Quick Run Down

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Quick Run Down

#1 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Here is a quick run down of what has happened so far......

The party started in Hanuman saw some woman posting up posters saying that Trigidore was in need of aid and had a reward posted. The party inquired more information from the local temple in Hanuman and had discovered something was indeed wrong in Tragidore there had been woman from there coming to Hunaman posting the reward posters for some time now and they had not gotten a trading wagon from Tragidore in a long time. Hanuman a farming village has had a long trading relation ship with the logging village Tragidore and for weeks or more now they had not had a trade wagon arrive from Tragidore leaving Hanuman to fend for themselves sharing what they had for resources and lacking many of their wood needs. Not far out of the town the party encountered a man quite drunken wandering down the road looking quite at his wits end. The man told the party he and his brothers went to Tragidore and tried to figure out where the men were vanishing to. When he saw a strange wolf and followed it off into the woods. When he returned to his camp his brothers were gone with no signs of a battle. The man appearing to be of no more information shambled off to Hanuman and the party moved forward. The party then went off on the road to Trigidore the first night the party was attacked by two groups of orcs defeating both and nearly losing Dune in the process.

After the first camping night on the road the party then traveled nearly the rest of the journey with out incident until the encountered a wagon with two women and some children. The women were refugees from Tragidore they told the party the men on the village have been disappearing for some time now and the town is mostly all elderly, women and children. The two women had lost their husbands to what some account as some beautiful woman of the woods the most beautiful woman any man had ever seen. Then almost at the town of Tragidore the party discovers a band of bandits and took them down arresting two of the men and killing the others. Turns out the bandits had been taking advantage of the refugees of Tragidore and taken to robbing them just out side of the town on the road as they left for Hanuman. The party turned in the bandits, questioned them and returned the stolen goods to the local town authorities.

That night the party met the Mayor's wife the woman currently in charge of Tragidore. The party was put through an odd test before they could meet with her having to touch an orb that could apparently detect alignments. The party having past the test was informed that there were many accounts of men vanishing infront of their friends and family for weeks now. The only men not being taken were the elderly and the ill. Only able bodied young men and anyone not feeble, sick or near the end of their time. The party then set a trap near the tavern in town the next night. The trap appeared to be a failure at first then finally a party of orcs came rushing out to the bait. One of the party members was taken by the only surviving orc to a Cave deep in the woods. Deeper than the deepest logging areas. But as the party planned to go rescue their friend Theodore. He appeared out of a magical mist and in that same magical mist the cave vanished and a maze took it's place.

The party after a long period of trying to find out if this was the real Theodore discovers it really is him. Then sets off to investigate this maze. In heading to the maze the party discovers a strange mystical chest that appears almost out of no where. Eventually as the party members individually look into the chest they all see the very item the seek most in the world and as they are nearly about to battle one an other Elminster a mage from legend appears out of thin air and helps the party regain their wits, giving them advice and each a magic item. He bids the party farewell and leaves just as he appeared. The party finds that the maze is very much real and enters it. After a short while they find a means to exit the maze and enter a bog eventually in the bog they find their way back into the forest.

Not long in the woods is it before the party encounters an ogre patrol. The party wins out the battle with the ogre's and manages to locate the ogre's cave. Upon discovering the cave and investigating the find it leads to a series of caves and tunnels and eventually encounter two orcs to which they can get no information from and Alanis murders them mercilessly. Then after that a strange stone golem juggernaut comes rolling out nearly flattening the party. They follow the strange thing to discover they have located the cave in which Theodore recalls being held captive in. Seeing they are greatly out numbered the party circles back to exlpore the tunnel the juggernaut came out of finding a encamped small party of orcs the party attacks killing most all of them before even the first round of battle.

and that is where we are at as of now.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
Roan Gravelbeard Dwarf Fighter - Hedge's Greyhawk Adventures
Torvik Shadowhood Dwarf Fighter/Thief - Nocturne
DM - GreyWolf's Mystara Adventures - AD&D 2e
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