Items/Poisons Price List

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Items/Poisons Price List

#1 Post by SlyFox »

I am listing several items here that can't be found in the 1e Player's Handbook in case anyone would like to buy them. In addition, I am adding poisons that can be bought by thief and assassin classes. As other characters gain in level, they will be able to use these poisons as well (level 5 or higher).

Regular items sold by city or town merchants:

Field Plate (AC 2 without shield) - 2000gp
Full Plate (AC 1 without shield) - 4000gp
Buckler - 5gp
Spiked Buckler (can be used as weapon, dmg 1d4) - 20gp

Misc. Items

Ink, 1 ounce bottle - 10gp
Quill Pen - 2cp
Whetstone - 1cp
Mason's Tools - 10gp
Paper, 1 sheet - 1sp
Parchment, 1 sheet - 2sp
Vellum (varnished/waterproof parchment), 1 sheet - 5sp
Miner's Pick - 2gp
Carpenter's Tools - 8gp
50' Silk Rope - 10gp
Healer's Kit (actually helps) - 5gp
Hourglass - 25gp
Chalk, 1 piece - 1cp
Wool Blanket - 5sp
Bedroll - 1gp
Bell - 1gp
Book (blank spell book to copy spells into) - 25gp
Crowbar - 2gp
Grappling Hook - 2gp
Hammer, Tool - 1gp
Sledge Hammer - 2gp
Signal Whistle - 5cp
Shovel - 2gp
Sealing Wax - 5sp
Spell Book (with 1 spell) - 50gp
2 Person Tent - 2gp
Firewood, 1 day - 1cp
Playing Cards - 5sp
Iron Pot - 2gp
Skillet - 1gp
Loaded Dice - 10gp
Soap, 1 Pound - 5gp
Fishing Net - 2gp
Fishing Pole - 1gp
Silver Sickle (druid's tool) - 10gp
Bowl, Wood - 1sp
Knife/Scabbard - (1d4 dmg or as tool) - 1gp
Large Wagon - 300gp

Non-Specific Poisons (mysterious, more dangerous ingredients) (Sold only in Thieves or Assassins Guilds)

Type, Effect - Cost Per Vial (1 vial = 1 use)
Injected or Inhaled - Weakness, Confusion or Disorientation - d4 penalty to hit, d6 loss of strength, constitution or dexterity) - 500gp any type
Injected, Ingested or Inhaled - Sleep - d12 rounds - 80gp
Injected, Ingested or Inhaled - Paralysis - d12 rounds - 30gp
Injected or Contact - HP Damage 2d6 - 200gp
Injected, Inhaled, or Ingested - Death (occurs instantly) - 2,500gp
(No bonuses on saving throws for above listed. Successful saves will halve the above for damage - negates effect for death, sleep and paralysis.)

Onset Times of Poisons (Only 'instant' will apply to death poisons)
Delayed Action (takes d4 rounds to begin working) - subtract 20gp from price listed above

Instant (takes full effect immediately) - at regular price listed above

Time-Release (1 point of HP or ability score affected per round) - add 100gp to price listed above

Progressive (1 point of HP or ability score affected first round, 2 points second round, 3 points third round, etc. - duration d6 rounds) - add 300gp to price listed above

Specific Poisons (Cheaper Prices) (Also sold by Alchemists)
A contact poison (distilled from wolvesbane): 10 HP damage in 2d4 rounds. Save at +2, no damage if save made. - 20 gp

Hemlock: An ingested poison that does 20 HP damage in 2d4 rounds. Save at +4, 10 hp damage if save made. - 6 gp

Belladonna: An injected/injury poison that does 15 HP damage in 2d4+1 rounds. Save at +4 for no damage. - 15 gp

Belladonna concentrate: Injected, 25 hp damage in 1d3 rounds. Save at +3 for no damage. - 75 gp

Note regarding poisons used on weapons:
A character has a 5% chance of exposing himself to a poison whenever he applies it to a weapon or otherwise readies it for use. Additionally, a character who rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll with a poisoned weapon must succeed in a dexterity attribute check or he poisons himself and must make a save versus poison. However, assassins are trained in the use of poisons and there is no chance an assassin will poison himself when employing it in any way.

Poison prices taken from LL Rules and adjusted for personal desire.
Life is that thing that gets in the way when you're trying to live.
DM - Pantheons, Cabals & Divulgence
Xerea, Barbarian Amazon - A People Divided
Gilgalore, Elf F/Th/MU - The Haunted Mines of Gomor
DesertFox, Tribal Fighter - Keep on the Borderlands
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