Firehouse Rules

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Firehouse Rules

#1 Post by Bluehorse »

How rolls work:
In this game, there are two types of dice. There are the standard 1d6 dice and there is always at least 1 Ghost Dice. The Ghost dice will be 1d out of every roll to determine if anything goes wrong. It will only be a "Ghost Roll" if it comes up a 1 (since there is no way to make a No-Ghost symbol on the dice roller. Mores the pitty)

Let's say you a rolling for Moves while driving, and your trait score is 3, and just for fun, we will say you have a talent for driving. That means you as a player will roll 6d6. The way you roll this in the Dice Roller is <Drive: 5d6 G: 1d6>

Let's say you are trying to do something hard like weave through heavy traffic. The difficulty threshold is +20, meaning you must roll at least a total of 20 to succeed. That driving skill really came in handy huh?

Possible Outcomes:
Roll: Drive [5d6] = 15 G: = [1d6] = 5 The total is exactly 20, meaning you succeed. The Ghost Dice is added up like any other dice in the roll.
Success with annoyance:
Roll: Drive [5d6] = 20 G: = [1d6] = 1 The total is exactly 20, meaning you succeed, but the Ghostdice came up with a ghost, meaning there is something that goes wrong like perhaps a traffic camera catches you running the red light and causing an accident. The Ghost Dice counts as 0 points.
Roll: Drive [5d6] = 13 G: = [1d6] = 2 The total is 15, meaning you failed. Nothing particularly bad happens other than you have probably gotten stuck in a traffic jam and are boxed in. The Ghost Dice is added up like any other dice in the roll.
Failure w/ Ghost:
Roll: Drive [5d6] = 15 G: = [1d6] = 1 The total is 15, meaning you failed, but the Ghostdice came up with a ghost, meaning there is something that goes terribly wrong, like perhaps that traffic camera catches you runningthe red light and causing an accident, and there are casualties. The Ghost Dice is counts as 0 points.
Roll Difficulties

Auto Success:
Everyday activities.

Easy: 5+
Parking a big car.

Moderate: 10+
Blasting a ghost with a proton pack.

Hard: 20+
Blasting a ghost with a proton pack at long range.

Impossible: 30+
Blasting a ghost with a proton pack at long range with your eyes closed.

Luckily, technology has come a long way since 1984. It is now lighter and more ergonomic thanks to the continued efforts of Egon Spangler and other Ghostbuster Engineers who have continued to upgrade the designs and integrate new tech. When Dr. Spangler originally put together the equipment in the early days of the franchise, it was all incredibly heavy and clunky. Ghostbusters were rarely able to carry more than their packs, a single trap, and another item such as a P.K.E. Meter or Ecto Goggles. Egon then did a redesign in 1997 in order to combat evolving and more powerful ghost, he was able to make the equipment lighter and more comfortable. Since then the packs and other equipment have become lighter still. Coupling this along with new compact smartphone tech, Ghostbusters are much better equipped and can often carry up to 4 larger items, and have a wide array of equipment on the job.

Any ghostbuster carrying...
4 items or less will be able to move normally.
5 items or more, not exceeding your muscle, will only be able to move, but must drop extra items to otherwise take an action. Picking items back up will take an aditional turn.
Last edited by Bluehorse on Thu Sep 27, 2018 1:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Firehouse Rules

#2 Post by Bluehorse »

Ecto Builds
Any vehicle, theoretically, can be converted into an Ecto Mobile. Some firehouses have a bigger budget to work with than others. One bad accident can take a n ultra cool ride outof the picture and leave a team barely able to afford a cheap clunker worthy of any 16 year old who just got his liscience. Obviously, better cars make for better basses for building an Ecto.
Ecto Traits:
Cost to Stats Table:
$ Trait pts talents weakness
$500 6 1 5
$1k 10 1 4
$2k 15 2 4
$5k 20 2 3
$10k 25 3 3
$17k 30 3 2
$25k 35 4 2
$50k 40 4 1
$75k 50 5 1
Ecto Talents:
Steer Sensory Array Satalite Communications
Jumping All Weather Tires NO2
4x4 External Lighting Onboard Compressor
AWD Onboard Cannan Battery Pack
Bumpers Repair Kit Heat Sink
Acceleration Armor Head/Tail Lights
Brakes Siren Weather Seal
Onboard Computer Bullhorn Racing Tranny
Ecto Weaknesses
Hard Start Slow Poor Accelleration
Backfire No Bumper Steer Box Shot
Faulty Wiring Leaky Windows Bald Tires
Missing Fender Broken Siren Old Shocks
Bad Battery Loose Doors Leaky Motor
Worn Tranny Radiator Leak Gauges don't work
Bent Frame Radio Busted Leaky Gas Talk
Stuck Throttle Broken Wheel Gummy Throttle

Maintenance $ Per Month:
+Repairs from damage.
Ecto-Dmg.JPG (26.98 KiB) Viewed 2084 times
Example: the Base Car Value is 10k. The Damage is -5k. 10-5=50% which is Moderate Damage.
Last edited by Bluehorse on Wed Aug 08, 2018 5:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Firehouse Rules

#3 Post by Bluehorse »


All payments from jobs make Ghostbusters very happy! But hold on Venkman, you can't go buy a Ferrari just yet. You have to have money to maintain the firehouse and equipment. Typically 10% of all payments go to payrolls and the rest goes towards the firehouse budget which also includes staff pay

At the end of each month, it is time to pay the bills. Here is a scale to give you an idea of cost, not counting other repairs.
FH-$.JPG (43.84 KiB) Viewed 2084 times
FH-Table.JPG (189.08 KiB) Viewed 2085 times
Last edited by Bluehorse on Wed Aug 08, 2018 4:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Firehouse Rules

#4 Post by Bluehorse »


Work Phone: All Ghostbusters employees get an Egon GB9 Smartphone with full-service contacts with all employees and GB Apps:
+Tobinsbook - Facebook clone for the Ghostbusters International to network and advertise.
+Containment Unit Monitor
+Secure Banking
+Screecher - GB Twitter
+GhoulTube - YouTube type service with Live Feed.
+Multi Spectrum Camera - UltraViolet, Infrared, Nightvision, Radiation.
+Short Range P.K.E. Meter - 20'
+Emergency Mode - Beacon mode / Alarm to all GB within 100 miles. Frees power to communications only.
+NeaterNote - Evernote for GB
+Firehouse - GB Equipment Shopping.
+Tully Network - Lawyer Advice.
+GhostPerks - Special coupons etc for GBs.
+Weather +GB - Multi-Spectrum radar
+GB*ID - International Pass Port
+GhoulReads - Kindle App for GB Lore and info.
-Tobin's Spirit Guide PDF
-Spengler's Spirit Guide*
-Big Book of Occult Lore*
-Spates Catalog of Nameless Horrors*
-Roylance Guide to Secret Societies & Sects.*
-GB Handbook.

*Denotes that this app or file must be purchased.

P.K.E. Meter: Once a large piece of equipment itself, it is now a component of the Company Phone which connect to one another to boost the range to 100'

Proton Packs: Original packs were heavy! Almost 80lbs! These new pacts are lighter and fit better, with improved tech, materials, and harnesses, weighing in at 50lbs. These new gen proton packs have adjustable streams and frequencies, making them not only more powerful but more diverse while on the job. All packs have a safety protocol that shuts them off after 20 seconds, temporarily ejecting the mini-core to cool off and avoid a meltdown. This feature shuts off and returns to normal once the pack is safe to fire again like normal (1 turn). This feature can be overridden, but only at the user's own risk. If a proton Pack overheats, it will melt down and explode, taking out everything within 75'.

Ecto Visor: Ultra Violet, Infrared, Nightvision, Radiation. Allows the user to see in the dark and to see ectoplasmic residues and ghost auras, effectively allowing the user to see the ghost that is otherwise not visible to the naked eye.

Ghost Trap: It might not look like it, but the ghost trap has also gone through many upgrades and incarnations. The trap is, like the proton pack, much lighter due to new materials and tech. So much so, that some weight had to be added to make them more throwable like the older models. Ghostbusters often carry at least 1 trap, but these days it would not be out of the question to carry several.
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Re: Firehouse Rules

#6 Post by Bluehorse »

Proton Packs
To Override, or Not to Override the Safty Protocols?

What happens when you a firing your proton pack? The good, the bad, and the ugly...
ProtonChart.JPG (145.53 KiB) Viewed 1383 times
And the Really, Really, REALLY ugly...
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Re: Firehouse Rules

#7 Post by Bluehorse »

Crossing the Streams

As we all know, crossing the streams is a big no no because it can cause a total protonic reversal. Such an event can be deadly to a Ghostbuster, but at times, can be helpful. It is a double-edged sword, however, and can only be done under two conditions. 

On Purpose: As a last resort, the Ghostbusters can deliberately cross the streams in order to destroy an exceptionally powerful ghost. Of course, doing such a thing is a dangerous gamble since the Ghostbusters could kill themselves or injure the ghost or both. Roll the dice and see the table below to see what happens. 

o 1: The ectopresence of all ghosts drops to 0.
o 2: All ghosts are blasted off the Corporeal Plane and into the Neither World. 7 
o 3: All Ghostbusters lose half of their remaining brownie points. 
o 4: The brownie points of all Ghostbusters drops to 0. 
o 5: All Ghostbusters lose half of their remaining brownie points and the ectopresence of all Ghosts drops to 0. 
o 6: All Ghostbusters instantly die and all ghosts are blasted off the Corporeal Plane and into the Neither World. 

• By Accident: While forcing a ghost into a trap, if two Ghostbusters who were wrangling the ghost into the trap were to fail their attack rolls and they both roll a Ghost, then the Ghostmaster rolls the dice and looks at the table below to see what happens. 

o 1-3: There is no total protonic reversal and nothing happens. 
o 4: All Ghostbusters lose 5 brownie points. 
o 5: All Ghostbusters lose half of their remaining brownie points. 
o 6: The brownie points of all Ghostbusters drops to 0.
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Re: Firehouse Rules

#8 Post by Bluehorse »

Research & Development

Here are the working rules for R&D.

R&D will be done in stages. Each stage will start with an impossible roll and work its ways down to an automatic as your character works on the problem at hand, this will simulate your level of success, as well as time and money spent per stage. So making a roll sooner rather than later is desired both for time and expenses, since each roll will represent a day of work. Also, a ghost dice roll of 1 will always simulate a setback, which takes you back to the previous stage.
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Re: Firehouse Rules

#9 Post by Bluehorse »

Sample of R&D

Joker wants to make a solar powered flashlight.

Stage 1: Concept
He rolls on the first day and has little to no success. (Rolls less than 40) So he has to pick it up the following day.
On the second day he has success!!! He rolled a 32 which helps him break the HARD threshold. He is able to work out a concept for 1d6x100 and rolls a 1 for $100. So today's success cost $100 in time and supplies.

He is then able to move on to Stage 2: Feasability.
He does the impossible and figures out exactly how to make this work! He rolled a 40 on the dot and made the day 1 roll, meaning it cost nothing!

He then moves on to Stage 3: Developement.
Oh crap... he rolled a 1 on the Ghost Die. This is a major setback. He goes back to Stage 2.

One his return to Stage 2 he rolls for a day 2 roll, meaning he is still building off his initial success. He fails again.
The following day he rolls on day three, which is a Mod difficulty, and easily makes it rolling a 15, which is more than 10. Success! then he rolls 2d6x100 and yikes! $1,200.

But he does return to stage three.
Impossible? Fail.
Next day, Hard? Fail.
3rd day, Mod? Success! He is getting close! 2d6x100, he gets off easy with $200.

Stage 4: Testing and Development.
Day 1, he has a good prototype ready. it isn't pretty but it might work! Impossible? Fail.
Day 2, Hard? Success!!! 1d6x100 roll a 2 for $200.

Stage 5: Launch!
Day 1, Impossible? Fail.
Day 2, Hard? Fail.
Day 3, Mod? Fail... damn.
Day 4, Easy? The dice hate you today.
Day 5, Found the easy fix after some sleep and it works!!! 4d6x100 for cost = $600

Joker now has a solar powered flashlight!!!

Total days: 17
Total cost: $2300.00
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Re: Firehouse Rules

#10 Post by Urson »

OK, thanks! This makes sense.
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