Session 21: North to Vandor

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Johnny Champion
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Session 21: North to Vandor

#1 Post by Johnny Champion »

Here is the topic for Session 21

Map: The Nyr Dyv Region as the Party is aware
Nyr Dyv Rev 1.png
Nyr Dyv Rev 1.png (1.37 MiB) Viewed 882 times
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Re: Session 22: North to Vandor

#2 Post by Rhourk »

Thanks, helps to visualize with the "old" world on there.

Where did we leave off? Are there still two more Lich Lords to kill or did the Torrean take care of them?
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Re: Session 22: North to Vandor

#3 Post by Agnati »

Unless the DM can tell us for certain, I think our first priority should be to make sure the other two Lich Lords are dead (like dead-dead, not just dead) and find the phylactery (yes, had to look up that spelling!) of the one we vanquished so they don't return with a vengeance and advantage.
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Re: Session 22: North to Vandor

#4 Post by Johnny Champion »

DM: The last session ended...

The ancient Torrean battled the liches of death and illusion into another plane. A faint image or reflection could be seen by the party of the battle that ensued. After Godfrey body was slain, his essence escaped to his phylactery to reconstitute himself. This process to reform his earthly body may take months or years. He clearly is not an eminent threat. But Marcel and Elau whereabouts are unknown, nor have you received word from your Torrean friend.

The party notices Krux's powerful sword, a chest, and other assorted items:

1. 3850 platinum pieces
2. Golden Crown (on Godrey's Head)
3. Vestments of value
4. Masterwork paintings
5. 3 rugs of value
6. Small box of gems and jewels of various worth
7. A set of Jade and Onyx game pieces (32)
8. Spell Book
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XP and Treasure

#5 Post by Johnny Champion »

XP and Treasure for last session in the Battle with Godfrey

Total: 201,443 XP

Per Player: Groot and Nihil (-8000 XP adj)
Groot 17180
Tungsten 27847
Lumiere 27847
Mooki 27847
Kaleb 27847
Faelwen 27847
Rickul 27847
Nihil 17180

Quests: 27,500 XP
Death of Halzaran
Recovery of Bacillus
Nineveh Meeting
Death of Godrey

Magic Items: 24,350 XP
Drux's Sword
Life Changer Sword
Arrows Special
Max Healing Potions
Seal of Nineveh

Treasure XP: 45,293 XP (See Spreadsheet for details)
Treasure Value: 90,585 GP (See Spreadsheet for details)

Foes Vanquished: 104,300 XP
Halzaran, Beholder
Efreeti (2)
Jerrus Webb and (3) Companions
Godfrey, Lich Lord
Remorhaz (2)
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Bacillus of Flahrim

#6 Post by Johnny Champion »

Bacillus of Flahrim

History (as known): Called forth from ancient magic of Torreans. It is a rare artifact of inestimable value, most likely stolen and brought forth to Azür. The soul of whoever wields it must be very strong and bloodline pure to wield fully, but life beyond counting may be granted. It was used to provide kingly might and counter the undead armies in ancient wars.

It is also called the Key of the Gods. No portal, door is a barrier to the wielder. Does not require atunement.

Magisterium Solesti: It is said that if subject holds the Bacillus with both hands, lifts to the heavens, and accepts the role of Magisterium Solesti, assuming subject has essence of Torrean Blood of the Elder Race, he will be atuned.

Charisma will increase to 21.
Those that meet Magisterium Solesti recognize him as Kingly DC20 (CH) (1 time)
All undead (excluding Vampires, Death Knights and Liches) within 100 miles are drawn to Magisterium Solesti and are subject to his will DC20. (1x per cycle)
Break Will (DC20(wis)): Permanent servant and follower of Magisterium Solesti. (10x per cycle)
Apocalypse: Fiery Rain will descend in a 1/2 sq mile, for 10rds (10d6 per rd), followed by Ice Storm (5d6 bludgeoning,5d6 cold) (10rds). ST per rd, 1/2. (3x per cycle)
Embue Vampire Lord: Willing recipient, ritual (1x per cycle)
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Re: Session 22: North to Vandor

#7 Post by Johnny Champion »

DM: It is assumed that you have collected the treasure and have returned to Angor via the gateways of Pretorius Despartio.

After recovering in Angor, the party returned to Tarne and then off for Loden for reprovisioning and discussions.

It is as guests at the Mayor's Residence that you dine with the leading nobles of Loden including:

Ser John
Daggardon (human form, out of the closet copper dragon)
Viscount Orin

After dinner, in a separate meeting room with only the party present, an image of a skeletal figure in flowing robes and an ancient crown.

He identifies himself as Mariel, the Lich of Targon and Lord of Flahrim.....more to come....

Mariel, Lich of Targon and Lord of Flahrim
Mariel, Lich of Targon and Lord of Flahrim
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Re: Session 22: North to Vandor

#8 Post by Johnny Champion »

Agnati wrote:
Johnny Champion wrote:DM: The last session ended...

The ancient Torrean battled the liches of death and illusion into another plane. A faint image or reflection could be seen by the party of the battle that ensued. After Godfrey body was slain, his essence escaped to his phylactery to reconstitute himself. This process to reform his earthly body may take months or years. He clearly is not an eminent threat. But Marcel and Elau whereabouts are unknown, nor have you received word from your Torrean friend.

The party notices Krux's powerful sword, a chest, and other assorted items:

1. 3850 platinum pieces
2. Golden Crown (on Godrey's Head)
3. Vestments of value
4. Masterwork paintings
5. 3 rugs of value
6. Small box of gems and jewels of various worth
7. A set of Jade and Onyx game pieces (32)
8. Spell Book
Pardon the ignorance, but while I know how a phylactery works (as much as the next Harry Potter fan), how are they identified? Do they glow or do we have to actually cast identify and that information becomes available, or is it found out by other means?
That's a question for the rest of the group as much as the DM.

And I'll assume that we definitely cast Identify on the crown (if it seems magical in any way) as well as Krux's sword, and anything else that our mage companion gets a tingling sensation about!
To the group: Do we have means of trying to contact Moramoos (or any other Torreans) at all?
DM: Moramoos has not contacted you nor do you have a means to do so that you are aware.
DM: The phylactery of a lich is its most guarded treasure. He would keep it in a safe location. You do not know where it is.
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Re: Session 22: North to Vandor

#9 Post by Agnati »

Johnny Champion wrote:DM: The last session ended...

The ancient Torrean battled the liches of death and illusion into another plane. A faint image or reflection could be seen by the party of the battle that ensued. After Godfrey body was slain, his essence escaped to his phylactery to reconstitute himself. This process to reform his earthly body may take months or years. He clearly is not an eminent threat. But Marcel and Elau whereabouts are unknown, nor have you received word from your Torrean friend.

The party notices
Krux's powerful sword, a chest, and other assorted items:

1. 3850 platinum pieces

2. Golden Crown (on Godrey's Head)
3. Vestments of value
4. Masterwork paintings
5. 3 rugs of value
6. Small box of gems and jewels of various worth
7. A set of Jade and Onyx game pieces (32)
8. Spell Book
Can we get an identify on these at your convenience?
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Re: Session 21: North to Vandor

#10 Post by Johnny Champion »

Tungsten wrote:Faelwen is still curious about the contents of aforementioned Spell Book.
From the very beginning I was not good at implementing spell acquisition for Faelwen.

Because this is my fault, for the balance of this campaign, you must assume that you have access to all spells in the PHB.

In subsequent campaigns, I will attempt to handle things better:
1. Review rules in official PHB regarding acquiring new spells at level increases. Maybe mentor provides a few more spells (2-3 additional)
2. Handle the possibility for bartering with other mages in a guild with similar alignment/goals/personality etc...
3. Handle the acquiring of spellbooks from foes killed.
4. Handle material components better and more logistically. Even giving spells better potency/effect if the PC actively is involved in procuring/inventorying spell components.
5. There must an online (via Google drive or Unseen Servant) spell book for each wizard. This can be similar to the Treasure spreadsheet. When a new spellbook is obtained or new level reached, I can provide you the list of new spells. You then can move them over.

All in all, the above four items should add some role playing and NPC interaction that should be more fun but more challenging.

Your ideas as a player are welcome.

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Re: Session 21: North to Vandor

#11 Post by Johnny Champion »

Agnati wrote:As well as an identify on the above items, are there any potions in the town that would serve purpose against undead and/or elementals, per the advice of Ser John Reichard? Any blessings that may aid us in, what is sure to be our toughest trial to date?
I think that this was provided in the form of the Greater Protection from Evil Scroll. Or did I miss something? -C
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