All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#161 Post by Spearmint »

Szmodics grabs at a raven which pecks at his wrist. He grabs the bird and tries to look at the ring tag on its leg. The small ring slides off and inspecting it you find it contains a small piece of paper, blank except for the name of a town, St Johns' and a small heraldic shield of an anchor and crown. The footsteps outside the door come closer giving you and Rexlin enough time to cover the cage back up but not put the ring back on the bird. 'Shifty' stands in the open doorway, surprised to see the both of you inside. seeing you clutching a jacket full of apples he sneers at "you thieving new recruits,", grabs an apple from your shirt munches one himself. "ah, you lot learn quick don't yer. Better all get topside in case they miss us eh?" he says and sets about pulling the roll of sail cloth from its' pace under the racking."Gimme a hand with this bro' would yer? Need it on the back gaff sail cus t'other ones' flapping too loose in the wind."

The officers on deck respond to Geoffreys' call of ships on the horizon. They don't alter their course but seem to note down a few comments in a ledger.

Dogger, answers Holden, "If Ricos' off duty he'll either be asleep sodden somewhere down below decks and I would let sleeping dogs lie if I were you or he's cruising the galley looking for love with Vana or Pascale or both...Old Plighty got himself in the brig house again. Me, well I came on board when they upgraded these here cannon and I was part of the sweetener. Some fella's got to show them how to shoot it right. Lost a leg same as Plighty a good year ago, those were bad days chasing the rainbow. We had been with Rackhams' boyz' then but they were harsh days and we had to scoot from pillar to post. Earned ourselves a 'Letter' from the Gauls to privateer for them so we do that now with trade from island to island. If we are going NNW that's closer to the Bretons and Captain Lazarus don't favour them no more. Best you learn quick on board." he says tapping a bronzed cannon before going back to the rigging duties.
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#163 Post by thesniperknight1 »

Holden nods to Dogger, "Waaaah, sounds like you had all sorts of amazing things happen on this ship, you need to tell me some day, thank you for the information"

He heads quickly to the shop greeting Rexlin warmly as he passes him, he will go to the counter, "Give me a bottle of your cheapest rum please!", he pays the man and runs quickly to the galley asking around for Rico along the way.

Once he spots him if he isn't sleeping he will approach him, "Rico? I heard you came with the ship, care to share some stories to a tale thirsty bard?", he shows him the bottle of rum, "A pirate should never pass up a free drink"
Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.” ― J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#164 Post by Spearmint »

Holden thirsty after applying new boat pitch and supplies to the jollies, he dashes off to the nearest thing to a 'shop', stopping by the galley and asking 'Butcher' Vayne for a bottle of rum.

"Are you taking the Mickey lad? What do you think this is, a fxxking cruise liner!?", say the ship's cook/medic, clearly irritated by the interruption to his work. He looks at the young youth and laughs, of course if its' Dogger sending you on a fool's errand for a joke, you'll have to go back and tell him to stick his stump up his arse!"

when coming off your work shift, everyone gets to 'dip their flagon once for ale', a beer cask is opened in one corner. Under watchful eyes you could fill your are old enough to have a tankard aren't you?

If Holden asks about he can find Rico is sleeping in his hammock in the hull deck below. Do you wish to wake him?
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#165 Post by Stirling »

Szmodics will pocket the bird tag and munching an apple, go to help Mr ' Shifty ' move the sail cloth.

Does the name St Johns' mean anything to Szmodics, apart from an ambulance service. It is a town where? Is the heraldic anchor and crown the town or island crest?

if he put the ring tag on his finger and waved his arms would he begin to fly?
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#166 Post by onlyme »

Geoffrey notes that the officers on deck seem unfazed by his discovery. He continues watching the distant convoy but sees nothing else of importance. He waits patiently for his replacement.
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#167 Post by thesniperknight1 »

Holden gives Vayne an awkward laugh, "Sorry sir, I guess I have been had", he will pass up the ale since he can't efficiently use it as a bribe to make the old man talk.

He will go to the brig house in search of Old Plighty, once he sees him he will smile, "Ah finally found you Plighty, someone told me you have quite the tales and I am nothing if not curious! Care to share some of them with a high spirited bard?[ I will owe you a drink of rum, how about it?/dialog]"
Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.” ― J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#168 Post by Inferno »

Elijah Crowthorn, rescued castaway:
Spearmint wrote: Elijah is given a task to take some bread and water to the brighouse and remind Old Plighty of his minor misdemeanour.
"Wake up, Old Plighty!" the wizzened, wild sea priest barks as he clangs a mug against the brig bars. "Ye captain has sent me to bring ye nourishment fer ye belly and ye soul!

"What have ye done to be cast in iron, laddie?! What sin have ye committed against ye captain, ye ship and ye fellow crew?!"
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#169 Post by Hotgoblin »

Iggway Gwequay helps out as much as she can with treating the crew. After that, she heads to the main deck, taking in the fresh sea air, but all she thinks about is the Padre and if the Cap'n will be able to help him and the others on the island.

Iggy's best way to help is thru her shamanistic rituals, she goes to the meditation room and slowly inhales the waxy scent of the candles. Will she learn the information she seeks regarding the candles?
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#170 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Siggard sets his now broken quill down and looks over his latest findings for a bit. He does enjoy the solitude of working on his experiments but, he feels like it might be time to get a breath of fresh air.

He secures his work before tidying up his area. He then goes out to the deck to see what is happening with the rest of the crew. He wonders who he could talk to about fishing an octopus out of these waters for his ongoing experiments.
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#171 Post by Spearmint »

Old Plighty

Is found by Holden and Elijah. The brig (ship cells) is on the bottom deck towards the prow. A small candle in a glass bowl stands hanging above the door. A marine sailor is outside, slumped on a crate, leaning on a musket. He nods to the visitors and swipes the pastry from the plate Eli offers through the bars."Breads and waters' only fer brig uns' orders say. Bit of a flogging too but he ain't done harm enough yet. Not like 'Bullseye' he oughta watch abowt." Old Plighty comes to the barred door excepting the food and company to talk too. He shares a few trivia about his sailing career, nothing out of the ordinary. When Elijah talks about sin though, he shrinks back."Them is stalking us, me an the old lads. The Stalkers, stalking. Not fer my sins but for his. Made a devils' pact he did, swing not on the gallows we did, but not all. Some still swung and their souls blazed, now they come seeking their revenge not his."

The guard abruptly bashes the stock of the musket against Plightys' fingers in the cell bars." That's enough now, don't want these newbies to be witless from yer old wives tales. Reckon this one here's seen more than his fair share and this one seen none yet."

Geoffrey finishes his crows watch and takes a turn 'learning the ropes' on the gaff sail. He is on the stern deck railing hauling ropes and belaying lines to catch the right amount of wind. About half a dozen sailors at any time are working on each mast, one fire one aft and a few sailors jig the long arm jibs that swing above heads.

By this time Zoggrot has been replaced at the wheel and another sailor, a dwarf handles the helm. Pocc is on deck, looking out to sea. He has his hands raised like in prayer and crinkles some dried seaweed in his hands while toying with a rosary of coral beads. Several purpose sport alongside the sloop, racing in its wake. When Pocc signals up with his hands one leaps like a salmon. When Pocc signals a 'come' wave another leaps this time with salmon in mouth which he acrobatically releases onto the deck flopping around. The other sailors stand agape but Pocc picks up the fresh fish and takes it below to see if it can be cooked. As he goes below, the crows' give a warning shout and point to the near starboard. Holding lanterns, the sailors on deck see the spouting of 'gust of spray and air as two small whales breach the surface. Siggard on deck with Mr Perryman can count several other whales on the other side of the sloop. "Quick lad, fetch the green vellum scroll from the desk drawer." Mr P, gives Siggard a key and an errand to run. roll 2d4, amount of rounds there and back.

Suddenly the sloop lurches to one side as if lifted up or knocked. The wheel spins in the dwarfs hands as the rudder moves in the opposite direction sending the jib at full twist across the stern deck. It misses the dwarf due to his size but looks to clout Geoffrey full on the head. Geoffrey make a hard [4d6] dex save please

Iggway is preparing good in the galley alongside the Butcher and a couple of junior sailors. You are happy as you have discovered the candles when lit and a cleric prays within the borders, release a ward vs undead creatures. Roll 2d6 for the total of HD of creatures affected. The candles are usable by anyone who speaks in a native tongue, a native shaman may add an additional d6 roll. They burn through in four hours.

roll also a 3d6 vs wisdom for your daily supervision of the patient please.

Rexlin did you want to take the shiny pike head from the store before you exited and Szmodics and Zoggrot are off duty below decks. Following the ship getting battered by a whale, one of the deck boards has sprung a leak with some rivets coming loose. The hands below deck run fetching boarding and nails to stem the flow. Each give me 3d6 to see how you manage to block any leakage.

Hearing the commotion, the Captain exits his cabin to assess the situation.
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#172 Post by Zhym »

Zoggrot hammers boards into the deck.

[3d6] = 9
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#173 Post by thesniperknight1 »

Holden pats Elijah's back perhaps with a bit of force, "Ah old man, you are here! How are you adjusting? OH, I gave an offering to Poseidon a minute ago, I don't really believe in him but you said he saved so I wanted some of that holy intervention coming my way", he laughs

While Old Plighty speaks Holden listens intently registering his ramblings as if they were a treasure map, he is very interested in the devil deal the captain, he assumes, made and these stalkers but the guard ruined his smile and good mood. He looks to Old Plighty, "You said old lads, so you have been here a while huh? Tell me is this ship originally a Breton ship? Cause I found a Breton boat on board and could you tell me what do you know about the captain?", Holden gauges the guards reaction before attempting to ask any more questions about the devil or the stalkers.

When the ship starts moving violently Holden is very interested at what's going on but Old Plighty seems much more interesting, he faces the guard, "I could stand watch if you wanna see what's going on"
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#174 Post by onlyme »

Geoffrey watches the older salts work the sails, and even takes in a few practice rounds. Without warning, the boat lurches and he turned around just in time to see the jib coming to him at full force. He tries to duck.

hard dex roll [4d6] = 9
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#175 Post by Inferno »

Elijah Crowthorn, ancient mariner:

"Begone!" Old Eli yelled at the guard. "I'm talkin' to Old Plighty now! Doin' the Captain's work, I yam! Tryin' to rehabilitate a lost soul! Now go!"
Then, in a mutter: "Don't ye worry. He won't escape these bars. Get yeself something to eat and drink. He'll still be here when ye get back. As will I... as will I."
thesniperknight1 wrote:Holden pats Elijah's back perhaps with a bit of force, "Ah old man, you are here! How are you adjusting? OH, I gave an offering to Poseidon a minute ago, I don't really believe in him but you said he saved so I wanted some of that holy intervention coming my way", he laughs
Old Eli's wild eyes rolled, and spittle flew from his cracked lips as he barked, "Don't believe?! Are ye a jester as well as a minstrel, laddie?! Ye are surrounded... on all sides... to the horizon... by the briny deep. Poseidon holds this boat in the palm of his hand! Smarten up, lad. There are no nonbelievers on a battlefield. ...Or on a ship."

Then softer, to the prisoner: "Old Plighty! Tell me more about these Stalkers. Old Eli will believe ye. Confess yer sins to me... take the weight from off ye wretched soul. Who was it made a pact with the Devil?"
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#176 Post by Stirling »


"Tried putting three of my fingers in a dyke once," Szmodics says trying to stem the flow of seawater.

Szmodics wants to know about how thick the hull is and if this crack or loose section of rivets goes to the deck below. He traces the wooden joining down to see if the pressure is causing other rivets to pop open.

Boarding fixing check: [3d6] = 14 normal skill check
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#177 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Siggard grabs the key and rushes off to find the scroll his mentor asks him for.

Yes sir, Mr. Perryman sir! I will be right back, sir!
A random 2d4 roll for something requiring speed and agility? How unfortunate for me. (and maybe for all of us?)
[2d4] = 6 :roll: sorry everyone!

The usually very dexterous half-elf bumbles around with the key, apparently unable to get it into the lock properly. He finally grabs ahold of what he hopes is the correct scroll and rushes very slowly back to Mr. Perryman. He gets ready to take another earful of belittling from his so called superiors for his incredibly slow return. He wonders if he will be put in the brig or maybe even thrown overboard for this offense. He wonders if he could convince one of the whales to give him a ride back to the mainland.
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#178 Post by Hotgoblin »

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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#179 Post by thesniperknight1 »

Inferno wrote: Old Eli's wild eyes rolled, and spittle flew from his cracked lips as he barked, "Don't believe?! Are ye a jester as well as a minstrel, laddie?! Ye are surrounded... on all sides... to the horizon... by the briny deep. Poseidon holds this boat in the palm of his hand! Smarten up, lad. There are no nonbelievers on a battlefield. ...Or on a ship."
Holden laughs "Relax old man, simply because I don't believe in him doesn't mean he isn't real. I do believe in a higher power but giving it a name and attributes is quite......demystifying and a bit dull", he tilts his head a bit and looks up, "Though seeing a giant trident would be amazing"
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Re: All aboard: Captain Lazarus.

#180 Post by Bluehorse »

Rexlin "Devil's Scowl" Dupre

Making a mental note of the pike head's location he exits. Temping though it could be, much like the yummies laying about, he knows the penalties for theft can be stiff on a ship. Hell no, he leaves all that he see where he found it. The knowledge of what is there may come in handy though later on.

He find himself back on deck just as the ship lurches and once his footing is steady he curses up towards the helm as he makes for the rail to see what is happening. His eyes wide with interest he points to the whales. "Anyone got a harpoon? Food for weeks right there. Butcher them down, salt the meat in the brine. Then sell the bones to the natives and the ambergris to the colonials. Good easy money." Thinks to himself he would like one of those ivory teeth too...
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