Discussion - Character Concepts

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Re: Discussion - Character Concepts

#21 Post by Marullus »

Yes, as the article on dwarfs that Rusty posted points out, the more important a thing or place is, the more names it has. :) Since we have several completely non-Tolkien players, I am deliberately simplifying names. I do expect that the dwarven scholar will expand on them during the IC roleplay. ;)

There are several directions for the group to decide to go, all of which are valid. It is likely our first IC scene, as you all sort out where the group should go and how much of the refugee mass should come with you.

For the elves...
It is easy to attach an elf PC to Fulci as an adventurer, but also possible to tie friendship, backstory, and beliefs between the elf and Enoch's history-seeking wordbearer (oh, to hear the elven Song of History!) or to Rusty's merchant who could have traded with them (purchase a relationship, affiliation or reputation).

Thinking of direction...
  • A trip to the elves as they react to the crisis could be enlightening. Perhaps Fulci seeks knowledge of the First Dwarves (Thranduil likely knew those of the blue mountains in the first age personally and others might, too), the historian for obvious reasons, the merchant to sell his last loads of goods and get the funds for his family's relocation, Dogma's warrior perhaps related to some part of his fall from grace.
  • You could also find purpose in Mirkwood, or passing through Mirkwood for some goal at the gates of Moria.
  • You could also make beliefs about the long, dangerous journey south and through the gap of Rohan to Dunland to get safe from these lands, or perhaps as the first leg of reaching the Blue Mountains and Fulci's Penitents.
  • You could go northward to the Gray Mountains to learn more of the dragons and truths of what occurred last time that King Thror fled them. Perhaps the mystery of Smaug's coming still bothers one or more of you.
  • You could seek East to the Iron Hills, hoping to find easier succor with your Greybeard cousins.
  • You could come up with a scheme for the Lonely Mountain itself, not yet ready to cede it and your most precious things to Smaug.
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Re: Discussion - Character Concepts

#22 Post by Marullus »

I'll hold for the other players.
Rusty - where do you want this guy in your family/relations?
Dogma - What relationship would you weave with his PC and yours?
Marullus wrote:Currently under discussion:

Fulci - Farvick, the Half-a-dwarf. A dwarf of noble lineage who turned from his destined role in society to adventure in the world and returned to make amends too late.
Born Noble --> Ardent --> [Outcast] Adventurer --> Runecaster
72 Years Old

Rusty Tincanne - Carter/Trader with deep family ties seeking a new home.
Born Guilder --> Carter --> [Clansman] Husband --> [Guilder] Trader
157 Years Old

Enoch - Chronicler/Historian. Recording the truth of this cataclysm for the annals of dwarfdom.
Born Noble --> Abdecart --> Chronicler --> [Guilder] Wordbearer
107 Years Old

FantasyChic - Female Elf opposing the Necromancer
Born Wilder Elf --> ?
1000-2000 Years Old

Dogma - Skilled Warrior, fallen as oathbreaker, seeking redepmption
Born Noble --> Ardent --> Axe Bearer --> [Outcast] Oathbreaker (proposed)
87 Years Old

Spectreman17 - Durgar the Coward, seeking the return of his belongings from Smaug's hoard
Born Guilder --> Hauler --> [Host] Banner Bearer --> Banner Bearer
46 Years Old

Starbeard - TBD
I'd like you each to post with your:
  • Proposed initial relationships with other PCs
  • Proposed initial beliefs
  • Proposed initial NPC relationships that you plan to buy
As part of your concept, I'd like to see the start of answers to three questions:
1) What is your core belief about the life you lived before Smaug?
2) What is your core belief about the current exodus and how you'll survive it?
3) What is your core belief about someone else in the group (either another proposed PC or an NPC you will purchase as a relationship)?
4) All dwarves also get a fourth belief as an Oath. It should be phrased as an actionable promise and specify who it was made to. (Then buy a Relationship with that person.)
To go a step further, provide an action that each belief will drive you to pursue as game starts.
i.e. "My legacy is in my son. I will ensure he learns the Guilder trade and doesn't fall prey to Gilly's adventuring ways."

FantasyChic and Dogma, we need to narrow down what your lifepaths are.

Dogma - I propose Born Noble --> Ardent --> Axe Bearer --> [Outcast] Oathbreaker That is the clearest way to get to be an elite warrior and an Oathbreaker in four lifepaths. It meets your desire to be in the King's Guard before your disgrace. You should then consider your relationships with Enoch and Fulci as they are also born noble and brought to disgrace. Perhaps with commonality.

FantasyChic - Consider the options proposed above and let us know what you think.
Start with:
Wanderer (knows magic of paths and ways, can talk to doors to learn what is behind them, knows how to forage, starts with any Wise, like Mirkwood-wise)
Song Singer (Skilled at swaying a crowd, aiding the magical songs of other elves, singing to remove pain, and singing to deal with her grief)
Forester (Can sing to converse with trees, tree-wise, forest-wise, singing functions like astrology including horoscopes)
Huntsman (singing makes her a better hunter, can use javelin, bow, tracking, stealth, observation)
Rider (knows how to ride, loves to roam, can sing to talk to horses and to make them faster)
Or a more normal trade: Harvester (farmer), Gatherer (herbalist), Fisherwoman, Shepard, Weaver, Vintner, Miller, or Spouse.

If she spent her earliest years in the elven city rather than wandering the wood, she might take:
Student (songs of history, knows etiquette, good at swaying a crowd)
Novice (learns mending and related wises, opens the door to the Shaper lifepath which makes her skilled at crafting wood, stone, and metal)

If you want her to advance to a more martial route, you could aim for:
- Soldier-Protector (use armor and shield, know sword, now, knives, knows a magical song for alerting others as a sentry) --> requires Wanderer, Rider, or Huntsman above
- Ranger (adds stealthy, bow, and foraging. Magical songs for finding paths, easing pain, camouflage, healing wounds) --> Requires forester or Wanderer
- Spearbearer (Can use armor, make and use spearers, and fight in formation as an elven army, start with awesome spear at low cost if 4th lifepath)
- Outrider (Bow, spear, stealthy, etc, ability to shoot from horseback) --> requires rider

As final lifepath:
- Sword Singer (Can use armor, shield, sword, and knives. Knows magic song to enhance the sword. Start with awesome sword if 4th lifepath) --> Requires a soother, spearbearer, or soldier-protector
- Bower (can make bows, use bows, and start with awesome bow at low cost if 4th lifepath)
- Lancer (Lance, armor, shield, mounted combat training, plus combat-enhancing spells) --> requires outrider above
Then we'll finalize the character sheets -- attributes, skills, traits, instincts, resources. Doing this after the discussion of relationships and beliefs will allow those to be taken into consideration.

Let's see if we can finish creation this week.
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Re: Discussion - Character Concepts

#23 Post by Dogma »

Dogma: How did you become an oathbreaker? I either respect your quest, or look down upon your soiled honor.

good question...and one I'm struggling with a bit.

the easy route is that he did do something to dishonor himself (ran from a fight with a group of orcs and left his fellow dwarves to dies maybe?) and now seeks to regain his honor somehow.

My original idea was that he was either unjustly blamed for something he didn't do or had taken the blame at the request of someone with power (relative of the King? Maybe the King himself?). So to others he appears to have broken his oath but in reality he's protecting someone else..either willingly or by royal request.

I'm struggling a bit with what the event actually is though and if he was blamed or willing accepted the blame to protect someone else. If he was wrongfully blamed then he wants to clear his name and regain his honor.

I also have this idea that he was asked to take blame for something at the request of someone in the royal family to protect another noble. This person who asked him to be the fall guy is now dead so he's struggling if he still needs to keep his oath to a dead person or if can now reveal the truth and regain his honor. Might be a way to tie this in with the other PC backgrounds. Maybe the person I took the fall for is an NPC that I can buy?

Born Noble --> Ardent --> Axe Bearer --> [Outcast] Oathbreaker I think this was the life path I was looking into.
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Re: Discussion - Character Concepts

#24 Post by Dogma »

been thinking a little about beliefs.

for #1 part of that will depend on how he became an oathbreaker....

for 2) What is your core belief about the current exodus and how you'll survive it? since he is looking at his as a chance to regain his honor I was thinking of "The old ways have been burned away by the dragons fire an we are born anew" Is that how beliefs are written?
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Re: Discussion - Character Concepts

#25 Post by Marullus »

Spectreman17 wrote:Rusty: An old friend, perhaps a childhood mentor or something of that sort. maybe even taken me under his wing after my father disowned me.

Other NPCs I will buy:
10pt: My father, who hates me for failing to hold back the dragon. a crotchety old and angry man.
I'd like to see you two related, unless there's a strong objection.
Dogma wrote:the easy route is that he did do something to dishonor himself (ran from a fight with a group of orcs and left his fellow dwarves to dies maybe?) and now seeks to regain his honor somehow.
Honor, dishonor... these are separate from oaths. It only counts if he made an Oath to "never leave a fellow dwarf behind" or the like.

What you did was break a promise. It could have been an entirely sensible, logical, even wise thing to do. But a broken promise is a broken promise, no matter the reason.
Dogma wrote:My original idea was that he was either unjustly blamed for something he didn't do or had taken the blame at the request of someone with power (relative of the King? Maybe the King himself?). So to others he appears to have broken his oath but in reality he's protecting someone else..either willingly or by royal request. I'm struggling a bit with what the event actually is though and if he was blamed or willing accepted the blame to protect someone else. If he was wrongfully blamed then he wants to clear his name and regain his honor. I also have this idea that he was asked to take blame for something at the request of someone in the royal family to protect another noble. This person who asked him to be the fall guy is now dead so he's struggling if he still needs to keep his oath to a dead person or if can now reveal the truth and regain his honor. Might be a way to tie this in with the other PC backgrounds. Maybe the person I took the fall for is an NPC that I can buy?
I like this idea. Like I said above, the reason for why you broke the oath could be amazing and rational, but remains irrelevant. He could very well keep the secret of why he broke it, protecting the King himself perhaps. Who he broke it for is important to him, but to heal his oathbreaking, the important thing is who he broke it against.

You made a promise to someone. For some secret, noble reason, you chose to break it, and accepted the dishonor that came with breaching your word. We can leave the "why you did it" secret for now and it can come out in play, if you like. What we need to know is what promise you made, and to whom. Then, how you intend to try to make it right in the chaos of Erebor's fall.
Dogma wrote:Born Noble --> Ardent --> Axe Bearer --> [Outcast] Oathbreaker I think this was the life path I was looking into.
Years: 21+25+20+20= 87 years old ; +2P, +1M; 18 Physical and 9 Mental.
RPs: 10+15+25+5 = 55 rps
Skill Points: 4 General; 2+4+8+4 = 18 skill points
Skills: Sing*, Axe*, Ugly Truth*, Armor Training, Shield Training, Formation Fighting, Throwing, Soothing Platitudes, Accounting, Falsehood, Oath-wise, Whispered Secrets-wise
Traits: 2+2+1+2=7 ; Dvergar, Humility in the Face of your Betters, Proud, Oathbreaker (3 to spend)

Armor Training, Shield Training, Formation Fighting are special skills - they take 2 points to open but then are not advanced. They binary, allowing you to do a thing that others can't, like wear armor without penalty, use a shield properly, etc.
for 2) What is your core belief about the current exodus and how you'll survive it? since he is looking at his as a chance to regain his honor I was thinking of "The old ways have been burned away by the dragons fire an we are born anew" Is that how beliefs are written?
Sure, that is pretty cool. I then look for a second sentence to follow it which makes it an actionable goal. What does it mean to him to believe this and what is he going to do (in the next few sessions) about it?
I was offered a promotion or two as a chance to move up, but I declined. Earned myself the nickname the coward.
Fitting, actually. It is worth noting that a coward is a very specific dwarven meaning and trait. Someone is a coward for refusing to swear an oath. You're not a formal coward (i.e. via lifepath and trait) but perhaps just a minor one. But refusing promotion (and the oaths of promotion) seems like a great reason for your reputation. :)
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Re: Discussion - Character Concepts

#26 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

I could see spectreman being a nephew. My wife's sister's son. She is married to a stubborn, proud dwarf that believes marrying me - a middle man that profits from other's crafting - was a bad idea. Naturally I would take in his disowned son to irk him. :P If it is okay with Spectreman, that is. Your history as a hauler would make sense considering the family business.

Fantasychic: another option fr your character is merely a drive to visit other elves. Perhaps you were in Dale - a brief detour - on your journey south to Lothlorien. Just a thought. That would give you purpose for a long journey wih a bunch of dispossessed dwarves as we head to... Wherever we decide.

Marullus: I just changed jobs and am learning the myriad regulations associated with home care. I will get on this again over the next few evenings and the weekend while my wife is out of town. Sorry for letting this slip.

These interconnections are cool, but make me appreciate torchbearer's , "just Asume you all know each other and start at the dungeon entrance." :lol:
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Re: Discussion - Character Concepts

#27 Post by Fulci »

Okay, I'll try to deal with all this one at a time!
Marullus wrote:Currently under discussion:
Fulci - Farvick, the Half-a-dwarf. A dwarf of noble lineage who turned from his destined role in society to adventure in the world and returned to make amends too late.
Born Noble --> Ardent --> [Outcast] Adventurer --> Runecaster
72 Years Old

Rusty Tincanne - Carter/Trader with deep family ties seeking a new home.
Born Guilder --> Carter --> [Clansman] Husband --> [Guilder] Trader
157 Years Old

Enoch - Chronicler/Historian. Recording the truth of this cataclysm for the annals of dwarfdom.
Born Noble --> Abdecart --> Chronicler --> [Guilder] Wordbearer
107 Years Old

FantasyChic - Female Elf opposing the Necromancer
Born Wilder Elf --> ?
1000-2000 Years Old

Dogma - Skilled Warrior, fallen as oathbreaker, seeking redepmption
Born Noble --> Ardent --> Axe Bearer --> [Outcast] Oathbreaker (proposed)
87 Years Old

Spectreman17 - Durgar the Coward, seeking the return of his belongings from Smaug's hoard
Born Guilder --> Hauler --> [Host] Banner Bearer --> Banner Bearer
46 Years Old

Starbeard - TBD
I'd like you each to post with your:
  • Proposed initial relationships with other PCs
  • Proposed initial beliefs
  • Proposed initial NPC relationships that you plan to buy
Rusty Tincanne - Farvick sympathizes with the family-centric approach of this character. He will try to inject some sort of ideology into it.

Enoch - The Chronicler! Depending on this character's point of view, they might be antagonistic or supportive of each other with Farvick. Farvick will obviously try looking for some sort of legitimizing aspects in dwarven history for the First Dwarf prophecies to have a full effect.

FantasyChic - Elf. I haven't thought about my character's opinion on Elves yet, so I'll postpone this!

Dogma - Farvick can certainly relate psychologically to this character. They both want to be re-accepted. They are of similar age and they are both Noble born! Dogma, maybe we can work on this?

Spectreman17 - Farvick might see this character's urge to retrieve his belongings as an incarnation of Greed and will try to oppose it.
G A M E S :
Running Vaults & Wastelands [Fallout]
Isaiah Bartlett in That Which Should Not Be [CoC]
Ingrid Esthof in The Horror at Briarsgate [1e]
Jónas Gillman in The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh [1e]

I N A C T I V E : (
Ballar Uh in Dungeonesque [LL/AEC]
Favrick in The Rise of Smaug [BW]
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Re: Discussion - Character Concepts

#28 Post by Dogma »

FantasyChic, as someone who also hasn't played BW befor, I'm finding all the discussions about Life Paths, Beliefs, etc to be very informative. If you don't mind I would also like if to keep the discussions public. A seprate thrad would be good.

Spectre, I wasn't looking to have someone tell me how to make/play my PC. I was more looking for feedback on how the different choices might work out in BW. It seems to me that the lifepaths lead right into the Beliefs and that having good, well thought out, and specific Beliefs are key.

Actually from the info you gave about your PC and the comments the Marullus made regarding my confusing Honor with Oaths I have a new direction for my PC concept brewing in my head that might directly involve your PC. I'll let it ferment a bit more today and post something tonight.

in a nut shell, my PC had taken an Oath to protect someone, which he failed at (and it was a purposeful choice he had to make to let this person die) To redeem his Oath he has latched onto Durgar as someone to protect....little does he know of Durgar's deathwish :). So either he fulfills his Oath redemption and protects Durgar (from himself is needs be) or he fails his redemption and Durgar gets his glorious death in battle. Does this sound reasonable? I just need to figure out the original Oath and figure out why he latched onto Durgar. maybe it was a younger brother he had sworn to protect and he sees Durgar as a "replacement"?
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Re: Discussion - Character Concepts

#29 Post by Marullus »

I'll split FantasyChic's stuff to a separate thread momentarily. Thank you everyone for volunteering to help. :)

Dogma - looks like you have some good direction brewing! Looking forward to it.

On the "posting about other PCs" piece -
You are free to brainstorm amongst yourselves, but I'm not explicitly asking you to speculate on where relationships will go in the future... that will come out in play. What I'd like you to post is about the past. I just want to know which PCs are starting with linked backstories and which ones will meet in our first scene. I would like to see as much linking as you are comfortable with regarding the past to make it more likely you'll find cohesion in the present and future.

Reasoning: This game is getting rather large and several players have asked to pop in and out for RL reasons. That means that the Scene Requests will be important and not every character may be in each scene together. I'd like to keep you part of the same large group and allow all scenes to weave together, which might require more dedication from you as players as well as me a the GM to draw in and involve each other.
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Re: Discussion - Character Concepts

#30 Post by Dogma »

Ok...another piece falls into place :). The relationship I had proposed with Durgar would/could be something that develops after the game starts, since this occurs after Smaug wreaks havoc.

At this point I only need to be concerned with events and relationships that would have happened before this...

Sorry if this should have been painfully obvious...but maybe that's why it didn't click until now :)

So to tie the idea I had proposed about a potential future relationship with Durger, my second Belief could be: The Survivors of Smaug are few. Only through proventing any further dwarven deaths can I redeem myself. This way even if something doesn't click with Durger, I can focus somewhere else.

My first belief (what drove me before the event) could be: Family is most important and should be protected at all costs. He had taken an oath to protect his younger brother when he also joined the guard. During a skirmish with orcs, he had to make a choice that resulted in others being savd but resulted in his brother's death (broken oath). Wracked with guilt, he turns to drink and falls into dishonor and is drummed out of the King's Guard. The rest of his family dies with Smaug's attack (as far as he knows...maybe he's looking for them too?). Even more wracked by guilt for failing to protect his family (if he was part of the Gurd still he could have defended them) he is looking to Belief #1 as a way to redeem himself.

As an instinct, he is driven to drinking excessively when he feels he's failed in his duty to protect someone.
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Re: Discussion - Character Concepts

#31 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Dogma wrote:As an instinct, he is driven to drinking excessively when he feels he's failed in his duty to protect someone.
How fortunate you are going to be traveling with a beer merchant! :lol:
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Re: Discussion - Character Concepts

#32 Post by Marullus »

Dogma wrote:So to tie the idea I had proposed about a potential future relationship with Durger, my second Belief could be: The Survivors of Smaug are few. Only through proventing any further dwarven deaths can I redeem myself. This way even if something doesn't click with Durger, I can focus somewhere else.
You're almost there. :) A logical approach, but not Burning Wheel logic. Take a look at this post on the other thread.

There are two things to address here.

1) You're leaving room for the GM to write the story. That's sound practice in most RPGs, but this game is player-driven, not GM driven. Best practice is: don't leave the vague exit loophole. Pick something specific and go for it. Even if you haven't met Durger, you have heard of him (he bought a 'last survivor' reputation). You can decide to find and protect him whether he likes it or not. ;) Whatever the belief, make the attached goal both specific and achievable, and use it to add story of your own and drive play.

2) Your goal statement never ends. When are you done "preventing any further dwarven deaths?" Here's the issue with that:
Beliefs drive gameplay and earn you Artha.
- Pursuing a belief gets you a Fate point.
- Achieving a belief gets you a Persona point.
- Wrestling with a belief until your character changes it (the core belief, not just the goal) gets a Persona point.
** A never-ending Belief can generate a lot of Fate points, but never will earn Persona. **

That's why I want a big belief, but a specific goal that can be achieved in a session or two. I want you to articulate your goals in a series of tangible and achievable steps so that I have the opportunity to award you better Artha. Having a long-term goal that generates a lot of Fate is okay, but do so deliberately and sparingly.
Dogma wrote:My first belief (what drove me before the event) could be: Family is most important and should be protected at all costs. He had taken an oath to protect his younger brother when he also joined the guard. During a skirmish with orcs, he had to make a choice that resulted in others being savd but resulted in his brother's death (broken oath). Wracked with guilt, he turns to drink and falls into dishonor and is drummed out of the King's Guard. The rest of his family dies with Smaug's attack (as far as he knows...maybe he's looking for them too?). Even more wracked by guilt for failing to protect his family (if he was part of the Gurd still he could have defended them) he is looking to Belief #1 as a way to redeem himself.
Great story. :)

For that belief, you need to add the second sentence with the actionable goal. Who's family, if his is gone? What challenge do you expect him to face as the story begins? "I will find a family to accept me as their own." Or, "I will search the camps for any extended family that remains." Or, "I will find my cousin Lysa and convince her to get to come to safety with me."

In your specific case, we need to work with your Oathbreaker status for your 4th belief. (Which is separate from the above two.) You can't swear any new oaths until you've redeemed your old one. That's rather hard, since you can't bring your brother back from the dead... but he likely didn't make the oath to his brother. Your special 4th belief, reserved for an oath, is stuck forever on the person you broke your word to until they forgive you. From the book: "No oaths may be sworn with an Oathbreaker until he has somehow resolved his initial betrayal. Also, the player must choose a relationship at the start of play that encompasses his broken oath."

So, who did you make the promise to that you would protect your little brother? Buy a relationship with them. (Immediate family that now hates you for it? Easy, 1 point.) What method are you pursuing to make up for your now-dead brother in the eyes of that person? That is your current 4th-belief. Note that there isn't necessarily agreement that succeeding at this task will ACTUALLY convince them; that's a scene in the game. You might struggle forever to fill the hole in (named-NPCs) heart that the death of your brother has left behind.

I'll use Game of Thrones as an example, as I just caught up with the TV episodes this week. Jorah Mormont betrayed Dany and is essentially an Oathbreaker. He can't move on until she re-accepts him. He drank in a pub until finding Tyrion the dwarf, a member of Dany's rival's family. He kidnaps and delivers the dwarf (a pretty shoddy idea, but one he believes will work). She throws him out again. He enters the fighting pits and risks his life because he knows she'll be forced to see him. She orders him out of her sight. He does it again -- She is about to order him gone again when he has the opportunity to kill an assassin standing behind her with a throw of his spear. Presumably, she forgives him, and he can move to a new Oath.

Keep in mind that many people have internal conflict. You can have beliefs that conflict or even are mutually exclusive. Eventually you will achieve one and the other will be changed for a Persona via the Moldbreaker reward.
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Re: Discussion - Character Concepts

#33 Post by Marullus »

- looking over your final sheet.
"Dwarves will never trust me for fleeing, I must regain honor amongst my friends."
Can we make this more specific by saying how you will attempt to regain honor? That way I can reward the fulfillment of each plan you come up with, not just when you eventually succeed.
"I swore an oath to protect (PC) as we fled the keep, at the request of [dying NPC]."
I love that you're going to try and save a PC, and then Dogma is going to try to save you. :)
"Affiliations: 1D City guard of the Lonely Mountain"
Being clear - this applies to anyone from other units, because all in your unit died?

Check the House Rules for character creation. Give him either Erebor-wise or Stone-wise. Check the impact on his initial greed.

Marullus wrote:
Enoch wrote:Now I'm thinking I might have to make a Greedy dwarf.
Especially if it is your PC's acceptance that Favrick is seeking. :)
During his journeys he found a hold, where a small group of reclusive dwarves live, who claim to follow the path of the First Dwarves. According to their believes (which are now shared by Farvick), the current generations is doomed, unless they give up their greed-tainted way of life. Durin is not reincarnating any more - because his "latest" incarnation is not dead. But he is in deep slumber in some unknown place under the Misty Mountains (not Mount Gundabad anymore, as that place was overtaken by the Orcish hordes).
Great flavor! Lets name your group.
The dwarves you found claim to be in the halls of Tumunzahar, known as Nogrod in the Sindarin tongue. We'll call them "The Penitents of Tumunzahar." There is some neat Tolkien flavor here, which I'll post on the other thread.

It can feed both beliefs and Relationships. I see here an Affiliation with The Penitents, potential relationship with someone there, a potential relationship with the person you need to convince from the Lonely Mountain, a role for you in shaping dwarven history. Does he have beliefs about the relations with the Elves, given the First Dwarves fall to greed? Does he already know elves (and thus buys an affiliation or relationship)? Does he have a belief about taking the dwarves to the Blue Mountains? On repopulating the ancient dwarfhomes? On finding the still-slumbering Durin? On recovering ancient lore from the depths of one of the dwarfhomes? Perhaps you are the reason the royal family ends up in the Blue Mountains? Perhaps you are the reason Thror tries to enter Moria? The long-term consequences of your evangelistic actions, falling on the fertile ground of homeless despair, could be manifold.
Lets flesh out your beliefs, then drive your final sheet forward.

Is Enoch's Chronicler the person you are seeking approval from in Erebor to get back into the fold?

Do you have a pre-existing relationship with the Elf? How do you feel about elves, given your obsession with the First Age history (where they came to war due to dwarven greed)?

You and Dogma were both Noble-Born Ardents and the time overlapped. He went on to fulfill his path as an Axe Bearer in the Royal Guard (while you continued to apprentice... he's 15 years older) and you quit and went adventuring. What relationship do you two have to each other? Are you a pair of brothers? Friends? Rivals?
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Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Joined: Fri Jan 23, 2015 1:41 am

Re: Discussion - Character Concepts

#34 Post by Marullus »

All Dwarves:
Remember to specify your Greed idiom. Your character is tempted by three of the four categories below. Specify which they are on your final character sheet:
  • riches (gems, gold, etc.)
  • physical beauty
  • craftsmanship
  • power
I added a new house rule, due to the improvised/refugee nature of our campaign. All characters can begin with a Found Weapon they acquired during the escape.

Code: Select all

Weapon  Power     WS     Add      VA
Bed knob   1       1       2       -
Spike      1       2       2       -
Bottle     1       2       2       -
Mallet     2       1       2       -
Broom      1       2       2       -
Branch     2       2       2       -
Knife*     0       2       1       -
* This is a kitchen or utility knife not designed for combat; describe what you grabbed.

Delvers get:
  Pick     4       1       2       1

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