest where he washed ashore).

Bullet Points
  • Skin transformation (2 hp per change)
  • Psychic connection with the life force of plants
  • Ability to affect plant growth (1-4 HP cost per round)
  • Psychic connection to other beings affected like him
  • Ability to gain health from surrounding plant life.
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Re: Character Generation

#23 Post by FantasyChic »

FantasyChic's Character Generation

High Elf: Laelette Var'anon
Age: 122 years old.
Height: 5'7''
Weight: 132 lbs
Hair Color: Pale Gold
Eyes: Violet with Golden Specks
Skin: White

Personality: Laelette can be considered quite naive. Having been sheltered for most of her life in her village, she doesn't know much about the outside world apart from what she read in books or learned from her teachers (and there has been a lot). Despite this, she is determined to go out and learn more and make a complete volume of the world they live in, to the very last detail. This is both a blessing and a curse. She is inquisitive to a fault, heading off into danger without thinking twice, but she is brave in the face of adversity. She tries to be optimistic, but knows that not everything goes your way.

History: Growing up, Laelette's parents never knew telling their daughter stories would fuel the fire of adventure in her. Her mother and father, both high elf adventurers in their day, told constant stories about their journeys. Young Laelette dreamed big as she grew up, hoping to one day follow in her parent's footsteps and start her own journey. Life doesn't always go as planned, and their village was attacked by bandits, only a few survived, but Laelette lost her parents in the struggle. it was the kindness of a traveling Wizard that helped Laelette as he took her in and gave her a home in his town. Worried about the young elf girl, he kept her in town, warning her never to step foot out, less she be hurt. He also instilled the love of learning in her, and sparked her own skills in magic. However, Laelette never forgot her earlier dreams, and the love of learning only helped spark that desire. Determined to make her mark on the world and come back a well-known adventurer with a tome full of lore, she bid her step-father farewell, much to his dismay, and set out to start her own journey.

Motives: Laelette homes to become a well-known adventurer who helped write the book on it (literally). She wants to explore as much as humanly (and elvenly) possible, fill her notes with as much lore as she can, and write about it in a book that will make her famous. She wants to follow in her parent's footsteps and make them proud of her. She wants to learn and help others learn.

Profession: Academic
The Academic is scholarly, studious, well read, learned, bookish. They strive to attain knowledge of everything theoretical, though rarely of a practical relevance, devoting their life to the search wholeheartedly. They are teachers, at the very heart, striving to get at the theoretical, conceptual, notional, the philosophical at times, the hypothetical, the speculative, sometimes that which is conjectural or even impractical and unrealistic, but always they are striving for something; a great many things as a rule.
To pin a specific attribute to an academic, to describe them as typical, in anything other than the general aspect of searching or longing, would be erroneous, utterly fallacious, and misguided. No. The academics are, categorically, not even themselves. The journey toward the knowledge of anything worthwhile, and to an academic it is all worthwhile, is riddled with upheaval, conversion, transformation; an inexplicable, absolute, soul-riving, metamorphosis that cannot be undone. To fathom, to truly comprehend, the nature of knowledge, of the theoretical, of the idea of nature itself, is to take into oneself a burden of gargantuan proportions, an affliction that cannot be measured, or weighed, or accounted for. It can only be felt or endured; not contained, throttled, or corralled; only experienced.

They are often lost, visibly lost, speak to no one in particular about notions and concepts far beyond the normal wit of the common man, and vehemently abhor ignorance of any kind; abhor it, to the extreme; fight it they will, grapple with it, compel it, lash it with words, curse it. Fight you say? Heaven forbid they raise a fist in anger. No. Their fight is with knowledge, the strength of will, of thought, of mind, of strategy. Run. That’s what an academic will do, they will run; though not necessarily in the proper or safe direction.

So what good are they, how can they help, why on earth would a party of adventurers ever consider having one along? The Academic is invaluable in their wealth of knowledge. Most of it theoretical mind you, but take one with you and see, just see how many pretty messes you avoid. Careful with your patience though, for by the end of the journey you may be inclined to stab, punch, club, bind, gag, or otherwise molest their person in the worst possible way. Just wait and see if they don’t save your hide.
All this is not to say that the academic will not assist in a fight, the fight, they will, given the proper motivation, endeavor to apply the knowledge attained, the theoretical knowledge, and temper it to some physical, some mechanical means by which they can assist. Be wary when the academic gets excited, when they begin to plot, and scheme, and put hands to work. Something serious is on the horizon. Hope that it isn’t you, gets caught in their scheme.
Last edited by FantasyChic on Fri May 27, 2016 5:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Character Generation

#24 Post by Antman9 »

I have attempted to distill each character into several primary categories. Please read through and make sure I haven't embellished,or otherwise butchered your character. If you want to remove or add certain elements please post your desires here and I will update as requested.

The original character descriptions are an integral part of the character generation process and should ultimately lead to a set of attributes that will help you, other players, and myself in interpreting and adjudicating RPG interactions.

Character Bios
thesniperknight1: Caiden Cross – Human – Assassin
  • Attributes: Outgoing attitude, sarcastic sense of humor.
  • Drivers: Detests fighting unless needed for friends/family.
  • Code: Moral code of conduct vital.
  • Faults: Family murdered, vowed to control emotions.
  • Combat: Fights with speed, agility, and finesse (the martial arts).
GreyaWolfVT: Kel Axelrod – Half Giant – Woodsman
  • Attributes: Physical strength, stoic, man of few words.
  • Drivers: Fear of being misunderstood, ridiculed, shunned.
  • Code: Fights for betterment of society (kind of).
  • Faults: Socially awkward, nervous around women, short temper (for mocking those with social abnormalities)
  • Combat: Fights for pure joy of killing things.

FantasyChic: Laelette Var'anon – High Elf – TBD
  • Attributes: Naïve, scholastic knowledge, extremely inquisitive, brave, realistic optimist.
  • Drivers: Write the ‘Book of the World’.
  • Code: To help others along her way.
  • Faults: Physically weak (for an adventurer).
  • Combat: Arcane Energy specialist

Dram: Lyaera Arabana – Dark Elf– Gypsy/Orphan
  • Attributes: Quiet, shy, reserved, cautious.
  • Drivers: Lover/protector of innocent animals.
  • Code: Believes in living to fight another day, taking calculated risks, and a long and prosperous existence.
  • Faults: Hoarding addict, distrustful of outsiders.
  • Combat: Sticks to the shadows, opportunistic attacker.

MonkeyWrench: Rakjak – Gnoll– Cook
  • Attributes: Joyful, confident, joker & butcher; a follower at heart but takes charge when required.
  • Drivers: Culinary excellence.
  • Code: Will not abide cannibalism.
  • Faults: Obsession for culinary excellence.
  • Combat: Fast-attack, flanking-maneuver-combat-barker. Takes joy in slaying and butchering his enemies in a chef-like manner.

stephberg: Tafari Baako – Nemed (Honey Badger) – Academic
  • Attributes: Laid back, highly intelligent, inquisitive.
  • Drivers: Knowledge of the world and other species.
  • Code: Physical confrontation is for barbarians.
  • Faults: Oblivious to obvious dangers., Sheltered, plush, life. Prone to sudden angry outbursts and loss of temper.
  • Combat: Savage mauling when driven to anger.

TAG2000: Tahlasar Vamir – Gruagach Elf – Lost
  • Attributes: Social outcast.
  • Drivers: To understand his connection to nature and Arcane energy
  • Code: Uncertain
  • Faults: Wanderer
  • Combat: ???

Sol: Zirus – Lizard Man – Man of the Cloth
  • Attributes: Quiet, though not anti-social.
  • Drivers: Determined to find enlightenment, to seek answers outside the tribe.
  • Code: Intensely spiritual outlook of the world.
  • Faults: Views outsiders as foreign/strange curiosities to be studied.
  • Combat: Relies on divine assistance and skills in plants, prophecy, poisons & toxins, and healing.
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Re: Character Generation

#25 Post by FantasyChic »

I updated my sheet with her profession. What's next?
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Re: Character Generation

#26 Post by Antman9 »

FantasyChic wrote:I updated my sheet with her profession. What's next?
Go ahead and start your character sheet and post it in the Character Sheet thread. Go through the Zero-Level Characters and Combat Options sections (pg's 11-15) of the 0e_Core_Rules_4-0-3 document in the Core Rules thread. If you have questions let me know. You can post questions here too, some of the others might be able to assist as well. In the Core Rules thread you will also find docs for Armor, Weapons, Items 3.1.4.

Antman9 (Marc)
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Re: Character Generation

#27 Post by FantasyChic »

Ok, few questions.

I chose a whip as a weapon, what are the parameters for it.

Also attributes, what do I do for them. Do I roll? Or use the racial attributes to fill them out?
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Re: Character Generation

#28 Post by Antman9 »

In the Core Rules thread there is a document titled: Items_3.1.4_Weapons.pdf under the heading of Armor, Weapons, Items 3.1.4. It lists all the weapons along with their damage and such. NOTE: I am in the process of updating the tables therein to match the new 0e rule set. One item to note about weapons is that their class size, S/M/L (small, medium, large), represents the size of character the weapon was crafter for, NOT the size of creature you are attacking with that weapon. If your character is a Medium size then you will use the medium damage for your weapon of choice.

Creature Sizes
Small: 2' - 4'
Medium: 4' - 8'
Large: 8' - 16'

Damage stats for Whip:
Small: 1 hp
Medium: 1d2
Large: 1d3

Note: These have been updated from what you will find in the document listed above.

ATTRIBUTES (from the Core Rules Document)
Roll 3d6, assign as desired ~ Or ~ Assign the three highest scores, highest first, in order of your Race Prime Attributes (as shown on the race table in the Core Rules document).

STR: (Melee dmg / Melee to-hit / Hurled dmg)
DEX: (AC Bonus / Missile to-hit)
CON: (HP bonus per Level)
INT: (# additional Languages)
WIS: (Spell saving throw bonus)
CHA: (# of Hirelings)

Attribute Descriptions
Strength (STR): Measure of muscle & physical power
Dexterity (DEX): Hand-eye coord, agility, reflex, balance
Constitution (CON): Health & stamina
Intelligence (INT): Learning & reason (analyze information)
Wisdom (WIS): Willpower, common sense, perception, intuition (awareness of surroundings)
Charisma (CHA): Force of personality, persuasiveness, magnetism, leadership, attractiveness

Score (Modifier)
1-5 (-3)
6-9 (-2)
10-11 (-1)
12-13 (0)
14-15 (+1)
16-17 (+2)
18-19 (+3)
20-21 (+4)
22-23 (+5)
24-25 (+6)
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Re: Character Generation

#29 Post by FantasyChic »

Great, will work on this and hopefully finish this tomorrow.
Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!

-Dr. Seuss
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