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#281 Post by tkrexx »

Yes, Haste doubles attack rates.
Morgi will only be able to utilise one application of the ring at a time. If the wall is up he will not be able to use the control winds.
True, but it is a 5th level spell, he could add it to his list of memorized spells.
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#282 Post by Nuke66 »

Alright, here is my proposal.

Suitably buffed with Protection for Fire and Lightning, and Frost resistance from the cube.....

Morgi flies in on the broom and starts with Call Lightning. Next he summons an Insect Plague and sends the swarm into the Castle. Once the Demons are suitable irate, he will use Control Winds (I still think the effect should be cumulative) effectively preventing any direct attack. As they get annoyed, and the big guns come out to play, the Rod of Absorption comes into play. He should be able to draw a huge number out while not being damaged. However, failing a save against the noise could be a problem.


Using ear plugs should help. Like +4 on saves?
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#283 Post by Storm11 »

I that sounds great but I think making yourself a target from the offset is a mistake.

If you can call the lightning but not shoot a bolt straight away in range of the castle that would be fab. Casting either insect plague and repel insects or control wind sounds good but not both. Then zap those fleeing the plague and turn yourself invisible. Being in an obscurement before you cast could keep you hidden whilst you work your magic. It's fixed once it's summoned so you could stay at the very edge of the cloud to cast and target insect plague but be in the centre whilst summoning lightning.

Having the illusionist then have the fake skyfish with you on it perhaps, appear and draw attacks (possibly showing the damage of the attacks as they occur) so we all remain completely safe sounds like a better first strategy.

Once they are out in the open and hopefully swarming the fake fish they can be blasted by more called lightning/ the real sky fishes eye blasts/ the Wizards staff.

Then the thieves and possibly the paladin and ranger can infiltrate the castle and secure a landing site.

Having the option to cast the wall of force over the real skyfish if the swarms get too much is a safety precaution really.

More blasts of called lightning and fireballs later most of the swarms should be plummeting or dead, so long as you can wait long enough for them to converge on a spot.

Plus once they realise the first skyfish is a fake they may not believe the second is real either.
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#284 Post by OGRE MAGE »

I will try to get some spell clarifications up today.

I have started the final thread so you have an idea of what happens first.

When you are all ready, I will unlock it and let the chaos ensue. :D

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#285 Post by OGRE MAGE »

I am willing to compromise on the ruling of the Control Winds stacking. If there is no actual ruling on this anywhere, I would be willing to stack HALF of the effect.

IOW 30mph + 30mph would = 45mph. Does that sound reasonable?


Please read the second sentence of the Call Lightning spell carefully. That spell cant be used in the way you are describing.

Earplugs is about the best idea I have heard so far. :D (and so simple, too)
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#286 Post by Storm11 »

What do you mean about the second line? I don't see anything?
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#287 Post by OGRE MAGE »

It clearly states that the bolts can only be from sky to "ground".

I don't think that would include something that was flying.

Or am I reading that wrong?
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#288 Post by Storm11 »

It's says anything in the path of the point of impact. And we can summon half strength strokes from the air elemental so I don't think it's written in stone. It could be the castle, or the mountain top, and as long as it passes through the swarm it's all groovy.
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#289 Post by tkrexx »

I have to agree, the strokes are called to the ground, but anything in the path of the lightning gets singed. Just as the Lightning Bolt spell, the stroke goes full distance, even if it must bounce off a stone wall and reverse its course to the full distance.

I still have to put out there it might be the wisest path to try an invisible Skyfish at the onset. It may be possible to land completely unnoticed, or at least get close. If the Demons come pouring out before we reach the castle, then the illusion should be put into play, and we can begin our fireworks forthwith. The firing mechanisms of the Skyfish should still operate from its position on the landing pad, or failing that, hovering directly above. I'm just terribly fearful of Morgi getting swarmed out there. True that he should be completely invulnerable to our blasts of whatever, and those of the castle, but if he should somehow become unseated from the broom... And I'm still not convinced Insect Plague will do us much good, and might be wasted once Control Winds come into play. I agree the Plague should bring out a number of the Demons, maybe that's what I'm missing here. If that's the case, everyone (With the exception of the Druid) will need to fly around the diameter insects' spell range.

Wait, maybe I'm talking myself into it now.
Morgi gets his Plague and Lightning prepared, then goes Invisible with the rest of us.
We all start simultaneously, our flyers taking roundabout courses, so as to avoid the effects.
The plague draws out as many of the Demons as possible.
An illusion of the Skyfish appears, hopefully becoming the target of focus.
Once the illusion is swarmed, Morgi blasts the mob, becoming visible, the Skyfish showing illusory damage.
Morgi uses the ring to once again assume Invisibilty; more Demons belch forth from the castle, again swarming the illusion, possibly the Druid as well.
The illusion swings next to Morgi's position (If he is swarmed) and is hit with a Fireball/Lightning Bolt from Wyntar.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
When the (Hopefully still) Invisible Skyfish makes port, people disembark, Morgi joins the crowd, the illusion still being the target of opportunity for the Demons (If not, the illusion again makes a flyby of Morgi, so as many Demons as possible get the next big zap.)
If Morgi can make the LZ, the real Skyfish begins unleashing the big guns, becoming visible. The Druid masks it with Obscurement while others seek entrance.
Morgi covers the Skyfish with a protective dome (Wall of Force.)
Morgi casts Control Winds and clears the skies.

All this disregards any use of an Air Elemental or Mira's ring, and still looks feasible.

Is this close to what I'm reading?
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#290 Post by Storm11 »

Invisibility and invisibility 10' radius only work on creatures. How are you going to make the skyfish invisible?

Those within my protection from evil 10' radius aura and possibly Morgi's repel insect shell will not be harmed by the plague as summoned creatures can't penetrate the protection from
Evil and repel insects specifically wards Against them, so we can move safely within the plagued area of the castle without being spotted and it's more than likely the snow demons will flee from its area.

The natural winds would need to be at least 15 miles an hour for the increased winds to have a chance of stopping them from flying. And it would also stop us. The snow demons are man sized I think
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#291 Post by tkrexx »

Those within my protection from evil 10' radius aura and possibly Morgi's repel insect shell will not be harmed by the plague as summoned creatures can't penetrate the protection from
Evil and repel insects specifically wards Against them
Saves us from flying a large arc, good. We'll get there quicker, if Halo rides alongside the Skyfish. Still leaves Trotter out in it.
it's more than likely the snow demons will flee from its area.
I think this might be too much to hope for, but let's give it a shot.
The natural winds would need to be at least 15 miles an hour for the increased winds to have a chance of stopping them from flying. And it would also stop us. The snow demons are man sized I think
The "soldiers" are man-sized, the leaders somewhat larger if memory holds. Morgi can bring us 30mph winds, and if we're allowed a 50% stack from a 12th level ring, that should suffice. Or we could reverse it, as it happens. True, the winds would also hinder us, unless we have already reached our LZ before the winds take hold. Distract first, eliminate at leisure.

This leaves the problem of making the Skyfish invisible. My first question would be to ask the DM's take on invisible objects?
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#292 Post by Inferno »

I’m traveling for work and may not be able to post. I'll be back on Wednesday.
If I'm holding things up, please NPC my character. Thanks.
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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#293 Post by greyarea »

Trotter will ride Dashiell, firing his bow as needed. He's not invisible but his Displacement Cloak should help. And if he dies, he dies defying giants, so I'm pretty sure he'd be fine with that. ;)
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#294 Post by OGRE MAGE »

I suppose that this preparation conversation could go on forever so, I think I will just open the final game thread and let you guys go to town. Lets see what happens. :D

Good luck!!!
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#295 Post by tkrexx »

Ogre, is a spell render the Skyfish invisible?

I just want to add one more item, that being the Control Winds will also hinder our avian pals... Perhaps they should remain roosted?
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#296 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Oops! Sorry I missed that.
That was a lot of stuff to digest. :shock:

In this case, and because I think an invisible approach is an excellent idea, I will say that the skyfish could be considered a "creature." Thereby, able to be turned invisible.

The snow demons and their leaders are all man sized, as are the aarakocra.

The eagles and aarakocra will refuse to stay behind but would otherwise agree to participate in your schemes, as long as they deem it a sound plan.
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#297 Post by Nuke66 »

The Control Winds is centered upon the Druid, leaving an Eye. The idea is to prevent melee contact while all of the other stuff happens. With one casting, the winds will circle at some 30 mph. From there, an additional kick. The phrase "Alter wind force in the area of effect" leads me to think the effect can be stacked.

Explanation/Description: By means of a control wind spell the druid is able
to alter wind force in the area of effect. For every level of his or her
experience, the druid is able to increase or decrease wind force by 3 miles
per hour. Winds in excess of 30 miles per hour drive small flying creatures
(those eagle-sized and under) from the skies and severely inhibit missile
discharge. Winds in excess of 45 miles per hour drive even man-sized
flying creatures from the skies. Winds in excess of 60 miles per hour drive
all flying creatures from the skies and uproot trees of small size, knock
down wooden structures, tear off roofs, etc. .
There is an "eye" of 4" radius around the druid where the wind is calm.
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#298 Post by OGRE MAGE »

You would get 48 mile an hour winds with the half stack. That seems sufficient for keeping the demons away.
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#299 Post by tkrexx »

Then the Skyfish, Halo and his Fly, Trotter and his Griffon will all be cloaked with Invisibility, 10' rad, and as many of the party as possible covered with the individual spell the preceding night; the next morn the balance of us also made so by the 10' rad version, still leaving 2 invis spells to each wizard typ? Just trying to get Mira's spell list updated.
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#300 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Can I get a list of everyone who is riding in the Skyfish.

And who is planning on piloting it?
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