Player Character Sheets

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Player Character Sheets

#1 Post by PyroArrow »

Post your Player Character Sheet Here!

The Campaign ID # is 189 on the Unseen Servent Dice Roller.

You can use the Unseen Servant Dice Roller Character Sheet to generate your character ability scores or roll 4d6 & drop the lowest one.

You can EDIT your Character Sheet via the Edit button or if you use the Unseen Servant Dice Roller Character sheet you can edit it through there.

So no need to keep reposting them!

Include an image of your character! This will be used as an Avatar on Game Maps!

Each character will somehow have a connection to the deceased Gildas (see below).

If you make a Background for your Character, the backgrounds must be approved by the game master
and in general should fit the following criteria:

● The characters may not be directly related to Gildas.
● No character may live or have lived in Caer Brennau.
● No character may have seen Gildas for the past
2 years.
● No character will own a horse.
● It is generally best for no character to have an
evil alignment.


Main Cities of the Twelve Kingdoms:

Please look in the Player's Map Thread for the list of the 12 Major Cities of the Twelve Kingdoms.

The first person that ask can use one of the cities (except of Caer Brennau) as the city they were born in for their background.

Again, check the the Player's Map Thread to see whom pick what city.

Player's Map Thread Here: ==========================

Example Character Sheet: Cleric: (You can post your character this way or by using the Unseen Servant Dice Roller Character sheet or Both.
NAME: Tirzah XP: 0 (1,501) AGE: 19
CLASS: Cleric HP: 8 HEIGHT: 5’4”
TITLE: Acolyte AC: 5 WEIGHT: 105
RACE: Human LVL: 1 GENDER: Female
Deity: Itzamna (Central American God of Medicine) Alignment: Neutral Good

STR: 8 To-Hit: Normal Damage: normal Encumbrance: Normal, Minor Tests:Open Doors: 1-2d6
Major Tests:Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 1%
INT: 12 Additional Languages: 3 Chance to know Spell: % Min # of Spells/lvl: Max # of Spells/lvl:
WIS: 17 Magic Attack Adj: +3, Bonus Spells: 1st: 2 2nd: 2 3rd:1 Spell Failure: 0%
DEX: 11 Attack/Reaction/Surprise: Missile: Defensive Adj/AC:
CON: 11 HP Bonus: Resurrect/Raise Dead: %, System Shock: 75% Resurrection: 80%
CHA: 16 Max Henchmen: 8 Loyalty Adj: 20% Reaction Adj: +25%

Paralysis/Poison/Death Magic: 10 Petrification/Polymorph: 13 Rod/Staves/Wands: 14
Breath Weapons: 16 Spells: 15

WEAPONS DMG VS S-M DMG VS L RATE OF FIRE Range (-2 to hit per) Encum
Wpn in hand: Footman’s Mace 2-7d6 1-6d6 10lbs

Attacks Per Round: Levels 1-7: 1/1 round
Proficiency in 2 weapons: Non-proficiency penalty: -3 To Hit, Gains another Profic. at level 5

Roll Required To Hit Armor Class: (No Adjustments):
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
--- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
25 24 23 22 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

Adjustments: None

Armor/Protection Bulk Encumbrance Max Move Rate Effect on AC Cost
Armor: Chain Mail Fairly 30 pounds 90 feet(120ft unarmored) 75 gp

Platinum: Gold: 130 Electrum: Silver: Copper:

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TURNING UNDEAD:
Skeleton: 10 Zombie: 13 Ghoul: 16 Shadow: 19 Wight: 20 Ghast: Wraith: Mummy: Spectre:
Vampire: Ghost: Lich: Special:

EQUIPMENT Encum Location Cost
Leather Backpack 10
Flask of Oil 1
Tinderbox w/ Flint & Steel
Map Case, Bone .5
Vellum (3)
Quill & Ink
Writing Charcoal
Soap (1) .5
Candle, Beeswax (2)
Torch (5) 5 (40ft radius, last 1 Hour [6 turns])
Dice, Bone
Mirror, Small Silver .5
Bottle of Spirits (red Wine) 1
Whetstone .5
Dry Rations (7 Days)

Blue Tunic
Boots 3
Grey Wool Cloak 2
Large Belt Pouch 1 (Front)
Small Belt Pouch 1 (Back)
Footman’s Mace 5

Waterskin, Full 3 (1 when empty)

Holy Symbol – Red Hand
Holy Water 2 Vials

Spell Components:
1 Straight Piece of iron (a Nail) needed for Casting Hold Person Spell (in large belt pouch)

For Death Door Spell: Need the Cleric’s Holy Symbol, a bit of White Linen & an unguent(ointment/salve), to cast. (in large belt pouch)

All other spells are cast with just Verbal & Somatic gestures

Light War Horse AC:7 Movement Rate: 240ft HP: 13 #of Attacks: 2 Damage: 1-4d4/ 1-4d4
Leather Barding
2 Saddle Bags
Grain: 7 Days
Saddle, Tack, Reins, Blanket
2 Quivers w/ (24) Arrows each 20
Rope, Hemp 50ft 10
Grappling Hook 4
Tent w/ Iron Spikes (12) Tent: 20 Spikes: 5 encum.
Hammer 2
Wool Bedroll & Pillow
Wool Blanket 2

8 Henchmen

Total Encumbrance: 34 lbs without armor, 64 lbs with armor on
Maxium weight character can carry without penalty to movement rate: 80 lbs



Secondary Skills:
Fisher ( Swimming, Nets, & Small Boat Handling)

Non-Weapon Proficiencies: 4 Initial slots then 3 more every 3 levels
Anatomy Intelligence (0)
Healing (takes 2 slots) Wisdom (-2)
Undead Lore/Knowledge Intelligence (-1)

SPELLS: Range Duration Area of Effect Components Casting Time Saving Throw
1st Level:
Command 10ft 1 Round 1 Creature Verbal 1 Segment Special

Cure Light Wounds (2) by Touch Permanent 1 Person Verbal, Somatic 5 Segments None

2nd Level:
Silence 15ft Radius 120ft 2 Rounds/lvl 30ft diameter Verbal, Somatic 5 Segments None
Hold Person 60ft 4 Rounds+1 1-3 Creatures Verbal, Somatic, 5 Segments Negate
Round/lvl Material

3rd Level:
Death’s Door By Touch 1 Hour/Lvl 1 Human or V,S,M 5 Segments None

Usable Spells by Level: 1st: 3 2nd: 2 3rd: 1

Common, Neutral Good, Elven, Dwarven, Halfling, Goblin

Example Character Sheet: Druid:
NAME: XP: 0 (2,001) AGE: 19
CLASS: Druid HP: 5 HEIGHT: 5’4”
TITLE: Aspirant AC: 8 WEIGHT: 105
RACE: Human LVL: 1 GENDER: Female
Deity: Silvanus (Celtic God of Forests & Nature) Alignment: Neutral

STR: 5 To-Hit: -2 Damage: -1 Encumbrance: -25lbs, Minor Tests:Open Doors: 1d6
Major Tests:Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 0%
INT: 15 Additional Languages: 4 Chance to know Spell: % Min # of Spells/lvl: Max # of Spells/lvl:
WIS: 12 Magic Attack Adj: , Bonus Spells: 1st: 2nd: 3rd: Spell Failure: 5%
DEX: 6 Attack/Reaction/Surprise: Missile: Defensive Adj/AC: +1
CON: 10 HP Bonus: Resurrect/Raise Dead: %, System Shock: 70% Resurrection: 75%
CHA: 15 Max Henchmen: 7 Loyalty Adj: +15% Reaction Adj: +15%

Paralysis/Poison/Death Magic: 10 Petrification/Polymorph: 13 Rod/Staves/Wands: 14
Breath Weapons: 16 Spells: 15
DEX Adj: +1 added
+2 on saving throws agains fire & lightning (electrical) based attacks

WEAPONS DMG VS S-M DMG VS L RATE OF FIRE Range (-2 to hit per) Encum
Wpn in hand: wooden Quarterstaff 1-6d6 1-6d6 5lbs
Secondary Weapon: wooden club 1-6d6 1-3d6 3lbs

Attacks Per Round: Levels 1-7: 1/1 round
Proficiency in 2 weapons: Non-proficiency penalty: -3 To Hit, Gains another Profic. at level 5

Roll Required To Hit Armor Class: (No Adjustments):
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
--- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
25 24 23 22 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

Adjustments: None

Armor/Protection Bulk Encumbrance Max Move Rate Effect on AC Cost
Armor: leather Non 15 pounds 120 feet(120ft unarmored) 5 gp

Platinum: Gold: 70 Electrum: Silver: Copper:

EQUIPMENT Encum Location Cost
Leather Backpack 10
Flask of Oil 1
Tinderbox w/ Flint & Steel
Map Case, Bone .5
Vellum (3)
Quill & Ink
Writing Charcoal
Soap (1) .5
Candle, Beeswax (2)
Torch (5) 5 (40ft radius, last 1 hour [6 turns])
Dice, Bone
Mirror, Small Silver .5
Bottle of Spirits (red Wine) 1
Whetstone .5
Dry Rations (7 Days)

Blue Tunic
Boots 3
Grey Wool Cloak 2
Large Belt Pouch 1 (Front)
Small Belt Pouch 1 (Back)

Quarter Staff 5
Wooden Club 3

Waterskin, Full 1 (when empty)

Holy Symbol – Mistletoe

Light War Horse AC:7 Movement Rate: 240ft HP: 13 #of Attacks: 2 Damage: 1-4d4/ 1-4d4
Leather Barding
2 Saddle Bags
Grain: 7 Days
Saddle, Tack, Reins, Blanket
2 Quivers w/ (24) Arrows each 20
Rope, Hemp 50ft 10
Grappling Hook 4
Tent w/ Iron Spikes (12) Tent: 20 Spikes: 5 encum.
Hammer 2
Wool Bedroll & Pillow
Wool Blanket 2

7 Henchmen

Total Encumbrance: 35 lbs without armor, 50 lbs with armor on
Maxium weight character can carry without penalty to movement rate: 25 lbs = 110ft movement rate


If WIS & CHR are both greater than 15 Druid earns a 10% Bonus on XP

Can only use Leather Armor & or Wooden Shields

If Druid observes any creature destroying their charges it is probably they will seek retribution & revenge at a later date as opportunity presents itself.

At 3rd level will gain ability to Identify plant, animal types & pure water. Also the power to pass through overgrown areas (undergrowth of tangled thorns, briar patches, etc) without leaving a discernible trail & at Normal movement rate.

Other Abilities gained at 7th level.
On reaching 3rd level Druids gain an additional language per level of choice from a list.

+2 on saving throws agains fire & lightning (electrical) based attacks

Can use any magic item & those for regular clerics which are not written (i.e. books & scrolls)

Secondary Skills:
Farmer (Basic Agriculture)

Non-Weapon Proficiencies: 4 Initial slots then 3 more every 3 levels
Herbalism (takes 2 slots) Intelligence (-2)
Animal Handling Wisdom (-1)
Veterinary Healing Wisdom (-3)

SPELLS: Range Duration Area of Effect Components Casting Time Saving Throw
1st Level:
Detect Magic 0 12 Rounds 10ft path, 40ft long Verbal, Somatic, 3 Segments None

Entangle 80ft 4rounds/lvl 40ft diameter V, S, M 3 Segments slow movement
For ½ duration
Detect Magic requires Holy Symbol (mistletoe) for casting(material component (Front Belt Pouch)
Entangle spell requires piece of plant that is entangling as a component (Front Belt Pouch)

Usable Spells by Level: 1st: 2
Common, Neutral, Druidic, Elven, Goblin, Orc, Hobgoblin

Example Character Sheet: Paladin Knight:
NAME: Taursis XP: 0 (2,751) AGE: 20
CLASS: Paladin HP: 11 HEIGHT: 5’8”
TITLE: Gallant AC: 4 WEIGHT: 183
RACE: Human LVL: 1 GENDER: Male
DEITY: Athena (Goddess of Wisdom & Combat) ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good

STR: 17 To-Hit: +1 Damage: +1 Encumbrance: +50 lbs Minor Tests:Open Doors: 1-3d6
Major Tests:Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 13%
INT: 11 Additional Languages: 2
WIS: 15 Magic Attack Adj: +1, Bonus Spells:
DEX: 15 Attack/Reaction/Surprise: Missile: Defensive Adj/AC: -1
CON: 15 HP Bonus: +1 Resurrect/Raise Dead: %, System Shock: 91% Resurrection: 94%
CHA: 18 Max Henchmen: 15 Loyalty Adj: +40 Normal Reaction Adj: +35%

Paralysis/Poison/Death Magic: 14 Petrification/Polymorph: 15 Rod/Staves/Wands: 16
Breath Weapons: 17 Spells: 17

Paladin Gains +2 on All Saving Throws

WEAPONS DMG VS S-M DMG VS L RATE OF FIRE Range (-2 to hit per) Encum
Wpn in hand: Long Sword 1-8d8(+1) 1-12d12(+1) 7
Secondary Wpn: Long Bow 1-6d6 1-6d6 2 S:70ft M:140 L:210 12
Horseback: Lance (10ft) 1-6d6(+1) 1-8d8(+1) 15

Attacks Per Round: Levels 1-6: 1/1 round
Proficiency in 3 weapons: Non-proficiency penalty: -2 To Hit, Gains another Profic. at level 4

Roll Required To Hit Armor Class: (No Adjustments):
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
--- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
25 24 23 22 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

Adjustments: +1 Strength Bonus to Non Missle Type Weapons

Armor/Protection Bulk Encumbrance Max Move Rate Effect on AC Cost
Armor: Banded Mail Bulky 35 pounds 90 feet(120ft unarmored) 90 gp

Platinum: Gold: 140 Electrum: Silver: Copper:

EQUIPMENT Encum Location Cost
Leather Backpack 10
Blue Tunic
Boots 3
Grey Wool Cloak 2
Large Belt Pouch 1 (Front)
Small Belt Pouch 1 (Back)
Long Bow 12
Quiver w/ (24) Arrows 2 encum. + 8 encum for 24 arrows
Long Sword 7
Dagger 1 Right Side
Flask of Oil 1
Tinderbox w/ Flint & Steel
Map Case, Bone .5
Vellum (3)
Quill & Ink
Writing Charcoal
Soap (1) .5
Leather Bracers (archery) 1
Candle, Beeswax (2)
Torch (5) 5 (15ft radius, last 30 minutes)
Dice, Bone
Mirror, Small Silver .5
Dry Rations (7 Days)
Waterskin, Full 1 (when empty)
Bottle of Spirits (Bourbon) 1
Whetstone .5
Holy Symbol

Light War Horse AC:7 Movement Rate: 240ft HP: 13 #of Attacks: 2 Damage: 1-4d4/ 1-4d4
Leather Barding
2 Saddle Bags
Grain: 7 Days
Saddle, Tack, Reins, Blanket
2 Quivers w/ (24) Arrows each 20
Rope, Hemp 50ft 10
Grappling Hook 4
Tent w/ Iron Spikes (12) Tent: 20 Spikes: 5 encum.
Hammer 2
Wool Bedroll & Pillow
Wool Blanket 2

15 Henchmen

Total Encumbrance: 45.5 lbs without armor, 80.5 lbs with armor on
Maxium weight character can carry without penalty to movement rate: 220 lbs


Detect Evil at up to 60 Feet Distance as often as desired
‘Lay on Hands’: cures 2 Hit Points once per day (This will increase as Paladin Levels Up)
Cure Disease: Once Per Week (This will increase at Level 5)
Continual emanation of a ‘Protection From Evil’ in a 10 Feet radius around Paladin
Will gain ‘Turn Undead’ ability at level 3
Paladins never retain more than 10 Magic Items: 1 armor, 1 shield, 4 weapons, 4 items

Common, Lawful Good, Dwarven, Elven

SPELLS: Range Duration Area of Effect Components Casting Time Saving Throw
None Until 9th level

Liberality Honor Good Faith Glory Unselfishness Pride Courtesy Bravery

Noble Service Cheerfully Rendered
Defense of any charge unto death
Courage & enterprise in obediences to rule
Respect for all peers & equals
Honor to all above your station
Obedience & respect from all beneath your station
Scorn for those who are lowly & ignoble (this includes knightly limitations on weapons & armor)
Military prowess exercised in service to your Lord
Courtesy to all Ladies (if Male)
War is the flowering of chivalry
Battle is the test of manhood
Combat is glory
Personal glory above all in battle
Death to all who oppose the cause
Death before dishonor

Example Character Sheet: Fighter:
NAME: Johann Rambozo XP: 0 (2,001) AGE: 20
CLASS: Fighter HP: 10 HEIGHT: 5’8”
TITLE: Veteran AC: 5 (4) WEIGHT: 183
RACE: Human LVL: 1 GENDER: Male
DEITY: Athena (Goddess of Wisdom & Combat) ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good

STR: 12 To-Hit: Damage: Encumbrance: +10 lbs Minor Tests:Open Doors: 1-2d6
Major Tests:Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 4%
INT: 18 Additional Languages: 7
WIS: 13 Magic Attack Adj: , Bonus Spells:
DEX: 12 Attack/Reaction/Surprise: Missile: Defensive Adj/AC:
CON: 11 HP Bonus: Resurrect/Raise Dead: %, System Shock: 75% Resurrection: 80%
CHA: 11 Max Henchmen: 4 Loyalty Adj: % Reaction Adj: %

Paralysis/Poison/Death Magic: 14 Petrification/Polymorph: 15 Rod/Staves/Wands: 16
Breath Weapons: 17 Spells: 17

WEAPONS DMG VS S-M DMG VS L RATE OF FIRE Range (-2 to hit per) Encum
Wpn in hand: Long Sword 1-8d8 1-12d12 7
Secondary Wpn: Battle Axe 1-8d8 1-8d8 2 7.5

Attacks Per Round: Levels 1-6: 1/1 round
Proficiency in 4 weapons: also Footman’s Flail & Short Sword
Non-proficiency penalty: -2 To Hit, Gains another Profic. at level 4

Roll Required To Hit Armor Class: (No Adjustments):
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
--- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
25 24 23 22 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 18 19 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

Adjustments: None

Armor/Protection Bulk Encumbrance Max Move Rate Effect on AC Cost
Armor: Chain Mail Fairly 35 lbs 90 feet(120ft unarmored) 75 gp
Wooden Shield, Small Non 3 lbs

Platinum: Gold: 120 Electrum: Silver: Copper:

EQUIPMENT Encum Location Cost
Leather Backpack 10
In Backpack:
Flask of Oil 1
Tinderbox w/ Flint & Steel
Map Case, Bone .5
Vellum (3)
Quill & Ink
Writing Charcoal
Soap (1) .5
Leather Bracers (archery) 1
Candle, Beeswax (2)
Torch (5) 5 (15ft radius, last 30 minutes)
Dice, Bone
Mirror, Small Silver .5
Bottle of Spirits (Bourbon) 1
Whetstone .5
Dry Rations (7 Days)

Blue Tunic
Boots 3
Grey Wool Cloak 2
Large Belt Pouch 1 (Front)
Small Belt Pouch 1 (Back)

Long Sword 7
Battle Axe 7.5

Waterskin, Full 1 (when empty)

Light War Horse AC:7 Movement Rate: 240ft HP: 13 #of Attacks: 2 Damage: 1-4d4/ 1-4d4
Leather Barding
2 Saddle Bags
Grain: 7 Days
Saddle, Tack, Reins, Blanket
2 Quivers w/ (24) Arrows each 20
Rope, Hemp 50ft 10
Grappling Hook 4
Tent w/ Iron Spikes (12) Tent: 20 Spikes: 5 encum.
Hammer 2
Wool Bedroll & Pillow
Wool Blanket 2

4 Henchmen

Total Encumbrance: 44.5 lbs without armor, 82.5 lbs with armor on
Maxium weight character can carry without penalty to movement rate: 130 lbs



Common, Lawful Good, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Orcish, Goblin, Troll

SPELLS: Range Duration Area of Effect Components Casting Time Saving Throw

Here is how a regular Character sheet for a Ranger would look (You can post your character this way or by using the Unseen Servant Dice Roller Character sheet or both.
NAME: Romulus XP: 0 (2,251) AGE: 20
CLASS: Ranger HP: 11 HEIGHT: 5’8”
TITLE: Runner AC: 4 WEIGHT: 183
RACE: Human LVL: 1 GENDER: Male
Deity: Mielikki (Finnish Goddess of Nature) Alignment: Neutral Good

STR: 16 To-Hit: Damage: +1 Encumbrance: +35 lbs Minor Tests:Open Doors: 1-3d6
Major Tests:Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 10%
INT: 13 Additional Languages: 2
WIS: 14 Mental Saving Throw Bonus: +1, Bonus Spells:
DEX: 13 Attack/Reaction/Surprise: Missile: Defensive Adj/AC:
CON: 14 HP Bonus: Resurrect/Raise Dead: %, System Shock: 88% Resurrection: 92%
CHA: 13 Max Henchmen: 5 Loyalty Adj: Normal Reaction Adj:+5%

Paralysis/Poison/Death Magic: 14 Petrification/Polymorph: 15 Rod/Staves/Wands: 16
Breath Weapons: 17 Spells: 17

WEAPONS DMG VS S-M DMG VS L RATE OF FIRE Range (-2 to hit per) Encum
Wpn in hand: Long Sword 1-8d8(+1) 1-12d12(+1) 7
Wpn in hand: Dagger 1-4d4(+1) 1-3d4(+1) 2 S:10ft M:20 L:30 1
Secondary Wpn: Long Bow 1-6d6 1-6d6 2 S:70ft M:140 L:210 12

Attacks Per Round: Levels 1-7: 1/1 round
Proficiency in 3 weapons: Non-proficiency penalty: -2 To Hit, Gains another Profic. at level 4

Roll Required To Hit Armor Class: (No Adjustments):
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
--- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
25 24 23 22 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

Adjustments: None

Armor/Protection Bulk Encumbrance Max Move Rate Effect on AC Cost
Armor: Banded Mail Bulky 35 pounds 90 feet(120ft unarmored) 80 gp

Platinum: Gold: 110 Electrum: Silver: Copper:

EQUIPMENT Encum Location Cost
Leather Backpack 10
In backpack:
Flask of Oil 1
Tinderbox w/ Flint & Steel
Map Case, Bone .5
Vellum (3)
Quill & Ink
Writing Charcoal
Soap (1) .5
Candle, Beeswax (2)
Torch (5) 5 (15ft radius, Last 30 minutes)
Dice, Bone
Mirror, Small Silver .5
Bottle of Spirits (Bourbon) 1
Whetstone .5
Dry Rations (7 Days)

Blue Tunic
Boots 3
Grey Wool Cloak 2
Large Belt Pouch 1 (Front)
Small Belt Pouch 1 (Back)
Leather Bracers (archery) 1

Long Bow 12
Quiver w/ (24) Arrows 2 encum. + 8 encum for 24 arrows
Long Sword 7
Dagger 1 Right Side

Waterskin, Full 1 (when empty)

Light War Horse AC:7 Movement Rate: 240ft HP: 13 #of Attacks: 2 Damage: 1-4d4/ 1-4d4
Leather Barding
2 Saddle Bags
Grain: 7 Days
Saddle, Tack, Reins, Blanket
2 Quivers w/ (24) Arrows each 20
Rope, Hemp 50ft 10
Grappling Hook 4
Tent w/ Iron Spikes (12) Tent: 20 Spikes: 5 encum.
Hammer 2
Wool Bedroll & Pillow
Wool Blanket 2

5 Henchmen

Total Encumbrance: 35.5 lbs without armor, 70.5 lbs with armor on
Maxium weight character can carry without penalty to movement rate: 195 lbs



Tracking Outdoors: Base 10% Chance – Increases 10% Per Level

Terrain Modifiers:
Soft enough to hold impressions (Footprints, etc) of creature being tracked: +20%
Allow occasional marks or obvious signs of passage (broken twigs, bent grass, etc): +10%
Allows only infrequent signs of passage due to rock, water, wind, other creatures Crossing or overtracking, etc: 0%
Prevents all but the minutest traces of passage: -50%

Other modifiers:
For each creatures beyond the first in the group being tracked: +02%
For every 12 hours elapsed since the trail was made: -05%
For every hour of precipitation that has fallen on the trail between tracker & quarry: -25%

Indoor Tracking: Base 10% Chance – Increases 10% Per Level
Surface Condition Modifiers:
Dirt Floor, or unused & dusty area: +20%
Wooden Floor or area which allows some occasional indication of passage: 0%
Stone Floor which prevents all but the minutest traces of passage: -50%

Other Modifiers:
For each creature beyond the first in the group being tracked: +02%
For passing over an area where other creatures cross or overtrack trail: -50%

Can track Common Woodland Creatures’ tracks & direction of travel
At Level 2 gains ability to guess number & pace of Woodland Creatures

+1 To Damage: Giant Classed Creatures: Bugbear, hobgoblins, true giants, troll, etc
This ability increase +1 for each new Level

SPELLS: Range Duration Area of Effect Components Casting Time Saving Throw
Will Gain Drudic spell abilities at level 8 & Magic-User spell abilities at level 9

Common, Neutral Good, Elven, Treant, Woodland Mammals

Example Character Sheet: Magic-User:
NAME: Staci XP: 0 (2,501) AGE: 19
CLASS: Magic-User HP: 3 HEIGHT: 5’4”
TITLE: Prestidigtator AC: 10 WEIGHT: 105
RACE: Human LVL: 1 GENDER: Female
Deity: Isis (Egyptian Goddess of Magic & Fertility) Alignment: Neutral Good

STR: 12 To-Hit: Normal Damage: normal Encumbrance: +10, Minor Tests:Open Doors: 1-2d6
Major Tests:Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 4%
INT: 15 Additional Languages: 4 Chance to know Spell: 65% Min # of Spells/lvl: 7 Max # of Spells/lvl: 11
WIS: 13 Magic Attack Adj: none, Bonus Spells:
DEX: 12 Attack/Reaction/Surprise: Missile: Defensive Adj/AC:
CON: 6 HP Bonus: -1 Resurrect/Raise Dead: %, System Shock: 50% Resurrection: 55%
CHA: 14 Max Henchmen: 6 Loyalty Adj: +5% Reaction Adj: 10%

Paralysis/Poison/Death Magic: 14 Petrification/Polymorph: 13 Rod/Staves/Wands: 11
Breath Weapons: 15 Spells: 12

Adjustments: none

WEAPONS DMG VS S-M DMG VS L RATE OF FIRE Range (-2 to hit per) Encum
Wpn in hand: Dagger 1-4d4 1-3d4 2 S:10ft M:20 L:30 5lbs

Attacks Per Round: Levels 1-7: 1/1 round
Proficiency in 1 weapon: Non-proficiency penalty: -5 To Hit, Gains another Profic. at level 6

Roll Required To Hit Armor Class: (No Adjustments):
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
--- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
26 25 24 23 22 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11

Adjustments: None

Armor/Protection Bulk Encumbrance Max Move Rate Effect on AC Cost
Armor: Clothing Non 5 pounds 120 feet(120ft unarmored) 80 gp

Platinum: Gold: 60 Electrum: Silver: Copper:

EQUIPMENT Encum Location Cost
Leather Backpack 10
Flask of Oil 1
Tinderbox w/ Flint & Steel
Map Case, Bone .5
Vellum (3)
Quill & Ink
Writing Charcoal
Soap (1) .5
Candle, Beeswax (2)
Torch (5) 5 (40ft radius, last 1 hour [6 turns])
Dice, Bone
Mirror, Small Silver .5
Bottle of Spirits (red Wine) 1
Whetstone .5
Dry Rations (7 Days)

Blue Tunic
Boots 3
Grey Wool Cloak 2
Large Belt Pouch 1 (Front)
Small Belt Pouch 1 (Back)

Dagger 1

Waterskin, Full 3 (1 when empty)

Spell Book

Light War Horse AC:7 Movement Rate: 240ft HP: 13 #of Attacks: 2 Damage: 1-4d4/ 1-4d4
Leather Barding
2 Saddle Bags
Grain: 7 Days
Saddle, Tack, Reins, Blanket
2 Quivers w/ (24) Arrows each 20
Rope, Hemp 50ft 10
Grappling Hook 4
Tent w/ Iron Spikes (12) Tent: 20 Spikes: 5 encum.
Hammer 2
Wool Bedroll & Pillow
Wool Blanket 2

6 Henchmen

Total Encumbrance: 30 lbs without armor, 35 lbs with armor on
Maxium weight character can carry without penalty to movement rate: 130 lbs



Secondary Skills:
Scribe (reading, writing, basic math)

Non-Weapon Proficiencies: 4 proficiencies to start then 3 more every 3 levels:
Alchemy (takes 2 slots) Intelligence (-3)
Prestidigitation Dexterity (-1)
Spellcraft Intelligence (-2)

SPELLS: Range Duration Area of Effect Components Casting Time Saving Throw
Detect Magic 0 2 rounds/lvl 10ft path, Verbal, Somatic 1 Segment none
6ft long

Usable spells: 1st: 1
Common, Neutral Good, Elven, Gnome, dwarven, orcish

Example Character Sheet: Thief:
NAME: XP: 0 (1,251) AGE: 19
CLASS: Thief HP: 3 HEIGHT: 5’4”
TITLE: Rogue AC: 8 WEIGHT: 105
RACE: Human LVL: 1 GENDER: Female
Deity: Bes (Egyptian God of Luck) Alignment: Neutral Good

STR: 12 To-Hit: Normal Damage: normal Encumbrance: +10lbs, Minor Tests:Open Doors: 1-2d6
Major Tests:Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 4%
INT: 14 Additional Languages: 4 Chance to know Spell: % Min # of Spells/lvl: Max # of Spells/lvl:
WIS: 9 Magic Attack Adj: , Bonus Spells: 1st: 2nd: 3rd: Spell Failure:
DEX: 14 Attack/Reaction/Surprise: Missile: Defensive Adj/AC:
CON: 12 HP Bonus: Resurrect/Raise Dead: %, System Shock: 80% Resurrection: 85%
CHA: 13 Max Henchmen: 5 Loyalty Adj: % Reaction Adj: +5%

Paralysis/Poison/Death Magic: 13 Petrification/Polymorph: 12 Rod/Staves/Wands: 14
Breath Weapons: 16 Spells: 15

WEAPONS DMG VS S-M DMG VS L RATE OF FIRE Range (-2 to hit per) Encum
Wpn in hand: Short Sword 1-6d6 1-8d8 3.5 lbs
Secondary Wpn: Dagger 1-4d4 1-3d4 2 S: 10ft M: 20 L: 30 1

Back Stabbing Ability: 2x damage at levels 1-4 also adds +4 on “To Hit” if surprised from behind
Attacks Per Round: 1/1 round
Proficiency in 2 weapons: Non-proficiency penalty: -3 To Hit, Gains another Profic. at level 5

Roll Required To Hit Armor Class: (No Adjustments):
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
--- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
26 25 24 23 22 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11

Adjustments: None

Armor/Protection Bulk Encumbrance Max Move Rate Effect on AC Cost
Armor: Leather Non 15 pounds 120 feet(120ft unarmored) 5 gp

Platinum: Gold: 40 Electrum: Silver: Copper:

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THIEVING ABILITIES:
Pick Pockets: 30% Open Locks: 25% Find/Remove Traps: 20% Move Silently: 15% Hide In Shadows: 10%
Hear Noise: 10% Climb Walls: 85% Read Languages:

EQUIPMENT Encum Location Cost
Leather Backpack 10
In Backpack:
Flask of Oil 1
Tinderbox w/ Flint & Steel
Map Case, Bone .5
Vellum (3)
Quill & Ink
Writing Charcoal
Soap (1) .5
Candle, Beeswax (2)
Torch (5) 5 (15ft radius, last 30 minutes)
Dice, Bone
Mirror, Small Silver .5
Bottle of Spirits (red Wine) 1
Whetstone .5
Dry Rations (7 Days)

Blue Tunic
Boots 3
Grey Wool Cloak 2
Large Belt Pouch 1 (Front)
Small Belt Pouch 1 (Back)

Short Sword 3.5 (left side)
Dagger 1 (right side)

Waterskin, Full 1 (when empty)

Light War Horse AC:7 Movement Rate: 240ft HP: 13 #of Attacks: 2 Damage: 1-4d4/ 1-4d4
Leather Barding
2 Saddle Bags
Grain: 7 Days
Saddle, Tack, Reins, Blanket
2 Quivers w/ (24) Arrows each 20
Rope, Hemp 50ft 10
Grappling Hook 4
Tent w/ Iron Spikes (12) Tent: 20 Spikes: 5 encum.
Hammer 2
Wool Bedroll & Pillow
Wool Blanket 2

5 Henchmen
Total Encumbrance: 31.5 lbs without armor, 46.5 lbs with armor on
Maxium weight character can carry without penalty to movement rate: 130 lbs


May at 6th level decide to become a Thief Acrobat

SPELLS: Range Duration Area of Effect Components Casting Time Saving Throw

Common, Neutral Good, Thief’s Cant, Dwarven, Halfling, Goblin

Example Character Sheet: Monk:
NAME: XP: 0 (2,251) AGE: 19
CLASS: Monk HP: 2 HEIGHT: 5’4”
TITLE: Novice AC: 10 WEIGHT: 105
RACE: Human LVL: 1 GENDER: Female
Deity: Nuada (Celtic God of War) Alignment: Lawful Good

STR: 15 To-Hit: Normal Damage: normal Encumbrance: +20lbs, Minor Tests:Open Doors: 1-2d6
Major Tests:Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 7%
INT: 15 Additional Languages: 4 Chance to know Spell: % Min # of Spells/lvl: Max # of Spells/lvl:
WIS: 8 Magic Attack Adj: , Bonus Spells: 1st: 2nd: 3rd: Spell Failure:
DEX: 16 Attack/Reaction/Surprise: +1 Missile: Defensive Adj/AC: -2
CON: 11 HP Bonus: -1 Resurrect/Raise Dead: %, System Shock: 75% Resurrection: 80%
CHA: 8 Max Henchmen: 3 Loyalty Adj: -5% Reaction Adj: %

Paralysis/Poison/Death Magic: 13 Petrification/Polymorph: 12 Rod/Staves/Wands: 14
Breath Weapons: 16 Spells: 15

Monks can dodge/knock aside Non-Magical missles using petrification roll above.
Monks who make their saving throws receive no damage from the attack.

WEAPONS DMG VS S-M DMG VS L RATE OF FIRE Range (-2 to hit per) Encum
Primary Wpn: Open Hand 1-3d4 (+.5) 1-3d4(+.5)

Monk’s Damage Bonus: + 0.5; increases to +1 at 2nd level
Attacks Per Round: 1/1 round
Proficiency in 1 weapons: Non-proficiency penalty: -3 To Hit, Gains another Profic. at level 3

Roll Required To Hit Armor Class: (No Adjustments):
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
--- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
25 24 23 22 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

Adjustments: None

Armor/Protection Bulk Encumbrance Max Move Rate Effect on AC Cost
Armor: Clothing Non 5 pounds 150 feet(150ft unarmored) 5 gp

Monk’s Thieving Abilities:
Open Locks: 25% Find/Remove Traps: 20% Move Silently: 15% Hide in Shadows: 10%
Hear Noise: 10% Climb Walls: 85%

Platinum: Gold: 7 Electrum: Silver: Copper:

EQUIPMENT Encum Location Cost
Leather Backpack 10
In Backpack:
Flask of Oil 1
Tinderbox w/ Flint & Steel
Map Case, Bone .5
Vellum (3)
Quill & Ink
Writing Charcoal
Soap (1) .5
Candle, Beeswax (2)
Torch (5) 5 (15ft radius, last 30 minutes)
Dice, Bone
Mirror, Small Silver .5
Bottle of Spirits (red Wine) 1
Whetstone .5
Dry Rations (7 Days)

Blue Tunic
Boots 3
Grey Wool Cloak 2
Large Belt Pouch 1 (Front)
Small Belt Pouch 1 (Back)

Waterskin, Full 1 (when empty)

Holy Symbol

Light War Horse AC:7 Movement Rate: 240ft HP: 13 #of Attacks: 2 Damage: 1-4d4/ 1-4d4
Leather Barding
2 Saddle Bags
Grain: 7 Days
Saddle, Tack, Reins, Blanket
2 Quivers w/ (24) Arrows each 20
Rope, Hemp 50ft 10
Grappling Hook 4
Tent w/ Iron Spikes (12) Tent: 20 Spikes: 5 encum.
Hammer 2
Wool Bedroll & Pillow
Wool Blanket 2

3 Henchmen
Total Encumbrance: 27 lbs without armor, 32 lbs with armor on
Maxium weight character can carry without penalty to movement rate: 170 lbs


Chance to Stun Opponent: for 1-6d6 rounds, If Monk’s ‘To Hit’ score exceeds by 5, the number needed to hit opponent.

Chance to Kill Opponent: is attained at level 7. Monk must roll percentile dice & score opponent’s AC +1/level for each level above 7th. Also the opponent must already be stunned.

Monks do not wear armor.

May not possess more than 2 magic weapons & 3 other magic items. May retain some money for self & henchmen while all other wealth & magic items must be bestowed upon non-player religious institutions.

Magic items usable by monks: include all magical varieties of weapons, (unless proscribed), rings & those misc. magic items which are usable by thieves.

Monks do no gain any bonuses either with respect to increasing “to hit” probability or to increase hit points of damage, for strength ability.

Can have hirelings upon attaining level 6.

Gains followers upon attaining 8th level.
SPELLS: Range Duration Area of Effect Components Casting Time Saving Throw

Common, Neutral Good, Elven, Dwarven, Halfling, Goblin

Example Character Sheet: Bard:
NAME: XP: 0 (2,001) AGE: 20
CLASS: Bard HP: 3 HEIGHT: 5’8”
TITLE: Rhymer AC: 8 WEIGHT: 183
RACE: Human LVL: 1 GENDER: Male
DEITY:Oghma (Celtic God of Knowledge, the binder, patron of all Bards) ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good

STR: 15 To-Hit: Damage: Encumbrance: +20 lbs Minor Tests:Open Doors: 1-2d6
Major Tests:Bend Bars/Lift Gates: 7%
INT: 12 Additional Languages: 3
WIS: 17 Magic Attack Adj: +3, Bonus Spells:
DEX: 17 Attack/Reaction/Surprise: +2, Missile: Defensive Adj/AC: -3
CON: 10 HP Bonus: Resurrect/Raise Dead: %, System Shock: 70% Resurrection: 75%
CHA: 16 Max Henchmen: 8 Loyalty Adj: 20% Reaction Adj: 25%

Paralysis/Poison/Death Magic: 14 Petrification/Polymorph: 15 Rod/Staves/Wands: 16
Breath Weapons: 17 Spells: 17

Adjustment: +3 on Mental attacks
Defensive adj: -3
WEAPONS DMG VS S-M DMG VS L RATE OF FIRE Range (-2 to hit per) Encum
Wpn in hand: Long Sword 1-8d8 1-12d12 7
Secondary Wpn: Dagger 1-4d4 1-3d4 2 S:10ft M:20 L:30 1

Attacks Per Round: Levels 1-6: 1/1 round
Proficiency in 4 weapons: alsoShort Sword, & Sling
Non-proficiency penalty: -2 To Hit, Gains another Profic. at level 4

Roll Required To Hit Armor Class: (No Adjustments):
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
--- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
25 24 23 22 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 18 19 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

Adjustments: None

Armor/Protection Bulk Encumbrance Max Move Rate Effect on AC Cost
Armor: Leather Non 15 lbs 120 feet(120ft unarmored) 5 gp

Platinum: Gold: 120 Electrum: Silver: Copper:

EQUIPMENT Encum Location Cost
Leather Backpack 10
In Backpack:
Flask of Oil 1
Tinderbox w/ Flint & Steel
Map Case, Bone .5
Vellum (3)
Quill & Ink
Writing Charcoal
Soap (1) .5
Leather Bracers (archery) 1
Candle, Beeswax (2)
Torch (5) 5 (15ft radius, last 30 minutes)
Dice, Bone
Mirror, Small Silver .5
Bottle of Spirits (Bourbon) 1
Whetstone .5
Dry Rations (7 Days)

Blue Tunic
Boots 3
Grey Wool Cloak 2
Large Belt Pouch 1 (Front)
Small Belt Pouch 1 (Back)

Long Sword 7
Dagger 1 Right Side

Waterskin, Full 1 (when empty)

Instrument: Gittern 5

Light War Horse AC:7 Movement Rate: 240ft HP: 13 #of Attacks: 2 Damage: 1-4d4/ 1-4d4
Leather Barding
2 Saddle Bags
Grain: 7 Days
Saddle, Tack, Reins, Blanket
2 Quivers w/ (24) Arrows each 20
Rope, Hemp 50ft 10
Grappling Hook 4
Tent w/ Iron Spikes (12) Tent: 20 Spikes: 5 encum.
Hammer 2
Wool Bedroll & Pillow
Wool Blanket 2

8 Henchmen

Total Encumbrance: 41 lbs without armor, 56 lbs with armor on
Maxium weight character can carry without penalty to movement rate: 170 lbs


College: Probationer
Additional Languages Known: gains 1 at 4th level

Charm Percentage: 15%

Legend, Lore & Item Knowledge percentage: 0%

Poetic Ability: Raise Morale by 10%, & inspire ferocity in attack at +1 “to hit”. Requires 2 rounds of poetics to inspire the desired effect. The effect will last 1 Turn.

Bard’s Singing & Playing Negates the song effects of Harpies & prevents similar attacks which rely on song. It will likewise still the noise of Shriekers, for these creatures are soothed by the vibrations of the bard’s instrument.

Charming: Bard’s Singing & Playing can charm Creatures within 40ft. Creatures must save versus magic or be charmed & sit entranced while the bard sings. Those not Charmed will listen to the bard for 1 full round. Charmed Creatures are subject to ‘Suggestion’, if the bard utilizes it, the charmed creaturs must save vs magic at -2 on their die rolls or be subject to the suggestion. Loud noise or physical attack will negate charm but not suggestion.

At 5th level & by 8th level Bards will switch to the Thief Class.

Between 5th & 9th level Bards must leave off Thieving & switch to Druidic studies.

Common, Lawful Good, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Orcish, Goblin, Troll

SPELLS: Range Duration Area of Effect Components Casting Time Saving Throw

Dungeon Master : Guido's Keep on the Borderlands & the Hills of Horror & Chaos (1st Ed D&D) :
1A: The Inheritance (1st Ed D&D)

Erico Caravellino - Thief : Elphand Adventures (ACKS Wilderlands - On Hold)
Stanilus Peri -Fighter (Bard) : Wardens in the North (D&D 1st Ed - On Hold)

Maximillian Arikas [Aether] & Steve Sanderson [Flicker] : Rebirth of Power: 4C System
Rician Lockwindberg - Paladin Knight : A Village With No Name (1st Ed D&D)
Theodore Mumfordian - Half-Elf Ranger : Terrible Trouble at Tragidore (1st Ed AD&D) [Completed]
Vicentio Senereno : Human Wizard : Veranar (5th Ed. D&D)
Tonkioso 'Gizzy' Gizmoebius : Clockwork Child : At the Forest Edge (Beyond the Wall & Other Adv)
Rician Lockwindberg : Human Paladin : A Village With No Name (2nd Edition AD&D)
Norbold Ernessaeia : Sylvian Elf Cleric : Minn's Mound (1st Edition AD&D)
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Re: Player Character Sheets

#2 Post by GreyWolfVT »

The Doctor: Wizard lvl 1 Human

yes a Doctor Who fan :P
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― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
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Re: Player Character Sheets

#3 Post by NeoPlasmaVice »

How many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
Yes, ’n’ how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, ’n’ how many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind

Procyon, level 1 Bard, 1A: The Inheritance
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Re: Player Character Sheets

#4 Post by MonkeyWrench »


Do not forget to add the Calenyanda sword to weapons, & either inventory & or Magic Items!

I am not sure if it is a long sword or 2-handed sword, i will find out!
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Re: Player Character Sheets

#5 Post by DadsAngry »

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Re: Player Character Sheets

#6 Post by Nordbo »

Arn the Congealer (Paladin) has left the game on Jul 25
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Re: Player Character Sheets

#7 Post by MrHemlocks »

Returned home....
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Re: Player Character Sheets

#8 Post by Cauchy »


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Re: Player Character Sheets

#9 Post by saalaria »

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Re: Player Character Sheets

#10 Post by Starbeard »

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Re: Player Character Sheets

#12 Post by Cwreando »

This is The Doctor but made by me. Same stats and gear

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Durgo Brigthboon Fighter Human Level 3 - Spearment's Barromaze
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