INTRO: Meeting with the Council

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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#141 Post by coil23 »


While they know someone was in there, I'm not convinced they know who was in there. So while some element of surprise is lost, I don't believe we have lost it altogether.

And why go back? I can only speak for myself and I want you to hear from these others their personal reasons because I think it will give you a better idea of the dedication you see before you here. For me, I have to go back because we have a little clearer picture of what the danger is but it is still out there operating and growing. I live here and care about this community. To stop now would be worse than not to have started at all. We have a job to do. And whatever the opinion on these young men at the outset, they have more than proven they are up to the task and have the grit to see it through.
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#142 Post by Mant72 »


"Sir, there is no question as to why I am willing to venture back to the manor-house. This is my home. I will defend Saltmarsh from these theives and vagabonds with every fiber of my being."
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#143 Post by hedgeknight »

Adjusting his new tunic, Burly steps forward and after a slight bow of his head, he says, "I came here from Gradsul with all I had to my name make a life here. I would see this through for the good folk of Saltmarsh, some of whom have been quite gracious to me lately. I do not want this town to become a den of thieves and cutthroats, but rather a place where folk can feel safe as they go about their daily lives. My granny would always say, 'A fat rat is a lazy rat.' My guess is these, er, 'rats' have gotten fat and lazy based on all the stuff we found. With some better equipment and your help, I know we can get rid of them for good."
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#144 Post by Urson »


I have chosen become a războinic, and this is where it will begin. People must be safe to live their lives.
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#145 Post by wolfpack »

Jervis clears his throat and steps in front of the group

There are three types of people in this world: sheep, wolves, and sheepdogs. Some people prefer to believe that evil doesn't exist in the world, and if it ever darkened their doorstep, they wouldn't know how to protect themselves. Those are the sheep

Then you've got predators who use violence to prey on the weak. Those are the wolves.

And then there are those blessed with the gift of aggression, an overpowering need to protect the flock. These men are the rare breed who live to confront the wolf. They are the sheepdog.

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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#146 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Jonas and Ben are still more than welcome to share their reply, but it isn't mandatory.

After each of your comments the mayor looks over to Juli and she in turn nods her head back at him. After the last proclamation is made, the mayor sniffles a little and stands up from the bench.

I will be completely honest with you guys. We didn't take this mission of yours all that seriously when you first set out. We didn't think there was anything to the rumors we were hearing. We realize now that we were wrong. But instead of sticking our noses in it, you guys would rather help us out? I am truly humbled by this.

He looks back at the rest of the council members.

These are the kind of young people that we need in this town. Their courage is commendable! They show great poise and manners by not feeling the need to point out our failure in not believing in them in the first place.

He addresses the party again.

I think your group would be perfect for the task of going back to uproot this band of ruffians. If you guys are truly up for the task, we can help you out with some training and outfit you with......

Suddenly, Juli stands up quickly from the bench and objects.

We can't expect these guys to go back there and take on an entire gang of pirate smugglers! They are not soldiers or militia! Do not the rest of us get a say in this plan of yours, Mister Mayor?

She turns back to Doubtful.

I also have a question for the group, and remember, you really should tell me the truth. What happened to that despicable orc criminal that was with you? Did he try to sabotage the mission like most of us predicted? I assume that he buggered off as soon as things got dangerous?
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#147 Post by coil23 »


Curious you feel the need to explicitly prompt us to be truthful with you. Lesser men might hear a threat. The despicable orc criminal, as you so delicately put it, helped us explore and keep one another safe. He had some issues with an impulsive bladder, mind you, but I didn't see signs of desertion. Tactical decisions had to be made in the moment and he chose to split off to further our investigation. Hoping to meet back up soon to hear his report. I would be glad to hear from someone else who was actually there if they have a different perspective.
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#148 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The gorgeous Juli looks at Doubtful for a long time, but then just sits back down with a pouty face.

The mayor continues.

Now, now Juli, there is no need for your prejudice here any more. They have already agreed to do this for us. Also, you know that we can't spare any official militia. And the King is most certainly not going to send us any more soldiers. Dealing with the lizardmen in the Hool marshes to the west has occupied every bit of our militias time and resources. We simply can not spare the swords right now.

Under the circumstances, I think we will wait a while before we send anyone back out there anyway. That gives us time to get these guys some of the training they will need to get this job done for us.

Anyone interested in learning to fight can train with the town guard. They are always practicing moves and doing drills. You could even bunk with them if you need a place to stay. There are enough temples and churches around for anyone of the spiritual inclination to find help in learning their ways. I don't know much about the arcane arts but I'm guessing we can find help there too if that is what interests you.

I can't think of anything else training wise you might need, but if you can, please let me know. As far as the missions conclusion, I would like to discuss the details with the rest of the council before setting any timeframe. Could you come back in two days time, after you get yourselves situated with your prospective training? That should give us time to gather intelligence and set forth some plans.

Is that agreeable?

Does anyone have any questions?
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#149 Post by hedgeknight »

Burly nods his head at the Mayor's words and can't keep from smiling, feeling rather proud of himself and his fellow companions. When the Mayor asks for questions, Burly steps forward again and asks the same question he's asked around town a time or two.
"You mentioned arcane training, sir. Who would you recommend for such a task?"
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#150 Post by Mant72 »


"Thank you, Council Members. Any assistance with equipment and supplies you can provide would be much appreciated. Again, Saltmarsh is my home, and I plan to defend her ports and borders in the name of Shiliel." He then turns to the others and waits to depart.
Keilif looks as if he would like to speak to the others as soon as they depart.
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#151 Post by ravenn4544 »

Ben nods at Keilif in agreement. By the look in his eye you get the brief impression that he thinks something fishy may be going on here.
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#152 Post by wolfpack »

Jervis proud of his speech and excited and the premise of arms and training is oblivious to anything fishy.
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#153 Post by coil23 »


Doubtful has no more questions and waits to see if anyone has something else they would like to add. He is proud of the showing this group made to the council. They're good boys...for the most part. Much more interesting to him at the moment is to find out what that look was about from Keilif.

As he becomes antsy to go he has an idle thought of Jervis insisting on team kerchiefs being made for everyone with "The Sheep Dogs" embroidered on them. Well, the cat could wear mine.
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#154 Post by OGRE MAGE »

hedgeknight wrote:Burly nods his head at the Mayor's words and can't keep from smiling, feeling rather proud of himself and his fellow companions. When the Mayor asks for questions, Burly steps forward again and asks the same question he's asked around town a time or two.
"You mentioned arcane training, sir. Who would you recommend for such a task?"
Mayor Palmer notices the pride in the young mans face and smile, causing himself to smile proudly as well.

Yes, you have the look of a fellow intellect, don't you. I do know of a woman that lives in a tower, down by the river. She is a good citizen and pays her bills and debts in a timely fashion. She may have a mysterious reputation, but I have known of her for a long time and to my recollection, we have never had a problem with her. I don't know her personally, I don't think a lot of people do, but I have heard that she takes a serious interest in the training of young mages and the like.

Have you paid her a visit yet? She may be just what you are looking for. If not, come back to me and I will search out further options for you.
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#155 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Tortuga finishes up looking at your pilfered contraband with a puzzled look on his face.

Was this stuff tampered with when you found it? Unless they were using some the cloth and drinking the brandy, why would the casks be opened and the bolt be cut into?
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#156 Post by coil23 »

Doubtful looks at the contraband with a thoughtful expression.

Not sure if it was untampered with or not when we first found it. We did use some of each for bandages and antiseptic thanks to the quick thinking of some of the lads here. It's all we had on hand- no supplies, you see.
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#157 Post by Fulci »

Jónas Gillman, there's always something fishy about this dude

Jónas gulps, but luckily Doubtful is quick to answer Tortuga's inquiry. Jónas took some silk as well, to make shirts, but now the material is well-hidden under his bunk at home.

He steps closer to Burly and listens to the information about arcane training. He himself wants to train with his Uncle, but additional options are always welcome. As far as he knows, there are several schools of magic.

Afterwards, he readily joins Keilif and the others for a group huddle. He noticed some minor things during the Council meeting he's not happy about.
G A M E S :
Running Vaults & Wastelands [Fallout]
Isaiah Bartlett in That Which Should Not Be [CoC]
Ingrid Esthof in The Horror at Briarsgate [1e]
Jónas Gillman in The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh [1e]

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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#158 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Mant72 wrote:Keilif:"Thank you, Council Members. Any assistance with equipment and supplies you can provide would be much appreciated....
Mayor Palmer

I think that since you will be essentially working for the town, the least we can do is outfit each of you with some armor and weapons from the militias surplus. The man looks over to each of the other members and does not get an objection.

There is a wide variety of weapons that you will be able to choose from there and even some light to medium armor that you can use for now. I would also say that, if the mission is a success, we may even allow you to keep the items that you pick as a reward for a job well done.
We don't need to play all of that business out. I will just say that you can each have one suit of armor of your choice. (chainmail or lighter) You can also pick TWO weapons of choice that you would like to use. (You can pick anything you'd like to use within reason. I would suggest one ranged and one melee weapon but that is totally up to you. There are no large weapons such as 2 handed swords or polearms.
Now, as far as other provisions are concerned..... I would really like to see you purchase any other needed supplies from one of the great businesses right here in Saltmarsh. You have gold to spend now and there will no doubt be more coming to you in the near future. I cant think of a better way to support the town that you live in then by supporting the local commerce with your new found riches.

If you need any directions to any of our fine shops and stores, please feel free to ask.
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#159 Post by OGRE MAGE »

coil23 wrote:Doubtful looks at the contraband with a thoughtful expression.

Not sure if it was untampered with or not when we first found it. We did use some of each for bandages and antiseptic thanks to the quick thinking of some of the lads here. It's all we had on hand- no supplies, you see.

Oh? Yes! I suppose this would work great for that, wouldn't it? Very good then.

Mr. Mayor, I think that we should allow these guys to keep this contraband after it is recorded and they pay the proper taxes on it. If they want to use it for their healing kits, then more power to them. I think that was a great idea.

The salty seaman nods to the Mayor and then retakes his seat with a warm smile at the much better behaved and far more professional seeming party.
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Re: INTRO: Meeting with the Council

#160 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Mayor Everett Palmer

Since we are in agreement to meet back up here in 2 days, Let us do that.

We have a lot of other business to get to here so, if there are no further questions from the group, I guess we will adjourn this private meeting and get on with our normal proceedings.

I wish you well until then. PLEASE remember to be careful who you guys discuss this information with!!! I cant imagine what will happen to the lot of you if our plans fall into the wrong hands.

If there are any more questions, please speak up. If not, you can pick out your armor/shield and weapons. Then you can go shopping for anything else that you want to acquire for the mission.
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