[002] - Out of the Frying Pan

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[002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#1 Post by Faanku »

Grey Matter Bar & Grill, Sleepless Market, Mejo
Thursday 10-02-3200

"And here he is now, right on time! Have a seat friend, order something on me; soon as you're ready we can get down to business." Kal Kasama's usual cloyingly gracious patter greets the final member of the team to arrive at the mid-sized restaurant, populated only by the fixer himself, his usual contingent of shotgun-toting bodyguards, one disinterested barman, the other four members of the recently-established crew, and two concerned-looking men you don't recognise. As if noticing you taking in the surroundings, Kal pipes up. "Don't worry, nobody but friends here. Owner owes me a few favours so I rented the whole place out for for a little private party. Unfortunately you'll be off-world by the time it starts, but we'll get to that in a minute."

Any food and drinks requested are promptly delivered to the large table Kal and the crew are seated around, and after everyone is comfortable the broker begins. "To business, gentlemen. My client, and now your own generous benefactor, is gravely concerned with the climate over on Kakimides, and how it could negatively influence the well-being of someone close to him that happens to be caught in that ongoing dispute. He wishes for a capable and competent team, namely yourselves, to head over there and secure this person, then bring them home safely to Mejo." Kal taps his wrist-mounted comm with deft fingers and pings a 3D holophoto to each of your own commlinks. "Katya Novaro, 26 years old. Member of the Emergency Response Medical Unit for two years now, very good at what she does apparently; comes with being bio-psy, I imagine." He catches your reactions. "Oh yes, she's psy. Registered on the National Database and everything, just like her father was. I'm sure now you can understand how precarious her situation is, and how it will be in all of our best interests for this job to get done as expediently as possible."

Kal wait a few moments for you to gather your thoughts before he continues, holding an open palm up to any questions raised. "Now I know what you're all thinking; 'Kal, my dear friend, why would we want to go diving head-first into a war-zone, other than to keep our mutual associate happy?' Well, let me give you three good reasons why: 1, you won't be flying on a helpless shuttle. When you touch Kaki soil it'll be from inside an Eriboan military boat." The fixer taps his wrist again and another message is sent to you all. "2, your fee was negotiated to include ample hazard pay; 100,000 credits for the safe return of Ms Novaro, or half upon confirmation of her death. Let's hope it doesn't come to that, but either way your journey will be well worth your while. And finally, number 3, you won't be going in blind." He motions to the two men sat at a table to the rear of the restaurant, the same two men you spotted before, who make their way over to you now. "Allow me to introduce Romer Kwik, and his lawyer Wei Xuan. Between the two of them, you'll have no problems getting past any little obstructions down dirtside. I'll let you all get acquainted, there's an urgent call I need to make. Shouldn't be long." With a wink, Kal leaves the two groups alone.
  • Kakimides is most famous for (other than volatile tensions regarding psychic rights) its consumer goods. From holovid recorders to conventional convection toasters, the best in the sector is made by one of the huge multistellar companies based on Kakimides. Amongst the famous brand names is Kwik Electrics, a long-standing firm that were famously one of the first private corporations to speak out in favour of the Humanity First movement in the wake of Senator Michaels' murder.
  • The civil war itself has only increased in fury over the past few weeks, with the Humanity First sympathisers in the planet's military helping the movement to secure more and more key infrastructure as the "Loyalist" Navy is forced to watch on from orbit, loathe to bombard or otherwise devastate their own home; for how much longer though remains to be seen. The Army/Navy divide is so extensive that civilians have started wearing military colours and displaying military insignia to denote their position in the conflict.
  • The National Database is a mandatory register that all Kakimidean-native psychics are listed on as soon as their MES manifests. It is considered an extreme criminal offence for a psychic to be unregistered.
  • The "Eriboan military boat" Kal mentioned is a Laakarin-class Medivac Frigate, a free merchant with a rating-2 spike drive, atmospheric configuration, extended medbay, extended life support, fuel bunkers (1), and armed with a multifocal laser and fractal impact charge. It has extensive medical facilities and can comfortably house up to 12 people in critical condition. As before, all stores are fully stocked.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#2 Post by greyarea »

Romer casts a sidelong glance at the fixer, sneering as he does so. Then he smiles to the crew.

Romer’s my name. Glad to meet you.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#3 Post by Marullus »

Damian Stavros (HP: 3/3, AC: 14, Spells: 4/4)

Offered dinner on the boss's tab, Damian isn't one to pass up opportunity. He orders a steak - or at least some form of identifiable solid cut - and sides of steamed whole vegetables and green salad instead of the normal "ground-something and noodles" which is his fare from vendors in Mejo. He sits in a pair of clean gray coveralls, his duffle tucked under his feet, cutting and chewing steadily as he watches the others interact with Kal. He quirks an eyebrow as Kal mentions the bio-psy, but it doesn't even slow down his next bite of a plum tomato.

The others do see him react visibly to the news that they're going to Kakimides, however. His fork pauses on the half-empty plate for several seconds and he looks poignantly at Captain Odo, next to him. As Kal's messages ping on his inbox, Damian then turns his focus to his datapad as he finishes the meal, clicking through every aspect of the schematics of the Laakarin-class Medivac Frigate.

He glances over at Romer Kwik and his lawyer, recognizing the family name and catching the rich kid's sneer, and watches them flatly. Rich kid and his attorney, he thinks. Babysitting and extraction simultaneously. Fantastic. He pops his last bite of steak into his mouth, chewing thoughtfully as he waits for the two newcomers to say something, or the Captain to respond, or something. Not my area.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#4 Post by Liaozhai »

Wei Xuan (HP 2/2, AC 13)

Wei quietly chews on his tofu thálasfish, savoring the exotically tangy flavor of the artificial fish's roe. In the immediate post-Scream era, coastal warlords on Kakimides would eat thálasfish when they met to discuss alliances or joint raids; eating their way through the five egg sacs of the thálasfish symbolized the journey they were about to embark on together--and the spoils that awaited them as well. The tradition continued even as the Kakimidean navy left the seas for the stars, though the custom has been mostly abandoned in the present.

The symbolism of Wei's choice of dish seems to be lost on at least one of his new associates, who only pauses from voraciously devouring a steak to glance at the schematics for their new mode of transport.

Before Kasama makes his exit, Wei quickly reviews the documentation related to their current task, taking special care to ensure there would be no disputes over the Eriboan Medivac. Too often, pirates foist stolen ships on hapless innocents while they look for a buyer and wait for the heat to die down.

[2d6] = 11+1 (INT + Admin-0)

Wei smiles, possibly for a half second too short. "It's good to meet you all. You can call me Wei. As Mr. Kasama said, I provide multistellar legal and arbitration services. Although I represent Mr. Kwik, I am happy to assist you with anything you need. Here's to a fruitful and harmonious partnership."

Wei raises a shallow bowl of liquor in a toast.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#5 Post by Enoch »

Vymar Odo (HP: 7/7, AC: 13)

Odo pauses as Kakimedes is mentioned, one dan dan noodle dangling from his mouth for a moment before he slurps it up, a fleck of chili oil spattering his tunic. "Kakimedes is a...dangerous place right now." He casts a sidelong glance at Damian as he says this and holds up one hand in a delaying gesture. "Not that I'm opposed to the job! Not at all, considering the generous compensation. But I know the planet somewhat, and I'm not sure that all of us would be welcome. In fact, no matter where we go, about half of us may be...unwelcome." He trails off awkwardly as he tries and fails to find a more elegant way to end the sentence.

He clears his throat uncertainly and turns his attention to Romer Kwik, his tone taking on a bitter edge. "Given Councillor Xuan's presence, I assume you are somehow associated with Kwik Electronics? I have to admit I'm a bit surprised to see you taking an interest in the well-being of a...how did your family put it? 'Disease-carrier?' How fortunate of this Katya to have caught your eye, when so many others are caught in a war your family helped start."
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#6 Post by greyarea »

Please leave my family company out of it, says Romer. I have naught but distain for them and their positions on things. Let's just say that the family fund has helped more "disease carriers" than they will ever know. And if I can again access the accounts, more will go to the cause. Alas, I've been cut off... for now.

Speaking of which, I hope to help those who need assistance getting to... friendlier locales. My work here is indeed to help fund that cause.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#7 Post by Marullus »

Damian pushes away his empty plate half-heartedly, staring at it until Romer is done talking. "Please give an allowance, Captain," the coverall-wearing mechanic adds after a moment of pregnant silence, still not looking up at the two newcomers. "I am sure they don't know of the wrongs recently perpetrated upon us there, nor that your ship remains wrongfully impounded by their xenophobes."
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#8 Post by eirei »

Silas sits in silence, except for the occasional creak as he absentmindedly rocks in the rickety chair. The pilot takes a swig from his flask every now and then while listening to Kasama's instructions and almost spits out the liquor as the broker mentions going to a war zone.

He perks up at the mention of an Eriboan frigate, though, and mostly tunes out of the conversation at that point, looking up the specs on his pad instead, nodding approvingly.

Putting away the pad, he reaches for his flask again, satisfied, and notices for the first time the daggers being glared across the table.

As Damian mentions the dangers of Kakimedes, he nods and joins in: "I can get you to Kakimedes, no problem - especially in this beauty", he says, tapping the pad's screen.
"But I'm not sure I can trust a rich brat and a... lawyer? No offense,", he adds as he turns towards Wei, "...to keep us alive down there. I can look out for myself, and I've learned during our last job that the others can as well."

He lands his rocking chair with a loud clatter and leans towards the pair of newcomers.

"Can you?"
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#9 Post by Liaozhai »

Wei sips from his bowl and gently places it back on the table. "I could not tell you that I have fought in hundreds of battles. Impressive as that would be, I believe it is more impressive to win without fighting. To that end, I offer my knowledge of cultures and legal systems, the coercive power of my words, and, when necessary, my prowess with secret murder."

He finishes his sentence with a deadpan certainty to accentuate the absurdity of his claim before quickly continuing, "As Kakimedes is in a state of civil war, certain statutory frameworks will be significantly weakened or even suspended. However, even in this time of conflict, people will still act according to cultural norms and traditions, both military and civilian. It is my hope that I can bend these belief systems to our purpose or at the very least, to obnubilate ourselves from those who would wish us harm. Perhaps we could even recover Captain Odo's ship."

All trace of irony leaves his voice and he says: "In the interest of full disclosure, how many of you might be considered "disease-carriers" by our future hosts on Kakimedes?"
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#10 Post by Marullus »

Damian quirks an eyebrow in an openly dubious expression as the lawyer claims expertise at "secret murder."

"As I said, our ship was wrongfully impounded," replies Damian, equally deadpan. "...and everyone is 'likely to be considered' who helps the resistance, including everyone on this job. They don't need evidence in civil war."
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#11 Post by greyarea »

Romer furrows his brow. How was your ship impounded? Kakimedes is my home planet. I might know someone who can help...
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#12 Post by Enoch »

Odo nods in acknowledgement of Silas' claim, giving the pilot a brief but appreciative smile. Slurping up another noodle as the conversation continues, he swallows suddenly at the mention of 'sudden murder', going red in the face after several moments before beginning to cough loudly and painfully. He swallows again and clears his throat.

"Wei, that's wonderful that you think you may be able to help, but as you say, social institutions have broken down on that Gods-forsaken planet. It's open war.
I'm not sure an injunction or whatever is going to get whoever controls the spaceport to release a space-worthy vessel."

He clears his throat again and shakes his head. "I've dealt with government officials a time or two myself. Legal orders are all well and good when the system encourages them to obey them, but on a lot of worlds a little coin in the palm goes a lot further."

Odo shakes his head angrily, seeming to draw in on himself as he looks down at the tabletop, drawing patterns with his finger in a bit of spilt tea. "As Damien says, I doubt the Reclaimists would make a distinction between psys and those that are helping them."

He looks up suddenly, fixing an angry glare on Kai. His voice is heated. "And you! 'Ongoing dispute'. Pretty term for it. I doubt a family dragged from their house at night and burned because their child had the bad luck to be born with it would be comforted to know it's an 'ongoing dispute'. This man's family--" he points to Romer without looking-- "this man's family is responsible for it."

He turns his wrath on Romer now. "Leave your family out of it? How are we to do that, when it's your family's war we're being asked to fly into? What reason do we have to trust you? Give me one reason to believe you're not simply hiring us as mercenaries to locate your family's next target."

He half-turns from the table with a snort of disgust, his body visibly trembling.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#13 Post by greyarea »

Romer cracks Odo a half-smile. Pleased to meet you too. Nice to be judged so harshly for something you haven't got anything to do with. Where are you from: the planet of Burnthematthestake?

As for trusting me? Note the pistol at my side. I haven't holed you yet, and that's with an insult to my face.

Now, I'd offer to buy you a drink, but you strike me as an angry drunk, so never mind that.

Then he cocks an eyebrow at Damien, I've been wandering for a while now. I believe I can handle the heat. Like I said, I might even be able to help. You just need to help me in return, or rather, the people on Kakimedes who need to find safety. I have a certain... calling to help those my family won't.

Anyway, your friend there,
he says, waving to Odo, is making it quite clear that my parentage makes me unwelcome here, just as the worst in Kakimedes is doing to those infected.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#14 Post by Enoch »

Odo laughs bitterly. "We're all armed here, Mister Kwik. This is Amon dan Sithar's pistol. Well, was. I won't be bullied by you." He pulls back the edge of his coat to reveal a large pistol holstered at his side.

"I asked for some proof you're not just using us to further your family's aims. Maybe you do care for this girl. But I don't know you, and yes, given your parentage I'm a little slow to trust you. But if you can show us that you are interested in her well-being--that you're not just a pawn for Kwik...well, maybe we can help each other."

He calls out to a waiter for a glass of sake, then, with a grudging look at Romer, holds up two fingers and nods toward the man.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#15 Post by greyarea »

Girl? It's not a girl I care for, but the whole people my family has wronged, replies Romer.

And I'm bullying no one, just responding to a match making where the "match" isn't so friendly. I thought I might have an ally to help those with MES, now I'm not so sure.

Kal, you told me these folk intended to help. You make me glad I came with a lawyer.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#16 Post by Enoch »

Odo stops shaking and looks up at Kal. "Kal, who the fuck is this guy? Some guy whose family started an extermination campaign on psys walks in, tells me I should feel lucky he didn't shoot me on sight, and says I'm the asshole? Fuck this shit, I'll find another bar to drink at."

The grizzled trader stands, his sake sitting untouched on the table.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#17 Post by Faanku »

Grey Matter Bar & Grill, Sleepless Market, Mejo
Thursday 10-02-3200

The fixer strides back over to the group as voices start getting raised, his arms held out in a conciliatory manner. "Hey, hey, what's all this shouting for? I thought I told you boys to get to know each other, not to put holes in each other. That would be a very bad idea indeed..." With a raise of his eyebrows Kal draws your attention to the half-dozen shotgun-toting henchmen, who you all notice have their focus and their weapons trained on the group. "...so let's all get back to discussing your job like friends, eh? Because that's what we all are here, isn't it?" He sits back down calmly and motions for you all to do the same.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#18 Post by Marullus »

Damian looks pityingly at Wei. "Well I can see why he needs to travel with a lawyer. Does he always threaten murder in a verbal exchange?" He shifts some of the focus from the boy to Wei, hoping to diffuse some of the tension from what is obviously a stand-off. "Does he pay your fees himself or are you from the Kwik payroll?"

He falls silent as Kal steps back to admonish the group.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#19 Post by greyarea »

Again, I threatened nothing, merely pointed out that if I were hostile, my reaction to such insults at first meeting might be met with violence were I not in such need. I am not used to being insulted at first glance like this, seethes Romer, hissing through his teeth, his good mood spoiled.

As you know, the people of my world need help, especially refugees with MES whom I intend to assist if I can get some allies to the cause. You need your ship back, I need to establish an underground shipping route of sorts. Kal here thought we could help each other...

He eyes the sake for a moment, then drains it like a shot. Too chilled... he mumbles.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#20 Post by Enoch »

Odo turns back suddenly. "What insult, exactly? Several times you've referenced an insult so vile you would have been justified in shooting me."

He shrugs. "I don't recall insulting you. If I did, I'm sorry. What I did say is I don't trust you. You've given us zero reason to trust you, and every time I've asked why we should trust you, you change the subject."

He shoves his hands in his coat pockets angrily and glares at the tabletop.
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