Chapter 2: The Heist

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Chapter 2: The Heist

#1 Post by drpete »

It is midnight between the Day of the Snake and the Day of the Catamount, an exquisite time for larceny in the City of the Black Toga. Tonight, the wealthy caravan-master, Igrik of the East, is throwing a lavish masque in his stylish manor adjacent to the aristocratic quarter in Lankhmar. The purpose of this masked party is to unveil another one of the objects d'art he has accumulated in a desperate bid to buy his way into Lankhmar's polite society. With the eyes of the host, his guests, and more importantly, his house guards occupied by this new glittering bauble, it is the perfect time to raid his vault for another treasure: the so-called Key of the Unwitnessed Sisterhood. This electrum-and-gold item is said to be encrusted with curiously cut gems, jewels that could fetch a small fortune if pried loose and sold in the shadowy underworld of Lankhmar.

Unfortunately, it seems that while Shmehk and Fiapy had gotten this idea from the little paper they found in the spy's ring, another thief had gotten the same idea! Having gotten into the manor, you now all find yourselves standing in the cellar antechamber leading to Igrik's vault, not as alone as you'd hoped, but in each other's presence. Quick glances between you make it obvious that you're here on similar business. Hands rest on dagger hilts warily and spells are being prepared under your breath.

However, before you have a moment to respond to each other's unexpected presence, yet another party makes their appearance on the scene. The thunderous tread of booted feet down the cellar stairs announce the arrival of hired bravos from Lankhmar's Slayers Brotherhood, likely employed by Igrik to bolster his security on this night. "Thieves in the cellar!" one leather-clad hired sword exclaims on sighting you. "Let's earn our coin, brothers!", he cries as he and his comrades in steel bare blades and charge!

So, we're starting in the middle of the heist. You've each gotten into the building during the party, made your way to the cellar, and been spotted by these three guards/members of the Slayers' Brotherhood, who are attacking.

I'm assuming that Fiapy went back to his Hide armor... Does Shmehk go back to his padded armor, or keep the Eevamarensee guard's leather armor?

You can specify your action and roll, but to go before the bravos, you will need to beat a 20 initiative!

Initiative: [1d20] = 20

Fiapy | Warrior | HP: 8/8 | AC: 15 | Luck: 17+1=18 (+3)
Init: +1 | Str: +1 | Agl: 0
Actions: d20 | Deed Die: d3
Threat: 19-20 | Crit: d12/Table III

Longsword: d8
Lucky Weapon: (Rabbit's Foot)

Ref: +1 Fort: +1 Will: -1
Agl: 0 / Armor (Hide): +3/ Luck: +2 / AC: 14
Armor Check: -3| Fumble: d12
Shmehk Scree | Wizard | HP: 10/10 | AC: 12 | Luck: 10+1=11 (0)
Init: +1 | Str: 0 | Agl: +1
Actions: d20 | Attack: 0
Threat: 20 | Crit: d6/Table I

Longsword: d8 (Deed Die: d3)

Ref: +2 Fort: +1 Will: 0
Agl: +1 / Armor (Padded): +1 / AC: 12
Armor Check: 0 | Fumble: d4
Raamiz | Thief | HP: 10/10 | AC: 12 | Luck: 16+1=17 (+2)
Luck Die: d3

Init: +1 | Str: -1 | Agl: +1
Actions: d20 | Attack: +0
Threat: 20 | Crit: d10+2 for lucky roll/II

Dagger: d4/d10 | 10/20/30


Ref: +2 Fort: +1 Will: +1

Agl: +1 / Armor(Padded): +1/ AC: 12

Armor Check: 0/ Fumble: d4
Last edited by drpete on Sun Oct 14, 2018 1:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Heist

#2 Post by Enoch »

Initiative: [1d20+1] = 11+1 = 12

The head of the slight thief in the bird-skull mask snaps toward the stairs as they drop into a slight crouch, their posture betraying alarm. They fall back a step, drawing a short, thick-bladed dagger with an upturned tip from beneath their belt.

I didn't beat initiative, but I'll attack the closest guard if combat begins. If they're outside of melee range, I'll throw my dagger. Otherwise, I'll close and engage in melee.

Thrown Dagger To-Hit (Close) [1d20+1] = 17+1 = 18 This is accurate to 10'; beyond that it would be a 17 for up to 20' and a 16 for up to 30'.

Melee to-hit (dagger) [1d20-1] = 6-1 = 5

Melee/close damage (dagger) [1d4-1] = 4-1 = 3 Damage is the same for melee and close range (strength adjustment applies to close range only).
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Re: Chapter 2: The Heist

#3 Post by shaidar »

Shmehk attacks one guard with his longsword, attempting to disarm him:

Initiative: [1d20+1] = 3+1 = 4

Long Sword: to-hit [1d20] = 10, deed [1d3] = 2, dmg [1d8] = 7
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Re: Chapter 2: The Heist

#4 Post by drpete »

Ah, this reminds me... they are AC 12.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Heist

#5 Post by ctcharger »


"Who is the *^*( is the new guy???"

"Oh crap!!! Hold that thought!"

Fiapy d20 [1d20] = 5

draws and prepares for combat and practically trips as he was so focused on the new guy...

Fiapy Melee Longsword Attack [1d20] = 6+[1d3] = 1+3; Damage; Deed die+[1d8] = 7
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Re: Chapter 2: The Heist

#6 Post by drpete »

Round One

The bravos charge you, brandishing their short swords. One stabs at the thief in the bird skull mask, tearing a hole in his armor and drawing blood (6 damage).

The northerner starts to ask his companion about the masked thief in North-Speak, then thinks better if it and faces one of the bravos. His companion, an eight-city man well trained with a sword downs one of the bravos (9 damage!), and the fight continues.

May I suggest that you describe yourselves, as if being observed from the outside, and clarify which languages, if any, you are speaking. Again, there may be a language issue in play.

One small tweak I need to make is that you all start with one fleeting luck.
Based on it not really being a thing we used in the last game, I don't think we'll use the banter marker.

The bravos, again, are AC 12, and next round, their initiative is 5

Bravo short sword [1d20+1] = 7+1 = 8 dam [1d6] = 2 vs Fiapy
Bravo short sword [1d20+1] = 9+1 = 10 dam [1d6] = 2 vs Shmehk
Bravo short sword [1d20+1] = 11+1 = 12 dam [1d6] = 6 vs Raamiz
Init: [1d20] = 5

Fiapy | Warrior | HP: 8/8 | AC: 15 | Luck: 17+1=18 (+3)
Init: +1 | Str: +1 | Agl: 0
Actions: d20 | Deed Die: d3
Threat: 19-20 | Crit: d12/Table III

Longsword: d8
Lucky Weapon: (Rabbit's Foot)

Ref: +1 Fort: +1 Will: -1
Agl: 0 / Armor (Hide): +3/ Luck: +2 / AC: 14
Armor Check: -3| Fumble: d12
Shmehk Scree | Wizard | HP: 10/10 | AC: 12 | Luck: 10+1=11 (0)
Init: +1 | Str: 0 | Agl: +1
Actions: d20 | Attack: 0
Threat: 20 | Crit: d6/Table I

Longsword: d8 (Deed Die: d3)

Ref: +2 Fort: +1 Will: 0
Agl: +1 / Armor (Padded): +1 / AC: 12
Armor Check: 0 | Fumble: d4
Raamiz | Thief | HP: 4/10 | AC: 12 | Luck: 16+1=17 (+2)
Luck Die: d3

Init: +1 | Str: -1 | Agl: +1
Actions: d20 | Attack: +0
Threat: 20 | Crit: d10+2 for lucky roll/II

Dagger: d4/d10 | 10/20/30


Ref: +2 Fort: +1 Will: +1

Agl: +1 / Armor(Padded): +1/ AC: 12

Armor Check: 0/ Fumble: d4
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Re: Chapter 2: The Heist

#7 Post by ctcharger »


The tall Northerner recovers and tries again...his motions just seem slow... did that dumb mage slip him something...

Fiapy d20 [1d20] = 5

he swings his sword hard in frustration more than fear!! Shaking off the cobwebs, he strikes a mighty blow and yells in Northernese…
"You fools, is he paying you to die???!!

Fiapy Melee Longsword Attack [1d20] = 18+[1d3] = 2+3; Damage; Deed die+[1d8] = 7
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Re: Chapter 2: The Heist

#8 Post by Enoch »

The thief's dark eyes widen beneath the mask, a slender hand clutching at the bloody rent in the armor. A treble voice mutters in the Eastern tongue as they wave the dagger menacingly.

In Horborixic:
"Issek, I've never been devout, but I'd take a swig from your cistern right now..."
Initiative: [1d20+1] = 5+1 = 6
Melee attack (dagger) [1d20-1] = 12-1 = 11, DAM [1d4-1] = 2-1 = 1

If an 11 doesn't hit, I will add Luck (starting with my point of Fleeting Luck) until it does...assuming I live to my point in the initiative order!
EDIT: Oh, wait! I just read the rules on healing. Gah--assuming I survive, I'll "take a breather" next round and try to heal.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Heist

#9 Post by drpete »

Shmehk, when you do your turn, please also make a luck roll (rolling under luck).

Enoch, these guys have AC 12, so it will take 1 luck to hit them. I'll include that, to make it easier to figure out if you want to spend the luck.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Heist

#10 Post by shaidar »


The swarthy eight-cities youth cracks a grin as the body of the guard slides off of his sword. He replies to his friend in Northspeak:
They do seem to be throwing themselves on our swords!
His long sword darts out at another guard, once again trying the disarm the man:

Initiative: [1d20+1] = 5+1 = 6

Long Sword: to-hit [1d20] = 14, deed [1d3] = 3, dmg [1d8] = 7

Luck: [1d20] = 5
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Re: Chapter 2: The Heist

#11 Post by drpete »

Round 2

As the fight continues, Shmekh slices the hand of Shmehk's opponent, disarming him before running him through (10 damage!).

Raamiz stabs at his opponent weakly (1 damage), his attention on the blood on his armor.

As Shmehk and Fiapy shout and joke in North-speak, the bravo facing off against Raamiz stabs him *again* (5 damage) moments before Fiapy kills the masked thief's opponent (9 damage!).

Raamiz collapses to the ground as a result of his wounds!

In the second that pass, it doesn't seem that your shouting has alerted any other guards... yet.

Shmehk's target (1= Fiapy, 2=Raamiz) [1d2] = 1
Bravo short sword [1d20+1] = 12+1 = 13 dam [1d6] = 5 vs Raamiz

Fiapy | Warrior | HP: 8/8 | AC: 15 | Luck: 17+1=18 (+3)
Init: +1 | Str: +1 | Agl: 0
Actions: d20 | Deed Die: d3
Threat: 19-20 | Crit: d12/Table III

Longsword: d8
Lucky Weapon: (Rabbit's Foot)

Ref: +1 Fort: +1 Will: -1
Agl: 0 / Armor (Hide): +3/ Luck: +2 / AC: 14
Armor Check: -3| Fumble: d12
Shmehk Scree | Wizard | HP: 10/10 | AC: 12 | Luck: 10+1=11 (0)
Init: +1 | Str: 0 | Agl: +1
Actions: d20 | Attack: 0
Threat: 20 | Crit: d6/Table I

Longsword: d8 (Deed Die: d3)

Ref: +2 Fort: +1 Will: 0
Agl: +1 / Armor (Padded): +1 / AC: 12
Armor Check: 0 | Fumble: d4
Raamiz | Thief | HP: 0/10 | AC: 12 | Luck: 16+0=16 (+2)
Luck Die: d3

Init: +1 | Str: -1 | Agl: +1
Actions: d20 | Attack: +0
Threat: 20 | Crit: d10+2 for lucky roll/II

Dagger: d4/d10 | 10/20/30


Ref: +2 Fort: +1 Will: +1

Agl: +1 / Armor(Padded): +1/ AC: 12

Armor Check: 0/ Fumble: d4
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Re: Chapter 2: The Heist

#12 Post by shaidar »

Shmehk breathes a sigh of relief as the last guard drops and the room goes quiet.

Then he sees the newcomer bleeding on the floor and he quickly heads over, speaking to Fiapy as he goes Keep alert while I help this fellow out

He crouches down and just to be safe he makes sure the mans weapons are out of reach before removing his bird-mask and doing his best to help.

I'm not sure if both of us helping will make any difference, but if so Shmehk will call Fiapy over to assist
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Re: Chapter 2: The Heist

#13 Post by drpete »

Raamiz is stabilized, and can spend 1 luck to regain consciousness & 1 hp. He can't do the "checking his wounds" move, at this point, but he can recuperate.

At this point, as you introduce yourselves, etc, please outline how you got into this cellar during the costume party...

Once that's out of the way, I'll describe your surroundings some more.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Heist

#14 Post by Enoch »

His bird-skull mask removed, the man's dark eyes are alert and wide; only those and his rapid, shallow breathing indicate that the blood oozing from beneath his fingers does not yet carry his life away with it. He sits against the wall almost unnaturally still, though his eyes dart warily between the others. His age is hard to tell. His cheeks are smooth--not clean-shaven, but as of a boy not yet come to manhood, and his build is slender and small, though his eyes imply a life hard-lived.

After a long moment he speaks in a high-pitched voice in the Northern tongue. "I thank you for your aid, though I warn you I will not let you rob me of my score. Who are you? Not part of Igrik's guard, obviously."

I'll burn that Luck to recover, as indicated. I won't recuperate at this time as it takes several turns, and I suspect we want to be getting out of here.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Heist

#15 Post by shaidar »


His pock-marked face creases in a scowl. "This is our score, that is why we are here" he looks the man up and down and absently scratches his hand through his beard stubble "There are two of us and you're not really in a position to stop us"
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Re: Chapter 2: The Heist

#16 Post by drpete »

I'll give you details once we get through intros and backstory, but you are right in front of the vault door...
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Re: Chapter 2: The Heist

#17 Post by Enoch »

He laughs briefly before gasping in pain.

"Are you murderers as well? If so, kill me now, else I shall simply make sure Igrik learns who robbed him. But I think you are not; otherwise, why bind my wounds? Perhaps we could come to an arrangement. Help me up, let us escape, and we can split the prize amongst us."

He extends a dusky arm toward Shmek.

What does the vault door look like? Thieves' tools were out of my price range, so I will be looking around for something makeshift, or another way we might get through this door (exposed hinges, a weak spot/loose bricks in the wall, etc.).
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Re: Chapter 2: The Heist

#18 Post by shaidar »

Shmehk grabs his hand and helps pull him to his feet.

"My friend and I are many things, when necessary." he shrugs and looks towards his companion "He has a point, with Dunulk vanished, having some extra help might come in handy to get the vault open"

He turns back to the newcomer "I am Shmehk, and as you can see I am an Eevamarensee sorcerer" he gestures to his costume "This is genuine Eevamarensee armour. It's a long story which I will tell you if we get out here alive"
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Re: Chapter 2: The Heist

#19 Post by Enoch »

The thief arches one delicate eyebrow as he takes an experimental breath and grimaces.

"Eevamarensee? Even in Horborixen the place is little more than a fairy tale, told to excite the credulous and scare the disobedient child. You must tell me of it sometime--but for now, there are more pressing matters at hand.

"Are we agreed, then? I assist you in getting into the vault and in escaping, and we split the take evenly--you take half and I take half. Then we may part ways or travel together as we see fit."
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Re: Chapter 2: The Heist

#20 Post by drpete »

A flight of stout wooden stairs access this low-ceilinged room of mortared brick. Crates and barrels are stacked along the east and west walls, dusty and disused. Niches in the walls contain thick, sputtering candles that lend dim light and far too much smoke to this room.

In the north wall is a large circular iron door. A complex-looking lock is integrated into the portal’s face. Strange symbols ring the circumference of the door.
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