The state of things...

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The state of things...

#1 Post by defunctdeity »

The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros are in a time of strife - with 3 times as many "Kings" jockeying among one another for power over their regions. Essos has largely fallen under the thumb of the Valyrian dragonlords and their 300 fire-breathing mounts. People all the world over are experiencing upheaval and instability with constantly changing demographics and the ever shifting balance of control over their lives. Just so, they are pushed into greater and closer proximity to each other...

This global turmoil brings us to Old Town; the largest, most wealthy and most powerful city in Westeros. The bounty of the Honeywine filling its coffers, the Citadel the premier institution of learning in the World, and the Starry Sept the long time seat of power of the Faith of the Seven.

But not all is well for House Hightower or its subjects. The Ironborn control the western waters and coasts, Highgarden strikes at them for control of the Reach, and Old Town is a hotbed of activity for clashing cultures and warring religious factions, all struggling for the minds of the People.

Most troubling is the recent rise of the Red God, R'hllor. Led by one they call Lokren Blackfire, this Cult's following has grown strong, seemingly overnight, and with that strength has come a boldness and level of evangelism never seen before from this previously humble, and largely unknown, faction.

Assets are being seized, detractors are being burned at the stake, public displays of real magic and power draw People desperate for strength to their cause, and they have made it clear that there is no room for any but the One - Red - God, all others shall bend the knee to Him or they shall be cleansed in fire!

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