Quest #10 "Beetle Juice?"

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Re: Quest #10 "Beetle Juice?"

#81 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Beetle Mania Round 4
Earthday, The 25th of Reaping
Late Morning, Hot, Muggy, Buggy

Alordan and Jack continue to dance around while they fight, trying to avoid the things butt, while also trying to kill it. Alordan whacks again with his sword ineffectively. He sees the gash he made earlier and tries to plunge his dagger into that same unprotected area along its back. His idea works and he damages the thing slightly with his smaller blade. Literally on its last legs, the big bug snaps at Alordan again, nipping his torso for the second time, dropping the man to the ground, bleeding profusely. 9 dam Jack uses the same strategy as the fallen fighter and plunges his long sword into the things nasty back wound, finally killing it. The bug plops down on the ground next to the unconscious ranger.

Monocar finds his dropped sword again and swings it at the nasty bug. His weakened attack does not penetrate the things thick protective shell, however. Rollo and Saracen also have trouble hitting the target, their attacks doing nothing to sway the outcome of the battle. By now, this side of the trail has been stomped down and chopped out enough that a small clearing around this giant insect is starting to form. Despite being the only one left standing, this last beetle shows no interest in fleeing or surrender. It snaps again at Monocar, but the massive fighter is able to dodge the things long fangs this time. Lightfinger stays put in the surrounding bush, unable to react and mumbling something to himself about avoiding the red acid.

Luther rushes up into the action, not to help fight, but to drag out the wounded and dying mage. He manages to pull him out into the trail and away from the immediate danger as Chauncey rushes in as well. Luther begins to pour his water over the mouth and nose of the bleeding Avaala. When the liquid hits the drying acid that is still spread over his face, the reaction is horrifying. The skin on the man’s face begins to bubble and burst open initially. 1 dam Luckily, he is unconscious and doesn’t react to the extreme pain and suffering. Luther keeps pouring until all of his water is gone, finally making some progress in clearing away the nasty acid and its devastating effects. Chauncey motions that maybe Luther would be better served helping with the fighting instead. He pulls out his own water skin and continues administering aid to his fallen comrade, finally clearing away the rest of the caustic residue and eventually stabilizing his fellow mage.


IMG_1279.JPG (716.45 KiB) Viewed 535 times
Luther R2 20/20
Jack 2/10 CL, DM, RM, 1/1 first
Lightfinger T2 10/10 (Stunned: 1 rounds)
Chauncey 6/6 CL, DM, RM, 0/1 first
Saracen 12/12 3/3 first
Avaala -3/5 CL, DM, RM, 1/1 first (Unconscious)
Monocar F2 6/21
Alordan -3/10 (Unconscious)
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Re: Quest #10 "Beetle Juice?"

#82 Post by Storm11 »

Saracen chops again at the giant bug with his two handed sword.

[1d20+2] = 16+2 = 18 : [1d10+3] = 3+3 = 6 : [3d6+3] = 13+3 = 16
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Re: Quest #10 "Beetle Juice?"

#83 Post by SirOwen »

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Re: Quest #10 "Beetle Juice?"

#84 Post by tkrexx »

Lightfinger finally snaps to.

Oh, for Owlhoot's sake! He mumbles and rushes to Alordan's side, trying to staunch his bleeding wounds. Jack, stay sharp! There may be more beetles, or worse that can smell blood.
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Re: Quest #10 "Beetle Juice?"

#86 Post by Urson »


When the water makes things worse, Luther cringes. ah, fuck! This isn't helping a bit!

He nods to Chauncey and sprints back to the fight, readying his sword. Avaala needs a healer, soonest!

Damn, I hope I didn't waste this roll!
attack [1d20] = 20
broadsword [2d4] = 7 (x2 for crit =14)
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Re: Quest #10 "Beetle Juice?"

#87 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Beetle Mania Round 5
Earthday, The 25th of Reaping
Late Morning, Hot, Muggy, Buggy

Lightfinger snaps out of his daze and rushes over to help Jack with the fallen Alordan. Jack gets to work right away, sticking 2 of his little fingers into the fang mark wounds until the helpful halfling arrives. Together, they staunch his bleeding and halt the wounded mans decline.

Monocar, Saracen, and Rollo continue their attack on the last huge insect. Even with the warrior priest smashing it hard again, the trio is unable to put an end to its existence before it begins to turn itself around again for an apparent second ass blast.

Even though Luther thinks he might have just killed Avaala, Chauncey gets a big grin on his face as he shoos the burly fighter towards the battle. The adequate mage knows that, if the group can survive this fight, they may have just found the ultimate weapon to use against an enemy that will be dripping with water.

Luther arrives on the scene in time to see Saracen and Monocar's eyes grow into wide open saucers at the twitching of the dangerous bug's ass. The burly bear jumps into action, jamming his sword into the bugs anal opening just as it is about to blast off another cloud of acid. The blow is so powerful that Luther's sword is soon buried all the way to its hilt up the bugs ass, not only stopping the acid cloud from escaping into the air, but also severing every organ that it slices across. The ranger hears a muffled interior explosion just before this bug drops to the ground dead and now bleeding profusely from its rear end. Nice roll and very good timing! :D


Luther R2 20/20
Jack 2/10 CL, DM, RM, 1/1 first
Lightfinger T2 10/10
Chauncey 6/6 CL, DM, RM, 0/1 first
Saracen 12/12 3/3 first
Avaala -3/5 CL, DM, RM, 1/1 first (Unconscious)
Monocar F2 6/21
Alordan -3/10 (Unconscious)
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Re: Quest #10 "Beetle Juice?"

#88 Post by Storm11 »

Saracen moves to the fallen prestigidator and calls to the blinding light to heal the bleeding man’s wounds. A weak glow passes into the unconscious magic-user, and the half-orc scowls, suspecting that Avala has slighted Pholtus somehow.

[1d8] = 1

cure light wounds really does suck ass

And then moves to the fallen ranger’s side and once again calls on the healing light of Pholtus to staunch the valiant runner’s injuries. A dazzling radiance washes over Alordan as the holy champions spell suffuses the unconscious human.

[1d8] = 7

That done, the half-orc moves to one of the less oozy corpses and looks for signs of any acid he can collect. He withdraws a smooth stone from his pouch and tries to clean it with some of the dead beetles ass juice.
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Re: Quest #10 "Beetle Juice?"

#89 Post by Inferno »

Jack, lost boy:

When Jack sees the acid cloud, he can’t control himself. “What?! They’re passing gas on us!” he laughs.
When he sees these farts melt human flesh, he stops chuckling.

Once it becomes clear that Mister Monster isn't going to heal Jack, the wounded boy limps to the sleeping beetle, chops its head off and looks up the trail for more trouble.
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Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
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Re: Quest #10 "Beetle Juice?"

#90 Post by SirOwen »


His enemy dead, Rollo returns to Avaala's side. He whines and paws at the mage before looking to Monocar and whining to him, still pawing at Avaala.

P.S. Forgot to update Avaala's sheet for hit points. Taken care of now.
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Re: Quest #10 "Beetle Juice?"

#91 Post by Bluehorse »


Still gritting his teeth, he takes a few breaths to try to calm down from his battle rage and of all things, it is the whines from Rollo that finally jolts him out of it more than relief from it simply being over. He shakes his head somewhat violently as if to clear the cobwebs and rushes over, limping slightly. He pets the dog. "Good Rollo. Good boy."

The big man grabs at the tale of his shirt and tears the whole thing out from under his armor and quickly begins binding Avaala's wounds as best he can. "Sorry, friend... I know this is sweaty, but we just need to get you to town where we can patch you up better. Pholtus... please... I'm so sorry! I didn't want this to happen! I really did try!" He continues working and ranting quietly as if this were all his fault. The Man-Mountain showing his softer side once more now that the adrenaline was wearing off, obviously worried he is going to lose another friend he felt was under his personal protection.

He hesitates a moment, then takes a larger piece and binds around Avaala's face, making sure to rip a pair of holes for his mouth and nose to no constrict his shallow breathing.

That done, he will bind his own leg and then holler at Jack. Once the elf child is there (assuming he comes) he will tear off a strip from his pants to bind the child's legs as well.

To the others. "We've got to get out of here in case there are more of these things. Let's put these damn things on a skewer and take them back with us. I will carry Avaala until we are at least back to the beach. Then we can stop and make a stretcher. I just don't want to linger. There's no way anything in earshot didn't hear that blast."
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Re: Quest #10 "Beetle Juice?"

#92 Post by ChubbyPixie »

”Yes! Bring the entire creature, or, if that is too cumbersome, just the thoraxes.” Seeing Monocar’s blank look, he adds,“The rear part.”

”When we are safely back at the settlement I will disassemble the creatures and find a way to separate and store their highly caustic excretion for use in battling the...” he begins excitedly, then trails off. ”Is he going to be ok? He looks awful,” he says, frowning down at Avalaa with a look previously unseen on his face: mild but growing concern.
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Re: Quest #10 "Beetle Juice?"

#93 Post by Urson »


Luther takes a quick look around- seeing no other active threats, he retrieves his sword ICK!.

He nods at Chauncey's suggestion. Using whatever knowlege he can muster on dressing out wildlife, he begins work on cleanly cutting away the rear section of the beasts- except the one he killed. Probly destroyed whever makes the acids when I stabbed him.

Jack! I need 4 poles- about 7 feet long. We're building travois to haul stuff back to town.
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Re: Quest #10 "Beetle Juice?"

#94 Post by Bluehorse »


Is mostly busy tending to Avaala and Jack if he'll let him. He looks over at the beetles heads. maybe we should save those, too..."

how big is the head of one of these beetles? Size of a football or what?
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Re: Quest #10 "Beetle Juice?"

#95 Post by Inferno »

Jack, lost boy:

If Jack doesn't find any more trouble heading their way he'll eagerly cut poles for his hero, looking forward to carving another filigreed stretcher.
The Horror at Briarsgate (1e): Lovecraftian Gothic Horror (N1, homebrew)
Lost City of Eternity (1e): Hyborian Age Sword and Sorcery (B4, JG102, homebrew)
Once and Future Earth (1e): Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl (X1, B1, ASE1, homebrew)
Sauron Victorious (1e): Dire Saga for the Fate of Middle Earth (homebrew)

Agax Gryyg: Gamer of Urth, Ravenloft
Azoth Al-Aziz: Lovecraftian Cultist, Tamoachan
Blodget: Foolish Young 9th Level Hobbit, Dark Clouds
Dredd Doomsmith: Dwarven Deathtrap Engineer, Tomb of Horrors
Elijah Crowthorne: Marooned Prophet, Pirates
Jack in the Green: Ancient Child, Giants
P.T. Codswallop: Larcenous Impresario, Dimwater
Sir Ugghra: Bestial Half-Orc Aristocrat, Brotherton
Swilbosh: Savage Lizard-Warrior, Keep
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Re: Quest #10 "Beetle Juice?"

#96 Post by SirOwen »


Rollo follows closely whatever litter/travois Avaala is on, pacing back and forth, panting and whining softly, still in pain himself, but determined not to leave Avaala's side.

Rollo 10/17
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Re: Quest #10 "Beetle Juice?"

#97 Post by tkrexx »

Lightfinger almost giggles.

Alordan's horrible wounds mostly cured by Saracen, the Handsome Halfling casts his gaze about and sees... Luther, with a beetle-ka-bob. Seeing the Bear-Man shake his sword in futility trying to dislodge the well-skewered insect will be comical in a story for another time. When he finally kicks the bug free and barks an order to Jack, Lightfinger nods and commences sharing duties with the Lost Elf Boy. Between the pair of them, they should be able to accomplish the task and keep watch.
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Re: Quest #10 "Beetle Juice?"

#98 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Beetle Mania
Earthday, The 25th of Reaping
Midday, Hot, Muggy, Extremely Buggy

Looking all around, the party does not spot any more of the deadly insects nearby. Monocar warns the others that the ass blast was loud enough to be heard from a long way off and that the group better get moving back to the beach as soon as possible. The mountainous man is beside himself over nearly loosing another comrade. He does everything he can to help the fallen mage and his concerned guard dog. He verbalizes an apology to his new deity as he aids the injured. Chauncey gives the fighter a quick biology lesson, oddly showing actual concern for his wounded allies.

Saracen uses the power of Pholtus to aid first the mage and then the ranger. The puss filled boils and burns on Avaala’s face begin to scab over slightly, but the healing prayer isn’t powerful enough to bring the human back around. He then moves to Alordan, healing him back to consciousness with his light infused magic. The warrior priest saves the last of his spells for a serious emergency, content instead to collect some of the acidic fluid that is leaking from one of the bug’s bums. He takes a thick leaf from one of the nearby plants that Monocar didn’t have the chance to destroy in the fight and uses it to absorb a little of the caustic fluid. He pulls out his mysterious round piece of glass and begins polishing its surface with the smelly substance. To his amazement, the acid cleans the glass perfectly, leaving behind a crystal clear piece of magnified glass for him to experiment with. The hideous half-orc peers through the glass proudly, looking to the sky to see if he can spot a ray of sunshine showing through the thick canopy above. The glass enlarges Saracens eye when he holds it to his face, causing Jack to chuckle a little when he watches his strange actions.

Luther tugs his sword from the bowels of the acid shooting creature. When he gets it out, he sees that the acid has etched the steel badly and even melted off the sharpened tip. The ranger is no blacksmith, but he is pretty certain that he will need to find a new sword fairly soon as this one is now fairly useless. (-1 to hit and on damage) The bear man tells Jack to help him collect some long poles to haul out the wounded and the spoils. He uses his dissolved sword to hack the giant insects pumpkin sized heads off, skewering the bodies through the sharpened poles that Jack and Lightfinger have collected.

The group works together quickly to get things packed up so they can get moving towards the beach again. They drag the body of Avaala along behind them on a makeshift stretcher and hoist the dangerous ends of the 3 beetles along as well. The flying and stinging insects seem to be multiplying right in front of their eyes. The bugs are so thick now, crawling all over the wounds of Avaala and the rest of the party, nearly enveloping the dead bug carcasses in an obnoxious cloud of buzzing and stinging. After what seems like another eternity of sneaking along the trail as quietly as possible so as not to be accosted by something worse in their weakened condition, the group eventually reaches the sandy beach again. The sun blazes down on them once they breach the edge of the jungle. Now totally exhausted, they spot Beachtown looming ahead, just a quick 4 or so mile trudge back up the beach. Little Jack begins to stumble through the sand once he hits the beach, looking rather pale and weak from the taxing experience and the constant biting from the pesky insects.


Despite the bug salve, everyone in the group takes one point of damage from the bites, stings, and blood loss from the swarms of nasty bugs that seem to be following you around now.

Luther R2 19/20
Jack 1/10 CL, DM, RM, 1/1 first (Woozy)
Lightfinger T2 9/10
Chauncey 5/6 CL, DM, RM, 0/1 first
Saracen 11/12 3/3 first
Avaala -3/5 CL, DM, RM, 1/1 first (Unconscious)
Monocar F2 5/21
Alordan 3/10
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Re: Quest #10 "Beetle Juice?"

#99 Post by Storm11 »

With Beachtown in sight, Saracen asks those carrying Avala to put him down, and to light some torches to try and smoke out the insects. When the cloud disperses alittle he will risk casting his final cure spell over the scabby mage, the holy light of Pholtus rushing into the unconscious magic-user brightly as he does so.

[1d8] = 6

With enough torches to frighten away the bugs the half-orc will heft the makeshift beetle carriers and lug them up to Beachtown, exhausted.
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Re: Quest #10 "Beetle Juice?"

#100 Post by ravenn4544 »

Alordan, awaking groggy but grateful. Grateful to still be on this god-awful island is a curious thought, he thinks. He retrieves his bow before lumbering off with the party with their bounty in tow. He'll help where he can.....
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