Episode One - Sea and Storm

Tragic Tales
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Episode One - Sea and Storm

#1 Post by Tragic Tales »

Since your abduction, time has become blurred. It may have been the sharp blow to your head that left you unconscious. Or perhaps it was the drugs used to that left your senses reeling or the drugs used to incapacitate you through the journey. But the number of days and nights are lost to you. Things have only worsened since Beshaba, the Maid of Misfortune spat upon that fateful day.

Your head swam in and out of coherency. It was dark and difficult to see. You could feel a wire rack beneath your back. Your hands and feet were bound. The smell of waste and sickness assaulted you, threatening to make you gag. And even though you were lying down, the world rolled up and down.

The sounds of breathing along with moans of misery informed you that others were nearby. Further out you could hear creaking all around and still further were the sounds of the ocean. Bit by bit you reasoned out that you were aboard a ship most likely far from home. And in the darkest corners of your confinement, you could see her. A grand lady with snow white hair, gazing upon you. Her face gleamed as she relished the misery permeating the cargo hold.

When you next awoke it was with greater clarity. Beshaba’s visage was replaced with a a ring of keys which swung mockingly with the to and fro of the boat. It was within arm’s reach of the person closest to the hatch. A cruelty that made the man nearest to the keys cry in anguish as he writhed about and strained to reach the means of freedom.

People held in captivity for too long created a stench that nearly overwhelmed the smell of the ocean. And once a day a disgusting gruel was spooned into your mouths along with a little water. It was just enough to keep those that were young and fit alive. The food, water, drugs and motion of the vessel conspired to keep you feeling ill.

Each day was the same. The hated Hafkris, the half orc jailor, would come down and free the young halfling from his cell that he alone occupied. It was not an act of mercy for Greynard Harbottle, just convenience. An extra hand was needed to feed the captive slaves. At least the vile food helped to mark the passage of time.

Then one day something was different. The rocking of the ship was far more turbulent. Water seemed to leak from a variety of places it had not come from before. Whenever the hatch to the deck above opened a spray of the ocean waters will come through. From those brief glimpses of the outside, you could see that it was nearly as dark as it was below deck.

On the following day, Hafkris unchained half of the walking cargo and took them above deck to man the oars. To the astute he had freed those to be of little threat. The more able bodied and larger slaves were left bound below deck. Above, the sharp crack of a whip being liberally applied to keep the rowers in line could be heard.

The next day, a worried Hafkris returned and took another quarter of the remaining slaves above deck. The slaves that had been put to work did not return to the cargo hold. The shouts and cracking of the whip faded to nothing. Only the waves of the ocean crashing upon the deck could be heard. Another night passed and nobody came to feed the remaining slaves.

Right now, you’re waiting for a sign of life from above deck. Your attentiveness is rewarded with a thunderous crash followed by a deep grating, grinding noise. The ship shuddered around you as it ran aground throwing the bunks forward. Everyone is still held firm by the shackles binding you, leaving bruises about your wrists and ankles. Above deck, there’s the sound of snapping spars and another great crash. Water comes down as if from a spigot.

The bow of the galley is shattered upon impact. As the ship grinds to a halt the bow torn asunder. A blast of numbingly cold wind rips through the hold is ripped open by a huge boulder the ship ground against. Finally, it seems to end. Only the sound of the wind, rain and pounding surf can be heard.

Out of the newly opened bow and through the torrential rainfall, you can just make out a beach.
The scene has been set. Everyone with an 16 strength or greater will eventually pry their way loose. The bunks were structurally damaged in the crash. Once one person is loose it will make relatively short work for two people to free everyone else. Or, an observant person (14+ Wisdom) will simply get or direct a person that is free to get the key ring that has tormented everyone the last few days.

I save rolls for conflict. The party is supposed to escape. If you are descriptive in your post, I will readily accept that in place of a die roll.

Under the “tender care” of your captors, everyone has had their personal belongings removed. Only the barest of clothing remain (such as breeches, tunics and robes noting else).
Tragic Tales
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Re: Episode One - Sea and Storm

#2 Post by Marullus »

Greynard Hardbottle

The small cell, perhaps a cramped obliette for a human man at the slant-sided bow of the ship, was almost comfortable for the tiny halfling. He knew men like Halfkris; he knew to be quiet and useful. Cooking and pouring gruel was a familar enough task for the youth raised in a seaside tavern. His stomach turned at the plight of the others: bound, bedsore, lying in their filth. He could at least make sure they got that bit of food. His sea legs came in useful; he didn't spill a drop. As much as he could give each one before Halfkris cuffed him to move on.

Looking through the barred portal on the small cell door, he was as sickened by the smell of vomit and excrement as the others, but he knew his plight was less. His heart ached as much as his empty stomach. His excrement was piled in one corner, not covering him and creating sores on his flesh. His limbs weren't bound as the half-orc trusted the solid wood door against any frail attempt. Despite it being the worst conditions of his life, he knew he had it good.

In the darkness once the trapdoor was shut and Halfkris had gone on his way, his small voice carried out from the cell...
"A long time was a very good time, Long time ago
A long was a very long time, Long time ago,"

...slow and melancholy, but a respite in the drudgery of the others bound and locked supine in their bunks.
"You give me the girl and you take me away, Long time ago
A long long time in the hull below, Long time ago
Around Icewind Dale with frozen sails, Long time ago
Around Icewind Dale to fish for whales, Long time ago
I wish to Gods I’d never been born, Long time ago..."

Each day he sang the chanties, hoping it helped. There was nothing else in the darkness.

More alert than those in worse condition, he noted the day that Halfkris didn't bring him to serve the gruel. The morning with two thirds of the prisoners already gone. Then the wood around him splintered -- he was nimble enough to brace himself on the far wall as the shop tore away, the wall of his cell, the door to the slave bunks, the port side of the ship. The bracing scent of salt wiping away the stench a moment before he was hit with a deluge of sea water, struggling to get back to air.

Greynard perservered - he kicked hard to push himself up with the sea water, getting back into the slave deck instead of getting away. He pulled at the bonds that secured the slaves - to no avail, his tiny arms no where close to strong enough for the task. A moment of despair washed over him. "I'm sorry, so sorry," he said to those he could not free.

Not even noticing the ring of keys, he nimbly maneuvered his fur-topped feet across the lurching, shit-slick deck floor to reach the trapdoor at the far end. He knew the layout of the ships like these - where to find the captain's quarters, the ship stores, the navigator's maps and tools. He hoped to be small enough to move unnoticed, if anyone was even left on the ship. He knew enough tales of shipwreck to check for anything to help them - the sun-soaked beach more deadly than the waves.
A good faith effort in case there's anything that can be taken with us. If there's a lot, he tries to recruit the better swimmers to help, or providing floating casks to buoy the poor swimmers. If not, he swims to the shore with the others... he's at least proficient enough to do so.
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Re: Episode One - Sea and Storm

#3 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Throm Kegforged glad that the ship has stopped it's tossing and seeing the promise of freedom gets up spirits renewed a spark of hope returned to his eyes. "Aye lads appears the twist of fate has decided to free us. I see beach no time better than now to get the hell off this ship." the dwarf says trying to get the spirits up of the others. "We best try an salvage what we can from this thing no tellin what trials be awaiting us on there." he says pointing to the beach through the new exit on the ship. Getting out of his cell he climbs about trying to help the others up.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Episode One - Sea and Storm

#4 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Angharad Bennett

There had been so many of us packed shoulder to shoulder in the dark holds of the ship at one point. The space around us now was more of a relief but my heart was heavy in the knowledge that this modest improvement in the conditions was tied to the deaths of so many others. My heart sank every time the crew came through our ranks and pulled the lifeless bodies up to the deck. My heart sank every time Hafkris came through to pull more of us up to the rowing lines - it was only a matter of time before I would be up there and not coming back.

The visits from the halfling for our gruel and water were some comfort - I am sure it is him I hear singing with that melancholy air in the night. It eases my nerves as the rolling movement of the ship turns my stomach.

The movement of the ship - now only a slight shifting and groaning of timbers with the pressing rhythm of the waves - is a welcome change from the rolling and pitching of rough seas of the past few days. Angharad within this day of calmer movement is feeling more herself - albeit damp and cold.

These shackles around both hands and wrists leave her hands chafed, bloody, and bruised. With a long view down the body of the ship Angharad could see the opening that had been ripped through the timber hull by a boulder and just beyond a beach. The moments of reprieve from the stench of the hold by a fresh sea wind bolster her mood. Silhouettes of figures rousing down the length of the great ship catch her attention over the many more that lay motionless in their bunks.

Angharad pauses a moment to recite a prayer poem that has been on her lips since she found herself captive in this place:

Jannath, thy blyssed mother
This nyght thou hast me kepe
In the hand of the fend and his poste
Whether I wake or that I slepe.

In grete deses and dedly synne,
Many one this nyght fallyn has,
That I my selve schuld have fullyn in.
Hadyst thou not kepyd me with thi grace

My gode angel that arte to me send
From all evyll sprytys thou me defend,
And in my desesys to be my socoure

At the final syllable a ship-timber beetle crawls on the cloth of Angharad’s forearm.

I welcome you - little friend!

Your kin have been kind to me - I appreciate their companionship and nourishment. If not for you I would be like these many others in their last sleep.

Looking back down the hold of the ship toward the light a lump of cloth, muscle, and curses nearby starts to rouse. Angharad waits for the creature to get its bearing before shouting out,

Hoy, you there - it looks like the impact threw you pretty hard. The stanchion for your shackles looks to have splintered some of the wood at its base. I bet if you work at it you could break free. Break me out with you I am a farmer by trade and resourceful with plants and foraging. That may come in handy these coming days, eh?
I am going to wait and see if anyone responds to this request to free Angharad. If she does get free by their kindness she would like to go to the top deck and see if there are any oars or larger pieces of wood to use to assist a swim to shore. She will make her way back down into the hold and search out any more promising signs of life with the prod of an oar handle.
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Re: Episode One - Sea and Storm

#5 Post by Darklin2 »


After fading in and out of consciousness after the wreck Herklan "Shadow" Leafwalker awakes to see carnage and wreckage.

Hey is anyone free to open their cells? The wreckage may have lifted your bonds. Everyone check. I am not sure they are coming back. We can't starve here.

He starts to search around his cell looking for a nail or a piece of wire or anything to get him lose from the cell. After breaking free he will look around and find a 3 foot piece of wood to use for a club. And keep an eye out for a dagger or hand ax laying thrown around in the wreckage.
Last edited by Darklin2 on Tue Jun 16, 2020 12:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Episode One - Sea and Storm

#6 Post by Rex »


Ovar quietly strains against the frame, slowly working it free, until it suddenly pops. "I am free." He states as he works himself loose and moves to the next prisoner "I will get you out, strength in numbers aye." He keeps going down the line, freeing everyone.

Once everyone is free, "I think we will need to work together if we are to have any chance."

He looks for something he can use as a club or axe.
Str 17 & Con 18, most likely in better shape than the others. He would use carpentry and engineering to aid in freeing people.
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Re: Episode One - Sea and Storm

#7 Post by Bluetongue »


Eyes of burning coal, simmering with an undying anger at his captive state, sits upright on a bench in the lowest of the lows, manacled by his wrists to the arch of prow beams above his head. Beneath his feet a dozen carcasses. Rats, crushed and booted as they nibbled freely among the cargo human detritus. Now the rats swarmed in long lines, clambering one over another in a desperate scramble to abandon their domain before Poseidon, Neptune or even the great Cthulhu call them to the Abyss of the great deep.

The ship spun and tossed, a ragdoll in the teeth of the storm, shaken and torn in timber and sail, hurled against the unforgiving waves and the bitter reef. The rocks cut like shark's teeth, tearing open the belly of the ship and the briny waters cascaded in to gorge itself on the men packed like sardines in the splintering coffin.

As waters rushed over this head, Erik held a final deep breath and waited for the convulsions, the futile jerk of his feet kicking for the surface, the constriction of his throat causing an asphyxiation to cut air from his lungs. They would fill partially with water yes but his death comes as his brain starved of oxygen shuts down. His last sights the twinkling of light on the surface of the water above him like stars in a vast ocean of space and the beckoning deep, a void of piscine shapes and silence.

The sinking vessel grounded on the sea bottom and split, a rock crashing the timbers he was chained to. He was spewed out, churned and rolled. Outstretched arms with a frame on his back he could not swim as such but float like a crucified sacrifice on the altar of turmoil. It seemed though propitiation was paid by the others who stayed within their watery grave for the tide washed him away and left him floating unconscious until, like ambergris vomit from the stomach of the whale, he was deposited upon the sandy shore amongst the other fleshy remnants of flotsam and jetsam.

Erik brought too, stands. The wood he was shackled to added to the warming bonfire on the beach. He still has a length of chain attached to one wrist.
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Re: Episode One - Sea and Storm

#8 Post by Bluetongue »


Counted the survivors huddled around the small fire. As well as himself there seemed to be two dwarves, one small boy .... no a halfling, (it can take a second look in the dark). Another human who he vaguely recognised. Perhaps from the town festival, did we bump on the market or pass in the tavern. Lastly a man keeping to the shadows. As was his name.

The tide ebbed lifeless bodies on the shore. All taken as he was, the marks of shackles visible on wrist or ankle. Did any of the Slavers survive? Best not to stand around a flaming beacon and be caught a second time. After a time,.as the ship creaks and submerges becoming another broken wreck on the stony reef, he speaks up.

"Perhaps we should seek shelter inland. Away from the shore and any of the crew though if we do come across one ..." he holds his chain like a garrote. He begins to walk inland.
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Re: Episode One - Sea and Storm

#9 Post by Marullus »

I would prefer to wait for the DM to arbitrate the boat and water questions before we pick up role-playing on the beach.
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Re: Episode One - Sea and Storm

#10 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Throm hears Ovar's voice and looks about "I recognize that voice. Ovar be that you? Tis me Throm the barkeep from Daggerford."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Episode One - Sea and Storm

#11 Post by Rex »


"Throm, it is good to see you. Are you OK? This is nasty business this."
Last edited by Rex on Wed Jun 17, 2020 4:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Episode One - Sea and Storm

#12 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Thank you for your kindness! Angharad says to the stranger who breaks her free of her shackles.

Assuming Angharad has been freed by one of the dwarves or other strong captives she is going to try to work her way top deck against the torrential rain and slippery wood planks. She searches for an oar - or oar shaft - or wood that may aid her in a swim to shore. She also searches for any palm sized rectangular bits of metal that appear that they could be salvaged from the rails, stanchions, or around broken rigging - she wants to find one piece to tie up in rags to an arm or leg and bring with her on her swim. If she sees any length of cloth or clothes that can be cut from a sail or from a captive with the metal she will tie a bundle of that to the shaft of the oar - she wants a few yards of cloth. She will head back down into the hold after searching above and prod randomly with the oar shaft to see if there are any additional signs of life as she works her way to the opening ripped into the ship. From the lowest point she will leap as far out and away from visible rocks and the ship and kick hard to any floating flotsam she can hold onto while steadily kicking towards shore.
Last edited by Samwell Turleton on Wed Jun 17, 2020 12:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Episode One - Sea and Storm

#13 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Rex wrote:Ovar

"Throm, it is good to see you. Are you OK? This is nasty business this."
Throm "Aye it's me Ovar. Ok ha! Bout as good as we all are being captive slaves in a shipwreck."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Episode One - Sea and Storm

#14 Post by Darklin2 »


Seeing the others sitting by the fire he decides to make better use of his time and heads up on top of the wreckge and looks around. Looking for any dead Slaver's and making his way to the Captain's Quarters.

Thinking: If there are any weapons or provisions to be had they would be in the Captain's Quarters. As would most things of value he could use to start a new life.


I'll not be caught empty handed if the slaver's come back.
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