Basic Mechanics

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C. Steven Ross
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Basic Mechanics

#1 Post by C. Steven Ross »

Describe what your character is doing. Live in the fiction. Ask questions, explore, look around, get as much out of the GM as you can before doing something tricky or hard. When that happens, he'll tell you to stop and make a skill test of a certain Obstacle. He will roll d6's for you equal to the skill's rank, +1 if an ally can and wants to Help you (or is Wise in the subject), +1 if you use your Trait in a beneficial way, -1 if you use your Trait in a negative way and show the world what a scoundrel you are (this lets you Camp and Recover later on). He will tell you how hard it will be, once you've committed to the action, so you can figure out how much effort you want to throw in. If you don't have the skill, use half of either Health or Will; or all of your Nature. It's better if your Nature descriptor matches what you're doing. Mark if you've passed or failed; otherwise known as "gain some XP".

If it's a skill you don't have, gain Rank 2 when you have a number of attempts (either Pass or Fail) equal to your Nature.
Else, increase your skill Rank when you have Passes equal to the current Rank and Fails equal to 1 less than that.

Look at your Beliefs. If acting on your Belief is the safe and sensible thing to do, it's worthless. When you fight for what you stand for in the face of adversity, or when you question your deeply held Beliefs and change the core of your soul, the game rewards you.

Try to attain your Goals, or at least make some progress.
Try and have an Instinct that will make everyone's lives a little better.

If you have and spend Persona: Add your Nature to a roll (sometimes risky!), or add +1D to a roll, or re-roll failed dice related to your Wise.

If you have and spend Fate: Explode a 6, or re-roll one failed die on something you are Wise in.

If you have and spend Checks: Camp and recover. Recovery heals Conditions. You can Recover at Camp with Checks, or at Town by wracking up a bill at the inn.

If you have and spend an unused Trait: once per "session", you can add +1D.

If you have Loot: head back to civilization and barter it away in return for a soft bed and a cold meal. Be thankful that you're still alive.

Think of smart things to do. If it's a really good idea, the GM will say "Good Idea!" and not pass any time or force you to make a Test. Time passes whenever you make a Test. Time grinds you down, makes you hungry and exhausted and pissed off. Time makes torches burn out and leaves you in pitch black darkness a half mile under the earth.
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