Campaign Discussion

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Campaign Discussion

#1 Post by Antman9 »

Antman9 Wrote

Hey all,

While we wait for ToniXX to get the campaign built I have a couple of questions:

1) would you prefer to create your character by customizing one of the Crew Archetypes (see below) or create Custom Crewmembers?

2) Would you rather choose a ship, Make your own ship (using the Make Your Own Ship rules in the rule book), or have me the GM choose one based on how we start the campaign (as part of the initial story)?

3) Start thinking about preferences/ideas about where/how you want to start out in the 'verse. In the TV show they are basically salvagers. If we keep this basic feel, you could start out on a specific planet, or moon, in the middle of a conflict, in the middle of a derelict ship trying to salvage, or possible stranded somewhere (just a few ideas/options to get you thinking).

  • Academy Dropout: Page 163
  • Alliance Agent: Page 164
  • Alliance Black Ops: Page 184
  • Alliance Engineer: Page 165
  • Asteroid Miner: Page 166
  • Battle-Worn Bounty Hunter: Page 185
  • Blue Sun Corporate Assassin: Page 167
  • Border Planet Farmer: Page 174
  • Career Lawdog: Page 175
  • Core Hospital Intern: Page 168
  • Cortex Hacker: Page 186
  • Derelict Salvager: Page 187
  • Dishonored Politician: Page 176
  • Dock Foreman: Page 169
  • Former Companion: Page 177
  • Freelance Investigator: Page 188
  • High Stakes Gambler: Page 178
  • Minor League Hustler: Page 170
  • Natural Reader: Page 179
  • Newly Ordained Shepherd: Page 189
  • Retired Outlaw: Page 190
  • Security Professional: Page 180
  • Small-Time Trader: Page 181
  • Triad Enforcer: Page 171
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Re: Campaign Discussion

#2 Post by Antman9 »

Marullus Wrote

1) either way I will probably take inspiration off one of those templates and tweak it. Some of those titles are great! Where's the link to download or buy the right book?

2) I don't have any strong feelings about the ship as of yet. I would happily input to someone who wanted to make a ship, but I need to limit the number of new rules I am trying to learn at one time here.

3) I see the format as based around our ship, with the planet/site being fungible based on each session. So the ship is wherever you want it to be. I am particularly fond of struggling with the Alliance, though. I may be outnumbered and am okay going with the group.
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Re: Campaign Discussion

#3 Post by Antman9 »

Jack Wrote

1. Custom. I'm thinking of creating a captain doing mostly pickup and delivery jobs, with the odd salvage when spotted. The captain and first mate own the ship as partners, but are struggling to pay off their debt from buying it - meaning they have to do some questionable jobs they don't really want to.

The captain (and maybe the first mate's) backstory is that he's (they're) part of a group of people secretly building two generation ships at two sites on the rim - the idea being to eventually get away from the Alliance, maybe heading back to Mars in the solar system-that-was - occasionally transporting engine and ship parts to these two sites.

If someone else also wants to play captain, I'd do first mate with the above story; or something completely different - I'm just exited to be playing in the 'verse.

I would very much prefer the 'verse to be free of characters with supernatural River-like reader powers.

2. I'd like to help make a custom Firefly, but if that takes too long I'd be happy with any kind of non-Alliance ship.

3. I like the idea of starting in the middle of a conflict, on a world and not in space, with all the PCs except one knowing each other very well. That one PC maybe switching sides to join us (like Jayne in Out of gas), which would allow for some natural exposition with that PC asking the others about themselves, the ship, and their regular contacts (like Book and Simon).
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Re: Campaign Discussion

#4 Post by Antman9 »

Rusty Tincanne Wrote

I am really open to most anything, depending on what others want to do. I am usually drawn to the story of the "little guy" who gets in over their head, but I don't need to do that. Also, the show focused on a band of smugglers, which is what I assume we will be doing, but there is nothing stopping us from playing an alliance patrol group or something.

All that said, if we try to mimic (more or less) the show, I would be happy to customize an archetype - probably an asteroid miner or off world farmer. Maybe they would have some mechanical knowledge and could help work on the engines and lift heavy things. Then add in one entirely unrelated skill that represents a failed dream or why they left their old life - perhaps he plays harmonica. Too soon to tell yet.

Basically, I am happy to play a supporting cast member, adding in a bit of dark humor as warranted.

Out of curiosity, what is a "natural reader"?
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Re: Campaign Discussion

#5 Post by Antman9 »

Marullus Wrote

I am assuming"natural reader" is a psychic - that's the term they used for River, if I remember correctly. I gravitate towards the reader, an officer/strategist who lost the war, or a soldier/medic.
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Re: Campaign Discussion

#6 Post by Antman9 »

FantasyChic Wrote

I am up for anything as well. If we are doing archetypes I'd like Career Lawdog, Freelance Investigator, or Blue Sun Corporate Assassin.
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Re: Campaign Discussion

#7 Post by Antman9 »

Jack Wrote

1. I'm thinking of creating custom PC: a captain doing mostly pickup and delivery jobs, some smuggling, and the odd salvage when spotted. Struggling to pay off the debt from buying the ship (maybe with the first mate who's a 50/50 partner?) - meaning they have to do some questionable jobs they'd rather not.

The captain's goal would be known only to him (and maybe the first mate). I've messaged it to antman to see if he's okay with the goal.

If someone else also wants to play a captain, I'll do another character - I'm just exited to be playing in the 'verse.

I would prefer the 'verse to be free of characters with supernatural River-like reader powers, but if someone has a cool character like that, I'll try to not let them kill me with their brain.

2. I'd like to help make a custom Firefly, but if that takes too long I'd be happy with any kind of non-purple-belly ship.

3. I like the idea of starting in the middle of a conflict - on a world and not in space - with all the PCs except one knowing each other very well. That one PC maybe switching sides to join us (like Jayne in Out of gas), which would allow for some natural exposition with the PC asking the others about themselves, the ship, and their regular contacts (like Book and Simon).
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Re: Campaign Discussion

#8 Post by Antman9 »

Marullus Wrote

If Jack (or others) is really opposed, I'll honor that. If not, then having a bit of a wierdling / reader is my first pick.

(I am actually in a panel with Summer Glau at a conference right now and soooo geeking out about this!)
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Re: Campaign Discussion

#9 Post by Antman9 »

Rusty Tincanne Wrote

Is it too late to tell her we all say hi? :P

I am fine with Captain Jack custom building a boat for us. And a captain - preferably Han Solo... :D

I don't entirely understand the "everyone knows one another but one of us plan." I am not opposed to that plan, but why is that any better than everyone-is-brand-new regarding conversations? Would it make one person more integral to the scene - but a role that would war off pretty quickly?

Having played games where everyone starts out knowing one another (so there is no "what is your backstory" mystery floating around) and the standard, "we all just me in the bar and now we are heading into the wilderness" type of RPG, I can say I don't have a huge preference. Both can offer plenty of opportunities for conflicting motives and role playing through them.

If we are voting on that, my preference is that we either all know one another or we are all (or mostly all) strangers. But that could be flexible depending on the answer to my question above.

In general, I am fine with a reader being included in the game. And having been in a couple games with Marullus, having played in his West Marches sandbox and seeing how deftly he wove a several-thousand-year-backstory into Keehnelf's North Marches sandbox world, I have no doubt he would use the character in a subtle, plot-driving manner.

And if others definitely don't want a reader PC, I would encourage Antman to, at least, include an occasional reader as an NPC. They are part of the 'verse - why things are the way they are. As are Reavers.
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Re: Campaign Discussion

#10 Post by Antman9 »

Marullus Wrote

Okay, I got the book!

I was thinking of something like this... two slight variances, depending on if he's First Mate or not (in which case he's a Bad Reputation). He was an officer in the war, a special operative subjected to performance-enhancing drugs which opened a latent ability as a reader. Nothing is worse for following orders, however, than knowing the shit those giving orders are hiding. With the war over, he went to the rim, unable to bear the presence (or secrets) of the Alliance leadership around him. He finds solace in the Black where there aren't as many people around, and loyalty to the captain who managed to earn his trust.

Reader (Focus, Influence, Notice)
Veteran of the Unification War (Fight, Shoot, Survive)
Bad Reputation (Fight, Influence, Survive)
Focus 8 (Willpower), Influence 10, Notice 6 (Intuition), Fight 10 (Martial Arts), Shoot 10, Survive 8, Know 6 (Tactics), Operate 6

Reader (Focus, Influence, Notice)
Veteran of the Unification War (Fight, Shoot, Survive)
First Mate (Fight, Influence, Notice)
Focus 8 (Willpower), Influence 10, Notice 8 (intuition), Fight 10 (Martial Arts), Shoot 10, Survive 6, Know 6 (Tactics), Operate 6

Distinction Triggers:
Secrets, Secrets: When you are in the presence of someone who is trying to keep a secret, spend 1 PP to discover the secret with a Mental + Know Action. If your Action fails, create or step up a Paranoid Complication.
War Stories: When you create an Asset or take a Complication related to a wartime flashback, step it up.

Signature Assets:
Alliance-Issued War Rifle d8: There ain’t nothing you’d rather have by your side than your War rifle. Sure it’s not one of them shiny new guns, but your trusty rifle has got plenty of character and that’s enough for you.
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Re: Campaign Discussion

#11 Post by Antman9 »

Marullus Wrote

I agree -- I really like the idea of starting in media res and then learning about each other through exposition after.

I got the book and looked things over. The "natural reader" template is a naive kid, which I don't relish playing. I did a test sheet with Reader // Veteran of the War // First Mate (or Bad Reputation). The idea is that he was a specialist in the war and given combat-enhancing drugs that unlocked a latent reader talent. He was a good solider and helped win the war... in the process he saw the secrets of his Alliance upper brass enough to disenchant him to their entire organization. Post-war, he was a soldier and tactician without a cause. He lays low because he doesn't want recognition as an alliance hero, tacitly associating with post-war browncoats (or even perhaps he was a double-agent among them). He gravitated to the rim looking for obscurity, ended up on a ship in the Black because the noise of people's minds around him is too much, and ended up with this captain because the captain has earned his trust (and the captain's secrets are minimal/aligned/don't bother him/something he can believe in). I see him as a strong in Fighting/Firearms, Influence, and Notice with balanced attributes.

If that works, he'd be a strong-man First Mate, if not, I can swap it for Bad Reputation and make him a little less social/more combat-y.

It combines elements of Zoe (loyal, strong fighter, but not as boringly one-dimensional) and the background of Shepard Book from his follow-on graphic novel (double-agent with a hidden past). Or, like the true believer agent from the movie who handled the classified missions, but advance him six years or so after total disillusionment hit.

That's just what I was thinking for now... if that doesn't work with the other PCs, I'll scrap it and do something completely different. What are you seeing your Captain being like?
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Re: Campaign Discussion

#12 Post by Antman9 »

Jack Wrote

I saw the captain as playing open cards with his first mate, so him being a reader works well with that.

The captain's goal is to help a group who's secretly making 2 generation ships out on the rim. Their plans are to eventually leave the Alliance systems to go back to the solar system-that-was and see if Mars can be successfully terraformed with the latest tech.

The captain isn't a Browncoat, tho a tattoo on his left cheek of the word "sedition" (which he refuses to have removed) marks him as not being friendly to the Alliance. He was jailed before the war started for civil resistance, and spent the entire war there - so has "Done Time" and probably "Friends in Low Places".

Want your first mate to be a partner in owning the ship? (And have "Debt"...)
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Re: Campaign Discussion

#13 Post by Antman9 »

Antman9 Wrote

Hey All,

Great stuff so far everyone. Glad to see everyone getting excited and starting to think about the campaign. If ToniXX hasn't created the campaign by tomorrow morning I will shoot him a PM.

To answer a few questions so far:
I am currently working on the core rules quick reference that will be posted in a thread in the campaign along with a more detailed version as a pdf download. Hoping to have those done by tomorrow. These will include creating a character from an Archetype and the Custom Character creation process, along with basic core mechanics, name examples, 'verse locations and names, etc.

Core Rule Set here: Firefly RPG Corebook

Rusty Tincanne
Natural Reader description form book below. I meant to remove that originally but forgot to. Yep (Marullus) they have abilities like River. Jack originally mentioned he didn't want to play the campaign with characters like that, but in his recent post, he states "I would prefer the 'verse to be free of characters with supernatural River-like reader powers, but if someone has a cool character like that, I'll try to not let them kill me with their brain." So I guess it's something we can discuss in more detail once ToniXX has the campaign up.

Natural Reader Description
"Of course you’re in love with her. I have a sense about these things.”

Growing up on Greenleaf was a unique experience. Most of the terraformed planets are wide plains or harsh deserts. Not Greenleaf. The lush vegetation in the tropical zone filled your young lungs with the heavy, thick air of the rainforests. Your parents worked as cultivators for the pharma companies that used the plants to make medicines for the new illnesses caused by the terraforming process. They lived off the land as much as they could. Natural foods from a private garden and handmade clothes gave you a simple upbringing, but your parents never seemed to complain. They spoke of their time on the Core Worlds with a sadness that was infectious.

You started readin’ people a few years ago as a teenager. You were always a sensitive child but your empathy grew by leaps and bounds during those first teenage years. Reading is a sensation that’s hard to explain—it comes in flashes of pictures, turns of phrase, smells triggering vivid memories that are not your own. You could rarely make sense of it at first, but your parents encouraged you to develop your abilities. You still get random flashes, but sometimes you can grab onto something important and pull it out, like a book from a bookshelf.

When folks start gettin’ suspicious of you, you pack up your belongings and move to the next town. That’s why you left Greenleaf in the first place. Your parents were being watched and you knew it was because of you. Life out in the black is hard, but you’re using your abilities to help people. One day, you hope to draw those shadowy forces watching you out into the light so you can return home.
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Re: Campaign Discussion

#14 Post by Antman9 »

Antman9 Wrote


I can see you guys are really getting excited. Even pulling out the Latin (Marallus). I too enjoy jumping right in the middle of a thing/something ;)

Just got word from ToniXX. He is setting up the campaign now. When it's up I will copy all of the PM correspondence thus far into the initial thread, so we have it for reference. I got most of the core rules stuff finished this weekend, gonna complete the important stuff tonight.

Read through the section for creating a custom ship; seems pretty simple, if you use the base templates they have anyway. Ships are very similar to crew members, mechanics-wise.

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Re: Campaign Discussion

#15 Post by FantasyChic »

So did we ever decide if we are going Archetypes or Create Your Own? I'm down for both as I have an idea of who I want.
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Re: Campaign Discussion

#16 Post by Antman9 »


If I am not mistaken, most folks are going to use an Archetype as a starting template and then customize from there, which is almost the same as building one from scratch (sort of). If you have the rules and want to go through the process of building a character from scratch (pretty easy process), then by all means have at it. Before you get too far along, it might be a good idea to hash out how we are going to start the campaign, as well as what type of campaign it will be, first so you'll have some background info to build on. Seems like most folks are pretty much on the same page already though, so there's that...

Also you might shout out your character idea here so we can all benefit form your character creation process.

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Re: Campaign Discussion

#17 Post by Jack »

Zhào Percy was a political prisoner before the war, and his prison became a POW camp during the war.

Ant, if I take the "Done time" distinction, can I alter (per page 204) the following 2 highlited skills: Labor to Fight, and Craft to Survive? He didn't do hard labor, but had to fight to survive amongst other criminals, and in the POW camp basic survival was more important than making stuff.

The other 2 distinctions I'm looking at are "Ship's captain", and "Debt".
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Re: Campaign Discussion

#18 Post by Antman9 »

Jack wrote:Zhào Percy was a political prisoner before the war, and his prison became a POW camp during the war.

Ant, if I take the "Done time" distinction, can I alter (per page 204) the following 2 highlited skills: Labor to Fight, and Craft to Survive? He didn't do hard labor, but had to fight to survive amongst other criminals, and in the POW camp basic survival was more important than making stuff.

The other 2 distinctions I'm looking at are "Ship's captain", and "Debt".
That sounds good Jack. I think those fit nicely with the background you're describing. They fit well with the Captain position too I think.
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Re: Campaign Discussion

#19 Post by Antman9 »

Hey All,

Here are the characters and general ideas we have thus far. Quite the rowdy crew we have forming here. Everything looks good so far. Lets discuss and narrow a few items down shall we?

Things to Discuss
  • Character Roles
  • Campaign Ideas
  • Custom Ship
  • Do the characters know each other (vote, see below)
FantasyChic: Career Lawdog, Freelance Investigator, or Blue Sun Corporate Assassin
Rusty Tincanne: Asteroid miner or off world farmer (2nd Mechanic, Dark-Humor Support Cast)
Jack: Captain in debt, former POW
Marallus: Soldier and tactician without a cause (Meat and Potatoes, side of Fungi). Fighting/Firearms, Influence, and Notice with balanced attributes

FantasyChic: Career Lawdog, Freelance Investigator, or Blue Sun Corporate Assassin.

Rusty Tincanne: Asteroid miner or off world farmer. Maybe they would have some mechanical knowledge and could help work on the engines and lift heavy things. Then add in one entirely unrelated skill that represents a failed dream or why they left their old life - perhaps he plays harmonica. Too soon to tell yet. Basically, I am happy to play a supporting cast member, adding in a bit of dark humor as warranted.

Jack: A captain doing mostly pickup and delivery jobs, some smuggling, and the odd salvage when spotted. Struggling to pay off the debt from buying the ship. Zhào Percy was a political prisoner before the war, and his prison became a POW camp during the war.

Marallus: The idea is that he was a specialist in the war and given combat-enhancing drugs that unlocked a latent reader talent. He was a good solider and helped win the war... in the process he saw the secrets of his Alliance upper brass enough to disenchant him to their entire organization. Post-war, he was a soldier and tactician without a cause. He lays low because he doesn't want recognition as an alliance hero, tacitly associating with post-war browncoats (or even perhaps he was a double-agent among them). He gravitated to the rim looking for obscurity, ended up on a ship in the Black because the noise of people's minds around him is too much, and ended up with this captain because the captain has earned his trust (and the captain's secrets are minimal/aligned/don't bother him/something he can believe in). I see him as a strong in Fighting/Firearms, Influence, and Notice with balanced attributes.

Character Creation: Custom
Reader: Most seem open to one.

Campaign Ideas
Marallus: I see the format as based around our ship, with the planet/site being fungible based on each session. So the ship is wherever you want it to be. I am particularly fond of struggling with the Alliance, though. I may be outnumbered and am okay going with the group.

Jack: I like the idea of starting in the middle of a conflict, on a world and not in space, with all the PCs except one knowing each other very well. That one PC maybe switching sides to join us (like Jayne in Out of gas), which would allow for some natural exposition with that PC asking the others about themselves, the ship, and their regular contacts (like Book and Simon).

Rusty Tincanne: I am really open to most anything, depending on what others want to do. I am usually drawn to the story of the "little guy" who gets in over their head, but I don't need to do that. Also, the show focused on a band of smugglers, which is what I assume we will be doing, but there is nothing stopping us from playing an alliance patrol group or something.

FantasyChic: Open to anything

Rusty Tincanne: Having played games where everyone starts out knowing one another (so there is no "what is your backstory" mystery floating around) and the standard, "we all just me in the bar and now we are heading into the wilderness" type of RPG, I can say I don't have a huge preference. Both can offer plenty of opportunities for conflicting motives and role playing through them. If we are voting on that, my preference is that we either all know one another or we are all

GM: I'm thinking we could start out with a semi-clunker ship that Jack's character owes money on. Maybe he paid too much, just needed to get moving, his POW time continually creeping up on his tail. We might throw in a serious complication that cripples, or hinders the ship, or perhaps it's DOA with no hope for survival, and now Jack's character has a debt and no ship. Perhaps the party members are stranded somewhere and they work together, getting to know one another in the process, to get back in the air.

Just a couple of initial ideas, after reading through everyone's posts. Let's brainstorm this a little more together.

Ship Creation
Marallus: Open (as long as he doesn’t have to do it)
Jack: Would like to help create a custom ship
Rusty Tincanne: Open (fine with Jack doing it)

Character Knowledge of Each Other
Seems to be half-n-half and on the fence. I kind of like the idea of starting things out in a pinch (though I'm not set on it) and have the characters thrown in together, for one reason or another. I think the dynamic would work nicely, considering where everyone is going with their characters so far. I feel this should be a vote though...

They all know each other: YES or NO
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Re: Campaign Discussion

#20 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Antman9 wrote:They all know each other: YES or NO
I am being incredibly unhelpful in my pliability here, but I can go either way.

As for character generation/archetype altering, is that going to be done as a group online? I am thinking of going for the asteroid miner crossed with Mac from Agents of SHIELD. Large and mechanically inclined, clearly able to be a brute, but not really loving to do so.
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