March 1-2: The Questing Feast on a Fine Sinday Eve

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March 1-2: The Questing Feast on a Fine Sinday Eve

#1 Post by Mister-Kent »

Sinday, March 1 1500: The Questing Feast

7:30 PM

You are all Delvers, part of a proud and storied Guild of investigators and adventurers.
You've only been official members for around six months, and three months ago, at the last Questing Feast, you were all formally introduced to each other. In the consequent weeks you've coalesced into a unique group, and by this time you all know each other's name and generally some hints about each other's personality. An actor, an outcast, a court-priest, a bandit, and a scribe--who you were back then has shaped who you are now. The decisions you make today will shape who--or what--you become.

The Delvers Guildhall is a squat yet spacious three-story building in the 6th Ward, right outside the gates to the Inner City. Atop the Guildhall stand two tall, narrow, bridge-connected towers, which serve as Delver apartments and select delve-driven businesses.

You have all gathered in the central banquet hall this evening for the season's Questing Feast, and the room is abuzz with activity. A pleasant and rotund serving-maid sets before you three large platters--she manages this by carrying a tray in each hand and balancing one between her arms and her rather ample bosom.
  • The first is an immense rack of lamb, thick and juicy, its meat a smoldering, rich brown color.
  • The second tray carries a bowl, a veritable cornucopia of mixed fruits, with grapes tumbling from the platter to the table.
  • The third is a bit more exotic--a platter of seafood, specifically a large rose-colored octopus, its tentacles splayed out and regally spilling from the edges of the tray.
A large man--almost as big as Gul-Marach--sits at the other end of the room. You recognize him as the current Guildmaster, with his roguishly curled mustache and hideously withered left arm. He watches you closely to see what you're going to eat.

Which platter, if any, do you dig into?
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Re: Sinday, March 1 1500: The Questing Feast

#2 Post by Marullus »

Gul-Marach, Priest of Vorn

Seated at the table among their small group, Gul-Marach seems to relish the smell of the passing meats. His appraising eye passes over each of the wait staff - he more than others believes he has cause to fear those who'd wish him harm, even in a place like this. He conceals any outward display of concern, turning an intense interest to the savory dishes of the table. He lets the fruits and squid pass by, the first unfavored by Vorn and the latter strange to both the city and the palette. He separates a large hunk of lamb (about six servings) onto a platter in front of the group and lets the dish pass further down the table. He takes care to pour goblets for each of his companions as well, preferably of wine or ale. Unmindful of any dissent but not so loud as to disturb others in the hall, he prays over the table, invoking the blessings of Vorn upon this meal, and those who partake of it in good faith.

(Amidst his prayer, he conceals an invocation of Purify Food and Drink, sufficient for six servings of lamb and three quarts of liquid. He does it this way to avoid insulting the hosts, who might resent the implication.)
Last edited by Marullus on Tue Feb 03, 2015 5:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sinday, March 1 1500: The Questing Feast

#3 Post by Enoch »

Seated somewhat apart from the others, Mathias reaches out toward the platter of seafood, a surprisingly pale and delicate hand emerging from under his cloak. He lifts one leg of the octopus between a spindly thumb and forefinger, dragging it across the platter to sniff at it. He seems neither repulsed or enamored by it--his expression does not change. He gently sets the tentacle down--now laying on the table, draped between the platter and his chair.

He turns to watch his companions, and the first flicker of interest crosses his face as he stares at each intently as they eat.
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Re: Sinday, March 1 1500: The Questing Feast

#4 Post by Inferno »

Zaent Darkhand, Rogue:

Perhaps because he was raised by humans, and human bandits no less, Zaent behaved like a Man in Elf's clothing. He smiled mildly as no one offered that the lady, Morgan, should serve herself first. Chivalry was deader than Zaent's kid sister.

Just as lacking in chivalry, Zaent served himself next, taking to the rare, juicy lamb like a hungry wolf. He licked his lips and glanced sideways at their host, wondering what curious game was afoot.
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Re: Sinday, March 1 1500: The Questing Feast

#5 Post by Marullus »

Gul-Marach, Priest of Vorn

[OOC: Oooh, I forgot that we had a female PC. Thanks!]

While Chivalry is a quality of the courtly, with their inverted norms and mechanisms for making those not schooled look foolish, it has never been noted as a hallmark of Vorn. After all, they engraved, "Iron Does Not Yield" in six foot letters on the front of the Cathedral... the Matrons of Red Rain might come to blows should a man try to subjugate them with a chivalrous gesture.

Once he has finished his prayer to Vorn, Gul-Marach forks a portion of rare, bloody lamb onto his own plate from the small platter without ceremony and then slides the small platter towards his fellows, if they have not already chosen. [I am assuming others can inject themselves before or after my actions at their discretion... the dedication prayer is potentially lengthy. He has no concern for the order and no intention to wait for, or try to go before, others.]

[OOC: Where are we in the heirarchical pecking order of the hall? Assuming the most mighty/esteemed are closest to the Guildmaster's end?]
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Re: Sinday, March 1 1500: The Questing Feast

#6 Post by Mister-Kent »

[OOC: That is in fact the case, though you get the sense that it isn't enforced, as such--it's more that the Guildmaster and his elite friends arrived early and staked out their own corner of the hall. I'll have a bigger post this evening!

The maid sees Gul-Marach's mega-portion, and laughs nervously. "Big eater! Aheh! I--I'll bring more," she assures the rest of you. When he disperses the ribs to the rest, she sighs with relief. As she turns to go, you see the sigil of the Drudges Guild branded onto her neck.

With a vague expression of curiosity on his face, the Guildmaster rises and begins to make his way to your table. You've probably had a few conversations with him in all these months--perhaps you've earned a place in his memory. The Delvers in his immediate vicinity turn their attention to you as well.
Last edited by Mister-Kent on Sun Feb 01, 2015 3:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sinday, March 1 1500: The Questing Feast

#7 Post by Marullus »

Marullus wrote:He separates a large hunk of lamb (about six servings) onto a platter before the group and lets the dish pass further down the table. [/ooc]
(In case I caused confusion here... This is location, not time sequence. "Onto a platter in front of the group." He blessed it, then shared it with the others. Sorry about that)
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Re: Sinday, March 1 1500: The Questing Feast

#8 Post by Grognardsw »

Biblo Phyle, antiquarian arcanist / loquacious and hungry

"Why did I join the delvers guild you ask?" Biblo eyes the immense rack of the serving maid, thick and juicy. He accepts her succulent lamb.

"Well truth be told, I had enough of serving as the biblio-agent of unreasonable clients," expounds Biblo, drawing forth an ivory fork and dinner knife from one of the many unseen pockets in his vermillion robe. "They were getting to be too much; the latest request was the tipping point. Baroness Meladia - yes, that one with her mask fetish - had requested personal delivery of certain perverse tomes to her chambers at midnight on the full moon of Sinday. Was I to be a sacrifice - ha ha ha!" Biblo laughs with a mouthful of mutton.

Sipping wine he rambles on. "This woman's palace is a huge, sprawling structure comprised of many buildings that spread like a cancerous growth from the central, grand tower. Her direct family, relatives, cousins, friends, sychophants, guests and who knows who else live there. I needed a map can you believe? I passed grand halls, maze-like corridors, over a river under ceilings, underground passages and artificial forest. Now keep in mind I'm carrying these heavy tomes - big volumes, leather bound, lockets and chains, the works."

Biblo draws forth his wormwood pipe shellacked with the oil of ungsten spleen. He packs it with rare hobbit-weed of joyful contemplation. He likes to smoke when telling stories. He tells many. He wonders sometime if as many listen to them. "I saw butler servants in penguin masks move about in their night duties; bee-masked men flittering about doing never-ending maintenance work; elegant whores going about their amorous visitations, their masks of frozen-faced beauty strangely sad."

"The architecture and decor shifted in often illogical pattern as buildings changed into another in this maze of manors making up Meladia's palace. Decadent baroque melded into medieval simplicity, shifted into elaborate stonework, melted away to a monotone metal scape, then abruptly into a rainbow of painted wood. Some areas were well lit, others barely, and still others pitch black. Passing many doors I heard singing, cursing, moans of pleasure and pain, animal grunts and squeals, whips on flesh, startling snoring, sparkling static and clicking, ominous humming."

"Then I came to the Baroness' chambers. I was exhausted. I thumped the door with its iron breast knocker. A peephole opened, a woman laughed and I was admitted. There she was, at least I believed it was her, naked as the day she was born and wearing a mask adorned with two huge phalluses. They were dripping.  Beyond her I saw an orgy of epic proportion - women, men, elves, dwarves, an ogre, animals! I handed her the books quickly."

"What she asked of me then - it was - was - it would make Tittivilla blush! That's when I decided to join the delvers guild."
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Re: Sinday, March 1 1500: The Questing Feast

#9 Post by Mister-Kent »

Mathias, as you examine the octopus you catch a glimpse of a young silver-haired woman at the next table, staring wide-eyed. She has a helping of octopus on her own plate which she hasn't touched at all, and she seems curious about how you'll judge the dish.

Sometime during Biblo's lurid tale, the Guildmaster, Lord Grandulo, arrives at the table, standing behind Biblo's right shoulder. He strokes his beard as he listens, and the guffaws loudly as Biblo ends the story. "Well, we are glad to have you as a Delver--yet, perhaps if you'd have asked, I would have offered to trade places with you then!" His laugh is thunderous yet warm.

"Glad to see you could all make it--I'm sure you have some stories to share! Please, indulge--this night is all for you." He gestures to the food, and then offers his hand to shake--his left hand. Each finger is a crudely crimped sausage, gangrenous noodles dangling from knobby knuckles, remaining attached purely by stubborn will. Grandulo raises an eyebrow in anticipation.

A few large men barge in through the feast hall's double doors, singing some rousing song of triumph. Their faces are flushed and their leather armor is dirty, fresh from a delve most likely. They raise their fists and the crowd cheers. One of the new arrivals blows a kiss to Morgan.
Last edited by Mister-Kent on Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sinday, March 1 1500: The Questing Feast

#10 Post by Enoch »

Catching the eye of a young silver-haired woman, Mathias gives her an unsettling smile full of unnaturally sharp teeth. He slowly saws the tentacle off, keeping his eyes on the woman. He picks up the appendage and eats it, snapping off bites and swallowing them whole.
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Re: Sinday, March 1 1500: The Questing Feast

#11 Post by jellyfish »

Morgan, blithely ignoring the entreaties around her, daintily and conspicuously serves herself fruit with her sharpest dagger. She watches silently noticing every ring, necklace, bauble, coin purse, belt buckle, key coming in and out of the hall. Although she finds Biblo's story fascinating, she wonders if his fancy tale is more in the telling than the seeing. "Librarians, not exactly known for being the most truthful of professions," Morgan quietly mumbles to herself, thinking back to her last visit to the Islands of Jade Mystery...

While slowly eating her fruit amongst the slamming, belching, and general din of the place, a faded and dusty portrait catches her eye. Curiously, someone has hung a portrait by Irvyne the Elder of some unknown subject, "That would fetch a handsome sum at the anonymous art auctions..." But her revelry was cut short by the sight of the serving-maid, something she could truly appreciate.
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Re: Sinday, March 1 1500: The Questing Feast

#12 Post by Mister-Kent »

The lady's gaze remains transfixed upon Mathias with fascination and terror. She blinks and turns away, then pushes her plate aside, apparently lacking any further appetite for octopus.

The boisterous men ramble on towards your table, seemingly trying to catch Morgan's attention, or Lord Grandulo's. "We're here! Now the party can begin!" the loudest of the men announces. As the one who had cast lingering glances at Morgan, the group's apparent leader is very obviously miffed at being ignored by the lady thief.

He also very pointedly sneers at both Zaent and Mathias, a look of pure annoyance on his face.

The Guildmaster takes their boasts in good stride while the group's leader offers him a rolled parchment, which Grandulo reads to himself. "Ah. It seems our newly-crowned Scarlet Regent is making renovations to our city again," he says. "Good news for us--our business always doubles during such excavations--but I can't but wonder what Vornheim will look like once she's finished..."
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Re: Sinday, March 1 1500: The Questing Feast

#13 Post by Marullus »

Gul-Marach, Priest of Vorn

Gul-Marach looks up at the mention of the Scarlet-Regent, a scowl concealed by the act of chewing as he forks a large bite of bloody, rare lamb into his mouth. He watches the events at the end of the room with stoic expression.
Last edited by Marullus on Tue Feb 03, 2015 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sinday, March 1 1500: The Questing Feast

#14 Post by Inferno »

Zaent Darkhand, Rogue:

Zaent didn't wait for the priest to finish saying grace before he attacked his meal.

At Phyle's longwindedness, Zaent muttered, "And I thought librarians valued silence?"
But when Phyle got to the end of his story, Zaent said, "And that's why you joined the Delvers? I'm ready to join the Library Guild." He laughed with his mouth full of lamb's flesh.

If Zaent noticed Morgan appraising the value of the guests' belongings, or the serving wench, he didn't let on.

Zaent ignored the boisterous men, as usual. He looked from the Guildmaster to his parchment and smiled, "Is that so? Tell on. I like details and things."
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Re: Sinday, March 1 1500: The Questing Feast

#15 Post by jellyfish »

Morgan gracefully accepts the Guildmaster's hand with a curtsey and murmurs, "My lord."

Morgan then continues to pointedly ignoring the leader of the new arrivals while holding her goblet out for more wine.
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Re: Sinday, March 1 1500: The Questing Feast

#16 Post by Mister-Kent »

Lord Grandulo is quite pleased that Morgan does not recoil at his deformed appendage. As a courtesy, he makes the handshake brief. Noticing the attention placed on her, he grumbles at the men's intrusion. With the Scarlet-Regent's message now in the proper hands, Grandulo dismisses the men with a wave of his ghastly finger.

"Thank you, Alver. I believe there is a barrel of ale with your name on it over by the kitchen," he tells the leader, and rolls his eyes as the men leave.

The guildmaster turns to Zaent attentively. "Now...ah, yes, the renovation," Grandulo continues. "When one of the old abandoned wards is opened up, the Delvers are usually granted the first opportunity to browse the place. I've made lots of good finds during excavations, and had lots of...interesting encounters as well." He slides his withered arm to his side, covering it with his cloak.

Ever observant, Grandulo notices Gul-Marach's discomfort at the mention of the Regent, and sighs apologetically. "In the morning, Christiana the Scarlet is sending her men into the Old Nineteenth, abandoned since a sinkhole claimed half of it nigh-on fifty years back. I don't remember what's in the Old Nineteenth, so I really cannot say what she'd be so interested in, but there you have it. Who can fathom that woman's whims?"
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Re: Sinday, March 1 1500: The Questing Feast

#17 Post by Grognardsw »

Biblo Phyle, libriomancer
Mister-Kent wrote:...Sometime during Biblo's lurid tale, the Guildmaster, Lord Grandulo, arrives at the table, standing behind Biblo's right shoulder. He strokes his beard as he listens, and the guffaws loudly as Biblo ends the story. "Well, we are glad to have you as a Delver--yet, perhaps if you'd have asked, I would have offered to trade places with you then!" His laugh is thunderous yet warm.

"Glad to see you could all make it--I'm sure you have some stories to share! Please, indulge--this night is all for you." He gestures to the food, and then offers his hand to shake--his left hand...
"Thank you Lord Grandulo," replies Biblo. "I like a good orgy as much as the next man, but this was a bit much."

The arcanist rises from his chair to shake the Guild Master's left hand, feeling it a test of some sort given its audacious offering.
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Re: Sinday, March 1 1500: The Questing Feast

#18 Post by Mister-Kent »

Grandulo thanks Biblo's courtesy with a gentle nod. "Wellmet. A little souvenir from a run-in with a lich some years back," he explains, glancing down at his hand.

His eyes still locked on his hand for the moment, he whispers to Biblo. "Perhaps...I might ask a favor of you all, when our festivities are ended?"
DMing DUNGEONESQUE, LL AEC Gothic-weird fantasy
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Re: Sinday, March 1 1500: The Questing Feast

#19 Post by Inferno »

Zaent Darkhand, Rogue:

Zaent politely averted his eyes from the Guildmaster's withered hand, and from Mathias' face, in order to preserve his appetite.

;) :)
Last edited by Inferno on Mon Feb 02, 2015 9:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
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Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
Tantos Vek: Failed Paladin, Under Streets
Ulfang Chainbreaker: Barbarian Liberator of Slaves, Tharizdun

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Re: Sinday, March 1 1500: The Questing Feast

#20 Post by Marullus »

Gul-Marach, Priest of Vorn

Gul-Marach acts with deep respect to Grandulo, thanking him for the news as he relays the details regarding the Old Nineteenth. As the Guildmaster's attention returns to focusing on the others, he continues to eat lamb and drink his ale, listening to the others as they tell tales. He seems notably discomfited by Biblio's story, and doesn't seem to notice the direction of Morgan's eyes. He chuckles, seeming more amused by Mathias, and pours more drink into the diminutive man's goblet.

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