Narri's Run (IC - drpete)

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Re: Narri's Run (IC - drpete)

#21 Post by Grognardsw »

Narri parleys with the thug as he menaces the dwarf with his 10' pole. "Ring the gong however you want little man," he utters. The thug presses the attack, preventing Narri from pacing around near to the cage.

"You can negotiate with my pole!" He swings at Narri but the dwarf blocks it with his axe. He tries to hack at the thug but is in turn parried by the pole.
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Re: Narri's Run (IC - drpete)

#22 Post by drpete »

Narri -- Gong Room

Narri engages the man, hoping to stay inside the ideal striking range of the long pole. As he fights, he tries to maneuver around the man and close the distance between himself and the gong (and the torch).

"What's the fastest anyone ever rang it? They shoot through the bars?"
Narri To Hit Battleaxe (Thac0 18) [1d20] = 19 dmg [1d8] = 3

Out of curiosity, how would "disarming" the man work? If I wanted to wrest the 10 foot pole away from him, for example...?
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Re: Narri's Run (IC - drpete)

#23 Post by Grognardsw »

Thug and Gong - Round Two

The thug presses his attack, thrusting low at Narri. The dwarf sweeps with his axe to parry the pole. Then Narri swings quick on the inside, drawing first blood with a slice on the thug's right thigh!

"You talk alot for a dwarf," cracks the thug.
- Initiative: The Runner [1d6] = 3 vs. Enemy [1d6] = 6 Thug wins.
- Thug pole [1d20] = 8, damage [1d6] = 3 Miss.
- Disarming would fall under grappling rules in 1e DMG p. 72.
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Re: Narri's Run (IC - drpete)

#24 Post by drpete »

Narri -- Gong Room

Narri tries to shove his way past the pole wielding thief, whacking him with his axe.

"This is training, yes? I don't want you mad when I kick your ass. I'll buy you drink later. No hard feelings, yes?"
Narri To Hit Battleaxe (Thac0 18) [1d20] = 5 dmg [1d8] = 7

Not likely to hurt him with that, but am I at least making some progress toward the torch?
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Re: Narri's Run (IC - drpete)

#25 Post by Grognardsw »

Thug and Gong - Round 3

Narri moves closer to the gong as he taunts and battles the thug. "Sure, no hard feelings. Just a hard pole!" The pole arm is swung again and whacks Narri on the shoulder! (3 HP damage) The dwarf hews with his axe but the thug dodges. Narri is 10' from the caged gong.

Actions for Round 4!
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Re: Narri's Run (IC - drpete)

#26 Post by drpete »

Narri - Gong Room

"Oof, nice pole. Can I borrow it?"

Narri continues to whack at the thief as he tries to edge toward the gong.
Narri To Hit Battleaxe (Thac0 18) [1d20] = 10 dmg [1d8] = 7

Not likely to hit, but... maybe?

Am I sort of moving at 5 feet per round toward the gong? So maybe I'll be in position at the gong next round?
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Re: Narri's Run (IC - drpete)

#27 Post by Grognardsw »

Thug and Gong - Round 4

Narri continues to edge around to the caged gong. The thug answers the dwarf's question with another hard hit in the shoulder! (5 HP) Narri flinches and swings again with his axe, but finds the thug a dextrous foe and misses.

Actions for Round 5!
- Initiative: The Runner [1d6] = 2 vs. Enemy [1d6] = 5 Thug wins.
- Thug pole [1d20] = 16, damage [1d6] = 5 Hit for 5.
- Close but not a hit. Yes next round you'll be within reach of the caged gong.
- HP damage tracked at : viewtopic.php?p=90875#p90875
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Re: Narri's Run (IC - drpete)

#28 Post by drpete »

Narri - Gong Room (30/38)

Frustrated now, but finally at the gong, Narri attempts to douse the torch positioned above the gong, to thrust the room into darkness, hoping to gain an important advantage.
In case you'd either like me to roll to extinguish the torch or give Narri an attack in addition to the torch move:
Narri To Hit Battleaxe(Thac018)[1d20]= 2 dmg [1d8] = 3

Well, that's not much of a roll :(
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Re: Narri's Run (IC - drpete)

#29 Post by Grognardsw »

Thug and Gong - Round 5

The thug swings again with his pole but Narri ducks. The dwarf swings at the torch to knock it down, for it is to high to reach given his stature and its position above the caged gong. The axe misses.


Actions for Round 6!
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Re: Narri's Run (IC - drpete)

#30 Post by drpete »

Narri - Gong Room

While continuing to try to fend off the thief, Narri swings again at the torch, hoping to knock it out of its holder.
Narri To Hit Battleaxe (Thac0 18) [1d20] = 3 dmg [1d8] = 8

Alright, lol... this is so not working :(
GM: Dwimmermount (ACKS)

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Re: Narri's Run (IC - drpete)

#31 Post by Grognardsw »

Thug and Gong - Round 6

The thug is quick on his feet, swinging again at Narri. The dwarf rolls, avoiding the punishing pole. He leaps up and swings his axe to dislodge the torch. But his evasion action threw his balance off and he misses again!

Actions for Round 7!
- Initiative: The Runner [1d6] = 2 vs. Enemy [1d6] = 3 Thug wins
- Thug pole [1d20] = 12, damage [1d6] = 4 Missed by one :o
- The Unseen Servant dice roller is notorious for bad rolls :roll:
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Re: Narri's Run (IC - drpete)

#32 Post by drpete »

Narri -- Gong Room (30/38)

Starting to get frustrated at the difficulty he is having with the torch, Narri gives the torch one more swat with his axe before giving up on that tactic.
Narri To Hit Battleaxe (Thac0 18) [1d20] = 1 dmg [1d8] = 2

LOL, notorious for bad rolls, eh? :) Maybe it's trying to tell me to stop swatting at the torch.

Sorry for the delay... Christmas and all that. Happy holidays!
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Re: Narri's Run (IC - drpete)

#33 Post by Grognardsw »

Thug & Gong - Round 7

Narri swings again for the torch in the sconce. The head of it gets caught and the axe slips from his hands, hanging there on the wall! The thug swings again at the dwarf, who just manages to dodge.

Actions for Round 8!
For fumble, 50% chance something unfortunate happens. Fumble unfortunate occurance? 1-50 [1d100] = 0 The roller fumbled :roll:
Again: Fumble [1d100] = 0 The roller must be experiencing technical d100 problems.
50% on d20: Fumble 1-10 [1d20] = 0 It must be down.
So on my real dice: 47. Something unfortunate occurs.
Initiative: The Runner [1d6] = 4 vs. Enemy [1d6] = 2 Runner wins.
Thug pole [1d20] = 3, damage [1d6] = 5 Miss. This was a macro roll, versus the on-the-fly rolls which didn't work.
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Re: Narri's Run (IC - drpete)

#34 Post by drpete »

Narri -- Gong Room

Frustrated at losing his axe, Narri rushes the thief, and attempts to wrest the pole from his hands.
I am not super familiar with the grappling rules, since these were things we pretty much avoided, but here goes nothing. Narri's goal is more of a disarm than plain old wrestling... that 10 foot pole looks excellent for ringing the gong. That said, stuff happens, so if it devolves into a wrestling match, so be it.

Here's my attempt to parse the modifiers:
AC * 10 (assuming this doesn't include dex bonus): 80%
+ Attackers Dex (16) = 96%
+ Defenders Armor protection (leather/padded + 10%) = 106%
I assume that he's not hasted, slowed, or has a much different movement from me...

Narri Grapple [1d100] = 86

If I counted that right, that's a success for making contact... even if the dex ac bonus counted against me for some reason, I would succeed at this stage.

Now, to find the "hold":
Attacker's Dex, per point = 16%
Attacker's Str, per point (+14) = 30%
Weight difference (Narri's weight is 165, so I'll "guess" that that's within 10%) = 30%
Height Difference (Narri is only 4'2, so 50 inches. If the guy is 6 feet, that's a 15% penalty) = 15%
I dunno the thief's stats, but I'll ballpark this as another 5%-10% penalty = 5-10% bonus

Narri Grapple [1d100] = 48

If you add somewhere between 5-10% onto this, we have either a hand lock or a bear hug for 2-3 damage. This all if I've parsed it correctly, of course. This all assuming he doesn't manage to fend me off with the move at the top right of page 73, that is. (sorry, just working through this seriously for the first time in a long, long time)
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Re: Narri's Run (IC - drpete)

#35 Post by Grognardsw »

I don't have my DMG and it'll be a few days before I get back to it, so in the interest of moving things along...
Thug and Gong - Round 8

With his ax hanging on the torch sconce, Narri lunges for the thug's pole and wrests it from his hands.

The thug reaches up and unhooks the dwarf's axe, swinging it down upon Narri. The thief slips to the side and dodges his own weapon.

Actions for Round 9!
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Re: Narri's Run (IC - drpete)

#36 Post by drpete »

Narri - Gong Room

Pole in hand, Narri attempts to jam it between the bars to ring the gong.
These haven't been working out so well for me, but here goes :)

Narri To Hit Generic(Thac018)[1d20]= 14

If the pole can fit between the bars, that might have worked :D
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Re: Narri's Run (IC - drpete)

#37 Post by Grognardsw »

Thug and Gong - Round 9

Narri tries to slide the pole between the cage bars, but realizes up close the bars are only an inch apart. The circumference of the pole is too big!

The thug laughs and approaches with the dwarf's axe in hand.

Actions for Round 10!
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Re: Narri's Run (IC - drpete)

#38 Post by drpete »

Narri -- Gong Room (still!)

Narri shakes his head. "That would have been too easy, I guess"

He then tosses the pole off to the side, and readies one of his hand axes, which he proceeds to attack with.
Narri To hit Handaxe (Thac0 18) [1d20] = 6 sm dam [1d6] = 6 l dam [1d4] = 1

Lol, this combat thing is really not working out very well.
GM: Dwimmermount (ACKS)

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Re: Narri's Run (IC - drpete)

#39 Post by Grognardsw »

Thug & Gong - Round 10

Axes clash! The thug and Narri strike at the same time - metal blades hit each other, causing sparks to fly. They back up again, breathing heavily, pacing, hoping to finally end the fight. The thug circles over to the fallen pole.

Actions for Round 11!
- Initiative: The Runner [1d6] = 6 vs. Enemy [1d6] = 6 Simultaneous.
- Thug axe [1d20-3] = 11-3 = 8, damage [1d8] = 5 Miss. He gets a non-proficiency penalty.
- If you'd like, you can make multiple rolls to speed up the action. I can summarize multiple rounds in one post.
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Re: Narri's Run (IC - drpete)

#40 Post by drpete »

Narri - Gong Room

As the thug circles around to get the pole, Narri tries one last time to extinguish the light, hopping up on the cage to pull it down and put it out.

He will then stalk the thief, hoping to put an end to this.
Dunno if the extra height from being on top of the cage will help, but figured it was worth a try while the thief was indisposed. Figure he can't hold a torch and use that pole at the same time, at least. If you'd like a roll for it, take the first one here, otherwise, these would be attempted sneak attacks or plain attacks, as the situation permits...

Narri To hitHandaxe (Thac0 18) [1d20] = 13 sm dam [1d6] = 2 l dam [1d4] = 2

Narri To hitHandaxe (Thac0 18) [1d20] = 2 sm dam [1d6] = 5 l dam [1d4] = 4

Narri To hitHandae (Thac0 18) [1d20] = 7 sm dam [1d6] = 5 l dam [1d4] = 2

Narri To hitHandaxe (Thac0 18) [1d20] = 13 sm dam [1d6] = 2 l dam [1d4] = 4
GM: Dwimmermount (ACKS)

Zim: 7/7 | Torgyr: 14/14 | U Tar: 3/3 | Nazares: 6/6| Emm: 9/9 |Quinn: 13/13
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