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#1 Post by Radrabbit »

The Mharoti Empire crushed the Minotaur City States and has added the Arch Duchy of Illyria to its extensive lands.

You now stand in the newest province of the empire, now called Rumela.

Once you got used to the harassment from the Dragon-Kin and Kobold patrols, things returned to what is the new normal.

Will you help the rebels, work for the new rulers or try and avoid confrontation with either and search for riches in the wilds of the Griffincrags.
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Re: Setting

#2 Post by Radrabbit »

As of right now, the Empire has control of the eastern half of Illyria. The Griffoncrags have formed a natural boundary of defense although the Empire of the Dragon's forces no doubt prepares sooner rather than later to complete its conquest of Illyria.
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Re: Setting

#3 Post by Marullus »

Copying from the other thread:

Trying to pull things together as I make sense of it...

Cascading maps:
Midgard - Big Map.png
Midgard - Big Map.png (802.94 KiB) Viewed 1439 times
Midgard - Small Map 2.jpg
Midgard - Small Map 2.jpg (187.38 KiB) Viewed 1439 times
player area.JPG
player area.JPG (128.59 KiB) Viewed 1439 times
Radrabbit wrote:The Mharoti Empire crushed the Minotaur City States and has added the Arch Duchy of Illyria to its extensive lands.

You now stand in the newest province of the empire, now called Rumela.

As of right now, the Empire has control of the eastern half of Illyria. The Griffoncrags have formed a natural boundary of defense although the Empire of the Dragon's forces no doubt prepares sooner rather than later to complete its conquest of Illyria.

We're starting in Chelfort, at the foot of the Griffoncrags, near Mistwood and Watchtower. They're connected by river to the coast (the dotted lines on the middle map.) The original justification from Radrabbit is:
Since Chelfort is a busy merchant hub, characters could be from anywhere in the continent, having arrived with merchant trains etc
Linking to the bigger picture: its a vaguely European map, so I'm going to discuss in those terms.
  • Kura is from the Southlands, which are functionally the Saharah Dessert in North Africa. He says he met Sade in Nuria Natal, which is roughly Egypt (and has an Egyptian pantheon). They travelled by sea across, north-northwest, to land where we are now.
  • If 3of4 was made in Zobeck, that's at Crossroads, which is mid-continent. It's directly north-northeast of our current location, all the way across the Magdar Kingdom. That may or may not be relevant depending where his King was and where he walked since.
  • The Dragon Empire of the Mharoti (forged by the legendary dragon Mharot) has expanded to basically fill the area on the other side of the Griffoncrag mountains east and north, now covering all the space northward to the Crossroads where Zobeck is.
  • "Griffoncrags: The southern Griffoncrags once served as an important buffer between the Mharoti Empire and Illyria. Now, garrisoned by the Mharoti kobolds, eleven brass Anaxi Towers dot the peaks keeping watch on the mountain passes." This is what brings Awwrak and the aarokocra into it. Their eeries may still be hidden at the utmost peaks, but all the passes below are now in the empire and their world is painfully small.
  • I'm choosing this mountain range for Awwwrak to be from as the one closest to our startpoint. His religion, howwer is Norse Gods, and shares dieties with the Northlands waaay at the top of the map. I'm willing to assume his family was originally more north and relocated to flee previous wars and ended up in eeries here. Kind of a "last stand of who's left" that is making the aarokocra take action.
  • The eastern part of Illyria is the most recent to fall (where we are, just west of the mountains) and free Illyria lies to our west. Downriver is the coast of the Middle Sea (the Med).
  • Don't know what to say about Qelnaar and Lothien, but hopefully this helps orient.
This is cool background of where we're starting. Triolo is further up the coast to our northwest, just off the map RadRabbit gave us.
To the south, you will find the Maritime Republic of Triolo with its magnificent navy and fierce privateers and its ally, the minotaur-ruled Serene Isle of Kyprion, besieged by the navies of the expanding Dragon Empire of the Mharoti. Most recently, it has been absorbing a tide of refugees fleeing the fall of the Grand Duchy of Illyria, once an ally to Triolo, now another in the long string of
draconic conquests.
Adventures in this region include discovering ancient, elven secrets, restoring the glories of the imperial past, questing for fame, fortune and power, descending into the darkness under ancient imperial ruins, settling ancient rivalries, protecting trade routes against draconic raiders, and fighting to free Illyria from the Mharoti yoke.
Last edited by Marullus on Sat May 23, 2020 6:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Setting

#4 Post by Enoch »

I think I the spotted lines are roads, not rivers; one just happens to run alongside a river.
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Re: Setting

#5 Post by Marullus »

Enoch, I think you're right. The map below shows both roads and rivers on it. Our DM has said that on our player map it is a river, so I guess a road/river for that one?

I found this material for our little area of the world in the Seven Cities sourcebook... also a clearer map that shows the maritime domain that would be familiar to our smuggler, perhaps.

map - seven cities.png
map - seven cities.png (724.01 KiB) Viewed 1438 times
The Grand Duchy of Illyria
Symbol: White, a griffon green
Ruler: Veristi Terramaine, the White Duchess
Population: humans, dwarves, minotaurs
Illyria of Old, Land of a Thousand Heroes, once stretched north to the White Mountain Marches Mountains and east into what is now the Dragon Empire. The late Mharoti Sultan, in his last invasion, cleaved Illyria in twain, pushing her behind her shielding mountains. Illyria and her duchess depend on the Seven Cities for aid against the Mharoti, and her entire strategy is based on holding the mountain passes and keeping the new sultana’s armies on the far side. The lost lands to the east are a source of perpetual anger and grief, and the Illyrians hope to someday reconquer them. Today Illyria celebrates small victories, such as the capture of the Mharoti Dragon Zhandres. A treasure awaits anyone who can extract truth from the cunning dragon. In Illyria, Mavros is shunned for Perun, the patron of the ancient people who originally settled here, driven to this verdant shore by a violent storm.

  • The White Mountain Marches: Once this was idyllic Illyrian territory. Now, it is the realm of bandits and monsters. The Marches were a rich source of silver, marble, and iron for Illyria. Only a few heavily guarded mines remain open, and all unwalled villages have been abandoned.
  • The Griffoncrags Mountains: These peaks serve as an important buffer between the Mharoti Empire and Illyria. The great and ancient Anaxi Towers command the highest mountain tops. Once the crowning glory of Illyria’s defenses, they were abandoned for centuries. Seven of the eleven towers have recently been reclaimed by the Duchy, fortifying the mountainous border with the Mharoti.
  • The Scion Riders of Illyria: The first sons and daughters of the great families are bonded with a hippogriff at a young age, and they lead Illyrian units from the skies, clad in gleaming armor of silver and steel.
That large island to our south (which Sade and Kura would have passed by or through on their way from Nuria Natal) is Kyprion, the homeland of the minotaurs. Triolo is on the the coast north-northwest from our play location and they patrol all the waters around our area to keep the Empire at bay. Triolo is one of the Seven Cities and the one we'd probably have contact with most. The other six are a series of kingdoms that run along the peninsula of land to our west. Here's the flavor text on our neighbors to give us some context:

The Serene Isle of Kyprion
Symbol: A great double-headed ax, gold on a blue field.
Ruler: Queen Kitane (minotaur)
Population: humans, minotaurs, gearforged
Kyprion is the current homeland of the minotaurs. Pressed sharply by the Dragon Empire, it owes fealty and allegiance to the Maritime Republic of Triolo, and it would have fallen long ago without the Republic’s support and its “wall of ships.” The capital city Vespas is a great one, with wide avenues and wellpaved streets, as well as lush fields and fragrant fruit groves just outside its walls. Abundant springs and fountains crown the Capitoline Hill, and water cascades down through a series of channels and aqueducts to the crowded markets and rich houses near the capitol city’s waterfront.

  • The Queen of Kyprion: Queen Kitane is a gentle priestess, kind and merciful to her people. The recent rise of a minotaur
    (Cadua) to lead the Council of the Triolan Republic as Duke-Admiral makes her all the happier.
  • Palace of the Bull: The queen and her consort rule from the Minos Palace at the top of the city’s Capitoline Hill. Minos Palace is a structure of enormous, colossal stones and heavy pillars in the style of Nuria-Natal. The palace stands within the Great Labyrinth, and it has sweeping sea vistas, large inner courtyards, and beautiful music. The palace guards, called the Aurochs Order, are all enormous minotaurs, skilled in both magic and combat.
  • Chamiras, City of Tombs: The loot of a thousand expeditions against the Dragon Empire fills this city’s necropolis of the honored dead. Tomb plundering is all too common, so the Necropolis is jealously guarded by minotaur inquisitors and sorcerers. The necropolis, some believe, is a portal to the Underworld. Certainly Chamiras does become very quiet at night.
The Maritime Republic of Triolo
Symbol: A green sea serpent biting its tail, top of field silver, bottom scalloped and blue.
Ruler: Duke-Admiral Cadua
Population: humans, minotaurs, kobolds, gnomes, gearforged
The corsairs of Triolo are notorious throughout the White Sea to the great Western Ocean, since they are fearless sailors, privateers, and pirates. Triolo’s wealth of ships keeps her safe from invaders, most particularly the Mharoti armadas. Its people are loyal, proud, and hard-working. Triolo maintains strong trade ties to the north and south, while also raiding Capleon, Valera, and Trombei frequently. On land, it depends on minotaur and dwarven companies for much of its strength.

  • Duke-Admiral Cadua, the Golden Horn (Minotaur): As an impetuous youth, Captain Cadua led a Triolan fleet into a Mharoti trap. Shamed, he was told he would never command a ship again because he did not have the wisdom to lead, even though he had saved many of his ships and sailors from the deadly ambush. Cadua left Triolo to find and win a conqueror’s wisdom, but he paid a terrible price. To the Clockwork Oracle, he lost a horn; to the God-Slavers, an eye; and to the Spider Oracle, a hand— all in exchange for their divine insight. A scant five years later, Cadua returned to Triolo, burning with the faith of Mavros and bringing with him a score of ships. Now he is the first minotaur to become the Duke-Admiral of Triolo.
  • The Sewing Quarter: The city is notorious for its pirates and their treasures, but it has its courtesans and scholars as well.
    Both populations live in a single district, called the Sewing Quarter or the Scholar’s Quarter; both groups cater to the needs of sailors and their captains. Its courtesans, mapmakers, diviners, and accountants are friends and helpmeets of both corsairs and legitimate merchants.
  • Archae, the Spider’s Shrine: The quietest and most sacred ground of Triolo is this small, green island, with its marble temple and many caves. Priestess-weavers work day and night here, weaving the sacred words of the goddess Ariadne, who is called Rava in the North. The oracle Alcestis is powerful, as is her sister in Zobeck; they can both see and manipulate the strands of fate. The shrine is neutral ground and a sanctuary in the region, since even Mharoti come to seek powerful prophecies from the Oracle. Some say that ships can find the island only when the Oracle wishes them to find it.
DM: I can't find anything more about Anaxi Towers. All sourcebooks just repeat that there's 11 brass towers at the top of the Griffoncrags and they are either garrisoned by Illyria, Kobolds, or unclaimable. Also, this:
Prisoner of the Anaxi (Heritage)
You were once held captive in an Anaxi tower by the strange
creatures that dwell there. They did something to you before
letting you go free.
Benefit: You gain see invisibility as a supernatural ability
that you can activate for 1 minute per character level per
day. All minutes do not need to be used consecutively.

Are they important or are we ignoring them in our use of the setting? If they're a thing, I need to orient the Aarokocra to them, since we're adding aarokocra eeries presumably at the same 'highest peaks.'
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Re: Setting

#6 Post by Radrabbit »

They will be part of the setting, whether any PC's are involved with the Anaxi towers.
I'm Rad and I'm a Rabbit

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