Character Creation - Setup

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Character Creation - Setup

#1 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Turns out then when you lock something it doesn't let you unlock it, even if you use the moderator control to UNLOCK it.... So let's try this again!!

Character creation, step by step process.

Before making a character I would suggest learning, if you don’t already know, the setting in which your characters are born into. What you make has a direct correlation to how different people and nations treat you. Mages are feared and collared, warriors are a staple in this life and rogues are treated as sneaks, thieves, or hunters.
Elves are second class citizens, Dwarves keep to themselves under the mountains, Qunari are basically just as feared, if not hated, as mages; and Humans are everywhere. These are generalizations and can be subject to change based on where in the world you are. For all intents and purposes this group will be starting in Fereldon, you are not forced to stay in this land, but remember that the further you travel into the unknown locations the more dangers you shall face.

Now then! Let us get this creation stuff underway!

Step 1: Choosing your stats!
Each character has 8 stats that are involved in most things you do.
Communication: Characters social skills, personal interactions, as well as their ability to deal with others
Constitution: Characters fortitude and resistance to harm
Cunning: Measure of your characters intelligence. Knowledge, and education
Dexterity: Encompasses agility, hand-eye coordination, and quickness
Magic: Characters innate arcane power
Perception: Covers all the senses and ability to interpret sensory data
Strength: Characters physical prowess
Willpower: Encompasses mental toughness, discipline, and confidence

To get the ratings for each of these stats roll 3D6 for each stat and consult the chart below to see what initial rating you get.

Code: Select all

3D6 Roll -> Starting Ability
3                  -2
4                  -1
5                  -1
6                   0   
7                   0
8                   0
9                   1
10                  1
11                  1
12                  2
13                  2
14                  2
15                  3
16                  3
17                  3
18                  4
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Re: Character Creation - Setup

#2 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Step 2: Picking Background!!!

When picking up a background you are basically picking who you are in the world, every player can still have their own unique background detailing how they lived and came to be what they are, if they so choose. Each of these backgrounds modify the character and only certain classes are allowed to certain backgrounds, etc.

Once a background is chosen roll another 2D6 and link me the roll, I will then assign an extra bonus based upon which background is chosen.


Nations outside of the Tevinter Imperium, only the members of The Circle of Magi y legally practice magic. Those who defy the law are known as Apostates. The Circle of Magi is supposed to find humans and elves with magical power and train them before they endanger themselves and others. All those who practice magic risk the demonic possession and could turn into abominations, and there is always the risk that any mage might turn to the same forbidden arts practiced by the magisters of the Tevinter Imperium, dangerous blood magic that relies on ritual sacrifice and subverts the minds of other men. This is why there are Chantry Templars in every Circle tower, and why Templars hunt down Apostates. These Apostates come from a very broad category, some are self taught mages that have found magic through trial and error, Some come from magical traditions that pre-date the circle founding such as Hedge Wizards and Avarian Shamans. Some are rebels, choosing to oppose the views of the Circle, Chantry, or both instead choosing to go their own way.

If picking this background:
Add 1 to Willpower stat, and apostate has a greater strength of will from fending off possession.
Pick one of the following focuses, Cunning(Natural Lore) or Willpower(Self-Discipline)
Choose whether the character is either a Human or an Elf
Allowed starting language is the Trade Tongue (common)
Must take the Mage class.
Avvarian hillsmen, known as Avvars, are a rugged human people who make their homes in the Frostback Mountains. In centuries past they were one of the many barbarian trives that lived in and around the fereldan region. When the Alamarri clans united 400 years ago under the first king of Ferelden, the Avvars refused to join them. The hillsmen were too independant, too proud, and too stubborn to pay homage to any king. Their continued raiding into the lowlands led to many long and bitter wards, but ultimately the Avvars alone could not stand up to the united forces of Ferelden. The hillsmen were driven back itno their mountain homes, but no commander dared to fight them on their home ground. Since then there has been an uneasy pease between the Avvars and Ferelden. In recent times the Avvarian Hills men are largely isolated in the Frostbacks. They do trade with the dwarves and some Avvars descend to the low lands to work as mercenaries or adventurers. Most people in Ferelden consider the hills men uncivilized barbarians, while the Avvars think their old foes weak and corrupt.

If picking this background:
Add 1 to strength stat, Avvars must be strong to survive the mountain life
pick one of the following focuses, Communication(animal Handling) or Strength(climbing)
Avvars can speak the Trade Tongue (common)
This background can choose either the Rogue or Warrior Class
Circle Mage:
In ages past the use of magic was outlawed outside the Tevinter Imperium, and those who practiced it were persecuted and hunted. This only got worse with the rise of the Chantry, as the new religion spoke out against magic as corrupt and evil. magic, of course, was also quite useful, particularly when fighting creatures like darkspawn. This led to a compromise in which mages could legally practice magic - but only under the watchful eye of the Chantry. Blood magic, the practice of the dreaded maleficar, was also strictly forbidden. During the second Blight the mages proved their worth and helped save humanity. This allowed them to gain a measure of autonomy, and thus was born the first Circle of Magi. While there are still Chantry Templars stationed in every Circle Tower, it is the mages who police those with magical power. Circle mages find humans and elves with magical talent and bring them to their towers for training and supervision, and to teach them to defend themselves against demonic possession. Practicing magic outside a circle is a capital offense.

If picking this background:
Add 1 to magic ability, representing the training from the Circle of Magi
Pick one of the focuses, Cunning(Arcane Lore) or Cunning(Historical Lore)
Pick if the character is either Human or Elven
Starting out they can speak the Trade Tongue (common) and can read Ancient Tevene
Must take the Mage Class
City Elf:
Over two millennia ago the elves and Dwarves were the powers of Thedas. The elves ruled above the earth and the Dwarves below it. The elves spent centuries becoming master magicians, craftsmen, and artists, and it is said they were nearly immortal. When the humans first arrived in Thedas, the elves game them aid despite what they considered impatient and rude behavior on the human's part. The elves were shocked when the diseases carried by the humans began killing them. They were horrified when they discovered that just being near humans shortened their lifespan and made them mortal. They attempted to shut themselves away from the rest of Thedas, but the rising Tevinter Imperium attacked them with it legions and its blood magic. The elf kingdom of Arlathan fell and the survivors spent the next 500 years as slaves of the Imperium. When freedom did come, it was all to brief. The new elf homeland, the Dales, tried to revive the lost culture of Arlathan. That included the worship of the ancient elves pantheon and this the Chantry would not tolerate. It declared an exalted March against the Dales, accusing the elves of blood magic and practicing other forbidden rites, and for a second time the elves lost their homeland. Some of the survives became wanderers but the rest were absorbed into the various human kingdoms. Here the so-called city elves still live as second class citizens, mostly working as servants and laborers. Few remember the culture of their heritage, fewer still can even speak elven any more, and almost none have a lifespan much longer than that of a human these days. They live in segregated sections of cities and towns known as alienages. Bitter and downtrodden, many city elves turn to crime. These rogues, all to common, only reinforce the prejudice most humans have towards city elves.

If picking this background:
Add 1 to Dexterity, the city elves retain their races natural agility
pick one of the following focuses, Dexterity(stealth) or Perception(Seeing)
Starting languages are the Trade Tongue
Character can either be a warrior or a Rogue
Dalish Elf:
After 500 years of slavery, the elves won their freedom as part of the rebellion that broke the power of the Tevinter Imperium. While liberated humans and barbarians from the south took over former lands of the Imperium, the human leader Andraste gifted the elves a region of southern Orlais as a reward for their role in the rebellion. Here they established the Dales, a new elven homeland to replace the long destroyed kingdom of Arlathan. Despite the centuries of slavery, the elves remembered much of their heritage and in the Dales their culture had a rebirth. As part of this they began to worship the ancient elven pantheon and this ultimately caused their downfall. The Chantry in the Orlesian Empire would not stand for such heresy and it declared an Exalted March against the Dales. A second elven homeland was destroyed and most of the survivors went to line in human lands and became the city elves. The remaining leadership of the Dales would not bend a knee to the humans, however. They chose a life of exile instead. These Dalish elves are descended from some of the oldest elven families and they retain a strong sense of duty to their people. They have taken it upon themselves to preserve elves culture and lore so that when the day comes that the elves once again have a homeland they can teach the ancient ways to their city elf brethren. Until that time the Dalish elves wander in the ornately carved wagons they call aravel. Called Landships by the humans, aravel are pulled by halla, a unique breed of white stag that originated in long lost Arlathan. The Dalish elves travel in small family grounds for the most part and do not stay in one place for long. Rumor has it that they have rediscovered the secrets of elven magic, but if that is true no human has seen proof of it.

If picking this background:
Add 1 to your willpower, the stubbornness of the Dalish elves is legendary
Pick one of the following focuses, Dexterity(Bows) or Willpower(Courage)
Starting languages are the Trade Tongue(Common) and Elven
Must choose either the Warrior or Rogue class
Fereldan Freeman:
Ferelden, a young nation that human barbarians founded 400 years ago. The Alamarri tribes had come to the region long before that, but they were so fractious that it took extraordinary events for them toc ome together to form Fereldon. Now it is a nation on the rise, hoping to build on it successes to become a great power. Nobles rule Fereldon and the craftsmen and their priests have a powerful influence upon them. The bulk of the population, however, is made up of freemen. As their name indicates, they are not slaves or serfs but free men and women. They are soldiers, shopkeepers, laborers, farmers, entertainers, hunters, and so on. The freemen are not rich but they are proud and pragmatic. In Fereldon a freeman with ambition and ability can climb the social ladder and many do just that.

If picking this background:
Add 1 to constitution, the people of Ferelden descend from tough barbarian stock
pick one of the following focuses, Constitution(Stamina) or Willpower(courage)
Starting language is the Trade Tongue, Freeman and nobles alike in Ferelden call it the Kings Tongue.
Can play as either a Warrior or Rogue class
Surface Dwarf:
In ancient times the Dwarves ruled a huge underground empire. They had many cities and settlements, all connected by Deep Roads that ran far beneath the surface. Today only two dwarf cities remain, Orzammar in the Frostback Mountains and the far distant Kal Sharok. Both are waging an endless war against the darkspawn that conquered the old Dwarven lands. While the two fortress cities remain strong, the Dwarven numbers have been dwindling slowly for the past thousand years. For the most part Orzammar and Kal Sharok look inward. Dwarven society is rigid and caste based and politics is notably vicious. One caste stands apart from the others though, the surface Dwarves. They play a vital role but curiously other Dwarves look down on them. Surface Dwarves are largely merchants and middlemen, trading goods and raw materials to humans and elves. They provide ore, gems, and finely forged steel, expertly crafted goods and the precious mineral lyrium. Dwarf adventurers and wanderers also belong to the surface caste. In Orzammar and Kal Sharok Dwarves of this caste are below all others except the casteless and the criminals. It is ironic that the most famous dwarf adventurers in human lands have little standing and no prestige in their homelands.

If picking this background:
Add 1 to your constitution, Dwarves are femous for toughness
Pick one of the following focuses, Constitution(stamina) or Communication(Bargaining)
Starting languages are Dwarven and Trade Tongue (common)
Must choose either the Warrior or Rogue class
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Re: Character Creation - Setup

#3 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Second part of Backgrounds!!!!!!

Antivan Wayfarer:
Antiva is a coastal nation north of ferelden and east of the Tevinter Imperium. While technically a monarchy, Antiva is really ruled by its merchant princes. It produces little of note but excellent wine, so trade is a way of life. Antiva is famous for its merchants and sailors, though it has little in the way of a warrior tradition. It is said that ativans are good at everything but fighting. Or at least fighting on the battlefield. In fact, they excel at dirt fighting and Antiva is home to the most notorious guild of assassins, thieves, and spies in Thedas: The house of Crows. The Crows are part and parcel of the political structure in Antiva, though the identities of the rich and powerful that direct its council are a secret. The system seems anarchic but the House of Crows has proved a valuable safeguard to Antivan independence. While the nation may not have a standing army, the leaders of any invading force know that the Crows will get to them in the end. This is an effective deterrent to would-be conquerors. Since Antivans trade all over Thedas, they are frequently found in port cities and other commercial centers. The Crows, too, export their services. They are valued for their skill, discretion, and professionalism.

If picking this Background:
Add 1 to your communication, Antivans are expressive and love to talk.
pick one of the following focuses, Communication(bargaining) or Cunning(navigation)
Starting Languages are Antivan and Trade Tongue(common)
Choose to play either a warrior or Rogue class
Chasind Wilder:
The Chasind are a Barbaian folk that live to the south of Ferelden in the Korcari Wilds. While they did unite on several occasions with the Avvars and the Alamarri to fight against the Tevinter Imperium, Feredans have stronger memories of many time the Chasin surged north into their land. It is said that ages ago the Chasind conquered the Alamarri, the ancestors of the modern day Fereldans, until the latter rose up in rebellion. Later the legendary witch Flemeth led an army of Chasind into Ferelden to take vengeance on the bann who had been her husband. While Flemeth is said to have been killed at that time, many claim that she and her daughters(the witches of the wild) still live amongst the Chasind. Today the Chasind are a more peaceful folk but there are many superstitions regarding them. They live in houses built on stilts and do some trading with Fereldens living in the south. Some Fereldans still consider the Chasind a threat and fear the day a Charismatic figure will unite them once again.

If picking this background:
Add 1 to your dexterity, The Chasind move like ghosts in the wilds
pick one of the following focuses, Dexterity(stealth) or Strength(climbing)
Starting languages is the Trade Tongue (common)
Choose to play either the Rogue or Warrior Class
Dwarf Duster:
Dwarf Society in Orzammar is rigidly hierarchical. Most Dwarves belong to a caste, with the nobles on top and the servants on the bottom. All citizens with a caste receive certain protections under the law. There exists a underclass of Dwarves who have no caste, however. They are known as dusters, after their neighborhood, Dust Town, in Orzammar. These Dwarves lost their caste for are descended from those that did. Dusters receive no protection under the law and they are forbidden from doing any job controlled by a caste. Practically speaking, this means almost no legal work is open to them. They can be miners, craftsmen, traders, or even servants. To survive in Dust Town, most have little option but to turn to crime. Many work for the Carta, a powerful organized crime syndicate that controls a virtual shadow economy in the slums. Dusters are most likely Dwarves to leave Orzammar. They have little to lose by going to the surface world, since that are already casteless. If there is a surprising facet to Dwarf society, it is that so many Dusters stay in a city that treats them like rubbish. Those ho escape to the surface rarely look back.

If picking this background:
add 1 to your dexterity, Dusters must be quick to survive in the slums of Orzammar
pick one of the following focuses, Communication(Deception) or Dexterity(Legerdemain)
You gain magical resistance from living in the lyrium enriched environment, gaining a +2 to any ability tests to resist the effects of spells and other magical attacks
Starting languages are Dwarven and the Trade Tongue (common)
Must take the Rogue class
Ferelden Craftsmen:
The crafting class in Ferelden is essentially the middle class, above the freemen but below the nobles. The class is divided into a series of guild like organizations called crafthouses. Most of these groups are indeed concerned with crafting of some sort (smithing, wood carving, building, etc) but there are two exceptions. First, there is the Traders crafthouse, which is an organization of merchants. Surface Dwarves founded it originally, since the rough and tumble Barbarians of Ferelden looked down on middlemen. The Dwarves are still in charge, but most of the day to day work is done by Fereldans now. Second, the Chantry is considered part of the crafting class. This gives priests an honored position but not as much political sway as the Chantry would like. The Chantry in other nations, particularly Orlais, has much greater political power. Ferelden craftsmen are not as likely as freemen to become adventurers. Their lives are generally more settled and most have obligations to their crafthouse or the Chantry. There are always those who seek more from life, however, be it the armorer in search of rare metals, or the explorer looking to open up new trade routes, or the priest in search of ancient artifacts.

If picking this background:
Add 1 to your dexterity, craftsmen are good with their hands
pick one of the following focuses, Dexterity(crafting) or Cunning(religious Lore)
Starting language is the Trade Tongue
Choose to play as either a Warrior or Rogue class
Free Marches Burgher:
North of Ferelden, across the waking sea, are the Free Marches. This loose confederation of city estates is known as the breadbasket of Thedas due to its rich farmland and abundant crops. The Free Marches have no central government and most of the time its member cities are embroiled in any number of minor feuds over trade, tariffs, and territory. When threatened by an outside power, however, the Marchers pull together and put armies in field that rival those of their neighbors. The major cities of the Free marches are Ansburg, Hercinia, Kirkwall, Markham, Ostwick, Starkhaven, and Tantervale. The burghers are a dynamic people. They are great traders but also fierce defenders of their home cities. Some practice their martial skills to compete in the Grand Tourney, a traveling tournament and fair that moves from city to city. Roughly once every three years, the Grand Tourney settles down for a year to hold a Contest of Arms. People from all over Thedas travel to the Free marches to see or compete in this legendary event.

If picking this background:
add 1 to your Cunning, the Free Marches are nothing if not competitive and it takes a sharp mind to thrive there
pick one of the following focuses, Cunning(evaluation) or Communication(bargaining)
starting language is the trade tongue (common)
choose to play as either the Warrior or Rogue class
High-Born Dwarf:
At the top of Dwarf society are the noble houses, whose feuds and fights go back many generations. The rest of the population is divided in castes, within the top tier of which are the Warrior Caste, Smith Caste, and Artisan Caste. The Warrior Caste is the most prestigious. The warriors fight a never ending war against the darkspawn in the Deep Roads, as well as providing the rank and file soldiers of the noble houses. There are so many warriors that the caste is actually divided into several sub-classes, including those of officers, soldiers, and guardsmen. The Smith Caste is the nest most important, creating both arms and armors for the warrior caste. Finally, thee is the Artisan Caste. They, too, are highly esteemed in Dwarf society, for they are the builders and makers that make Orzammar hum. Since upper caste Dwarves have privileged positions in Orzammar, it is rare for them to leave for the surface world. Some are exiled for committing crimes or being on the wring side of a dispute between houses. Others may be sent on missions to the human lands, thought this is an unusual occurrence. If you want to play an upper caste dwarf who has left Orzammar, you should have some circumstances of your departure and whether this will lead to the loss of your caste should you return home.

If picking this background:
Choose caste: Artisan, Smith, or Warrior
add 1 to your Strength, you must be strong to survive the politics on Orzammar
Pick one of the following focuses, Dexterity(crafting), or Strength(intimidation, or strength(smithing)
You gain magical resistance from living in the lyrium enriched environment, gaining a +2 to any ability tests to resist the effects of spells and other magical attacks Starting languages are Dwarven and the Trade Tongue (common)
Choose to play as either a Warrior or Rogue
Low-Born Dwarf:
The Dwarves of the Miner, Merchant, and Servant Castes do the hard work, day after day, that keeps Orzammar functioning. The Miner Caste is the most prestigious of these three, particularly those that do the dangerous job of mining lyrium. The Merchant Caste is the next most important, as they bring money into the city and arrange valuable trade deals. The Servant Caste is the lowest, though even they rank above Surface Dwarves and the casteless. Of this group it is the members of the merchant Caste who are most likely to leave Orzammar or become adventurers. Trade deals often lead to contact with humans and the surface dwarves were originally part of the Merchant Caste. Sometimes a member of the Merchant Caste will join his kin on the surface despite the loss of status at home. This happens more rarely with members of the Miner and Servant Castes, this it is not unknown for miners to sell their expertise to human nations for hold and other riches.

If picking this background:
Choose a caste: Miner, Merchant, or Servant
Add 1 to your Communication, Members of the lower castes need to make friends to get ahead
pick one of the following focuses, communication(persuasion) or Constitution(stamina)
You gain magical resistance from living in the lyrium enriched environment, gaining a +2 to any ability tests to resist the effects of spells and other magical attacks
Starting languages are Dwarven and the Trade Tongue (common)
Choose to play as either a Warrior or Rogue
Nevarran Adventurer:
Nevarra was once one of the Free Marches, and it still might be if not for the military genius of the Pentaghast clan. A series of strong rules and brilliant commanders enabled Nevarra to expand and become a powerful nation in it own right. This was cemented in the Blessed Age when Nevarra defeated Orlais in a war and conquered the mineral-rich hills to its west. Despite the military tradition of Nevarra, few thought that this upstart nation could beat the empire and its vaunted chevaliers. The hills remain under Nevvaran control but are a troubled territory. The Nevarrans tax their new subjects heavily and Orlais foments unrest there. The Nevvarans are proud of their herois tradition and this is celebrated with statuary throughout the country. nevarra is famous for its dragon hunters, who were thought to have eradicated dragonkind until the start of the current age. The romance of such deeds exerts adventures throughout Thedas. They hope they too will be celebrated in son and statue in their homeland one day.

If picking this background:
add 1 to your willpower, it takes inner strength to face the challenges of Thedas
Pick one of the following focuses, Strength(Might) or Willpower(Courage)
starting languages are Orlesian and the Trade Tongue (common)
Choose to play as either a Warrior or Rogue
Orlesian Exile:
Orlais is the most powerful and cultured nation in Thedas. The Empress Celen I rules from the glorious city of Val Royeaux. The Andrastian Chantry is also centered in the city, its leader, the Divine, rules from her seat in the Grand Cathedral, one of the most breathtaking building in Thedas. In Orlais secular power and religious power meet and it is not often clear where one ends and the other begins. Despite the power of the Empire, however, Orlais has seen serious setbacks in the last 60 years. First, it lost a war with Nevarra over a slive of valuable territory. Then the Orlesians were defeated in Ferelden and their occupation there ended. The situation remained tense for some years, but under King Maric relations with Orlais were eventually normalized and the threat of renewed war receded. Within Orlais, and in Val Royeaux in particular, the nobles play an endless game of status and politics. The gossip of the salons can end a man's life as quickly s a sword thrust. The fickle nature of factions and fashion can see a family ruined one year only to return triumphant in the next. Like any game, this one has losers and sometimes the wisest course of action is to leave Orlais, at least for a time. Some are formally exiled for crimes real or implied, while others choose to wander Thedas.

If picking this background:
Add 1 to your communication, Orlesians are artful in their use of language
Pick one of the following focuses, Communication(persuasion) or Cunning(cultural Lore)
Starting languages are Orlesian and the Trade Tongue (common)
Choose to play as either a Warrior or Rogue
Qunari Beresaad:
It is fair to say that the humans of Thedas have little understanding of the qunari. To outsiders they appear a diabolic race of giants bent on conquest. It is often assumed that qunari live under a military dictatorship. This is understandable because it is the leader of the military, the Arishok, who handles diplomacy with foreign nations. The qunari do not have a dedicated group of diplomats, however. Instead they have the Beresaad, the vanguard of the qunari people. The Beresaad are soldiers first and foremost, and they view the world as such. They are trusted to go into foreign lands and deal with Humans, Elves, and Dwarves. Sometimes these are formal diplomatic missions, but in other instances the Arishok sends the Beresaad to do Intelligence work or investigate specific aspects of foreign cultures. The Beresaad always have a mission, even if it nature is not apparent. If you choose this background, you should have a mission or goal worked our that would have brought you to the current foreign land. Soldiers of the Beresaad are sometimes gone for years at a time, but they are still part of a military machine and at a certain point they must report in.

If picking this background:
add 1 to your strength, Qunari are large and physically imposing
pick one of the following focuses, Cunning(Qun) or Strength(intimidation)
starting languages are Qunlat and the Trade Tongue (common)
Must be Male Gender, Qunari females do not join the military
Susceptible to magic, suffer -1 penalty on all ability tests that involve resisting spells and other magical effects, such as magic item powers
Choose to play as either a Warrior or Rogue
The Qunari people follow a philosophy known as the Qun. Before they embraced it, they were a barbaric people prone to violent rages. The Qun made these barbarians into thinkers, planners, and techniciansm those they also remained warriors. There are those Qunari, however, who reject the Qun. Some of them want to return to the old ways of their people, whole others just want to live by their own rules. These rebels are known as Vashoth, or "grey ones" and they must leave Qunari lands before they are detected or face re-education or punishment. Such exiles are not considered part of the Qunari people any more. In the spirit of defiance, they call themsevles Tal' Vashoth, or "true grey ones" Many of them worship the old, animist gods of their people and see themselves as the real inheritors of their ancestors legacy. Tal-Vashoth live in foreign lands and get by as they can. many work as mercenaries because their strength and skill in battle are prized. Others become raiders, priates, smigglers, or even slavers. Roving bands of Tal-Vashoth are not uncommon in the north and they pose problems for both Qunari and Human Settlements.

If picking this background:
Add 1 to Strength, the Tal-Vashoth revel in their physical dominance
pick one of the following focuses, constitution(stamina) or Strength(intimidation)
Starting languages are Qunlat and the Trade Tongue (common)
Susceptible to magic, suffer -1 penalty on all ability tests that involve resisting spells and other magical effects, such as magic item powers
choose to play as either a Warrior or Rogue class
Mabari War Hound:
Dogs are an essential part of Ferelden culture, and no dog is more prized than the Mabari. The breed is as old as myth: Said to have been bred from the wolves who served the legendary hero, Dane. Prized for their intelligence and loyalty, these dogs are more than mere weapons or status symbols: The hounds choose their masters, and pair with them for life. To be the master of a Mabari anywhere in Ferelden is to be recognized instantly as a person of worth. The Mabari are an essential part of Ferelden military strategy. Trained hounds can easily pull knights from horseback or break lines of pike men, and the sight and sound of a wave of war dogs, howling and snarling, has been known to cause panic among even the most hardened infantry soldiers.

If picking this background:
Add 1 to Cunning, Mabari are trained war dogs and as such are smarter than most animals.
Pick two of the following ability focuses, Perception(Tracking), Constitution(Running), or Perception(Hearing)
No Starting languages but a Mabari can understand the Trade Tongue
Gain Talent Bonded Master: Most mabari accompany a master with whom they have developed a deep and inexplicable bond. Although they do not share any true language a mabari's master is able to understand his companion on a deeper level.
You must play as a warrior(War Dog)
Last edited by MonkeyWrench on Wed Feb 11, 2015 5:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Character Creation - Setup

#4 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Step 3: Picking a Class!!!!

Obviously, depending on the background and race you picked (races are Human, Elf, Dwarf, Qunari, Mabari Dog BTW) you may have a limited choice when considering the three classes.

Each class comes with their own list of class type powers, for convenience sake I will list a couple of them out for each class, this being PbP, leveling will take it's own sweet time. Rules states to roll 1d6 for health on all classes, I got rid of this and just say add the max 6 when creating as well as leveling up, this also applies to the mages spell Heal and any characters that take the healing focus ASWELL as healing potions, all maxed out hp!

Primary Stats: Cunning, magic, and Willpower
Secondary Stats: Communication, Constitution, Dexterity, Perception, and Strength
Starting health: 20+Constitution+6
Starting mana: 10+Magic+6, when leveling up gain more mana (Magic+6)
Weapon Groups: Brawling and Staves
Level 1:
Arcane Lance: Special ranges attack that does not consume Mana, Requires either a staff or wand, range of 16 yards and inflicts 1d6+magic score for damage.
Mage Training: Allows Mage to cast spells - starting mages get three spells initially.
Starting talents: Gain novice ranking in one of the following talents, Chirurgy, Linguistics, or Lore


Primary Stats: Communication, Dexterity, and Perception
Secondary Stats: Constitution, Cunning, Magic, Strength, and Willpower
Starting Health: 25+Constitution+6
Weapon Groups: Bows, Brawling, Light Blades, Staves
Level 1:
Backstab: inflict extra damage with a melee attack if you can strike an opponent from an unexpected direction. You must apporach your oppenent with a move action and win an opposed test of your Dexterity(stealth) vs. your targets Perception(seeing). If you win the test then you can use your major action this round to backstab him. This is a melee attack with a +2 bonus to hit and inflicts an extra 1D6 points of damage. You cannot backstab an enemy that you begin your turn adjacent to unless using Bluff (level 4 class power)
Rogues Armor: Ignore armor penalty of leather armor altogether.
Starting talents: Novice in one of the following Talents, Contacts, Scouting, or Thievery

Primary Stats: Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength
Secondary Stats: Communication, Cunning, Magic, Perception, and Willpower
Starting Health: 30+Constitution+6
Weapon Groups: All of Dem yo!
Level 1:
Starting Talents: Become a novice in TWO of the following talents, Archery Style, Dual Weapon Style, Single Weapon Style, Throwing Weapon Style, Two-Hander Style, or Weapon and Shield Style. You also start as a novice in the Armor Training talent.
Life is a roller coaster, if you don't stop to enjoy it then you may as well not even ride.
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Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Character Creation - Setup

#5 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Step 4: Getting money and finishing up the character sheet yo!!!!

Starting Money: 50+3d6 Silver pieces - Sorry to say that you will need to be rolling for this, no maxing out rolls for you people on moneys!

Determining Speed and Defense!!!!

10+Dexterity Modifier+Shield Bonus(if applicable)

Dwarves=8+Dexterity-Armor Penalty(if applicable)
Elves=12+Dexterity-Armor Penalty(if applicable)
Humans=10+Dexterity-Armor Penalty(if applicable)
Qunari=10+Dexterity-Armor Penalty(if applicable)

Once those are done you just need to slap a name on that biatch and you're good to start! I don't make goals and ties/aspirations mandatory since you all are already mercenaries looking to make a name for your future company and already know eachother. I leave how you all know eachother and your individual back stories to you all, after letting me look it over first of course ;)
Life is a roller coaster, if you don't stop to enjoy it then you may as well not even ride.
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