IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

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Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

#1 Post by Koren n'Rhys »

Your quartet of newly acquainted adventurers stand together in a cluster on the eastern shore of the Volaga River in northeastern Karameikos. The spot isn't a proper dock, but just a rough clearing where the passing riverboats can move get enough to shore to disembark passengers to the shore. The four of you have made the journey north from Krakatos to this spot not far from the fringes of Dymrak Forest. You've each come for your own reasons - perhaps seeking something, perhaps escaping something, only you know for sure. It's early, only a couple of hours past sunrise, and at this hour you feel a crispness in the air that hints at the coming autumn. The trees around you are beginning to show their colors, though they still retain their leaves, limiting how far you can see.

You've been told that about a day to a day and half's journey due east is a small village called Volaga, after this very river, known for it's timber. It's citizens are said to be a tough, no-nonsense people, living as they do so close to the dangers of the Dymrak. It seems the riverboat captain spoke true, for there is a rough track cut through the wood headed away from the river. All seems quiet, with the sounds of birds in the brush and small animals rustling in the undergrowth.

They say the Dymrak holds as many secrets as it does dangers, so far from the relatively civilized lands closer to the capitol to the south. You know that Duke Stefan has worked tirelessly to expand the area under his control and there are any number of established villages, homesteads and even towns along the rivers if you'd continued north - but where is the excitement in that? Here in the rougher lands in between is where fame and fortune could perhaps be found. Are you brave, or foolish, enough to seek it?

Feel free to drop in withe a brief description/introduction to your characters. What next? I didn't want to just set you off right away...
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Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

#2 Post by aronbc »

Elan is learning wearily upon his spear, large hands wringing the leather wrappings of its haft habitually. Shield slung over his should as is practical when marching.

Brother Johan said his family was from that place, his chin jutting in the direction of the path and that he would like to return there when his service was up. I wonder if he ever made it back there..

Elan is forever talking about his “brothers” from the Silver Company, annoyingly so.

Muttering now: At least there is the promise of an Inn. Shall we...?
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Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

#3 Post by VonAlric »

Taking a deep breath and slowly exhaling, Toldir revels in the feeling of the forest. This, land that has not been overbuilt by man, brings a smile to his face. Before him lays the possibilities of adventure, ones that could even rival those of his grandfather. That is what excites him and drives him.

Turning to the others, he gives a wink and a slight jerk of the head towards the track. "So, we going to stand around here and wait for something to happen to us or shall we go meet it head on?"
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Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

#4 Post by Lordbridge »

After lagging behind the others for the trek thus far, the thin man who called himself Nimbus stepped forward to speak for the first time in hours. He shifted his pack, the only gear he seemed to carry as he ambled to the front.

If there is an inn ahead, we should make for it. I prefer to have some decent light to read by when night comes.
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Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

#5 Post by Koren n'Rhys »

The chances of reaching the village by nightfall seem slim, unless you really push yourselves. While Elan has some experience at forced marches from his time as a mercenary, Nimbus maybe not so much. Looking out at the wilderness, you get the sense that the comforts you've had recently may be just a memory for the time being.

Having decided to push on to Volaga, you set out along the path, Toldir taking the lead. A hundred yards or so along, he spots a pair of short stone columns up ahead, all but overgrown with brambles, on either side of the track.

I'm assuming Toldir would take point, being a ranger, but please let me know what your marching order and standard travel procedure will be so it's set as a default.

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* Please use the tag for speech so that pops out in blue. If you use a language other than common, add that in parentheses at the end (orcish). Inner thoughts can be inline in italics, uncolored.
* Short OOC comments, questions, etc should go at the end of your posts, in italics. Like this is. Dice rolls go here too. No need for spoiler blocks unless is big enough you want to actually hide it, or save space.
* Note that you each have a private thread that that only I can see, dir use between players and DM. Feel free to use that as desired.
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Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

#6 Post by jason.connerley »

Conrad sighs but marches along with the the big folk. He is no longer a stranger to hardship but that does not make it any more enjoyable.

An inn would be welcome as would good food and drink.

As they walk Conrad pays attention to his surroundings, as he is prone to do, and particularly notes the plants. He is always on the lookout for things that would be useful in healing or cooking...
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Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

#7 Post by Lordbridge »

Nimbus sighs and continues to trudge forward, hoping his venture into these desolate lands prove to be worthwhile.

Lets keep moving then. Mr. Conrad, perhaps you can continue to keep an eye on our flank? I fear I will not be of much use should we run into bandits or the like, but when we reach whatever passes for civilization around here the drinks are on me.
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Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

#8 Post by VonAlric »

Seeing the columns ahead, he points them out to the others. "Interesting. Can you see the stone columns up there? Maybe it indicates that some type of settlement used to be here. Let's take a look."

Toldir stops at the columns to examine them and look around to see if there is any other sign of past civilization.
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Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

#9 Post by jason.connerley »

Conrad looks at Nimbus A drink would be very welcome, sir. Unfortunately it looks like we will have to wait for that kind, delicious, well needed refreshment. I believe that our guide, the good Toldir, has found something that interests him.

Conrad walks over to Toldir and joins in the examination of the area.
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Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

#10 Post by Lordbridge »

"Here, better let me have a look at those ruins. I am a scholar after all.

Nimbus moved closer to Toldir and began to study the columns.
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Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

#11 Post by aronbc »

Elan move towards the columns as well - watching for a threat.
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Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

#12 Post by Koren n'Rhys »

Seeing no obvious threat, the group moves to study the stone columns, as Elan keeps a wary watch. Getting closer, they seem to be placed to act as waymarkers perhaps. The path passes between the pair, which are spaced some 15' apart - wide enough for two wagons to pass each other. Each marker is worked stone, carved in beautiful twining vines and flowers, about 4' tall. There do not appear to be any runes or lettering amo g the carvings. Oddly, the gracefully carved obelisk is topped by an incongruously ugly figure - a small gargoyle-esque creature with a reptilian body, and bat-like wings and face.

As Toldir and Nimbus study the columns, Elan explores the nearby area. Open enough to allow ample sunlight through the trees, there are all manner of plants and wildflowers growing. He sees no sign of other buildings nearby. Elan can easily collect what he'd need to make his healing poultice.

Nimbus can make an Intelligence check to see if any of this is recognizable from his studies. Straight d20 roll, roll under Int score.
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Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

#13 Post by Lordbridge »

8 rolled.
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Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

#14 Post by jason.connerley »

Conrad notices a number of useful plants and herbs. His nanna did a wonderful job in teaching him how to make a healing poultice, even Bodar, his human ranger mentor used to say the old halfling must have known more than he did about the art. While his human companions fiddled about he made good use of the time collecting fresh material in the unlikely case a poultice was needed.
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Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

#15 Post by Koren n'Rhys »

As Nimbus studies the column and it's odd topper, a memory tickles in the back of his mind. While not a religious scholar by any means (or is he?) you've read the occassional treatise on the history of the local Traladarans and the various immortals they recognize and worship. The carved figure reminds you of the symbol of Ariana, a less immortal that has been worshipped locally and considered an aspect of the greater Immortal Alphatia.

As you share that bit of knowledge, Elan recalls that his old friend Brother Johan had mentioned that Volaga had once been associated with a nearby temple and religious order, though it was back in the days of his grand pappy.
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Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

#16 Post by Lordbridge »

It is the remains of an ancient temple. It was abandoned long ago. We probably won't find much of interest here.
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Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

#17 Post by VonAlric »

"Well then, let's be on our way."

Toldir makes sure everyone is ready and leads the way, sensing the vibe of the forest.
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Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

#18 Post by jason.connerley »

Conrad is relieved to be back enroute toward at least the hope of a good meal. He reflects, At least the stop wasn't a total waste. as he pats the leafy, green payload he just collected in his pouch.
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Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

#19 Post by aronbc »

Elan watching the others turn away from the pillars scratches the back of his neck and looks over his shoulder at a path that certainly leads to adventure and more than likely lost riches.
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Re: IC Chapter 1: A Fateful Gathering

#20 Post by jason.connerley »

Conrad looks back and notices the human. Although his stomach has already started to grumble he can tell something is bothering the man and it would be rude, especially so early in their aquaintance, to ignore him.

Friend Elan, why do you tarry? Do you suspect there is more to this place?
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