Expedition: Foxy/Monoc Mages - 15 October

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Expedition: Foxy/Monoc Mages - 15 October

#1 Post by Marullus »

Foxy, Tocen, and Brielle will deliver an Emmisary to the dwarf Halls, then depart Westward light and on horse to see if she can find the home of the red-robed Monoc Mages.

List of characters to be updated after recruiting in Dwarf Halls.
  • Foxy (with warhorse Galavan)
  • Arlen, human fighter
  • Pendleton Kettleworth, Archmage of the Guild (with Heroditus the riding horse)
  • Roybarb, elf apprentice of Hagaseth (with riding horse)
  • Neegan Battleworx, dwarf of renown (with pony)
  • Gundri Gundrudson, dwarven axebearer (with Nigel's pony)
  • Tocen, bowman (with riding horse) [NPC]
  • Brielle, bowwoman (with riding horse) [NPC]
  • Nigel, cleric of Eruanna (with Danny the riding horse) [NPC]
  • Colby, cleric of Eruanna (with large pony) [NPC]
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Re: Expedition: Foxy/Monoc Mages - 15 October

#2 Post by Marullus »

On the morning of October 14th, freshly washed and spruced for another triumphant departure from Gaul's gate with her pinnons blowing in the wind, Foxy O'Hare meets Tocen and Brielle on their mounts at the gate and wait for their charge to arrive.

It is ugly and cold, so overcast that the sun doesn't really rise and a chily 42 degrees. There's no wind, at least. It poured overnight which leaves the ground slocking and muddy beneath your hooves and, while it has blessedly taken a pause, the dark sky promises to rain on you again before this day is out.

Sir Ludwig arrives in bright robes and a heavy cloak, looking displeased by the impending rain. He is clearly soft, born noble, and unoccustomed to the rigors of hard travel. He rides a fine throughbred mare and has a pack-horse behind, laden with chests and crates of personal effects he'll need in his station among the dwarves. Conversation is short but polite enough - he's not terribly interested in Foxy and her common friends - and you set out.

It does in fact rain on you throughout mid-day and you're pretty soaked by the time you approach the Meetinghouse in Beith's Watch, the weather never appreciably warming as your clothes got more and more sodden. Foxy calls upon her old companion, the talking badger who runs the Meetinghouse, and the group is given leave to stay the night and dry off, eating warm bowls of mushroom soup by the fireplace.

As they sit by the fireplace, late in the night, Clay the badger speaks in low tones to Foxy and those gathered nearby. "I know the Monoc mages have long been on your mind, Foxy. Ever since we stopped the first one - it seems like forever ago. I am sorry I cannot come with you, but my last adventure was taxing and the Goddess still has much in store or me, unstoppering the Well of Life. " He pauses, struggling with some thought, but the facial expressions of a badger remain inscrutable. "Remember that you need to ride due west to find the Red Stone Effigy, that's the landmark the wizard told us. Also, I've seen the location. When I died, I saw this world as my Goddess does, and I recognized the place you seek. It is built at the convergence of ley lines. Where the north-south line that passes through the Warden's Tower and the Well of Life touches the southern mountain chain, that's where the old wizards built the edifice that the Monoc Mages seek to unlock. For you, that means it is much further than I think you suspect - about 40 miles west from the dwarf halls and straight beyond the blighted lands of the Demon Circle which you encountered on your last foray. I advise you, Foxy, stay at the mountain's foot and skirt that place. If you wish to reach the mages, don't ride into the blight, for evil will surely find you and you'll once again fail your destination."

Sir Ludwig remains quiet. His discomfort at sleeping in a bedroll on a floor, listening to a talking badger, and the complacent talk of dangers he has never heard spoken of in the first person leave him no space to chime in.

On the morning of 15 October, you rise to find the first hard frost of the winter. It has dropped below freezing overnight and you find ice awaits you as you begin your journey in the early morning. It begins to warm quickly and you are grateful that the day passes without rain, even though it never breaks 45 degrees. You trot the now well-worn trail from Beith's Watch to the Dwarf Halls, your horses keeping pace on the hard-packed road. The bright fires of the dwarven palisade greet you as you arrive, dusk coming early at the mountain's foot. Grateful to deliver Sir Ludwig, you enjoy the hospitality of the dwarves while you make final preparations for striving into the unknown.

You arrive at The Dwarrodelf Tavern and Inn and stay there while making preparations. Make sure you roleplay recruiting, then invite people to continue in this thread when you declare departure.

You should request an audience at The Throne Room of King Drunil and present your Emissary. (Zhym will DM this in that thread.)
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Re: Weatherwax Meetinghouse

#3 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

Gallops the few miles eastwards to touch base with her furry friend. As before she reminds her fellow traveller's "Don't scratch in his presence." She uses the outstretched hand of the guardian dwarf statue to tie up her horse. At least this time the grounds and flora seem to have recovered from the 'blight effect' of the Orb being kept here. How much Clay knows that in self preservation she sent a demon fiend from the blighted Abyss after him, she knows not. Hesitant to bring it up, she enquires regarding his last adventure north.
Your dedication to stymieing the Red Robes from recreating the works of Zhint is obvious. If you'll take it on, I give you permission to retrieve the Orb from its current location to destroy it. I'll help if I'm able, but I have another quest from my goddess that takes precedence.
"You find favour in the eyes of the earth goddess. We should give thanks for your safe return. Sir Ludwig is being escorted south to that dreadful goblin hole Verdun, instituted as ambassador of Gaul to the dwarves. A noble duty to accompany him of course but I will avail of the opportunity to scout further. Longshadow the Monoc mage still casts a dire shade over my heart. Especially so in the light of recent portents and relics being recovered."
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Re: Expedition: Foxy/Monoc Mages - 15 October

#4 Post by Stirling »

Foxy O'Hare

Listens to the advice. Her eyebrows raised as Clay talks about his 'seeing'. They pass the time amicably. I guess she feels sorry his form has not been reincarnated back into the ruddy youth of before. Mind you a big badger is much more cuddly and appears less .... irritating. She scratches unconsciously.

"I am glad you prosper here." she says as they depart the next day.

Foxy will role play in Verdun then return to this forum.
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Re: Expedition: Foxy/Monoc Mages - 15 October

#5 Post by Enoch »

Gundri Gundrudson would like to join, as soon as he finishes RP for his axebearer ceremony.
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Re: Expedition: Foxy/Monoc Mages - 15 October

#6 Post by Stirling »

15th October. Dwarrodelf Tavern. Verdun.

Foxy and her cohorts arrive in the dwarf hold, accompanying the Duke's ambassador in waiting Sir Ludwig. Pending an audience with the king Drunil, and the institution of the envoy, she plans to scout further westwards towards some rumoured ruins used by some renegade mages. Staying a couple of nights in the tavern, she leaves on the morning of Oct 17th.

A group of dwarven mercenaries and ragtag adventurers assemble at the gates.
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Re: Expedition: Foxy/Monoc Mages - 15 October

#7 Post by Leitz »

17th October. The gates. Verdun.

Arlen took a deep breath, looked around, and smiled. He had gotten as far as "Hello", and "My name is...", in the Dwarven tounge. He really needed to figure out "How do I get rid of this headache?" and "Only half a mug, please."

Brother Mylo had spared some floor space for the past couple days, and a couple of the acolytes had shown Arlen around. The Dwarven city was a marvel. Arlen had seen larger, and prettier, but he liked the craftsmanship that went into the slightest things. Door hinges were shaped and formed, and nothing looked plain, except things made to be artfully simple. He was sad to leave, and there might have been a giggle or two as he waved goodbye, but that was then, this is now.

For now he stood with the Dwarves, and asked questions about what lay ahead, and what their leaders were like. He shared stories of his own service, and travels. And he got knowing grins whenever he tried to shake his head.
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Re: Expedition: Foxy/Monoc Mages - 15 October

#8 Post by Stirling »

17th October 2021. Dwarrodelf Tavern. Verdun

Foxy O'Hare sits astride her warhorse Galavan ready to ride west in search of the ruins used by the Monoc Mages. Beside her sits an eclectic group of adventurers, all with different aims and focus,

"I ventured North seeking bounty, chasing rogues and bandits. Bringing to Justice those who live outside the law. These red robed villains have plagued Gaul with their infernal desires. The king here wants proof of their iniquity. Proof he shall have. We are going to capture a sorcerer."
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Re: Expedition: Foxy/Monoc Mages - 15 October

#9 Post by Leitz »

Arlen nodded, from astride the mount Foxy had provided. He sat in the saddle as one used to it, if not born to it. His gear was well strapped down and his weapons ready. "Since we have not travelled together, ma'am, I'll be up front. I know some, but not a lot. I'll do my best to follow your orders, and will let you know if there's an issue. Brother Mylo had his things to say, but he's not here. I am, and I'll pay attention and do my best."
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Re: Expedition: Foxy/Monoc Mages - 15 October

#10 Post by Zhym »

Pendleton Kettleworth, Gentleman Scholar and Archmage, is not seen among the group. But he is with them, having taken the precaution the previous day of making both himself and his horse invisible.

"Given two days, I could make the rest of the party vanish," says his disembodied voice, about eight feet above four prominent hoofprints in the ground. "In my experience, however, mass invisibility leads to confusion and mishap among those not used to it, unless precautions are taken. I would thus suggest that we use invisibility strategically."

"I trust that everyone has purchased sufficient food for the journey? I would expect that the opportunities to forage will be limited."

How many days worth of rations will we need? How far of a trip is it on horseback?

Also, by my count we have a couple of mid-level fighter types (including a dwarf as a fighter), a mid-level MU (Pendleton), and a couple of brand new characters. That's without another PC Enoch was hoping to bring along. Do we have any healers? Given how dangerous this mission is supposed to be, setting out without at least one cleric seems like suicide. I'd suggest we try to hire some NPCs if we can. Which deity, if any, would be most sympathetic to this mission? Pendleton has pretty good charisma, so he could recruit (I imagine Foxy does too, the way Stirling describes her).
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Re: Expedition: Foxy/Monoc Mages - 15 October

#11 Post by Stirling »

Zhym you are too kind.

Foxy's charms were clearly demonstrated in childhood when her mother had to tie sausages around her neck just to get the dog to play with her.

Hiring retainers is fine but not something she could accomplish here. A cleric would be useful though.

Foxy has her two bowmen and Arlen sent by Brother Mylo. It makes sense then for Pendleton to buddy up with Roybarb as mages (from the Uni & Hagaseth) and Neegan and Gundri to represent Drunil. Hopefully we (I), can avoid any bi-partisan clashes.

Foxy has two weeks rations and various kit in saddlebags. I am stealing Sir Ludwig's horse for Arlen. I presume Drunil will equip the dwarves with ponies. Foxy only has a vague idea where the location is, some pointers from old maps and badgers. It is further than she anticipated but should be an obvious ruin in a desolate land.
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Re: Expedition: Foxy/Monoc Mages - 15 October

#12 Post by Leitz »

Arlen has 7 days of food, but if we're still at the gate, and there's a shop nearby, he could run in and get more. He has a couple GP left. Of course, he just ate a meal that will last him a couple of days.
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Re: Expedition: Foxy/Monoc Mages - 15 October

#13 Post by Zhym »

I think we should all carry at least two weeks worth of provisions. My reasoning (for those interested in having me show my work) is below.
The distance is given as:
Marullus wrote:"about 40 miles west from the dwarf halls and straight beyond the blighted lands of the Demon Circle which you encountered on your last foray...."
And here are the rules for overland movement:
Marullus wrote:Map Design:
  • Each Hex is eight miles across.
  • An unencumbered party over unimproved plains can move 24 miles in a day. (p. 45) Moving through forest is -1/3. Through swamps or mountains is -1/2. Using an established road is +1/2.
  • Normal movement is for simple speed. If you are Exploring, you move at 1/2, but double your chance of encounters/discoveries.
  • Normal visibility at ground level is three miles. To see a hex away requires getting about 40 feet up (such as a tree).
I don't know how mounts affect that movement rate. They might not affect it much: a warhorse has a maximum movement rate of 120', which is the same as an unencumbered human, but I'd expect a horse to travel farther in a day than a human.

- Are we forced to travel at exploration speed in hexes we have not yet, erm, explored?
- Do horses change our travel speed?
- How much travel time will staying at the mountain's foot and skirting the Demon Circle cost us?
- Is our route entirely though plains, or will he have to traverse forest, swamp, or mountain (I assume that "skirting" a mountain doesn't require moving in a mountain hex, but I could be wrong)?

Assuming we can traverse three hexes at non-exploration speed and the rest at exploration speed, that's 3 days travel time (24 the first day, then a day and a half at 12 miles per day). Allow for encounters, getting lost, indirect routing, and spending some time at the mages, and I'd suggest we all carry at least two weeks worth of provisions.
And Pendleton can try to recruit some clerical assistance if everyone is okay with us. It may cost us a share of treasure, but that's far better than going on an extended trip without a healer. What would people like to pay for their healing? Gold? Blood? Truth?
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Re: Expedition: Foxy/Monoc Mages - 15 October

#14 Post by Leitz »

Arlen, noting the wisdom of those around him who have more food, quickly excuses himself and goes for a sack of human food and some feed for the horse he is now responsible for.
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Re: Expedition: Foxy/Monoc Mages - 15 October

#15 Post by Zhym »

Taking my own advice: Pendleton purchases an additional 6 days of trail rations to restock his supplies and 14 days of feed for his horse, Heroditus. I'll also account for Pendleton's winter gear.

Rations: 6 x 6 sp = 3 gp 6 sp
Feed: 14 x 6 cp = 8 sp 4 cp
Winter blanket: 6 sp
Fur cloak: 9 gp 6 sp
Total: 13 gp, 8 sp, 4 cp

Stirling wrote:I presume Drunil will equip the dwarves with ponies.
I wouldn't presume that Drunil will do anything to assist this expedition, especially considering how Foxy's audience just went.

BTW: Pendleton has a compass, so we should be a little less likely to get lost.
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Re: Expedition: Foxy/Monoc Mages - 15 October

#16 Post by Bluetongue »

Roybarb (pronounced Roib-arb though most call her Roo, though her tutors mocked her as Rhubarb).

She has a horse, normal riding with no fighting skills. A longsword, also quite normal with dull edge. At least her cloak suits, dark hide and thick with fur lined hood. A brace of daggers line the interior pockets. Her satchel carries her mage gear, books, inks. Waist pouches contain a multitude of arcane components and trinkets.

She has a pale skin tone, dyed blue oyster hair and multiple piercings as 'gothic' is 'the new vogue'.

"Hagaseth has given me some furlough to explore. I hope to be of use Miss O'Hare and scholar Pendleton.
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Re: Expedition: Foxy/Monoc Mages - 15 October

#17 Post by Marullus »

Archmagus Pendleton does indeed arrive with two escorts, frocked servants of Eruanna who both Foxy and Arlen recognize from the Infirmary in Gaul. Slight men, they ride on their own large ponies. They wear padded gambesons and carry maces, otherwise light on gear, trusting in the mercies of Eruanna and the preparedness of their companions.

Nigel and Colby, Clerics of Eruanna
Eruanna Clerics.jpg
Eruanna Clerics.jpg (159.79 KiB) Viewed 1613 times
OOC: Being clear, you're actually stealing Ludwig's horse? (He's not giving it up willingly.) You also need to find ponies for the two dwarves or they walk. (though, if you're actually robbing the Dwarf Hall stables, you could steal these, too.) Who takes part in that scene? I need IC actions.
  • Foxy (with warhorse Galavan)
  • Arlen, human fighter
  • Pendleton Kettleworth, Archmage of the Guild (with Heroditus the riding horse)
  • Roybarb, elf apprentice of Hagaseth (with riding horse)
  • Neegan Battleworx, dwarf of renown
  • Gundri Gundrudson, dwarven axebearer
  • Tocen, bowman (with riding horse) [NPC]
  • Brielle, bowwoman (with riding horse) [NPC]
  • Nigel, cleric of Eruanna (with large pony) [NPC]
  • Colby, cleric of Eruanna (with large pony) [NPC]
Ten stalwart souls, setting out westward for adventure...
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Re: Expedition: Foxy/Monoc Mages - 15 October

#18 Post by Enoch »

Drunil will definitely *not* be providing ponies to the dwarves, as much as I wish he would. He's given them leave to go with Foxy, which is plenty generous in his mind.

This is my first expedition as a player, so I'm not sure what Gundri should be bringing--I have taken 3 days of fresh rations and 11 days of preserved rations, as well as his weapons and armor, a backpack, flint and steel, and some candles.

Gundri would not be interested in horse thievery, being a young and idealistic dwarf, particularly not from other dwarves.
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Re: Expedition: Foxy/Monoc Mages - 15 October

#19 Post by Zhym »

Well, we still don't have decent cleric support. Just a 1st-level and 2nd-level who will probably cost more to keep alive than we'll get in healing. Unfortunately, I'm not aware of any available PC clerics at a decent level, either.

It may be especially foolhardy, even for Foxy, to set out with that little healing available. Someone should at least stock up on healing potions. Unfortunately, Pendleton is pretty much broke.
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Re: Expedition: Foxy/Monoc Mages - 15 October

#20 Post by Stirling »

Foxy has three potions, one for her and one for each of her bowmen. She is financially broke too. I was hoping the festival joust might cough up a few hundred gp.

Neegan has a pony I believe. So only Gundri and Arlen need mounts. You could purchase one with your starting gp allowance. If Arlen has been sent by Brother Mylo then it makes sense for him to accompany the other clerics and Pendleton to the Verdun with one gifted by the Infirmary.

For role play purposes, Sir Ludwig had two steeds, his horse and a pack mount, just in case we need to acquire them ...

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