In the Stone Barn Tavern (1 Autumn)


In the Stone Barn Tavern (1 Autumn)

#1 Post by Eulalios »

The First of Autumn (new moon)
60-65 °F; clear; light breeze

The Stone Barn tavern sits on an almost-level piece of ground about fifty feet below the crest of a south-facing hillside that is overall fairly steep Hazardous terrain. A hundred and thirty feet down from the inn - and about three hundred yards to the east - two streams conjoin from west and northeast to form a larger stream that flows away generally southward. It's this joinder of streams that gives the village its name. From the flat yard outside the east door of the barn, looking down to the streams, you can see the rough-hewn wood trestles that are laid across much older stone pilings to span the main stream about hundred yards south from the two small streams. Downstream from the trestles, the main stream runs rough over the tumbled stones of the older bridge. Maybe was wrecked by a spring flood?

The Stone Barn is the big yellow square on maps.
What Sigmund knows of the setting.  He arrived from the white space to the south.
What Sigmund knows of the setting. He arrived from the white space to the south.
practice.png (20.49 KiB) Viewed 5545 times
What Periwinkle knows of the setting.  His den is in the hillside north and uphill from the Stone Barn.
What Periwinkle knows of the setting. His den is in the hillside north and uphill from the Stone Barn.
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The village comprises about forty cottages, scattered singly and in clusters all across the three steep hillsides that overlook the streams. Though none of the cottages are right down in the valley bottom, the sunset light from behind the tavern highlights the hard lines of big ruined foundations down on the flat flood-meadows along both sides the main stream. "Those meadows been sheep pastures a hundred years gone," some local might say.

Inside the tavern, in the main room lit by sunset as well as by hearth and candles, eleven people sit drinking and eating and shouting along to a fiddler's tunes.

You are among them. Looking around the benches, you see seated here ...

A gnome male, scant three feet in height and sturdy build, red-cheeked with wild blond hair and beard. His hair, his beard, and his plain clothing are dusted white with ... flour? Cheerful mannerisms, a bit finicky with the loaf of crusty bread that he's tearing apart between sips of ale.

A sturdy human male (5'11, 170lbs.) with short, combed back brownish red hair formed into a deep widows peak, a finely trimmed mustache and bright green eyes. He wears studded leather armor, its regal blue and purple coloring smudged by dust from the southern road. On his right ring finger gleams an ancient signet ring with inset amethysts. At his belt he wears a rapier and dagger. A dueling buckler dangles from a MASSIVE traveling pack between his feet.

A group of ruffians
Periwinkle's local knowledge
could name Tommy, Liltom, Arthur, Veniat, Big Steve, Dwight, Bob, ... there's a couple others whose names he's never cared to learn. They all have long knives tucked in their belts, but they're not likely to bother anyone in here. Grim Doogie and the Dark Hobbit are absent.
All of a type, rough mannered but scrawnily built, wearing knitted woolen trousers and shirts that are stained with the dirt of a long day's work. They're at the table nearest the hearth, gaming with dice, quiet and focused on silver coins and tumbling bones. Near the two biggest fellows, timber axes are leant against the woodpile next to the hearth. A shortbow is casually laid on the table next another of them, who wears a faded green cape over his bark-brown shirt.

There's a shouted greeting from the west doorway, an old woman's screechy raspy voice: "Hello the Barn? Soup for an old hag?" She cackles and waddles along the aisle, sunset casting her crooked shadow hugely into the common room.

At the hearth, the innkeeper straightens up, massaging her kidneys with work-thick hands before adjusting her grey-streaked brown hair. "Hello yourself, old mother" she grumbles, making no effort to raise her voice. "There's soup."

What do you do? (pick one)
Board and bed: 2 sp
Converse with the ruffians
Converse with each other
Converse with the innkeeper
Converse with the "hag"
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Re: In the Stone Barn Tavern

#2 Post by MrHemlocks »

Periwinkle takes the last of his sourdough bread and washes it down with a large gulp of ale. Mumbling to himself he slides off his seat than heads over to the warmth of the fire and extends his hands toward the flames. "Now that is better." Looking up at a fellow nicknamed Big Steve, he speak in quiet tones."Hello there big fellow how goes the game tonight? Might you know where Grim Doogie is? We were to play a few rounds of dice tonight and I thought of asking you his whereabouts before I call it a night."

Periwinkle has a bulky build and lightly, ashen colored earthy clay. I read the intro and forgot to add this in character description. He is 183 years old, so not a youngster ;)
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Re: In the Stone Barn Tavern

#3 Post by LtTibbles »

Hunched over his table Sigmund spun his family ring around his finger watching the group of men by the hearth throwing bones, he could never resist a game, running his hands over his head to make sure his hair was smoothed out he stood up and approached the men at their table. "S'cuse me gents hope I'm not being a bother, is there enough room for one more in this game?"

Re: In the Stone Barn Tavern

#4 Post by Eulalios »

You learn that Grim Doogie is out ... somewhere ... with his sidekick, doing ... something. Probably not what you'd like to know about, right? As you wrap up chatting with the hardworking fellows who call themselves the Rough Bunch, the blue-and-purple-armored stranger walks over and tries to make friendly. Oh! The newcomer wants to roll the bones? This might be worth watching, Periwinkle.

"... an' ask the missus please to send your eldest round with an extra two loaves at the new month?" Liltom asks politely as he reaches for the dice. He's just a fingerwidth taller than Big Steve, but that was enough to land him the nickname of Little Tom, and over time it's been shortened further.

The crone sits alone, hunched over a bowl of soup and a heel of your bread baked this morning. "Fine bread," she says with her voice like a rusty knife. "A blessing on the baker whoever he be."
local knowledge
She knows you're the baker. She's Old Mother Hambone. Some people will wade a stream to get it between them and her. Most say that's not wise to be rude to one of her kind. Your entire life, you've never met anyone who claimed to have looked her in the eye. She looks human but she's been here longer than you.
"The Green Men are camped a couple leagues upstream," she mentions to no-one in particular. You can see Veniat (him with the faded green cape) barely flinch. "Not headed here tonight," she cackles. "They do say, there's a dragon been seen up at the Ancient Fort."

Sigmund's Perception [1d20+3] = 19+3 = 22
You're darn certain that all of the players at that table are rolling fair. You also note they all wear long knives tucked through the backs of their belts - blades about a foot in length, sharp at one edge, pointy. Although they're unarmored, they have a hard look that has only gotten harder as the sunset light gets redder.
"Hey," says one of the men, a slightly built fellow wearing a woven green cape over the shoulders of his tight-knit brown woolen shirt. He scuffs his worn but sturdy boots across the packed dirt floor as he shifts to make room for you at the end of the bench. His shortbow he moves more delicately, slinging it over his shoulder in an easy practiced motion. "Penny a throw," he says. "For or against the shooter makes point."
That's a silver piece each round. Craps is an easy game for a charlatan to win, nearly fair odds, if you choose to play then we're not gonna roleplay this. Instead, role an Insight check (that should be [1d20+1]) at DC 10, roll 2d6, and multiply the 2d6 by how much you made or missed the Insight check, in order to find out how many sp you win or lose by evening's end. If you choose to cheat, roll Sleight of Hand at DC 14, and adjust your Insight check upward by how much you beat the Sleight of Hand DC.
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Re: In the Stone Barn Tavern

#5 Post by LtTibbles »

Sigmund slaps his hands together and rubs them, "Alright let's see what Lady Luck has in store eh? The charlatan decides to keep things fair tonight since he plans to stay in town for a while.

Insight [1d20+1] = 19+1 = 20 x [2d6] = 6 = 60 silver I believe.
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Re: In the Stone Barn Tavern

#6 Post by MrHemlocks »

Periwinkle leaves the comfort of the warming fire and heads over to the old woman. Whispering to her as he hands over another loaf of sourdough bread seasoned with fresh picked garden herbs. "A dragon been seen up at the Ancient Fort? Please tell me more will you?" As he waits for the old woman to reply his thoughts are that of a dragon and all that loot for the taking.
These green men the old lady mentions might Periwinkle have any knowledge of them? Could they be guardians of the vale?
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Re: In the Stone Barn Tavern

#7 Post by LtTibbles »

During the the night of gaming Sigmund inquires about the local happenings going on in the area.

Re: In the Stone Barn Tavern

#8 Post by Eulalios »

Old Mother Hambone "huhs" at you as her slightly shaky fingers rip a piece of bread to dip in her soup. "You're good as a baker, young fellow. A real craftsman. Would you bake a loaf to choke a dragon? Or to win its stomach? I don't see either plan working.

The dragon has been overflying, scaring the cattle - so the Green Men said. The garrison of the Ancient Fort, or the fort itself, have ways to keep it from any direct harm. But the contract with the Fort was up, so the Greens are out and on the move again looking for work. They are camped an hour's walk northeast, along the Straight Stream.

She turns her enthusiasm to your bread and to the innkeep's soup. The soup is chicken and root vegetables in a thick broth of lentils. It steams deliciously. You wonder what your wife's making for dinner tonight. You ought to be home soon. Somewhere I thought I read that Periwinkle has a family in his den, is this correct?

As you enter the game, conversation is friendly. The green-caped man is Veniat. When the old crone mentions "the Green Men," he twitches his shoulders and absent-mindedly adjusts the cape. In exchange for questions about where are you from and who are your family, you learn that the Green Men are a band of mercenaries who made a deal for "luck": they must always wear a bit of green. Veniat was ejected from the mercenary group, or left. It is hard to tell which version of the vague stories is true. There's a lot of context left out as the rough bunch of laborers(?) rib each other over the dice. The innkeeper brings a big jug of ale, and takes the empty away.

At first your luck swings bad and there is sympathy. Then your winnings start to mount as you get the hang of the game, who rolls hot and fast, who's slow. Everytime the shooter misses point he keeps the dice and rolls again. Arthur has friendly hands, and bets to miss. Then somehow you know from his posture that he's going to make the point. You rake in nine silver pennies and find nine pairs of eyes looking hard at the little heap of several dozen coins between your hands.

"They do say every traveler brings a story, his own luck, and change," says Big Steve.

"I say that," says the crone. She has finished her soup and stands at your elbow, hunched, as high as your shoulder. Her voice sounds like a knife scraping a stone. "Don't mis-name my words." Big Steve gravely tilts his head so that he's looking more at the table than the woman.

"Old Mother says that..."

"Good enough, lad. You - fancy fop in purple -" this comes with an ancient knuckle finding a soft spot in your armor, and painfully jabbing your right deltoid muscle - "we've heard your story and seen your luck. What's your plan?"

Would be great if you'd narrate a bit of Sigmund's background, plus what is his plan in the new land?
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Re: In the Stone Barn Tavern

#9 Post by MrHemlocks »

Periwinkle leaves the tavern and heads to the den. There he plays with his children, for a bit, and settles own for the evening meal the wife has prepared. Under covers and just before sleep takes him he remembers what the Old Mother Hambone had told him. Whispering to himself, "tomorrow I might head to the castle and see for myself if a dragon flies low above it." Smiling as the covers are pulled up around his head, "and with luck I can find out where it's resting place is and all the loot for the taking."
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Re: In the Stone Barn Tavern

#10 Post by LtTibbles »


Sigmund rubbed his shoulder and smiled at the old woman, "Haha well I come from lands down south of here where I grew up serving a local lord along with my father, he was quite a swordsman back in his day and was hired to teach the noble's children fencing, I mostly spent my years taking care of their equipment or used as a practice dummy as luxurious as that sounds. My father had drawn the ire of the Lord when he caught his wife making eyes at him, obviously this was my father's fault of course, so we were thrown out into the streets with barely anything to our name.

My father was unable to find any work, I suppose people were too afraid of incurring the Lord's wrath, so we traveled from place to place picking up any odd jobs we could eventually we found ourselves working as body guards for a dwarvish merchant named Gerd and his caravan. The pay had been good so we stuck around with him for a long time, that is until two years ago when my father was killed during an attack by a pack gnolls, he tried to warn the dwarf about the route we were taking but he just wouldn't listen that's what cost my father his life..."
Sigmund spun his ring absent mindedly for a moment while he was thinking for realizing he a trailed off.

"After I buried him I couldn't keep working for Gerd I knew he didn't mean for it to happen but I couldn't find in my heart to forgive him for what had happened to dad so I took my leave and have been travelling from place to place these last two years offering my services to those in need, and hoping to make some coin while doing it if I can. Sorry if I had rambled on too much haha! Since luck's decided to favor me tonight how about I buy us all around eh? Do you have any preference for drink Old Mother was it, if I could be so bold to ask?"

Re: In the Stone Barn Tavern

#11 Post by Eulalios »

Sigmund Insight [1d20+1] = 13+1 = 14
There's a silent moment. You're not sure what to make of it.

"Sweet boy ... if I told you my liking, would you get me it?"

You think this might be ... interesting.

Thanks for the more-detailed bkgd
Breena wiggles under the blanket in such a way that she elbows you. "Our hundred third anniversary next month, an hundred sixty years you've been baking bread, and TONIGHT you decide to go find a dragon? Man you've never been further than a picnic walk from this hillside in all of your life! What were you drinking this evening, huh?" She rolls over and starts to sniff your breath, and such leads to so forth ... :-)
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Re: In the Stone Barn Tavern

#12 Post by LtTibbles »


"Of course what would you like?" He said, collecting his winnings into his coin pouch.

Re: In the Stone Barn Tavern

#13 Post by Eulalios »

"A little cup of dragon's blood, that is all. Shall I wait here, or come with you?"
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Re: In the Stone Barn Tavern

#14 Post by LtTibbles »


Sigmund made sure to pinch his hand to make sure he hadn't been dreaming this entire time. "Dragon's Blood, is that some sort of local wine?" He prepared himself to join in the laughter until he noticed the men's silence, she was being serious best to try and let her down gently, he put on his most charming smile. "Well of course I would go get you a small cup of dragon's blood but I fear that I don't know where I could find a dragon and such a task could take years if not decades."

Re: In the Stone Barn Tavern

#15 Post by Eulalios »

Still that eerie quiet. Every eye in the house is on you. You notice that the little flour-powered gnome must have slipped out while you were telling your history.

The crone's eyes are green with pinpoint pupils. "So, if I told you where and how to get a cup, and fill it, you would bring me that cup?" She cackles. "I admit I have my doubts, ... sweet boy." She reaches out and pats your cheek with her withered hand, which is surprising warm and soft.

Just after this moment, there is a scuffling of footsteps along the aisle from the west door of the tavern/barn. The tension in the room diffuses as many of the men turn their eyes from Sigmund and the Old Mother, to look at the night-shadowed passage that leads to the still open door.

"Last call!" shouts the landlady.

In the lamp- and hearth-lit west doorway of the main room, appears a woman as tall and sturdy as a man, attired in mostly-shiny chain mail under a green cloak, and bearing a shield slung over her back. A long sword sways on her hip as she leans a hand on the doorpost. Her blonde side bangs frame a clear-skinned face (Except for a smudge under her right eye), and she has full lips that show straight teeth as she smiles a weary greeting.

Lora You heard little of the preceding conversation, save for the cackle of an old woman, which was so far-carrying that it actually helped you in starlight navigating the sidelong hill path up from the trestle bridge to the firelit glow of the barn door.
What Lora knows of the setting - she came up out of the south, and climbed the hidden trail by the waterfall.
What Lora knows of the setting - she came up out of the south, and climbed the hidden trail by the waterfall.
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Re: In the Stone Barn Tavern

#16 Post by LtTibbles »


Trying his best to keep his composure but he couldn't help keep himself from stammering just a bit as he replied, "W-well of course I-I never go back on my word when I give it tell me of this dragon and I'll see to it that you get what you've asked of me." Sigmund couldn't stop spinning his ring now, in his mind he had no choice but to take on the Crone's task. He couldn't afford to have his reputation soiled by reneging on his offer, not if he wanted to work his games while he was staying here. Besides the idea of actually getting to see a dragon did excite him a little, and the thought of the dragon's horde even more so.
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Re: In the Stone Barn Tavern

#17 Post by dmw71 »


Lora hears the cackling of an old woman as she arrives at the west door of the tavern followed by last call. Knowing her purse is light, she quickly surveys the room to identify who she believes will be most susceptible to her charm. Not wasting any time, she will approach her mark. "Buy me a drink?" she asks. Whether successful or not in securing a drink, she will settle in and take in her surroundings, eavesdropping on any conversations take place around her.
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Re: In the Stone Barn Tavern

#18 Post by Eulalios »

Lora's Insight [1d20+1] = 1+1 = 2
Maybe it's weariness from the road ... but as your eyes sweep right to left you dismiss the purple-and-blue fellow, the green-caped bow man, and swagger up to firmly and flirtily lay your womanly hand on the muscular shoulder of the third fellow ... the half-asleep fellow who has his whole drunken torso leaned snugly against the burly arm of the man to his left.

This does not result in a drink being bought for you. There are snickers and coughs, as one very startled gentleman friend simultaneously leaps upright and tumbles backward over the bench against you, Lora's STR ST [1d20+4] = 1+4 = 5, which leads to you sprawled on your back on the dirt floor with the still-barely-awakened fellow thrashing about on his back atop you trying to get back to his feet. and btw WTH with the die roller tonight?!

"Well," starts to say Veniat, and then there's the unfortunate commotion with the new arrival, and a general outbreak of laughter at the repeated joke of helping "Dwight" up only halfway only to half-drop him and catch him again ... as Lora attempts to get out from under the butt of the joke.

"Well now I think we do owe you a drink, m'lady," says Big Steve after a couple of moments like that, and as Liltom offers the woman a firm hand to help her up (unless you already have).

Meanwhile Veniat turns back to you, and the crone, and says, "Reckon if you're hunting a dragon you'll be wantin some arrows. I don't see a bow about yer. Might be a way could I earn about half of those pennies you've lifted, sport. Yer won't mind ifn I help him, Old Mother?"

The crone smiles showing few teeth and shakes her head with slow emphatic repetition. "Won't mind ... a ... bit, dearie. Just you say he-llo to your little green friends from me. Oh, what a busy night!" She totters toward the dark eastern doorway, quietly tittering to herself as she mutters secrets only for her own ears. In the shadowed aisle she turns to face you, Sigmund. Her green eyes glow yellow pinpoints in the firelight. "Any time, dear. Any time before the moon is new. I'll come here when you bring the cup. From the dragon's hoard up in the Lost Castle, you know." Unless you try to halt her, then she's gone.
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Re: In the Stone Barn Tavern

#19 Post by LtTibbles »


He lets the old woman go turning his attention back to Veniat, "How much you looking for friend, and what can you tell me about this Lost Castle?"

Re: In the Stone Barn Tavern

#20 Post by Eulalios »

While waiting for anything more from Lora ...
Veniat explains that the Lost Castle sits on the side of a mountain about thirty or possibly forty miles northward. It can be sighted from the far side of the Crag, which he can point out for you at dawn from the hilltop above this very tavern.

late evening, First of Autumn
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