Carthage 621

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Carthage 621

#1 Post by Urson »

The Traveller's Rest Inn at Carthage 621 is a long, low building, with lots of windows that look out from a diner onto the Possible Highway. The inside could be any Mom-n-Pop diner along any road: knotty pine walls covered with posters advertising the special of the day, a jukebox playing Merle Haggard, red/brown tile floors, and 1950's-era leatherette booths. The back room has a beer tap or two, a pool table, and some small tables (currently pushed together to make one big table for 8).
Out back are a small number of cabins that can be rented for a stopover, and an anachronistic garage- bright lights, stainless steel walls, and neon signs. Several fuel pumps stand between it and the main building.

How ever your characters found their way to the Highway, they've been recently contacted by an unassuming courier who asked that you come to a meeting here. You're directed into the 'back room'. "Harry said he'll be here soon."

Feel free to do an introduction post and begin character interations while we sort out the technical details.
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Re: Carthage 621

#2 Post by Pulpatoon »

Tel parks in back, and looks around to see what other vehicles are present.

An androgynous figure, Tel has a smooth pate, and a soft, baby-fat features, dressed in simple, practical clothes that look halfway between a mechanics coverall and camping gear.

He lingers by the garage for awhile, gazing longingly into the Aladdin's cave of wonders: spark plugs, carburetor caps, wrenches, and axle grease! Eventually, she makes his way into the dinner, where she orders apple pie, a cheeseburger, fries, and black coffee. When ushered into the back room, he collects his plates, tucks a bottle of ketchup under one arm, and takes them with her.

Tel has the air of a delighted tourist, eager to see what quaint experience will present itself next.
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Re: Carthage 621

#3 Post by ylinett »

Pulling into a space he steps out of the car. First one red shoe then the other hit the pavement. Grabbing a distressed brown leather briefcase and buttoning his suit he stands. Lock the door, check it...good.

The place looks like he would expect, almost too much like he would expect. Sometimes you have to wonder if any of this is real. Perhaps he is still standing at the crossroads and only imagined the last few...ah never mind.

Stepping into the diner he looks over the marks...make that patrons. Well maybe there is time for a little fun. Walking over to the counter he looks at a middle aged woman and smiles.

When approached for his order he turns to his neighbor and replies "They put coffee in the coffee in Brazil.". The server getting the picture says "Black?". Prepared for the question he fires back, still looking at the woman next to him " No sugar tonight in my coffee.".

Alas his sport is cut short as he too is escourted into the back room. With a gracious nod and a beaming smile he thanks the server and courier "Danke Scheon".

Entering the room he seats himself at the closest seat. Unbuttoning his suit jacket he looks to Tel. "Please allow me to introduce myself." {Extending a hand}
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Re: Carthage 621

#4 Post by Spectreman17 »

Bait, Desert Runner

An old, rusty, possibly-green-at-some-point 1990 Camaro comes barreling down the highway, passing cars with reckless abandon. It seems to hold a constant speed, regardless of traffic or terrain. Seemingly out of nowhere, a single brake light ignites on the tail of the car and it's rear end begins to slide. It pulls a wide sliding arc before jumping a curb into a quaint little diner parking lot. The rig side swipes a black VW bus before pulling between two cars that don't have enough space to park between.

A dirty bald kid in his mid thirties climbs out through the chariot on the rear end of the Camaro. He jogs up to the front of the diner and barges in the door. Without even bothering with the bar he asks the first waitress he sees where the meeting is. He is promptly directed to the back room as he sees two strange looking fellows exchanging greetings.

He ignores this and pulls a 4 inch cube of wood from his pocket and begins carving away at it mindlessly. He watches their exchange, noting their names, but doesn't offer a word in.
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Re: Carthage 621

#5 Post by Stirling »

"Route 66 or Route 666, all the same goddamn highway to me."Ash Cranepool, wound the window down on his all terrain buggy, catching the last fleeting warmth of the desert air. "Can you help me out? Come and see this! Do this little job on the side? Got you a nice little earner! Always the same banal offers, promised rich rewards yielded only meagre scraps and danger."Ash mulled over the letter he received a week or more back. Hastily stuffed under the hotel door while he slept. It had been signed Harry. "Harry who?"Ash thought, Dirty Harry perhaps? Slim Harry, Harry with the crutch, crotch Harry? Big Badass Harry, Garry and Larry's little bro Harry...hmmm no Harry junior had been eaten, chicken Harry, curry Harry, Harry bhuna, Harry Krishna Harry, Harry Potter Harry...maybe the blood splatter marred the invitation, maybe no name Harry, just hurry, maybe hairy, hmm Mary? No she was scary. Ash mulled over infinite possibilities, just like this road less travelled. Highway Harry, whoever he was would have to wait just a little longer.

Dusk eventually arrived as Ash pulled up alongside some not so shiny VW wagon. He lifted the gull wing doors open and got out, stooping to collect a heavy duffel bag which he cast over his shoulder. Entering the bar with a nervous swagger he made for the bar. Dressed in fur trimmed denims and high length boots, at first glance Ash would look to all the world like average lumberjack Joe, still humping his favoured greased chainsaw. Second glances normally raised eyebrows and a wider berth was made for him at the counter. The chainsaw WAS his arm. Cyborg implant, bionics or just homemade agriculturally fixed you could not tell.

Ash rested the saw heavily on the counter, scanned the room for faces familiar and fair and then clicked his fingers at a waitress."Steak please, quite rare, straight from the rump side, go a little light on the salad, heavy on the gin though and a screwdriver if you don't mind. Thank you."
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Re: Carthage 621

#6 Post by Pulpatoon »

ylinett wrote:Entering the room he seats himself at the closest seat. Unbuttoning his suit jacket he looks to Tel. "Please allow me to introduce myself." {Extending a hand}
Tel looks pleasantly at the gentleman's hand, then his face, then back at his hand. "Oh, yes. I will. Certainly."
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Re: Carthage 621

#7 Post by ylinett »

Hearing Tel's reply he looks slightly puzzled. "I'm not dumb, but I can't understand. Why she talks like a woman and walks like a man." He waits for a moment longer with his hand extended and if it is not shaken he will run his hand through his hair and shrug.
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Re: Carthage 621

#8 Post by Pulpatoon »

Tel: "You were asking permission to introduce yourself? You have it. I'm Tel."
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Re: Carthage 621

#9 Post by ylinett »

He could see where this was going..."Well, they call me the Breeze. I keep blowing down the road. Tell me, baby, what's your story? Where you come from?"
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Re: Carthage 621

#10 Post by Pulpatoon »

Tel: "'Breeze?' Hey, that's very poetic. I... uh, well, I'm from kinda up the time stream, I guess, from local conditions. I'm, uh... a mechanic. Oh, and a collector! So much lovely old tech around here. Really clever stuff." Tel pauses to shovel a forkful of apple pie and ketchup in. "And the food, huh? Pretty great."

Tel swallows the pie, sips the coffee, pauses, and adds some ketchup to it, too. "And you?"
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Re: Carthage 621

#11 Post by Stirling »

Ash brings over his tray of food, carefully balancing the weight in one hand. Sitting down at one end of the table he beings to wolf down the salad and tear off strips of beef with his fingers. In between he fiddles with the screwdriver making small adjustments in his left wrist. Oily thick grease drips from his elbow, smudging the table and then flowing over like a mini waterfall onto the tiled floor. Knocking back the gin, Ash waves the glass around in front of his face like he is telling an unseen guest part of a story."So I says to this guy, give me the dough and I'll watch over your car. But the guy answered back saying that his big dog on the back seat would rip my other hand off if I broke into the car, so I said to him, give me the dough and I'll watch your car, but he repeated saying his dog was a vicious Alsation and would chew me up so I says to him, pay me the dough to watch over your car. And he answered a third time saying his hound was an expert tracker and savage beast that would shred anyone foolish enough to enter the car while he was inside the office. So I says to him, excuse me pal, but can your dog put out a fire?"

Ash laughs hysterically to himself, "ha, ha, ha, can your dog put out a fire?, ha, ha. Oh man,". Ash puts the empty gin glass down and looks at the other three in the room. "So any of you Harry or hairy?"
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Re: Carthage 621

#12 Post by Monsieur Rose »

A low rumbling grows and rattles the windows of the old diner. Those who look out see a large black and gold tour bus emblazoned with a black bunny drive past and turn into the lot. The lilting melodies of a dubstep track permeates the air until abruptly cut off as the door opens. An older man, dressed in a bright orange winter parka and white snow pants, steps out and takes in the area. He grins broadly at the sun and saunters in the front door.

Once inside, he glances around at the patrons, identifies an occupied booth and sits down next to the biggest, hairiest guy there. Within seconds the table goes from shock to joviality as guffaws and back slaps resonate through the air. When the waitress asks for his order, the unknown man simply replies "I'll just have what he's having." And with a flourish, he grabs the half eaten plate from the table and stands up. A keen look at the waitress gives him all he needs. "The back room you say? Excellent. I'll let myself in." Locating the backroom, he takes a seat at the bar and looks around at the eclectic group. As the door closes on the laughter from the main room, he greets everyone:

"Nice to meet you all. I"m Axel Kings, but my associates call me The Honey Badger."
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Re: Carthage 621

#13 Post by Urson »

(I wondered if he was keeping the bus. :lol: )
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Re: Carthage 621

#14 Post by Spectreman17 »

(I think you mean War rig. can't wait till someone makes the mistake of letting me repair something on it.)

As more and more people come into the room, Bait is getting less and less comfortable. He doesn't know any of them, and as harmless as they seem, he smells a trap.

without stopping his whittling, but as if no longer looking at it, he scans the room and says loudly, "with such an interesting crew gathering, and still no sign of a Harry, why don't y'all share what brings you in today? Did you all also get a strange note under your door, or does anyone know what's actually going on?"
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Re: Carthage 621

#15 Post by Pulpatoon »

Tel digs a folded-up sheet of paper from one of the pockets of his jacket. Smoothing out the creases, she sets it on the table. "This was delivered by a courier, yesterday. I was a couple hundred miles down the road. There were directions to get here, and a request to meet with... ah..." Tel peers at the paper, "Right, 'Harry.' Just as you said. It's an offer of work, I think."
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Re: Carthage 621

#16 Post by Stirling »

Ash bangs his glass on the table, "Harry, Harry, Harry!", he calls. Then orders a refill of gin. "Ash, that's me".pointing go himself, "the black n' chrome out there is mine. I ain't afraid of no ghosts!" Ash whistles a tune and waits for his extra gin. He'll take the bottle, order four extra glasses and pour for each. "Lets' say this is on the house."
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Re: Carthage 621

#17 Post by ylinett »

Pulpatoon wrote:Tel: "'Breeze?' Hey, that's very poetic. I... uh, well, I'm from kinda up the time stream, I guess, from local conditions. I'm, uh... a mechanic. Oh, and a collector! So much lovely old tech around here. Really clever stuff." Tel pauses to shovel a forkful of apple pie and ketchup in. "And the food, huh? Pretty great."

Tel swallows the pie, sips the coffee, pauses, and adds some ketchup to it, too. "And you?"
"I'm a traveling man. I've made a lot of stops all over the world." He takes a sip of his coffee and continues with a somewhat forlorn expression on his face. 'I've been looking real hard, and I'm trying to find a job; But it just keeps getting tougher every day." With that he turns an watches as the others walk into the room one by one. Looks like they put out the call to every Tom, Dick, and Harry they could find.
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Re: Carthage 621

#18 Post by ylinett »

Watching Tel produce a letter so pulls his out from his jacket pocket and remarks "You've got the future in your hands. Signed, sealed, delivered."
Stirling wrote:Ash bangs his glass on the table, "Harry, Harry, Harry!", he calls. Then orders a refill of gin. "Ash, that's me".pointing go himself, "the black n' chrome out there is mine. I ain't afraid of no ghosts!" Ash whistles a tune and waits for his extra gin. He'll take the bottle, order four extra glasses and pour for each. "Lets' say this is on the house."
As Ash is pouring he counts along "One, two, three. All right now, here we go." Picking up his glass and motioning for the others to follow "Now we're gonna tell you a little story here about the way we like to party. Take ya on a trip. Hit it." With a ease of a man who has had many a stiff drink he down the booze. "Wooh, that's right." Quietly he judges their reactions. Do they drink, are they going to try to keep up appearances? Does it even have an effect on them. In this place so little can be taken for granted.

Motioning for Ash to fill his glass again he then motions to Axel's glass. Lifting his glass for a toast he states "I wanna make friends with the Badger." And the next shot goes down. Who else drank, and who didn't?
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Re: Carthage 621

#19 Post by Spectreman17 »

Bait, Desert Runner:

Bait is hesitant at first about the drink, not seeing that others weren't concerned, he takes a drink. He coughs as it goes down. being new to the possibilities of the highway, he had really only drank liquors distilled from cactus. this tasted far mor like something green and growing. not to his liking, he ventures out to the bar to order something more to his tastes. He comes back with a pitcher of some cheap beer. If these folks want to party, then he'll show them how the deserters do it.

"Friends aren't what we're here for, but if you want a drinking partner, I can keep you company," Bait says to no one in particular. He then sits at the table away from the chainsaw and starts his third glass.
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Re: Carthage 621

#20 Post by Pulpatoon »

Tel accepts a glass. She sniffs it cautiously, take a tentative sip, and then happily swallows the rest. The drink goes down easily, but brings a noticeable blush to his cheeks.
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