Transport Vessels & Such

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Ranger Lord
Ranger Lord
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Transport Vessels & Such

#1 Post by Antman9 »

Name: Proudhon
Class: Kintsugi Class Salvage Ship / Titan Transport 10
Stats: Engines 8, Hull 8, Systems 8

Although quite large, the bulk of these vessels serve mainly to anchor smaller ships in place while the crew dismantles, strips, or repairs them. All sorts of things can be found in a salvage ship’s cargo hold, from the personal effects of stranded travelers to critical and rare parts that can repair almost any ship.


Kintsugi Class Salvage Ship 10
  • Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
  • Parts ‘R Us: Spend 1 PP to create a d8 Asset when looking for a part to fix a ship.
  • Rippin' and fixin' montage: Spend 1 PP at the beginning of a timed action involving repairing a ship or gathering salvage. For each of your rolls during the timed action, your crew may reroll any die that comes up 1 instead of accepting a PP for it. If the reroll is also a 1, it can't be rerolled.
Off the grid 8
For whatever reason, your ship never got properly registered. Even when you file all the necessary forms, they don’t get processed right.
  • Where did she go?: spend 1 PP to create a No record found d8 asset when trying to prevent someone from tracking you through the Cortex.
  • Things go smooth…er: take or step up a complication related to your ship's missing identification to reroll a die when dealing with the law.
Experimental 8
Outfitted with cutting edge technology, what better place to test it than out in the ’Verse?
  • Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
  • Experimental Settings: When using a ship’s Signature
    Asset, you may step up or double that die. Step up any
    Complications that arise from that roll.
  • Advanced Networking: In any pool containing Systems,
    you may replace two dice of the same size for one
    stepped-up die.
Electromagnetic shielding 8
Your systems have been upgraded with advanced shielding and programs designed to keep hackers out and your digital and heat signature in. When power is shut down to minimal safe amounts, it's nearly impossible to detect your ship from a distance.[/quote]

EMP Weapons (d8)
Your ship is equipped with electromagnetic pulse missiles and bombs capable of disabling another boat’s electronics. These weapons require Alliance registration and give crews the chance to take a ship without destroying it.

Ship Pics
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Name: Dà Gāisǐ Bānchē (Big Damn Shuttle)
Class: Yang Class Rescue Ship 8
Stats: Engines 10, Hull 6, Systems 8

Typically, rescue ships are privately owned and travel along the borders of the five systems. In exchange for credits or goods, crews’ll provide assistance and medical care to travelers in need. These ships—named after Yang Liwei, the first Chinese citizen from Earth-That-Was to travel into space—are manufactured by the Tàikōng Corporation and have excellent medical facilities and strong engines to get them to stranded vessels quickly.

Found her floating amongst some space rocks. Pulled a few strings, got her all registered and whatnot. Then we let Bosco have at her for a couple months. Just look how she flies now!

Yang Class Rescue Ship 8
  • Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
  • (Locked) Get There Stat!: While racing to a stranded or afflicted ship, the pilot may reroll any dice that come up 1s instead of accepting Plot Points. On the rerolls, 1s and 2s count as jinxes.
  • Whatcha Got There, Eh?: Create a d8 Asset representing something you just found while exploring a site. Take or step up a Complication associated with that Asset.
Cobbled Together 8
Your ship was built from salvage parts and space junk. She looks kinda ugly, but she sure can surprise folk when she needs to.
  • Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
  • (Locked) Frankenstein’s Boat: Spend 1 PP to switch the die ratings of Engines and Systems for the rest of the scene.
  • (Locked) She’s Got Class, Lots of Class: Spend 1 PP to create an Unknown Ship Class d8 Asset when someone tries to identify your ship.

Deep Space Ready 8

Your pantry is stuffed with protein bars and canned goods. You’ve got extra fuel cells, ammo, spare parts, and a meager library. You’re ready to be alone. Mighty, mighty alone.
  • Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
  • I Knew That Was Gonna Happen: When you create an Asset—like Extra Oxygen Tanks d6 or Long-Range Homing Beacon d6—that reflects how you anticipated a particular deep space problem, step it up.
  • (Locked) Radio Silence: When you’re floatin’ in the black and there ain’t a ship, moon, or planet on your radar, take a We’re All Alone d8 Complication to gain 1 PP.
Maneuvering Thrusters 8
Sometimes raw speed isn’t what you want, but quick or subtle maneuvering, especially in close quarters with another vessel. These thrusters are mounted at various parts of the ship, allowing the pilot to make very fine adjustments on the alignment and position of the ship.
  • (Locked) Crazy Ivan: When the pilot tries to outmaneuver a ship, he can spend 1 PP to step up or double Engines for a roll

Salvaging Equipment 8

Consisting of laser cutting torches, electronic code breakers, magnetic grapplers, gravitic haulers and boxes, this set of equipment contains all the best stuff for getting into, cutting up, and towing stranded boats.
  • (Locked) Chop Chop: When you create an Asset related to salvaged parts while dismantling a ship, it lasts for the rest of the Episode.
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