Sharky's Hole.

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Re: Sharky's Hole.

#141 Post by Bluehorse »

Farmer Cotton

After recovering from the enchantment and getting back to his feet, he tries to seem natural and a little stern as he looks to the others. "Not a word... ever...."


I loved this one! I never played a small one shot like it before and it was also a great treat to get to play one of my favorite characters from the original stories. Thanks for that! I actually have to say that I think something to consider for later, would be picking up from this point and working through the repairing of the shire. I know it could be very much a go fetch kind of game, but it could be interesting to get to know all the different townsfolk and what they need, figuring out how to get it. You can also play off the idea of how Pip and Merry took over as sheriffs in the new shire and how they organized a real hobbit melicia. Sam and Frodo were instrumental in funding and rebuilding the green dragon inn.
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Re: Sharky's Hole.

#142 Post by Pulpatoon »

Sam drops his sword next to Grima's body and promises himself to never pick one up again. He feels hollow and empty; sick beyond endurance of war and the machinations of great powers. All he wants know is to sit among the soft green presences of well-tended garden.

Although, come to think of it, a bit of company would cheer that garden up, wouldn't it? Sam helps Farmer Cotton up, saying "Let's go make sure Rose is okay, then."

This was a great idea for a game, and a lot of fun. I think it could only be improved by opening up the sandbox whenever possible—there were a couple times moments when it was clear there was a path we were supposed to take—but that's obviously a tricky balance for a one-shot. You've found a rich, unexplored corner of our shared geek heritage to explore. Thanks for the great game, Ogre Mage!
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Re: Sharky's Hole.

#143 Post by Inferno »

"Look Merry! Old Toby!" Pippin gasps at the priceless, hard-won treasure.
"Now comes my favorite part of war. The victory celebration!" he exclaims to his dear friends, with only a fleeting thought given over to the tempting seeing crystal of The Wise.

Great game, OM. I had a blast. What rich characters and subject matter. And I love that it actually had a proper ending. Thanks for DM-ing.
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Re: Sharky's Hole.

#144 Post by Pulpatoon »

Five Stars for Hob's heel-turn. Totally unexpected, and yet made perfect sense once it happened.

Coil, What was it like to play Hob-cum-Grima?
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Re: Sharky's Hole.

#145 Post by Bluehorse »

Pulpatoon wrote:Five Stars for Hob's heel-turn. Totally unexpected, and yet made perfect sense once it happened.

Coil, What was it like to play Hob-cum-Grima?
Yes! This!

Also, OM, did anyone else utilize the ambush? That was a particular proud moment for mw in this game.
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Re: Sharky's Hole.

#146 Post by coil23 »

Pulpatoon wrote:Coil, What was it like to play Hob-cum-Grima?
How was it? Delightful! I was kind of floored at first at the sudden shift but then realized it was my kind of character. As usual, I went overboard and was writing all kinds of deranged PMs to Ogre Mage about Grima's thoughts and actions. I really thrive with the different: eccentric is fun but unhinged is sheer delight. To be honest, I've never cared for hobbits so this was all a pleasant surprise. :lol:

(Since we know Ogre Mage won't be reading this ;) , I'll say that I suspect he did not mean for Grima to be quite so demented as he was played.)

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Re: Sharky's Hole.

#148 Post by greyarea »

This was very enjoyable. Thanks for a great game.

For me personally, I never felt like I quite "got" Frodo, which could very well be because I feel that I never quite got him in the books either. I hope I played him well. :)

Playtest feedback: Since characters wanted to keep going off the road (for obvious reasons), either some encounters off road or some reason to keep on the road (other than asking them to). Other than that, brilliant. :)
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Re: Sharky's Hole.

#149 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Thanks guys!

I agree with each assessment on the feedback and appreciate the help.

Thank you all again for playing. I hope it was as much fun to play as it was to run. You all did swimmingly.

I am honestly humbled by all the nice compliments. Especially due to the fact that they are coming from some of my favorite players on this site. :D

So far everyone that played had figured out that the "black oil" was flammable and that it should be used during the ambush.

I am glad that the Hob twist has gone over well so far. I only had one con game in which the player wasn't real fond of attacking the group, but Coil was great at it. I will leave Grima's PM lunacies up to coil if he wants to share them. :D (you can ask him about the peep) :lol:

Some of you already know about this but.....

I will be starting up a new 1E game on here shortly and would be happy to have any of you on board in that one as well. Let me know if you want more details.

For the SHIRE!!!!! :mrgreen:
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Re: Sharky's Hole.

#150 Post by Bluehorse »

OGRE MAGE wrote:Thanks guys!

I agree with each assessment on the feedback and appreciate the help.

Thank you all again for playing. I hope it was as much fun to play as it was to run. You all did swimmingly.

I am honestly humbled by all the nice compliments. Especially due to the fact that they are coming from some of my favorite players on this site. :D

So far everyone that played had figured out that the "black oil" was flammable and that it should be used during the ambush.

I am glad that the Hob twist has gone over well so far. I only had one con game in which the player wasn't real fond of attacking the group, but Coil was great at it. I will leave Grima's PM lunacies up to coil if he wants to share them. :D (you can ask him about the peep) :lol:

Some of you already know about this but.....

I will be starting up a new 1E game on here shortly and would be happy to have any of you on board in that one as well. Let me know if you want more details.

For the SHIRE!!!!! :mrgreen:
FOR THE SHIRE! and egg rolls....
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Re: Sharky's Hole.

#151 Post by coil23 »

Probably won't be nearly as funny as they were for me but here are some (mostly in chronological order?).

Once invisible, Grima seeks to stay as silent as possible as he backs away and be undetectable to his pursuers. He carefully uses his robes so as to staunch any wounds. No sense in having some dripping sauce give away his position now that his delicate flesh has been so brutally pricked. I always hated farmers, he silently fumes. They are so violent and reactionary. All that pastoral rhetoric was just sheep's clothing for the true wolves. Nasty brutes, the lot of them! That Farmer Cotton will be the first to go. Hells Bells were never so loud. His constant shouting made my head ache so. His silence will be a good first step. Silent forever.

Grima quietly maneuvers so as to stay out of reach. Now that his fuming has dwindled away, the fear creeps back in. I didn't expect them to rally so quickly. Master planned this out- they should have succumbed like piglets. How can I be expected to manage them all myself? Please help me, Master.

His eyes dart around the immediate environment. How can he use this to misdirect, to stay safe? Anything to throw as a distraction? Any way to begin to separate them from one another?

His inner monologue of mewling fears continue as he stays out of Cotton's and Sam's way. Sam frightens him the most- wily and steady that one is. I'll avoid that one. Must be a halfbreed- no true hobbit is that level-headed and clever. They're all mindless rabbits like that Pippin mongoloid. So we'll pick them off one by one. Cull the weak, we will. One little rabbit at a time. Snap :twisted: , snap :twisted: , where's the next little bunny? Snap :twisted: . When will you next be alone, Farmer Cotton? Snap :twisted: .

This is fun! :P

But I went back and reread your posting of Grima's characteristics. I'm afraid my biases blocked out traits you had in mind. I want to make sure I am on the same page as you before I post again- make sure our ships are all sailing in the same direction as it were. So, regarding Grima and his motivations here...

I was thinking: craven, cruel, opportunistic, devious, power-hungry, always seeking Saruman's approval (and terrified of him) but never feeling properly appreciated or cared for and therefore resentful of the powerful wizard as well, loathes the hobbits as they are loud and annoying and always getting in the way (but most especially because they are so happy, care-free, and free from fear- something he has never been able to attain and this haunts him)- so every hobbit he squashes into pulp is one less reminder in his face of that bit of peace and simple joy which he can never have himself

what you seem to be thinking: indecisive and frightened, too fearful to oppose Saruman whom he despises, which also ensures he follows orders to destroy the hobbits when inside he wants to befriend them in the hopes of being able to attain the simple joy and peace that seems so natural in them

Your vision seems to allow (and perhaps even desire) an ugly initial confrontation which could awkwardly slide into an uneasy truce to oppose Saruman and work together (though still likely ending in Grima's death). *sad panda*

My vision steers toward a broken and tragic being who will use deceit and the shadows to cruelly strike down every innocent pup he can before bringing brought down himself and crushed under heel in the end. (Disney rejected my script, the vapid, shallow-minded bastards!)

I don't want to derail this adventure with my bloodthirsty and twisted impulses. Which direction would you like Grima to steer toward?

If I haven't mentioned it before now: overwrought and dark was my double major in RPG College. ;)

(As a random aside, I see wide-spread and rampant arson as easily congruent with either perspective. :lol: )

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I am here to punish the players who take this game too lightly...and also to punish any player who is playing a hobbit because I don't care for hobbits. :twisted:

That second jab of the pitchfork that connected ignited anger that temporarily dismissed the fear. I am stuck like a pig even while invisible?! The affront is intolerable! Grima backs up to have enough distance to cast another spell once invisibility wears off. He then casts his wand of polymorph on Farmer Cotton: Form of a rabbit! How fitting for that cretin. Snap! :twisted:

Once this is done he maneuvers to keeps as much distance between him and Sam but still be able to cast a spell on the wily hobbit when he inevitably charges Grima. The fear creeps back in. I didn't want to take on the tough one. Pippin is the next one I want. I want to hear the squeals, hear the stupidity slowly leaking out of his frame.


Grima silently beseeches the ceiling in desperation: Oh, Great Kyuss, strike down these treacherous bumpkins with your writhing wrath that we may make them rise again. But this time with purpose! Save me, Worm that Walks!

(purple prose...see what I did there? :lol: :roll: )


As much as I want to destroy hobbits (always), even more in this moment I want to be unpredictable as I think that better expresses Grima's increasing panic (that also breaks wide open all the suppressed resentment) and also- just because.

Grima will cast jump to leap up to and slam into Saruman. He wants to use his second jump to slam the two of them down onto the hard ground. He will make sure he lands on top of Saruman so as to hurt Saruman the most and also to cushion Grima's fall. He will be silent until he hits Saruman so as to increase the chance of surprise. Once contact is made, Grima will be screeching in Saruman's ear:

Why wouldn't you help me?! I've done nothing but serve you! I heed your every word! All I have wanted is your approval and you do nothing but use me and then throw me to the rabbits to be torn to pieces! Rabbits terrify me! Come down to the floor and meet some! You are a terrible mentor!!


Down to 1 hit point. Ok then. This bitch is going out hard:

A frenzied Grima seems to only be animate from the fumes of receding adrenaline. He has a pronounced twitch evident in his neck and head while his eyes dart every which way at once.
He looks down at the wizard-turned-mattress with utter contempt and spits on him. Meet the rabbits! is spat out with venom.

Grima then prepares for the horde of inrushing rabbits while recanting his last act. The first one to make contact will be on the receiving end of his shocking grasp spell (damage 1d8 +5 due to his being 5th level). In that final moment he screeches out something only he understands the meaning of: I just wanted to be a cobbler!!


The stumbling hobbit still can't land a hit. Let his form mirror his incompetence! Grima, more than a little unhinged at all of the chaos and being near death himself, begins "peep-peep"ing like a baby chick as he uses his wand of polymorph to turn Frodo into a baby chicken.


If all the hobbits are focused on Saruman, could Grima make it to the doorway and slip away in time (i.e. before any of them could stop him)? If so, he will do that to maneuver into position for an ambush in the near future.

If not, he will use his last charge on his wand of polymorph on Saruman, screeching ungrateful wretch! And you never once wore the slippers I made you! Peep-peep! Having learned his lesson on polymorphing enemies into frightening, vicious critters that can still attack, he polymorphs Saruman into a baby chicken. In his mind he sees the bloodthirsty hobbit-turned-lagomorph tearing into the baby chick like a vision from some barnyard hell. He titters at the picture in his mind despite his terror and pain.


If not, he will use his last charge on his wand of polymorph on Saruman, screeching ungrateful wretch! And you never once wore the slippers I made you! Peep-peep! Having learned his lesson on polymorphing enemies into frightening, vicious critters that can still attack, he polymorphs Saruman into a baby chicken. In his mind he sees the bloodthirsty hobbit-turned-lagomorph tearing into the baby chick like a vision from some barnyard hell. He titters at the picture in his mind despite his terror and pain.
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Re: Sharky's Hole.

#153 Post by Pulpatoon »

Two thoughts:
1. Frequent use of emoticons suits Grima's dialog very well.
2. All this talk of wanting to destroy hobbits has me very nervous for my halfling in coil's campaign.
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Re: Sharky's Hole.

#154 Post by coil23 »

Snap goes the rabbit! :twisted:

You have nothing to fear, at least regarding my hobbit bias. I take my tyranny quite seriously...scruples and shit.
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Re: Sharky's Hole.

#155 Post by Bluehorse »

Brett Deaton

Peeks in. He looks right... he looks left... the grins. "Ah, they're all gone now. It's finally mine!"

Putting on his wish ring he concentrates and the general mess from the last game is all cleaned up and tiddied. He then sets to work claiming the now empty Bag End set. He is now happily sitting in an armchair near a fireplace with a pipe of old toby and looks right at home since his second wish was to make everything human sized in the hoobit hole. "They'll never find me here!" he muses happily.
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