Session 0: Fieldstone

DM: Dave
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Session 0: Fieldstone

#1 Post by dmw71 »

Session 0: Fieldstone
The morning has arrived. The 25th day of Elient, five days before the start of the Highharvestide festival; but, more importantly, it also marks the day, 174 years ago, when Alric Fieldstone set out to defend the town he founded against the ruthless Shardak Dusktracker. You all know the story well, as it has been drilled into your head's every year of your formative educations. Essentially:
  • Alric founded the town.
    Shardak and hired mercenaries raided the town.
    Alric led a revolt against Shardak.
    Shardak was killed in the assault.
    Alric died two days later.
In honor of their beloved founder, the townsfolk buried Alric in the ancient crypt, interring his bones in a place of honor, above the simple sarcophagi used to inter Shardak, his mercenaries, and the rest of the townsfolk that lost their lives in the bitter struggle.

They placed a lantern, illuminated with an enhanced Continual Flame spell, above Alric's final resting place, so that all who visited might find warmth in the wilderness.

Shardak's defeat at the hands of Alric has been a source of great pride for generations of families, and that momentous occasion continues to be celebrated annually.

On this day.

Every autumn, on the 25th day of Elient, a few of the townsfolk -- usually Mayor Tellio and a group of select dignitaries -- make a pilgrimage to the tomb to light a lantern from this everlit flame and bring it back to town, where it is preserved all winter, a symbol of the town’s resilience.

Every few years, however, a handful of younger townsfolk are given the honor of lighting the lantern. Like this year.

This year, the five of you -- Feylynn, Schillachi, Alessa, Luawn, and Thalian -- have been selected to fetch what now simply goes by the Hero's Light.

You all arrive at the town square at the same time, and find it empty except for each other. Then...

The bells atop the Temple of Chauntea toll their midday song, echoing throughout the quiet town of Fieldstone. As the peals begin to fade, the first of the townsfolk make their way into the square, dressed in black, as if attending a funeral. They slowly fill the square, moving quietly across the cold, hard ground, their eyes downcast and mournful.

After a few moments, a murmur passes through the crowd as it slowly parts to let Mayor Tellio through. He leads the way with a tarnished silver lantern. Once he reaches the center of the crowd, Mayor Tellio stops and calls out to the assembled townsfolk:

"Once again the winter winds blow through Faerûn, marking the end of another harvest. There are wolves in the woods, howling at our walls, and serpents in our shadows, waiting to strike. Just as it was, one hundred and seventy-four years ago, when Alric himself left these walls to protect us." At the utterance of Alric Fieldstone's name, a quiet, respectful murmur overcomes the crowd.

The mayor gives his audience a moment before continuing. "So it is today? Where are the heroes? Where are the brave folk that will venture out to Fieldstone's tomb and retrieve the hero's flame to keep this community safe for another winter?"

This, you each know, is your queue.

"This very lantern has been used for the past 174 years to travel to the tomb, ignite it from the Hero's Light, then bring the fire back to Fieldstone." he says, proudly displaying the lantern for all to see.
Silver Lantern.jpg
Silver Lantern.jpg (30.42 KiB) Viewed 1924 times
"Who shall have the honor of carrying the lantern?" he asks.

He then hands each character a backpack that contains 5 days’ worth of rations, a small tent, a winter blanket, and a full waterskin. An additional large sack is placed down in front of the group. "These shall help you on your quest. Divide amongst yourself as you see fit."
  • Rope, hempen (50 feet)
  • Grappling hook
  • Tinderbox
  • 3 Torches
  • 2 Potions of Healing
  • Small bottle of local brandy
"But first..." Mayor Tellio continues, then turns to the gathered crowed, waving his arm in your general direction.

"I present to you the brave heroes who will follow in Alric’s footsteps and retrieve the Hero's Light!" After some applause, he continues. "Some of them may not return, but I say to you that their sacrifice shall not be forgotten."

"Go, brave heroes, and do not return until you have the Hero's Light!”
he says as he turns and points to the south, the direction of Fieldstone's tomb.


Okay, feel free to divide the extra inventory however you'd like; just be sure to add all the new items to your character sheets. I will also need to know who will be carrying the lantern.

You should also decide on a marching order (both 5-foot and 10-foot) plus a watch schedule for long rests.

There's still an opportunity to speak with the group, as the Mayor some questions, or even talk amongst yourselves. Then, once you're ready, let me know and we can officially begin your quest!


Date: 25 Elient
Time: 12:00
  • Sunrise: 05:57
  • Sunset: 21:03
Temperature: 48°
  • Low: 44°
  • High: 55°
  • Precipitation: None
  • Wind: Chill breeze
Light Sources
  • None
Known Conditions
  • None
Spells in Effect
  • None

Character Details
  • BearSiren817 as Feylynn | Female | Chaotic Good | Wood Elf | Rogue (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 9 | AC: 13 | SP: 35' | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Passive Skills: Perception: 17 | Investigation: 12 | Insight: 13
    Languages: Common, Elvish, Thieves' Cant
    Weapons: Weapon 1, Weapon 2
    • None
    Actions: Shortbow (+5, 1d6+3), Shortsword (+5, 1d6+3), Dagger (+5, 1d6+3) Bonus Actions: --
    Reactions: Opportunity Attack

    • Keen Senses: You have proficiency in the Perception skill. (Elf)
    • Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep. (Elf)
    • Trance: Elves don’t need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. (Elf)
    • Fleet of Foot: Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet. (Wood Elf)
    • Mask of the Wild: You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena. (Wood Elf)
    • Expertise: Thieves' Tools, Perception (Rogue, 1)
    • Sneak Attack: Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon. You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll. (Rogue, 1)
    • Thieves' Cant (Rogue, 1)
  • Bluetongue as Schillachi | Male | Chaotic Neutral | Tiefling | Warlock (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 9 | AC: 12 | SP: 30' | Initiative: +1 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Passive Skills: Perception: 10 | Investigation: 10 | Insight: 10
    Languages: Common, Infernal
    Weapons: Light Crossbow (+3, 1d8+1), Spear (+3, 1d6+1 | 1d8+1), Dagger (+3, 1d4+1)
    Spells Actions: Light Crossbow (+3, 1d8+1), Spear (+3, 1d6+1 | 1d8+1), Dagger (+3, 1d4+1) | Chill Touch (+5, 1d8 Necrotic)
    Bonus Actions: --
    Reactions: Opportunity Attack, Hellish Rebuke (DC 13, Save: 1d10, Fail: 2d10)

    • Hellish Resistance: You have resistance to fire damage. (Tiefling)
    • Infernal Legacy: You know the thaumaturgy cantrip. (Tiefling)
    • Otherworldly Patron: The Fiend (Warlock, 1)
    • Pact Magic: Your arcane research and the magic bestowed on you by your patron have given you facility with spells. (Warlock, 1)
  • Faanku as Alessa Deepbough | Female | Neutral Good | Variant Human | Wizard (1) | HD: 1 (1d6) | HP: 9 | AC: 12 | SP: 30' | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: No | Inspiration: No
    Passive Skills: Perception (Wis): 13 | Investigation (Int): 13 | Insight (Wis): 11
    Languages: Common, Draconic, Goblin, Sylvan
    Weapons: Dagger (+4, 1d4+2)
    • Spell Attack: +5
    • Save DC: 13
    • Slots: 2
      • 1st: 2
      • 2nd: --
    Spellbook: Prepared Spells: 4 (Intelligence modifier + Wizard level) Cantrips Known: 3 ( Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Minor Illusion )
    Actions: Dagger (+3, 1d4+1) | Fire Bolt (+5, 1d10 Fire)
    Bonus Actions: --
    Reactions: Opportunity Attack, Shield

    • Feat: You gain one feat of your choice (Resilient; Constitution) (Human)
    • Spellcasting (Wizard, 1)
    • Arcane Recovery: Once per day when you finish a short rest, you can choose expended spell slots to recover. The spell slots can have a combined level that is equal to or less than half your wizard level (rounded up), and none of the slots can be 6th level or higher. (Wizard, 1)
  • Rex as Luawn | Male | Neutral Good | Human | Fighter (1) | HD: 1 (1d10) | HP: 12 | AC: 18 | SP: 30' | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: No | Inspiration: No
    Passive Skills: Perception (Wis): 12 | Investigation (Int): 10 | Insight (Wis): 12
    Languages: Common, Orc, Sylvan
    Weapons: Light Crossbow (+5, 1d8+3), Longsword (+5, 1d8+3)
    Spells: None

    Actions: Light Crossbow (+5, 1d8+3), Longsword (+5, 1d8+3)
    Bonus Actions: Second Wind (Rest: Short)
    Reactions: Opportunity Attack

  • Rukellian as Thalian Goldehart | Male | Neutral Good | Human | Cleric (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 10 | AC: 18 | SP: 30' | Initiative: 0 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Passive Skills: Perception (Wis): 13 | Investigation (Int): 10 | Insight (Wis): 13
    Languages: Common, Halfling
    Weapons: Light Crossbow (+2, 1d8), Mace (+4, 1d6+2)
    • Spell Attack: +5
    • Save DC: 13
    • Slots: 2
      • 1st: 2
      • 2nd: --
    Prepared Spells: 4 (Wisdom modifier + Cleric level) Cantrips Known: 3 ( Light, Resistance, Spare the Dying )
    Actions: Light Crossbow (+2, 1d8), Mace (+4, 1d6+2)
    Bonus Actions: Healing Word
    Reactions: Opportunity Attack

    • Spellcasting (Cleric, 1)
    • Divine Domain: Life (Cleric, 1)
      • Life Domain Spells: Once you gain a domain spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day.
      • Disciple of Life: Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell’s level.

Marching Order
  • Feylynn
  • Luawn
  • Alessa
  • Schillachi
  • Thalian
  • Feylynn | Luawn
  • Alessa
  • Schillachi | Thalian
Watch Schedule
  • T.B.D.
  • None
Last edited by dmw71 on Fri Apr 26, 2019 3:39 am, edited 3 times in total.
Reason: Edit 1; Added Proposed Marching Orders | Edit 2: Updated time.
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#2 Post by Rex »


Luawn moves to the gear and picks a pack and the extra sack as well. Then waits for the others to be on his way.

Suggestions on order and watches in OCC thread.
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#3 Post by Bluetongue »

Some of them may not return, but I say to you that their sacrifice shall not be forgotten."
"ah yes Mr Mayor Sir, I was going to ask wether this was really part of the 'tradition'?, the tiefling begins to raise a few points but is seemingly ignored."Thalian my faithful friend, I didn't quite have the same schooling. Didn'the our 'hero' die of vicious wounds and what is this about wolves and serpents?"

Schillachi, 'folk hero' sincing running in to a burning house and rescuing baby from top floor, had expected a laurel wreath and pat on his back. An honour to be chosen to represent the 'village team'. Schillachi huffed, tieflings ever the scapegoats, should've studied history more...he tries to remember what happened at the last re-enactment.

He takes a pack, the torches and the brandy. Some small comfort at least.

Schillachi history skill check vs int. [1d20] = 15
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#4 Post by Rukellian »

Thalian Goldehart

Standing within the center of the Fieldstone, Thalian is filled with a sense of renewed purpose. Having prayed at the chapel for the safety of others and good luck on his group's journey, the young man inhales and exhales deeply, hoping to shake off the last of his nervousness and tension that woke with him on this momentous day.

Looking upon those who gathered around him, he shares a smile twoards the familiar, and his eyes widen at those he did not expect, Alessa and Schillaci. The young lady looked clearly out of her element and knowing her grandmother, Thalian could wager a guess as to why the young witch in training was here in public. Not of her own choosing, that's for sure, he thinks to himself with a knowing smile and a chuckle. Still, this would be a good experience for her. If anything, she would now have time to practice her magic in the field. But Schillaci...

With a tilt of the head sideways and a guarded smile, Thalian responds to the Tiefling, hoping to hide any reluctance his voice. "Good morning, Schillaci. I'm surprised to see you here as a volunteer for this great tradition of ours! It is as you say. The great hero, and founder of our town, Alric Fieldstone fended off a great evil and protected those who could not protect themselves. He did not survive his wounds, unfortunately, but his sacrifice was a noble one. The evils of today take on different forms, vicious animals of the wild being one of such. I do not know about any serpents skulking about..." Thalian turns to the mayor with a look of brief and questioning dismay, "but I'm sure they are metaphorical. A test to overcome, perhaps?"

Thalian wasn't quite sure what to make of Schillaci, despite having known the lad for quite a while now and being his friend. He always seemed to have a chip on his shoulder and his appearance was suggestive enough to make even the kindest of people uneasy. Still, Thalian judged people on their actions, not their appearances and when Schillaci bravely rescued the baby from the burning building, he knew he could trust him.

Thalian, not wanting to ignore his other childhood friends and acquaintances, greets the others as well. "Luawn, Feylynn," and with a courteous smile and nod of the head, "Alessa, good morning to you all as well! I couldn't have asked for a better group of friends to travel with on this important task of ours. A new day is ahead of us!" Taking a tentative step forward, Thalian cups a hand to the side of his mouth and says in a slightly lowered voice. "I'm actually still a bit nervous about venturing out. What about you?"

Though everyone else in the town carries a somber mood about them, Thalian is a beacon of energy and optimism, or at least is trying to portray himself as such.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#5 Post by Faanku »

Alessa Deepbough

Alessa stands stock still in front of the large crowd as the mayor flamboyantly addresses them, following along with every word in her head as she stares at the ground. Though the temperature is down into the single digits, to look at the young witch one would assume it is below freezing; she wears a thick, black cloak above her thick, black dress, with heavy boots and several underlayers to protect against the biting 6*C colds of the Cormyr wilds. As the stress of standing before so many people begins to reach a critical point, she retreats into her own head to provide a distraction.

"There are wolves in the woods, howling at our walls," speaks the mayor, and Alessa thinks to herself 'Cormyr Common Grey Wolf, Canis lupus cormyrstris, first official classification 26DR, odds of sightings at city gates as low as 4.5%, rounded up of course, the odds of a humanoid attack as implied by the metaphor are ironically lower.'

"Serpents in our shadows," the mayor continues, and Alessa's internal monolgue follows. 'Thelotornis kirtlandii, Lesser Vine Snake, still active though approaching brumation, non-poisonous regardless. Once again the implied banditry metaphor holds less water, given recent economical factors between ourselves, Marsember and Arabel.'

This continues for some time, before Mayor Tellio finally finishes his aggrandized performance and Alessa realises she is being spoken to. Snapping back to reality she stares wide-eyed at Thalian then smiles nervously. "Y-yes, a good morning to you too Thalian Goldehart, son of Redrick and Malon Goldehart, devotee of Lathandar, the Morninglord!" her mouth hangs open for a few moments in apparent surprise of her own social ineptitude, before she clears her throat and continues in a slightly more confident tone. "I mean, just good morning. But of course the other part is true, as well you know, it just did not need to be said. At all. Good... morning."
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#6 Post by dmw71 »

Mayor Tellio
As the crowd begins to disperse, Mayor Tellio remains behind. "You did well," he starts. After Alessa agrees to take on the responsibility of carrying the lantern, the Mayor turns to each of the other four members and shakes their hands. "Be well... you'll do fine."

To Schillachi, the tiefling, he chuckles. "The tradition is real, and there are threats... but not life-threatening."

"At least no one has died yet."
he adds with a wink.

"Anything else you need from me? If not, save travels."




Date: 25 Elient
Time: 12:03
  • Sunrise: 05:57
  • Sunset: 21:03
Temperature: 48°
  • Low: 44°
  • High: 55°
  • Precipitation: None
  • Wind: Chill breeze
Light Sources
  • None
Known Conditions
  • None
Spells in Effect
  • None

Character Details
  • BearSiren817 as Feylynn | Female | Chaotic Good | Wood Elf | Rogue (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 9 | AC: 13 | SP: 35' | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Passive Skills: Perception: 17 | Investigation: 12 | Insight: 13
    Languages: Common, Elvish, Thieves' Cant
    Weapons: Weapon 1, Weapon 2
    • None
    Actions: Shortbow (+5, 1d6+3), Shortsword (+5, 1d6+3), Dagger (+5, 1d6+3) Bonus Actions: --
    Reactions: Opportunity Attack

    • Keen Senses: You have proficiency in the Perception skill. (Elf)
    • Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep. (Elf)
    • Trance: Elves don’t need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. (Elf)
    • Fleet of Foot: Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet. (Wood Elf)
    • Mask of the Wild: You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena. (Wood Elf)
    • Expertise: Thieves' Tools, Perception (Rogue, 1)
    • Sneak Attack: Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon. You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll. (Rogue, 1)
    • Thieves' Cant (Rogue, 1)
  • Bluetongue as Schillachi | Male | Chaotic Neutral | Tiefling | Warlock (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 9 | AC: 12 | SP: 30' | Initiative: +1 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Passive Skills: Perception: 10 | Investigation: 10 | Insight: 10
    Languages: Common, Infernal
    Weapons: Light Crossbow (+3, 1d8+1), Spear (+3, 1d6+1 | 1d8+1), Dagger (+3, 1d4+1)
    Spells Actions: Light Crossbow (+3, 1d8+1), Spear (+3, 1d6+1 | 1d8+1), Dagger (+3, 1d4+1) | Chill Touch (+5, 1d8 Necrotic)
    Bonus Actions: --
    Reactions: Opportunity Attack, Hellish Rebuke (DC 13, Save: 1d10, Fail: 2d10)

    • Hellish Resistance: You have resistance to fire damage. (Tiefling)
    • Infernal Legacy: You know the thaumaturgy cantrip. (Tiefling)
    • Otherworldly Patron: The Fiend (Warlock, 1)
    • Pact Magic: Your arcane research and the magic bestowed on you by your patron have given you facility with spells. (Warlock, 1)
  • Faanku as Alessa Deepbough | Female | Neutral Good | Variant Human | Wizard (1) | HD: 1 (1d6) | HP: 9 | AC: 12 | SP: 30' | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: No | Inspiration: No
    Passive Skills: Perception (Wis): 13 | Investigation (Int): 13 | Insight (Wis): 11
    Languages: Common, Draconic, Goblin, Sylvan
    Weapons: Dagger (+4, 1d4+2)
    • Spell Attack: +5
    • Save DC: 13
    • Slots: 2
      • 1st: 2
      • 2nd: --
    Spellbook: Prepared Spells: 4 (Intelligence modifier + Wizard level) Cantrips Known: 3 ( Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Minor Illusion )
    Actions: Dagger (+3, 1d4+1) | Fire Bolt (+5, 1d10 Fire)
    Bonus Actions: --
    Reactions: Opportunity Attack, Shield

    • Feat: You gain one feat of your choice (Resilient; Constitution) (Human)
    • Spellcasting (Wizard, 1)
    • Arcane Recovery: Once per day when you finish a short rest, you can choose expended spell slots to recover. The spell slots can have a combined level that is equal to or less than half your wizard level (rounded up), and none of the slots can be 6th level or higher. (Wizard, 1)
  • Rex as Luawn | Male | Neutral Good | Human | Fighter (1) | HD: 1 (1d10) | HP: 12 | AC: 18 | SP: 30' | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: No | Inspiration: No
    Passive Skills: Perception (Wis): 12 | Investigation (Int): 10 | Insight (Wis): 12
    Languages: Common, Orc, Sylvan
    Weapons: Light Crossbow (+5, 1d8+3), Longsword (+5, 1d8+3)
    Spells: None

    Actions: Light Crossbow (+5, 1d8+3), Longsword (+5, 1d8+3)
    Bonus Actions: Second Wind (Rest: Short)
    Reactions: Opportunity Attack

  • Rukellian as Thalian Goldehart | Male | Neutral Good | Human | Cleric (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 10 | AC: 18 | SP: 30' | Initiative: 0 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Passive Skills: Perception (Wis): 13 | Investigation (Int): 10 | Insight (Wis): 13
    Languages: Common, Halfling
    Weapons: Light Crossbow (+2, 1d8), Mace (+4, 1d6+2)
    • Spell Attack: +5
    • Save DC: 13
    • Slots: 2
      • 1st: 2
      • 2nd: --
    Prepared Spells: 4 (Wisdom modifier + Cleric level) Cantrips Known: 3 ( Light, Resistance, Spare the Dying )
    Actions: Light Crossbow (+2, 1d8), Mace (+4, 1d6+2)
    Bonus Actions: Healing Word
    Reactions: Opportunity Attack

    • Spellcasting (Cleric, 1)
    • Divine Domain: Life (Cleric, 1)
      • Life Domain Spells: Once you gain a domain spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day.
      • Disciple of Life: Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell’s level.
For order maybe Feylynn first followed by me (I am actually the second sneakiest PC in the group). Then Alessa, Schillachi and last but not least Thalian. For 10 foot wide just split the order with Alessa alone in the middle rank.

Marching Order
  • Feylynn
  • Luawn
  • Alessa
  • Schillachi
  • Thalian
  • Feylynn | Luawn
  • Alessa
  • Schillachi | Thalian
Watch Schedule
  • T.B.D.
  • None
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#7 Post by Rex »


"I think we are set Mayor, thank you." Turning to his friends and companions. "Good day all, I think we should get moving, we have some distance to cover."

Trying to break the ice with the introvert witch Luawn looks to Alessa "Nice hat."

Once away from anyone except his companions, Luawn stops and turns to the others. "I seem to have part of a map, did anyone else get part slipped to them?"
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#8 Post by Rukellian »

Thalian Goldehart

Thalian raises a hand up with an embarrassed smile of his own. "Please, just Thalian, if its all the same to you. I'm not quite used to hearing people refer to me by my family's name. I haven't earned the right to it yet..." His voice trails off uncharacteristically as he looks away rubbing the back of his neck.

Shaking hands with Mayor Tellio, the young man's posture straigtens to attention. "Thank you, sir, for the allowing me the opportunity to participate in this year's event. I promise to make sure everyone returns in one piece, hopefully within five days time." Ending the handshake on a strong note, he makes direct eye contact with the mayor and gives him a reassuring nod.


Alone and out of earshot of the other villagers, including the mayor, Thalian speaks up in answer to Luawn's question. "Now that you mention it, it was strange that the Mayor did not directly answer Schillachi's question about a map. I too have a piece of what looks like one." Thalian raises it up for others to see.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#9 Post by Bluetongue »


Reserving his winks for tavern wenches, he shakes the proffered hand of Mayor Tello and follows the others. He gives his map portion to Luawn. Maybe we should check it for hidden runes or secrets, alternative routes.
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#10 Post by dmw71 »

Rukellian wrote:Alone and out of earshot of the other villagers, including the mayor, Thalian speaks up in answer to Luawn's question. "Now that you mention it, it was strange that the Mayor did not directly answer Schillachi's question about a map. I too have a piece of what looks like one." Thalian raises it up for others to see.
Actually, the question about the map was raised in the ooc topic, and not actually asked of the Mayor directly.
Technically, I planned to have the map pieces included in the backpacks you were given, but forgot.
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#11 Post by Faanku »

Alessa Deepbough

"Oh no, I am sure that is not the case! You are a fine young man in good standing, grandmother speaks very highly of your family; why just yesterday she mentioned that you were to be part of this year's traditions, and that I should use the chance to get to know you better... Of course I replied that I know most of your family's lineage dating back as far as records hold, but that seemed to only amuse her. Not that I spend my time investigating you, of course! I just... read a lot..."

She clears her throat nervously after trailing off, then spins around to reply to Luawn, thankful for the distraction. "O-oh, yes! Thank you... Luawn, just Luawn. I've had it a while?" The awkward question hangs in the air for a while as Alessa braves a smile, then shuffles off to the back of the group where it's far less uncomfortable.


Some time later along the trail, Alessa stop and frantically checks her pack for a piece of map and comes up empty. With a hint of grave concern, she confesses in a small voice. "I... may have lost my map..."
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#12 Post by Rex »


"Well, lets try piecing together what we have." Luawn looks around for a dry flat spot and starts fitting together all the pieces like a puzzle to see what they have. Having spent much of his life wandering the woods tending trap lines and what not he has seen a map or two in his day.
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#13 Post by Rukellian »

Thalian Goldehart

Thalian hands Luawn his piece of what looks like a map. "You're part of Fieldstone's guardsmen, right? Other than wolves, have you seen anything else around here that we should watch out for?" Thalian scans the area ahead, one hand hovering over his eyes to block any glare from the rising sun. "To be honest, I don't know what to expect outside of Fieldstone. I've never had reason to venture too far out into the wilderness.

"Oh!" Thalian smacks a fist into his hand as he comes to a realization. "Alessa, you mentioned that you read a lot. Did you come across any books that spoke of the dangers outside of Fieldstone?" The young cleric looks to both Luawn's experience in militia work and Alessa's smarts as he will be the first to admit that he doesn't know as much as he would like about life outside of his home town, save whatever was mentioned in holy scriptures at the chapel.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#14 Post by Rex »


"Its pretty safe around here, bandits, orcs or some other sort of humaniod I suppose. Wild animals of course, but they generally leave you along for the most part."
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#15 Post by Bluetongue »


Sniffs the brandy while the group plan the way forward. 'Hmm a fine vintage' he thinks. Just a little swig, medicinal purposes of course. Terrible sore throat.

"Who is taking the potions? Rope, hook? " he asks.
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#16 Post by BearSiren817 »

Feylynn having been keeping very quiet during this whole ceremony and after has been studying the others. Wondering what is in store for the group on this great tradition. She is very excited to be heading into the wilderness and learn more about the woods. Being raised in a town and known as a wood elf was always confusing. She spent many nights in meditation with dreams of becoming a ranger.

She hands off her portion of the map.
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First Fight

#17 Post by dmw71 »

First Fight
"I think we are set Mayor," Luawn says, thanking him before turning to his friends and new travel companions. "We have some distance to cover so we should probably get moving."

Once away from anyone else, the human fighter stops and turns to the others. "I seem to have part of a map, did anyone else get part slipped to them?" Thalian, Feylynn, and Schillachi each confirm receipt of a piece of map as well, and the four pieces are assembled on a dry flat surface:
Assembled Map.jpg
Assembled Map.jpg (222.77 KiB) Viewed 1861 times
The journey definitely leads the group south, into the King's Forest towards the Broken Glade. Then to a lake; its name is missing, but hopefully not important. From there, it's a straight jaunt south, still through the forest, to the Serpent Gorge and ultimately the Serpent Hills on the opposite side.

Your best estimation is that the tomb is located roughly 40 miles south of Fieldstone, and assuming no delays, the group should hopefully arrive sometime tomorrow evening.

While you have heard of many of these locations, none have ventured that far south before. The area, Luawn believes, is relatively safe. Aside from wild animals native to forests, it would be wise for the group to be prepared for possible encounters with bandits, orcs, or some other sort of humaniod.

Schillachi takes a swig of the brandy. "Medicinal purposes of course," he shares. "Terrible sore throat." he says with a hint of sarcasm. "So, who is taking the potions? And the rope and hook?" he asks, wondering if Luawn is indeed going to carry all the joint supplies provided.

Once any last minute details are sorted out, the group embarks on their mission, setting out on a narrow path that leads from town.

The first couple hours of your trek are relatively uneventful. As autumn is on the verge of turning to winter, there is a noticeable decrease in wildlife activity. The narrow path you've been following winds through the raking claws of the trees, now bereft of their leaves, which crunch loudly underfoot.

Up ahead, a fallen tree trunk blocks the path.

Suddenly, a trio of short, lean, creatures spring up from behind the log. Their crouched posture makes their height difficult to judge, but they're short -- maybe up to the waist of a human. Their pale skin is wrapped tightly around their bodies, and they appear to be covered in fungus and moss that seems to grow directly from their flesh.
Fungus Imp.jpg
Fungus Imp.jpg (32.39 KiB) Viewed 1861 times
With pointed ears; long, sharp teeth, and dangerously long, ebony claws, the appearance of these creatures is quite unsettling. Their green eyes, which appear to weep bloody tears, distract you from the disturbing chittering sound they make; their sounds masking a hint of elegance. The creatures are "speaking" quickly, but Alessa and Luawn, each fluent in the sylvan tongue, are able to parse out a few individual words:
  • "Hungry"
R0.jpg (524.56 KiB) Viewed 1854 times

"Get ready!" Alessa and Luawn say in unison, cautioning the rest of the group as they translate what they've managed to intercept.


It's late, so I don't have a map ready yet. Or tokens picked out for you guys. That will take me a bit of time, but I will have it ready sometime this weekend.
  • Map added.

Everyone, please declare any actions and or movement for round 1.


Date: 25 Elient
Time: 14:21
  • Sunrise: 05:57
  • Sunset: 21:03
Temperature: 48°
  • Low: 44°
  • High: 55°
  • Precipitation: None
  • Wind: Chill breeze
Light Sources
  • None
Known Conditions
  • None
Spells in Effect
  • None

Character Details
  • BearSiren817 as Feylynn | Female | Chaotic Good | Wood Elf | Rogue (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 9 | AC: 13 | SP: 35' | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Passive Skills: Perception: 17 | Investigation: 12 | Insight: 13
    Languages: Common, Elvish, Thieves' Cant
    Weapons: Weapon 1, Weapon 2
    • None
    Actions: Shortbow (+5, 1d6+3), Shortsword (+5, 1d6+3), Dagger (+5, 1d6+3) Bonus Actions: --
    Reactions: Opportunity Attack

    • Keen Senses: You have proficiency in the Perception skill. (Elf)
    • Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep. (Elf)
    • Trance: Elves don’t need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. (Elf)
    • Fleet of Foot: Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet. (Wood Elf)
    • Mask of the Wild: You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena. (Wood Elf)
    • Expertise: Thieves' Tools, Perception (Rogue, 1)
    • Sneak Attack: Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon. You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll. (Rogue, 1)
    • Thieves' Cant (Rogue, 1)
  • Bluetongue as Schillachi | Male | Chaotic Neutral | Tiefling | Warlock (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 9 | AC: 12 | SP: 30' | Initiative: +1 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Passive Skills: Perception: 10 | Investigation: 10 | Insight: 10
    Languages: Common, Infernal
    Weapons: Light Crossbow (+3, 1d8+1), Spear (+3, 1d6+1 | 1d8+1), Dagger (+3, 1d4+1)
    Spells Actions: Light Crossbow (+3, 1d8+1), Spear (+3, 1d6+1 | 1d8+1), Dagger (+3, 1d4+1) | Chill Touch (+5, 1d8 Necrotic)
    Bonus Actions: --
    Reactions: Opportunity Attack, Hellish Rebuke (DC 13, Save: 1d10, Fail: 2d10)

    • Hellish Resistance: You have resistance to fire damage. (Tiefling)
    • Infernal Legacy: You know the thaumaturgy cantrip. (Tiefling)
    • Otherworldly Patron: The Fiend (Warlock, 1)
    • Pact Magic: Your arcane research and the magic bestowed on you by your patron have given you facility with spells. (Warlock, 1)
  • Faanku as Alessa | Female | Neutral Good | Variant Human | Wizard (1) | HD: 1 (1d6) | HP: 9 | AC: 12 | SP: 30' | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: No | Inspiration: No
    Passive Skills: Perception (Wis): 13 | Investigation (Int): 13 | Insight (Wis): 11
    Languages: Common, Draconic, Goblin, Sylvan
    Weapons: Dagger (+4, 1d4+2)
    • Spell Attack: +5
    • Save DC: 13
    • Slots: 2
      • 1st: 2
      • 2nd: --
    Spellbook: Prepared Spells: 4 (Intelligence modifier + Wizard level) Cantrips Known: 3 ( Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Minor Illusion )
    Actions: Dagger (+3, 1d4+1) | Fire Bolt (+5, 1d10 Fire)
    Bonus Actions: --
    Reactions: Opportunity Attack, Shield

    • Feat: You gain one feat of your choice (Resilient; Constitution) (Human)
    • Spellcasting (Wizard, 1)
    • Arcane Recovery: Once per day when you finish a short rest, you can choose expended spell slots to recover. The spell slots can have a combined level that is equal to or less than half your wizard level (rounded up), and none of the slots can be 6th level or higher. (Wizard, 1)
  • Rex as Luawn | Male | Neutral Good | Human | Fighter (1) | HD: 1 (1d10) | HP: 12 | AC: 18 | SP: 30' | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: No | Inspiration: No
    Passive Skills: Perception (Wis): 12 | Investigation (Int): 10 | Insight (Wis): 12
    Languages: Common, Orc, Sylvan
    Weapons: Light Crossbow (+5, 1d8+3), Longsword (+5, 1d8+3)
    Spells: None

    Actions: Light Crossbow (+5, 1d8+3), Longsword (+5, 1d8+3)
    Bonus Actions: Second Wind (Rest: Short)
    Reactions: Opportunity Attack

  • Rukellian as Thalian | Male | Neutral Good | Human | Cleric (1) | HD: 1 (1d8) | HP: 10 | AC: 18 | SP: 30' | Initiative: 0 | Darkvision: Yes | Inspiration: No
    Passive Skills: Perception (Wis): 13 | Investigation (Int): 10 | Insight (Wis): 13
    Languages: Common, Halfling
    Weapons: Light Crossbow (+2, 1d8), Mace (+4, 1d6+2)
    • Spell Attack: +5
    • Save DC: 13
    • Slots: 2
      • 1st: 2
      • 2nd: --
    Prepared Spells: 4 (Wisdom modifier + Cleric level) Cantrips Known: 3 ( Light, Resistance, Spare the Dying )
    Actions: Light Crossbow (+2, 1d8), Mace (+4, 1d6+2)
    Bonus Actions: Healing Word
    Reactions: Opportunity Attack

    • Spellcasting (Cleric, 1)
    • Divine Domain: Life (Cleric, 1)
      • Life Domain Spells: Once you gain a domain spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day.
      • Disciple of Life: Whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to 2 + the spell’s level.
For order maybe Feylynn first followed by me (I am actually the second sneakiest PC in the group). Then Alessa, Schillachi and last but not least Thalian. For 10 foot wide just split the order with Alessa alone in the middle rank.

Marching Order
  • Feylynn
  • Luawn
  • Alessa
  • Schillachi
  • Thalian
  • Feylynn | Luawn
  • Alessa
  • Schillachi | Thalian
Watch Schedule
  • T.B.D.
  • None
Last edited by dmw71 on Sat Apr 27, 2019 1:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Edit: Adding map.
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Re: First Fight

#18 Post by Faanku »

Alessa Deepbough

The caster tenses the grip on her staff, though her mind works double speed to tell her all she knows about these creatures; surely she has encountered them in her studies before?

((Making a Knowledge roll to see if I can ID these things. [1d20+5] = 12+5 = 17
And Initiative [1d20+2] = 1+2 = 3))
Last edited by Faanku on Sat Apr 27, 2019 5:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: First Fight

#19 Post by Rukellian »

Thalian Goldehart

"Gah! I guess this is it!" The young cleric is startled by the sinister appearance of these imps, the bleeding eyes not helping one bit. This is it, he thought, those days of training with this equipment, this is what it was for! Thankful that he is already wearing his chainmail, Thalian hoists up his shield and hefts his mace to the ready, approaching Luawn and Feylynn's side after glancing over his shoulder to make sure none were sneaking up on the group.

Hearing the quick translation, Thalian braces himself for the eventual attack. He wasn't ready to charge into the fray yet, he would let them come to him and his shield.

Edit in:
Initiative roll against Dex of 11[1d20] = 18
Ready Action specifics: Trigger is fungus imp melee attack on Thalian's shield. Reaction will be mace attack on said imp.
Mace Hit [1d20] = 6 Mace damage [1d6+2] = 5+2 = 7
Last edited by Rukellian on Tue Apr 30, 2019 8:36 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Session 0: Fieldstone

#20 Post by Rex »


Luawn advances until he is within range of his crossbow and fires at the orange Imp. "Steady everyone, don't let them double team someone."

After firing he will carefully drop his crossbow to his left and draw his sword and shield into place.

Light Crossbow [1d20+5] = 7+5 = 12 to hit [1d8+3] = 4+3 = 7 damage

Initiative [1d20+3] = 18+3 = 21

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