Ch 1. The Inn of the Unseen Servant

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Re: The Inn of the Unseen Servant : Action Thread # 1

#101 Post by JobaTett »

Jacob almost falls out of his chair but manages to balance himself out. He just plays music.

(Do I still need to roll Init just to continue playing music?)
dm: normally no, just cue the dramatic sound track.
are you playing an old familiar song? just finger exercises? new composition?
but if you are trying to influence the djinn or inspire allies and such, somehow, then yes, you will need init.
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Re: The Inn of the Unseen Servant : Action Thread # 1

#102 Post by NJWilliam »

Branc looks to the decanter he stepped next to and looks for the tag which he will try to read.

Looking toward the Djinni, he says,"Noble one, it was I who broke the jar in which you had been, my apologies for doing it in so sudden a manner."

Branc Initiative (d10): [1d10] = 7+1
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Re: The Inn of the Unseen Servant : Action Thread # 1

#103 Post by JobaTett »

Jacob just plays music and tries to recognize that thing. (Knowledge check?)
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Re: The Inn of the Unseen Servant : Action Thread # 1

#104 Post by Computer +1 »

As Darius moves to the front he recognizes more and more of what is appearing. He shouts as he moves closer
Its a Iuzian Spirit! Clear the room and get help!!

I am really not sure if I should attack or wait and try to speak to it first. Darius would be the first to recognize its origin but he also is Iuzian and is all too aware how everyone automatically views him as evil. Since I am not that familiar with Greyhawk would the smart thing be to assume and attack or parley?
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Re: The Inn of the Unseen Servant : Action Thread # 1

#105 Post by Shonuff »

Skuzz, seeing the Elemental creature beginning to take shape, he audibly swears in orc as he sees way too many people in the room for him to be of effect. he inhales deeply and jumps down from the bench he was standing on.

"EREYBODY MUVE TO THA DOORS AND GIT OUT!" He begins herding the humans like a shepherd.

[1d10+2] = 8+2 = 10
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Re: The Inn of the Unseen Servant : Action Thread # 1

#106 Post by Epichicken »

Just the very sight of the spirit sends Thor'ar sprawling on the ground in shock, "AYE what is that beast?" He was missing one thing however: His weapon. Thor'ar crawls through the fleeing crowd towards his room, where he acquires his weapon and returns to the battle
OOC I am assuming that this action takes a full round to complete
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Re: The Inn of the Unseen Servant : Action Thread # 1

#107 Post by Stonjuz »

Though not torrential in nature, the wind also begins to swirl about the room.
Mr. Cuddles is the first to react as the djinn begins animating from the smoky greyness. Sensing the change in atmospheric pressure, the pigeon starts flapping its wings to remain close to Jacob.
Darius does indeed recognize the djinn’s attire as Iuz fashion. Most of the group can also see a slight resemblance to our Pelor Priest. The djinn fully animates in front of Darius. As the genie’s first action, and with a menacing stare, he looks the Cleric over, up and down, and bellows out a hearty laugh. Then it ‘flies’ over to the sleeping human, Nayman. “Human”, it chuckles as if the rogue was insignificant. Whether it’s the wind, or the laughter, or the commotion of the overall room, Nayman finally wakes to see the backside of the creature drift to the half-orc.
Skuzz has helped several bodies leave the area before the djinn blows a gust of wind from his mouth, essentially slamming the door. The monster looks the fighter over, and with no real change in demeanor turns away. Rising, he looks the room over from his now higher position. Noticing the bard and bird on upper corridor, the djinn confronts the two.
“Ulek.”He says, in an almost expected contentious manner. The pigeon regains it’s balance and lands on the bard’s shoulder when the djinn retreats back down, towards the stage.
Noise from the stairs turns his attention to greet the dwarf coming down , pole-arm in hand. The creature roars in renewed menace. Wind in the tavern doubles as the djinn spins and flies to the stage. As the denizen of air passes Nellsir, the Captain of the guard swings his sword at the beast. Slicing at the creature, and evidently successful, the beast hovers in position momentarily, then waves both arms to one side and Nellsir is blown across the room and thrown against the stage backdrop, just north of Branc’s position.
“Noble one, it was I who broke the jar in which you had been. My apologies for doing it in so sudden a manner”. Following the Captain’s flight, the genie moves to the stage towards Branc and stops very abruptly as he has full view of the stage occupants.
“Cluemiester!!!”, hatred and rage now begin to fill the creature.
From the stage, all who are looking can see that Basher has pulled something from his pouch and he sprinkles it in the air and the gnome disappears. The mage still sits motionless.

Action declarations, skills, abilities, etc… and initiatives now.
Perception checks if you want to find out anything else about surroundings and such.
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Re: The Inn of the Unseen Servant : Action Thread # 1

#108 Post by NJWilliam »

Branc continues in his attempt to read the tag on the decanter/jar.
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Re: The Inn of the Unseen Servant : Action Thread # 1

#109 Post by JobaTett »

Jacob is useless, so he plays music "Try cornering him!" he yells.
Don't I give a bonus for playing music, or something?

Yes, bards have been known to give good bonus.
Excellent acquostics in the room will travel the sound throughout the tavern. The Air Elemental is disrupting the sonic wave patterns noticably, but the song can be heard by everyone.
Attempting to 'Rally Friends', with music and strategic suggestion is fine.
Ill give the others a bonus (+1 to hit, +1 saves, +2 morale), BUT, it will not go into effect until two more rounds (casting time), AND it will only last for one round (1st level)
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Re: The Inn of the Unseen Servant : Action Thread # 1

#110 Post by Computer +1 »

Darius moves closer to the stage and calls to the creature in Iuzian.
Spirit hear me. I can see your rage is great but Cluemiester is already dead. Go in peace and leave before others arrive and it is too late. Let the innocent leave unharmed I pray you.
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Re: The Inn of the Unseen Servant : Action Thread # 1

#111 Post by Vargr1105 »

Nayman awakens and after a moment of taking in his surroundings, speaks.

"HOLY [BLEEP] !!!"

Followed immediately by:

"WTF is going on here?!"
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Re: The Inn of the Unseen Servant : Action Thread # 1

#112 Post by Stonjuz »

Shonuff wrote: 1. Did Skuzz see the soldier's sword blow right through the Djinn without harming him?
2. How many people are still in the tavern that did not get out before the djinn closed the door?
Nellsir did indeed 'hurt' (a slicing cut to the upper waist) the djinn with the longsword which has landed two feet from him. The wound turns slightly mist-like but does leave visible indigo evidence of injury.

The six of you, and the pigeon
Basher (invisible)
Cluemiester (who appears to have passed in his sleep)
Nellsir (does not seem fatally wounded)
Four guards in the room with you, they look to be trying to form a rank in front of the door.
One civilian , a merchant from Dyvers mentioned by name during auction, but I havent bothered to name him yet, frantically pulls at the 'stuck' door.
25 xp to the player who can come up with the best name (my choice) for the human male merchant.
There is one other 'person' in the room but no one has rolled sufficiently to see him/her/it.
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Re: The Inn of the Unseen Servant : Action Thread # 1

#113 Post by Epichicken »

Perception- 9 [1d20] = 5
Initiative- [1d10] = 7
Thor'ar moves from the bottom of the staircase, struggling against the harsh arctic-like winds released from the djinn towards Darius. In common tongue (Thor'ar does'nt know luzian), he speaks: "If ye do not heed the word of my good friend here, then you shall find yourself in a constricted situation my friend. Thor'ar brings his hefty Bardiche onto his shoulder, obviously showing off the weapon to the being. Thor'ar motions for the half-orc to fall in on Darius. With a flick of his hand, he beckons to Skuzz: "Oi halfie! Hither beckons you!"
Thor'ar holds off on attacking the creature because he heard Darius speak words of peace.. However if any action should erupt he is ready to strike.
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Re: The Inn of the Unseen Servant : Action Thread # 1

#114 Post by Stonjuz »

Scuzz, who is nearest of the group to the door, smells Abriago Mechinstein loose his constitution. The merchant from Dyvers, (next big city to the west), races around the guards and starts heading to the privvys.
merchant.jpg (11.12 KiB) Viewed 919 times
Those in the group who made perception checks notice one gold piece fall from the cutpurse slot in his pouch. Abriago stops and begins to bend over to pick it up but decides against it before continuing on to the restrooms.
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Re: The Inn of the Unseen Servant : Action Thread # 1

#115 Post by NJWilliam »

Unable to find a tag on the decanter, Branc scrambles in the direction the decanters stopper went to try and find it and see if there is anything there to read.
And that will definitely be the last thing this round: Branc Initiative (d10): [1d10] = 10+1
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Re: The Inn of the Unseen Servant : Action Thread # 1

#116 Post by Stonjuz »

The djinn stops in front of Cluemiester with evil intent and then hears the words "...dead already...".
He raises an eyebrow in disbelief, ignoring the rest of the group's statements, and then starts to draw any remaining air from the wizard's lungs. Seeing the expected physical reaction from the mage, the genie seems upset that the mage is not going to be able to do battle this day.
"Far too long I have been held at his footstool. Now he has escaped MY whim." The djinn begins to look at the room differently now. He flies over to the Captain, who is starting to move his hand towards the sword. The creature takes the sword in proud display and uses his inate ability to Detect Magic around him.
The sword, the gauntlets worn by the Captain, the four guards clubs and shields (although they are wielding polearms), the continual light sconces, Cluemiester's robe, the painted dinner plates, the staff once held by Branc and Darius' holy symbol begin to glow. Surprisingly, the monkey statue does not seem to be affected by the spell.
Halfway across the tavern floor, near Nayman, the stopper begins to shine.
The four guards begin to look at their equipment as if surprised at the magic flowing thru their items, and begin to equip them, fore-going their halbreds. Pounding from the other side of the door begins and a few muffled voices can be heard outside by any in the group with enhanced hearing skills without effort.
No sign of Basher.
The djinn looks down into the hole upon the stage floor. "What's this? In the cellar? Trying to hide from me?"The beast sticks his head and one arm down into the stage holding area.
Branc manages to leave the stage area whilst the genie is occupied below and is almost to the stopper when the bard says "Try cornering him".
The door to the privvy can be heard slamming, followed by a familiar digusting human sound.

Jacob's song buff is in effect this next round upcoming.
+1 to hit, +1 to saves +2 morale
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Re: The Inn of the Unseen Servant : Action Thread # 1

#117 Post by NJWilliam »

Branc heads toward the stopper that glowed in response to the Djinn's actions.

dm: heading towards the stopper was last round. What are you doing in the NEXT round?

Going to keep going after the stopper until he gets and reads it.
Last edited by NJWilliam on Sun Dec 02, 2012 1:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Inn of the Unseen Servant : Action Thread # 1

#118 Post by JobaTett »

Jacob still plays music 'cause he still can't fight.

DM: He cant?
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Re: The Inn of the Unseen Servant : Action Thread # 1

#119 Post by Vargr1105 »

Nayman unsheats both of his swords and takes a defensive stance. Having just recently awaken and gazed upon the scene in shock he still has no real idea of what is going on.

dm: maybe he is still dreaming? 8-)
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Re: The Inn of the Unseen Servant : Action Thread # 1

#120 Post by Computer +1 »

With the spirit occupied Darius quickly moves to Nellsir's side and checks his injuries.
If severe he will immediately heal him.

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